Happy with moderation here?

The current level of moderation of the Religion forum is:

  • Too strict

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Not strict enough

    Votes: 17 24.6%
  • About right

    Votes: 45 65.2%

  • Total voters
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So my patriotism is admireable, eh? And what is that supposed to mean?

Well, you do single out specific sections in your argument (such as Islam), while acting like Christianity is perfect.
"[w]hile acting like Christianity is perfect."?

You might want to read some of the threads which are about Christianity that I've participated in. I don't think your fellow Christian members would agree with you.

is ok i think.... but he does sometime change or delete posts for no apparent sense to me.

howeevr i have no issue with him and if ou are not abusive and shit like that then you should be ok with skinnywalkers

but he is a raving Atheist or so i get the impression so he does not cut us theist much slack in my humble opinion

Skinwalker ....

how can i sight evidence of your racism and hate and you are a devil if you deleted all the evidences ???

you deleted everything that proves you track my posts and delete what you don't like from them ...

man you are a big hater and you are not welcopmed as a moderator

i respect adult moderators and those who were neutral such as cris ..

you know ??

i argued with Cris very hard and even attacked him and he never gave me an infraction or delete my posts from his point of view though

i had nothing but i had to respect that man Cris because he was very fair in most cases not all ofcourse

but he was not a hater in all cases like you Skinwalker !!

im asking james as the chief here and the responsible of this forum to make a poll and ask all members if they want Skinwalker as a moderator or not

please james do it and make an election

if skinwalker fails and im sure he will fail please kick him out of moderating !!

Democracy please James and love among members must be spread even if they are not in the same line or same religion or same openion !!!

THANKS for all
A moderator should act as his name implies, and that is moderate. Skinwalker is a poor choice for moderation, especially in the religious section of the forums, given his notorious reputation of one-sided debate affairs. Moderators should be just that: moderate.
So far, there's a lot of discontent with my moderation, but no valid reasons to support that I'm "unfair." Any posts that have been deleted are still on record for any moderator of this forum or any supermoderator/administrator to view.

I've deleted no posts due to racism or that weren't violations of rules. Absolutely no posts have been deleted that accused me of "deleting racist posts" that I'm aware of.

If you don't like the status of moderation here, you are free to post elsewhere on the internet. Its a big place. You'll find a place that welcomes you without criticism or inquiry.

If, however, you choose to stay here, I will continue to enforce forum rules and argue against religious delusion and superstition with reason. I have never nor will ever use moderator ability to assist in my arguments or debates because such action is not only unethical it is unnecessary. Religious delusion and superstition is self-defeating in the face of logic, reason and genuine inquiry.

All those that have accused me of using moderator ability to win arguments here are either lying, deluded, or mistaken. I'll leave it to others to decide which.
Pffft, Skin's doing a good job from what I've seen.
The guy's ok.
So far, there's a lot of discontent with my moderation, but no valid reasons to support that I'm "unfair." Any posts that have been deleted are still on record for any moderator of this forum or any supermoderator/administrator to view.

I've deleted no posts due to racism or that weren't violations of rules. Absolutely no posts have been deleted that accused me of "deleting racist posts" that I'm aware of.

If you don't like the status of moderation here, you are free to post elsewhere on the internet. Its a big place. You'll find a place that welcomes you without criticism or inquiry.

If, however, you choose to stay here, I will continue to enforce forum rules and argue against religious delusion and superstition with reason. I have never nor will ever use moderator ability to assist in my arguments or debates because such action is not only unethical it is unnecessary. Religious delusion and superstition is self-defeating in the face of logic, reason and genuine inquiry.

All those that have accused me of using moderator ability to win arguments here are either lying, deluded, or mistaken. I'll leave it to others to decide which.

Interesting speech, SkinWalker, .....and it reads exactly like what a pompous, dictatorial, politician might say to his "subjects".
If you don't like it, go some where else! Haven't I heard that kind of speech from others who didn't like certain kinds of people in their midst?

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Baron Max
Skinwalker has deleted dozens of my posts, and I've yet to complain.

