Good news for Proof of E.T's

Actually Jumpercable, I intend to visit OSG in Canada to do just that. Would you be against lending us some good telescopic equiptment for the cause (it would save me the cost of buying some)?

Good for you. I recommend taking a good mega-pixal digital camera that has a some telescopic system with it. One that can take some video sequences where you can record what the entities appear like and what they are doing at some higher magnification, like 50X for starters. If you can do that, then forget about the skeptics. One good high res. 2 minute digital video exposure is worth a 1,000 words.
orions stargirl said:
Mr Anonymous,
About sounds and the vibratory rates of the particles responding??
I have heard of studies like this but I have not noticed this and I have many questions in this area. As for the energies I see it all the time sometimes I see more but the point being I can not stand outside on a sunny day without glasses and not see what they call plasma swirling everywhere. I wear my sunglasses for the UV blocker alters the spectrum blocking the sparks of plasma that can be very distracting especially driving on a cloudy day I know I will continue to invest many years working on a better understanding of energies and structure. I also know that sound waves can have amazing and also (what i would call) devastating effects there are many studying and utilizing these technologies even now...

Hello Paula, that's actually very interesting, thank you for sharing - so basically, these energies you see visually... plasmas, call them what you will - you basically see them all the time - but they don't particularly react to environment in your experience, is this correct?
After checking on You Tube I found that the video embedding for this clip was disabled and so I changed it the link should work now here it is....

So, what is that video supposed to be? It's an out of focus blob of light, overzoomed, and I see image processing artefacts from digital zoom in there. I see false colour because the CCD is struggling to work at the low level of intensity, and I see camera shake. I don't see any object other than the blob to give an idea of altitude, location, size, trajectory or any useful comparative information. This blob of light could be anything, a star, planet, streetlight, porch light anything. There is certainly nothing in that video to make me assume anything other than a mundane light source. In your interview with Pippin you say that an orb of light 'kept pace' with your car as you returned home. That is called parallax Paula, so what you saw was a distant light, probably the star Sirius, or Mars, or Venus.

Thanks for your advice Stryder. The problem with my filmed sightings is that they go on for many minutes, I tend to zoom in and out for reference many times

Link some less zoomed video then please.

I do not know everything about Dr.Milione but I was told that TAPS is just a society formed by some scientists (on the atlantic coast) that study and research in these areas.

Have you actually been on their web site? I don't see a Dr Milione listed as a TAPS member, in fact, I don't see a single member credited as having an academic qualification, degree, Phd, none of that is mentioned. So any claim they are 'scientists' is certainly not proven.

Phlogistician, I feel for you if you have endured some type of night terror or sleep disorder. I assure you I do not. I do not know if you are referring to one experience I was asked about in the interview by Jerry Pippin but that is the only experience of that nature that I have had that I think could give you that idea.

So, your 'abductions' how when do they happen? From the Pippin interview, you say you 'awoke' into a room, with an alien, and that you had this experience while asleep. So why do you think thius is anything more than a sleep disorder? Here is my 'alien abduction' experience;

You have bad dreams Paula, just like mine, nothing more.

There is also a scientist in Japan, I caught the end of a news clip on CNN (2years agon now?) this Physicist :) said that they had proved the existence of lesser physically materialized intelligent existences or entities and were communicating with them???

Er, no that total bullshit Paula. Please provide a link to this 'proof', the 'Physicists' name, his institution, something to validate this alleged story.

I will share something with you now so that you may please understand that there may be levels and existences that are part of our realities but because we don't experience it directly we are unaware of.

Mystic babble and BS Paula, and rather bad grammar 'and whatnot' (as you say too often on that radio interview.)

Let's look at some of your pictures, shall we?


"The 'being' turns to face us, with the dark 'eyes' and mouth revealed. The 'powerpack' appears black in this inverse image."

Being? 'Power Pack', what Paula? It's a blob.


"This image appears on the cover of Eye to the Sky - it is the first shot that was seen to depict Grey-like facial features... the face, large black eyes, slightly domed skull, pointy chin, appears in several sequences"

Facial features? Er, no, it's a blob.

(images from

Supposedly you have pictures of;

"Amazing stills reveal

hieroglyphic-style symbols within a flashing light display

dematerializing and rematerializing 'head-shaped' object or 'craft' with apparent 'skin' and 'eyes'

a quasi-humanoid 'Grey'-like being that appears to hover with a removable 'powerpack' on its back

the morphing of this being to display a series of human faces in mid-air

the return of the being to a structured craft

But I fear they are just more blobs, Paula.

