God should get rid of cancer

So the onus is completely on us helpless mortals, while the omnipotent Creator of the Cosmos sits back and watches? Nice.

and you better not call him any names while you're going through a painful crisis! else you might go to HELL
and you better not call him any names while you're going through a painful crisis! else you might go to HELL

Nah man you won't necessarily go to hell, there's a varation of factors involved....

People who comdemn others to hell are usually people with hellish karma themselves
Nah man you won't necessarily go to hell, there's a varation of factors involved....

People who comdemn others to hell are usually people with hellish karma themselves

i thought that was god's ruling...

but that's a secondary discussion... after having all that godamn power and refusing to help

but wait! it's a test, right?! a test of your true convictions
if you really love me, you'll take this pain

this is genius
I'm going to brand my husband with some hot iron
i thought that was god's ruling...

but that's a secondary discussion... after having all that godamn power and refusing to help

but wait! it's a test, right?! a test of your true convictions
if you really love me, you'll take this pain

this is genius
I'm going to brand my husband with some hot iron

Well partially, God is only true judge, or someone who has full knowledge of the truth can also judge, besides this no one can truly judge

What are you talking about a test? I don't understand

Causing physical pain to others is one of the worst forms of bad karma

Cancer has claimed the lives of many friends and family of mine. I have looked into it and found that a certain doctor has provided the best answer as to what it is and where it comes from more so then any other I know of. I will see if I can find his article and name and post it if I manage to find this!
Cancer has claimed the lives of many friends and family of mine. I have looked into it and found that a certain doctor has provided the best answer as to what it is and where it comes from more so then any other I know of. I will see if I can find his article and name and post it if I manage to find this!

please do!
Why does god cause all the suffering and pain in the world?

God doesn't....if you were in the kingdom of God there would be no suffering, no boredom, no anger, no fear, no sorrow, no old age, no disease, no sickness, no forms of unpleasantness to even the slightest smallest most infinitesimal degree....

God is unchanging, impartial to all, he doesn't really do anything, yet does all things

If someone is experiencing suffering and pain it's because of the karma or thought-energy within them causing the suffering and pain
I have heard many times before that God helps those who help themselves. What do you think about that?
please do!

Give it a day or two, I think its in the basement in a box full of papers, I'll have to dig a little to find it. I can say this much, I remember that he was the leading Doctor for the National Olympics for quite some time. In his article he talks about Biological waves, and how they govern the processes of what cells do and how they develop. Its late and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, after work I'll go into the basement and see if I can find it.
this is genius
I'm going to brand my husband with some hot iron

"You can't tell me that cowboys, when they're branding cattle, don't sort of 'accidentally' brand each other every once in a while. It's their way of letting off stress." - Jack handey