Happy with moderation here?

The current level of moderation of the Religion forum is:

  • Too strict

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Not strict enough

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • About right

    Votes: 45 65.2%

  • Total voters
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Flores said:
I'm not always here, but I'm noticing a drastic improvement in the quality of postings since this thread have been made a sticky. It's like people are all of sudden afraid to be used as examples. :D

Hehehe. Fear the Machine. Fear Big Brother!

Proud_Muslim said:
Coming from the Middle East ( different culture than yours ), bahsing religion is very very serious and dangerous matter, you can bash me personally, but you cant bash my religion ( the opposite to your preception ), we Muslims get offended when we see ignorant haters posting all kind of BS and lies against Islam and the prophet Muhammad (pbuh ), it is very serious matter.
You muslims love to bash Hinduism, Judaism & Christianity but get offended when non-muslims point out the trash in your own backyard. Such hypocrisy. :bugeye:
This is unrelated to this forum, but I guess I can vent my frusturation here, as I do not want to turn this into a complaint, over one of my posts being deleted in the psuedo forum. It was not offensive, nor insulting, it was a legit response to a member named "Q" who mocked my knowledge of physics(that post was left) educating him over my scientific background and addressing the issue of FTL.

So, I am most certainly not happy with the moderator who did this, and whoever did it, had no ethical right too.
Crazy ... maybe you should just ask for your money back.
Oh wait, this forum is free....
Well, I think there are definitely transgressions of common sense and mutual respect broken by both Muslims and non-Muslims against each other. If James were to apply the rules more strictly, both sides would be burned. What would you do then? In all probability, you're likely to yell at him for 'taking sides'.

James can take two courses of action, apart from staying put.

1) Tighter moderation.

In all probability, we can reasonably expect much of the obviously attack-oriented posts to disappear. However, we'd also see a great deal of anti-moderator hate showered on James, which would give everyone a great headache only to be cured by Porfiry taking action to ban that particular IP range permanently. Since he rarely seems to take action, we will possibly need to endure hate and accusations of 'censorship' for a while.

Also, if he did this, it'd be rather different from other sections where moderation is much more lax. Open insults are often allowed there, and perhaps James' action would either set an example and change the entire forum to a more tightly moderated place or he would come under fire as a "power abuser".

2) Looser moderation.

I don't think moderation could get any looser, but basically this would mean a few more inflammatory posts would stay open, and thus invite more fighting. More room for drama, fighting, accusations of 'moderators refusing to curb anti-*whatever* hate, they must be anti-*whatever* themselves!!?!!!'. Not that some people don't do that anyway.

Right now, James is relatively loose in his moderation, so moving to 1) would have more of an impact. Weighing the options and the consequences, I would personally vote for him either staying the way he is now or maybe getting to 2).

Besides. Without the inflammatory threads and the people falling for the bait, we'd lose a bit of entertainment. :)
chunkylover58 said:
Crazy ... maybe you should just ask for your money back.
Oh wait, this forum is free....

A lot of forums are free, duh. That does not mean, moderators go around deleting, and editing whatever they want at their whims and desires. There's a certain ethical responsibility of managing and moderating a forum. It's about common deceny. Not about money. I'm sure you would not like it, if your post, something you spent time writing, was deleted, for little to no reason.

I'm not even complaining about it. I merely expressing my opinion over the moderation here based on this event. In any case, my comment was meant for James. So please do not mind me.
crazymikey said:
A lot of forums are free, duh. That does not mean, moderators go around deleting, and editing whatever they want at their whims and desires. There's a certain ethical responsibility of managing and moderating a forum. It's about common deceny. Not about money. I'm sure you would not like it, if your post, something you spent time writing, was deleted, for little to no reason.

I'm not even complaining about it. I merely expressing my opinion over the moderation here based on this event. In any case, my comment was meant for James. So please do not mind me.

Hence the reason why we need a Trashcan subforum where all junk threads/posts can get moved! :D
Things seem to have taken a turn for the worse on this forum in the past couple of weeks. There are things I would have liked to edit or delete, but I have not done so because nothing in the forum rules as they currently stand says that there is anything wrong with the particular posts I am thinking of.

I will be posting a tighter set of rules and guidelines for posting here in the very near future, so stay tuned!
You're doing fine James. And when one considers the circumstances of these last few weeks, you've done very well. :D
crazymikey lies:

It was not offensive, nor insulting, it was a legit response to a member named "Q" who mocked my knowledge of physics(that post was left) educating him over my scientific background and addressing the issue of FTL.

I read your post before it was deleted. It was nothing BUT insults. Therefore you are lying. As well, I did not "mock" your knowledge, that is another lie. Anyone can still see that post.
Mostly pleased however. I am really getting fed up with PMs constant name calling I think a bit more decorum could help the forum alot. I even called him retard in retaliation today, not something I am prone to or proud of. I realize things tend to get heated in here but name calling serves no purpose other than to drag the quality of the threads into the mud. Also for the love O' god can you get PM and preacher to post links and excerpts rather than entire articles. I saw one thread today where almost an entire page was just preacher posting 4 replies consisting of copy paste articles.
I see no fault in your moderation -infact examplary;all things considered you're sensible & fair. You can only moderate what is put out there in the first place.
isnt the whole point of science to move forward. i fail to believe the true scientists would use language, terms, discussion methods as many use here. i think the moderating of this forum is too lax.

contrary to someones previous post, i welcome critisism of mine and all religions, as long as it is constructive. i beleive that everyone has a right to their opinion. BUT, there are too many people here whose goal is to create hatred. personal attacks should not be tolerated.

"if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything" -- thumper from Bambi.

james, maybe you yourself should read the posting rules again. i find them being violated all the time. i understand that it would be hard work for you to monitor all posts, but isnt that a responsibility you assumed when you become the moderator.

i enjoy a good discussion, and some smart comments here and there. but useless bashing, name calling, profanity will only make this world a worse place.

all that aside, i think this is a nice forum and have met many good people here.
The posting rules are not strictly enforced. If they were, many of the currently active threads in the Religion forum would be closed or deleted. I prefer to err on the side of freedom of speech, provided it does not impinge on the rights or reputations of posters.
What's with slapping the lock on everyone's posts?

Who made you scout leader?

Are you paying for bandwidth out of your own pocket?

Maybe if you changed the address, nobody could find the forum and you wouldn't have to post anything.

This is turning out to be one of the most Neanderthal Pages I have ever Posted with one of the worst slopeheaded Moderators... no offense.
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