God...who believes?

Do you believe a God/Gods/Higher Being exists?

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I suppose your interpretation is the only right interpretation, right ? :rolleyes:

If it is my interpretation then it will have wrong in it. If i am guided by the Holy Spirit, then it will be correct.

Why should you roll your eyes like that?

If Gods will was for His will to be known, then you bet some people even if it where only a hand full of people would be given it to give it to others.

Why is this such a hard thing for you to accept? It is not an extortionary thing at all. Most of the Prophets in the Scriptures where 1 man shows who where mocked and rejected by the greater community.

Matthew 23
37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So sin is genetic.. how do you propose to remove it ?

Death is good. Loss of communion with god.. well.. I don't have it in the first place, so..

What do you mean 'somehow' ?
Could you please further explain this 'communion with God' ?

i don't know the logistics of how it will be removed. and the only reason you see death is good is because it is a perceived relief from the affects of sin in this world.

communion is what adam and eve were described to have in the garden with god and each other prior to sin entering and altering their flesh. i guess you could perceive it as being at one with the universe and not conflicting with it and transgressing the laws of it. living in harmony with no detriment. at one with god, communicating freely and completely, and at one with each other.
Well, you are trying to convince me that you really know that God exists right ?

i'm telling you i do, but it's not up to me to decide what that means to you.

you're asking me questions enmos! :mad:

i answer them.

it's a discussion forum.
no it's not. the scripture is independent, and was there prior to the institutions. the institutions claim to be founded upon scripture, but it makes no sense. the institution itself is entirely contradictory to the very scripture it claims to be founded upon! sheesh! :rolleyes:

Here Here :D well said....

All Praise the Ancent of Days
In true paradise there is no place for the likes of us.


And that’s why we must be changed by God so that we can once again be Good. As we where before we came to the knowledge of Good and Evil.

And that's what will happen to those who accept the Love of the Truth upon the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus. That day will be the start of the Millennial Kingdom that Lori was referring to.

That is the Kingdom that true followers of Jesus are members of in Spirit but whom one day will be members of in the changed flesh that Lori also talks about.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
and the only reason you see death is good is because it is a perceived relief from the affects of sin in this world.
Oh, you couldn't be more wrong.
I see death is good because I don't have blinders on. Humans are not the only ones to walk this planet. Death is natural and without death there would be no life.
You aren't a human-supremacist by any chance, are you ?

i guess you could perceive it as being at one with the universe and not conflicting with it and transgressing the laws of it.
I am.

living in harmony with no detriment.
You don't need God for that, you need less humans for that.
i'm telling you i do, but it's not up to me to decide what that means to you.

you're asking me questions enmos! :mad:

i answer them.

it's a discussion forum.

Ok, fine. I take back that your are purposely trying to convince me.

And that’s why we must be changed by God so that we can once again be Good. As we where before we came to the knowledge of Good and Evil.

And that's what will happen to those who accept the Love of the Truth upon the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus. That day will be the start of the Millennial Kingdom that Lori was referring to.

That is the Kingdom that true followers of Jesus are members of in Spirit but whom one day will be members of in the changed flesh that Lori also talks about.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

So God will turn us back into animals with little conscious thought.
Will he decimate our population as well ?
Just one thing, he has to promise we won't evolve back to being humans ever again.
Enmos is way ahead of you norsefire.

Enmos isn't to proud to see herself as being the limited being we all are.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'm a he, thank you very much.

And you are ? Then what's this about God needing to change people ?