You have bad dreams, and blobs. Not UFOs, ETs or anything out of the ordinary.
Thanks Jumpercable :) As soon as the weather warms and clears abit I will be sure to be trying to get some Good? footage. I have always worked on this pretty much alone I try never to film alone but there are not many yet that I have been able to share this with. So thank you for your offer it is a sincere honor for me to have contact with truly questioning minds that like to document these things. Perhaps we can set a time in the New Year maybe you and crunchy Cat and his wife can come together then we can have multiple witnesses and footage taken. I am interested to see the difference between cameras when viewing the footage of the sightings.

Mr Anonymous, I do notice the particles reacting to the environment but there are so many factors, pollution,vibration and what not I could probably easily spend the rest of my life studying this alone. As I said I am in school right now so perhaps in ten years or so I will have a better explanation or at least be able to make more informed observations. Question do you study or work in this area? Lucky you , wish I knew more...

Phlogistician, Okay go get your camera or fire up your PC and try to recreate what I filmed Good luck! I can tell you now it will be IMPOSSIBLE.
So until you can recreate this and I mean I will want to pause your hoax film so I can see the craft! You should stay to bitching about what you do know. Words are empty without the backup any fool can say anything but ask the fool to back it up and they will appear to be what they are.

(after reading your bad dream)

Since when did waking in a lucid state and thinking you saw a face classify as an abduction event??? you my friend appear to be afraid of your own shadow and this irrational fear is obviously dominating your reality. I have many witnesses over the course of the last 13 years. I have come back with perfect incisions that were in places that I could not possibly have achieved in my sleep. After the experience you referred to where I gained consciousness four times over the course that event I was hospitalized two days later and 13 sets of two puncture marks (side byside) were found on my body by the attending doctor...Then theres when I am leaving my house sleep walking out to the backyard to the waiting white orb and then waking having this memory and finding my sheets dirty with grass leaves and mud tracked by my bare feet into bed??? Can tell you my boyfriend does not like waking up smeared in mud.

Oh right I sure you will love this then there is the fact that some strange twist saw me getting a job on a psychic line being the youngest of 70 employees and being the companies number two clairvoyant. I worked for three top lines. Another area that has given me many questions I enjoyed helping people but it is not an acceptable carreer at least for this scientific girl with many unaswered questions so now I just help any and all for free(and go to school) How are these things possible? SCIENCE baby we all have alot to learn but being narrowminded and judgemental because we have not had the same experience will only insure your very slow evolution.
A closed mind is nearly incapable of evolution. One should neither believe nor disbelieve but observe without fear without judgement.Trust that the culmination of evidence or observation will reveal the truth over time and until then take notes :)
Ego impedes truth so to find truth one must drop the ego.
I do not dismiss lucid dreams as they can be a powerful source of internal information as well as they can and seem to be utilized by other entities.

I do wonder what the face you saw looked like, did it terrify you to realize you had no control over the situation but were at the mercy of something else, potentially your own mind. Could be you are learning to have trust and feel safe not being in control. I love the brain it has a million ways to show you how you really suck and can and should do better :)

My computer has been jacked more times than I can remember in the last few months the only safe way for me to upload my film was to load the digital clips from my camera directly to You Tube, but the memory on my card can only hold 1min 30 sec of footage. The good news is I recieved an early christmas present of a new laptop to safely store my footage on. I will now be able to upload all my footage and easily post the good parts with reference.
So right now my poor beast of a home device is going off to the shop. I must say this is fun and funny these guys really rock for hackers, last time it was a remote satellite downlink last registered Ip on the trail was a washinton,D.C. address. Whoever they are they are nearly impossible to stop. I would love to hear any tips you smart guys might have about keeping my laptop hacker free... I have heard that laptops are safer but I am fairly computer illiterate as you can already tell by my filming which to me was cool but to you sucks so I am all ears....

I will have to commute for an internet connection while this computer gets fixed? So I may be MIA for abit So I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

May the proof of the truth set us all free to realize the true potential of our futures!

Light and love to you all,

Thanks Jumpercable :) As soon as the weather warms and clears abit I will be sure to be trying to get some Good? footage. I have always worked on this pretty much alone I try never to film alone but there are not many yet that I have been able to share this with. So thank you for your offer it is a sincere honor for me to have contact with truly questioning minds that like to document these things. Perhaps we can set a time in the New Year maybe you and crunchy Cat and his wife can come together then we can have multiple witnesses and footage taken. I am interested to see the difference between cameras when viewing the footage of the sightings.