I think the Muslims doth protest too much.
Interesting speech, SkinWalker, .....and it reads exactly like what a pompous, dictatorial, politician might say to his "subjects".
If you don't like it, go some where else! Haven't I heard that kind of speech from others who didn't like certain kinds of people in their midst?

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Baron Max

Except I don't have "absolute power." The posts deleted are still available for review by other moderators. Nor do I moderate outside the guidelines of the forum rules. Indeed, I probably give too much slack to both theists and non-theists alike. Perhaps I should correct this deficiency.

As far as the "if you don't like it, go some where else" criticism, this would be valid if I were actually saying as you said. But if you look closely, I followed each comment about finding alternate forums with what will be expected should the member choose to stay: nothing will change with the way I moderate. If anything, I may become more strict, giving no chances or opportunities to avoid infraction and eventual temp bans. In the past, I've often deleted flipant and off-topic posts; posts that had no content other than an insult; etc. just to avoid issuing an infraction. Particularly if I got to it before the intended recipient of an insult read it.

That will change. No more yellow cards for members that have more than 5 posts or have been in this forum more than a few days. New members get yellow cards. Members that have been here more than 5 days and 5 posts get red. Period.

Brush up on forum rules. http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=34473
Skinwalker has deleted dozens of my posts, and I've yet to complain.

I think the Muslims doth protest too much.

Hey Q

He has messed around with my posts to and i have not complained more than just the odd moan or 2 if that

Skin does fine. We like Skin. This can change. It is hard to change. You need to be right when you are mad. But you are wrong when you are mad. We don't know why you are mad.

• • •​

Translation for those who can read longer words:

SkinWalker continues to enjoy the support of his fellows. Obviously, this can change for him as it can change for any of us. By and large, though, nobody should expect us to lose faith anytime soon.

There are a few problems about the complaints we receive about moderation. In the case of our associate Muhammad, it would be helpful if said complaints appeared accurate. It need not be that he's intentionally misrepresenting the situation; rather, it seems that in his anger he's overlooking certain details. Consider the complaint, "he deleted my posts saying racist posts deleted". Actually, what the deletion note in the topic says is, "Deleted flames; off-topic; and racist posts in a batch delete". The closure note advises, "Racist and flaming comments deleted; infractions awarded; thread closed." Where we stand at that point is the question of whether or not to quibble over the later omission of "off-topic", which really does seem rather a stupid thing to get ourselves worked up over. In the end, though, what we have to go on is that the melodramatic "oh my god!" protest appears ill-considered, reactionary, and at least slightly overstated. And that doesn't do much to inspire or increase our sympathies.

I really don't think it's that tough to figure out, and yet there are some people who really do need it explained to them in as few syllables as possible.

And that, of course, brings its own problems.
I just received an infraction because I used the word "bullshit" instead of "nonsense"... am I the only one that thinks this is absurd and pointless?
I just received an infraction because I used the word "bullshit" instead of "nonsense"... am I the only one that thinks this is absurd and pointless?

Hey Someguysy

how goes it with you?

What thread was that man, and did skinnywalkers issue the infraction?


Take it ez
If you search the religion forum for the word bullshit, you'll find lots of others using that word and not getting an infraction, including in this thread, the fourth post. Note that SW told me himself that if I would have used the word "nonsense" instead of "bullshit" I wouldn't have received an infraction. What is this good for? Does it offend anyone?
As I went back to reverse the infraction upon your edit, I noticed that I didn't issue an infraction at all but a "yellow card" warning. It doesn't even carry points. Indeed, the PM you received said, "[w]arnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow."
We can only judge Skinwalker's moderation in relation to the rules, which state:
in posting here you accept that the Moderators have the final say, and can moderate your posts for any reason they think fit. No arguments will be entered into regarding moderation.

Actually, I can't read posts that Skinwalker has deleted, but if this is anything to judge by:
Muhammad said:
asshole = Godless = Kafir = Atheist = End in Hell burning forever enshallah .
You don't deserve to complain. It's as if you are calling the police to complain that someone stole your drugs. Skinwalker has a difficult job to do, the religion and politics forums are traditionally the most controversial and prone to nasty arguments, sometimes a batch edit or delete is the only way to save a thread.
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