O.K. Sounds good.
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Mr Anonymous, I do notice the particles reacting to the environment but there are so many factors, pollution,vibration and what not I could probably easily spend the rest of my life studying this alone. As I said I am in school right now so perhaps in ten years or so I will have a better explanation or at least be able to make more informed observations. Question do you study or work in this area? Lucky you , wish I knew more...

:) .... Mmmmm, odd y'should say that. I often times wish I found myself knowing a good deal less, if truth be told. Somewhat, on occasion, rather takes the fun out of things...

Well, you're such a cheery sort I can honestly say I'm going to miss you whilst you're not around. Thanks for endeavouring to answer some of my questions. In like spirit, perhaps when you're computers back up and running and so forth, if you look up the term "Synesthesia" on Google and just read up on other peoples descriptions of the sorts of things they perceive visually - see if you notice any similarities between the sorts of experiences you have and other's - it might perhaps be of some benefit to you, understanding wise or it might conceivably not - have a little read up, see for yourself. Can never know too many things y'know.... ;)

Have a great Christmas you're self. All the best,

Phlogistician, Okay go get your camera or fire up your PC and try to recreate what I filmed Good luck! I can tell you now it will be IMPOSSIBLE.

I already did, and linked the video. You want more, sure, I can make fuzzy coloured blobs. I live near an airport, it will be a breeze.

So until you can recreate this and I mean I will want to pause your hoax film so I can see the craft!

Why? There are no craft shown in your films, or stills. All you have are fuzzy coloured blobs, not craft. Show me a craft if you have one! Show me the picture with the 'hieroglyphs' on!

You should stay to bitching about what you do know. Words are empty without the backup any fool can say anything but ask the fool to back it up and they will appear to be what they are.

I have looked into this stuff quite a bit, and I have never discovered a credible witness or piece of evidence yet. So who is the fool? I can make fake UFO footage as good as any presented as real. I have had an abduction experience, although I know I wasn't abducted. I'm as expert in this area as you are!

Since when did waking in a lucid state and thinking you saw a face classify as an abduction event???

Why don't you ask that very same question to believers who have the exact same experience I had and report it as a real abduction? If I was here as a believer, and wrote down my experience, you wouldn't be belittling it. Far from it, you'd hold it up as an example and it would bolster your faith that you are being abducted too. Because I KNOW I wasn't abducted however, you have to dismiss the very experience others claim is real. If you can dismiss other people's claims, can't you see how it might be easy to dismiss yours?

you my friend appear to be afraid of your own shadow and this irrational fear is obviously dominating your reality.

Your pop-psychology misses by a mile I'm afraid. What am I afraid of? Nothing, I understand what I experienced was nothing more than a bad dream. You however have convinced yourself that what you suffer is real, that things are being inflicted upon you, that you are a victim!

I have many witnesses over the course of the last 13 years. I have come back with perfect incisions that were in places that I could not possibly have achieved in my sleep.

Oddly, I don't see any mention of corroborating medical reports in the descriptions if your books. If you had that, you'd show it. Why would these creatures make incisions btw? Why couldn't they heal them? If they are capable of travelling here, and taking you from your bed (without waking your boyfriend) and tranporting you to their ship, how come they need to make, and cannot heal incisions? Maybe you inflict these wounds on yourself, and they do not apear in your sleep. You do seem like a troubled person who may self harm.

After the experience you referred to where I gained consciousness four times over the course that event I was hospitalized two days later and 13 sets of two puncture marks (side byside) were found on my body by the attending doctor...Then theres when I am leaving my house sleep walking out to the backyard to the waiting white orb and then waking having this memory and finding my sheets dirty with grass leaves and mud tracked by my bare feet into bed??? Can tell you my boyfriend does not like waking up smeared in mud.

So you perhaps injure yourself sleepwalking? I have had one episode of sleepwalkng too. Luckily, I didn't injure myself, and luckily, the event was witnessed, and I was kept safe. I had no memory of the sleepwalk when I awoke, just the dream I had been having at the time. See where this is going? I have had the exact same experiences as you, but with outside eyes watching the same things, and I know there is nothing more to any of this than sleep disorder!

Oh right I sure you will love this then there is the fact that some strange twist saw me getting a job on a psychic line being the youngest of 70 employees and being the companies number two clairvoyant. I worked for three top lines.

If you can delude yourself that you are clairvoyant, I guess you can kid yourself you are being abducted by aliens. Go claim the $1M from Randi if you think you really have a talent.

is not an acceptable carreer at least for this scientific girl with many

Since when were you scientific? You have jumped to a conclusion that you are being abducted and that you film alien craft when alternative theories that you refuse to consider are put before you. Look at the evidence, not the subjective experience, please!

Ego impedes truth so to find truth one must drop the ego.

Do you not think it's egotistical to think that Aliens have singled out you, and keep coming back for you?

My computer has been jacked more times than I can remember in the last few months ...last time it was a remote satellite downlink last registered Ip on the trail was a washinton,D.C. address.

Oh really. More bullshit ego you being involved in a large conspiracy. Wht would they take the pictures from your laptop, when they could just buy your books?

Whoever they are they are nearly impossible to stop. I would love to hear any tips you smart guys might have about keeping my laptop hacker free... I have heard that laptops are safer but I am fairly computer illiterate

Get a hardware firewall (simple broadband router will work) and good AVG. Laptops are no 'safer' than anything else, so whoever told you that is peddling more BS. A computer, is a computer. Do't leave it switched on if you aren't using it, it just gives hackers more time to find you, and exploit you.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for the name of the Physicist you said had allegedly communicated with some being from another dimension. If it was CNN, (and not the Cartoon Network) you should be able to find it easily. Please start providing some proof of your claims. Fuzzy photographs and dream recollections are not enough. We need good, physical evidence.
Good for you. I recommend taking a good mega-pixal digital camera that has a some telescopic system with it. One that can take some video sequences where you can record what the entities appear like and what they are doing at some higher magnification, like 50X for starters. If you can do that, then forget about the skeptics. One good high res. 2 minute digital video exposure is worth a 1,000 words.

Thanks for the recommendation. My original question also might not have been clear. It sounded like you have some existing equipment that could be used for my endeavor. Would you mind lending it to Stargirl and I for my trip next year? This could save me some cost, put your equipment to good use, and gain you some stake/recognition should anything good be found.

BTW, skepticism is a good thing. It keeps claims with no supporting evidence in check.
Thanks Jumpercable :) As soon as the weather warms and clears abit I will be sure to be trying to get some Good? footage. I have always worked on this pretty much alone I try never to film alone but there are not many yet that I have been able to share this with. So thank you for your offer it is a sincere honor for me to have contact with truly questioning minds that like to document these things. Perhaps we can set a time in the New Year maybe you and crunchy Cat and his wife can come together then we can have multiple witnesses and footage taken. I am interested to see the difference between cameras when viewing the footage of the sightings.


Orion's Stargirl, my email contact address is:
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Jumpercable, learn to edit quotes FFS. Why quote the entire post if your reply has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the quote?

Looks like the nucleus of a sperm cell. or maybe a speck of dust under a microscope. no-where do I see facial features.

To be honest "orions stargirl", I decided to inverse the picture again... guess what I saw? the blurred image of a half naked woman with a fairly big nose, standing under a porch light.


Be honest now, were you having a crazy mushroom fueled orgy with funked up lighting? you where werent you.

Ps: A tip for the future, when there is a gradient of black ending in a green halo, it meens its an over-exposed area, which tells me it was A: inversed, B: taken by a digital camera. Why? because when amateurs use cameras and take photos of lights it ends in a red halo, unlike the orange to yellow gradient on 35 mm film.

What else gave it away? your use of flash, as I can make out your cheek, shoulder and other parts, which face towards the direction of the flash.

stupid hoax, could be worse for you though, I reformatted this computer; otherwise I would enhance the photos to the point where I can see your shroomed up facial expression. Next time try harder.

drugs are bad. :m:
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no it's a woman standing sideways to the camera, closest is the left shoulder, facing to the left of the photo, you can even make out facial features such as eyes nose mouth. but she blurred it beyond recognition and inverted the colours, currently getting some enhancement software for work..I'll clarify it when I have time.
no it's a woman standing sideways to the camera, closest is the left shoulder, facing to the left of the photo, you can even make out facial features such as eyes nose mouth. but she blurred it beyond recognition and inverted the colours, currently getting some enhancement software for work..I'll clarify it when I have time.

I see what you're seeing now. I originally thought the shoulder was a face (it looks kind of like one and the nose looks like a presthetic canine nose). It's tough to discern anything with such a bad photo.
I thought I would follow up on this. Paula (Orion's Stargirl) and I got close to meeting up but ultimately she went unresponsive. Apparently jumpercable had gone unresponsive even earlier with Paula. I guess in the end, no surprises... just another fantastic claim without evidence.