God should get rid of cancer

come on redwards, you know i don't read books. i mean, you know the pharmaceutical companies have the fda in their back pocket. everything is about money. why wouldn't the medical community be too? i mean come on!!!! keeping people sick and treating the symptoms is big business. isn't that the most obvious thing ever? the goverment controls the masses, doctors, hospitals, and drug companies make a ton of money, give the politicians a cut, everybody's happy.

You'd like to think it's that clear-cut, I'm sure. Nearly every drug that has any kind of efficacy has a billion knock-offs as soon as the patent runs out, and doctors regularly prescribe these simply due to the fact that they're less expensive. It's not a conspiracy, and your 'herbal' cures don't get prescribed by doctors because they don't work.

And it's not like they're totally ignored. There are plenty of studies comparing the efficacy of alternative medicines to conventional medicines. One of the surprising things that acupuncture actually does work... but not because of 'energy blockages' or 'chi.' It doesn't matter where you put the needles, and some fake needles work at least as well as the real thing.
yeah, i mean at this point it's encoded into our genes, and it's causes are by the millions in our air, food, and water supply, and those are just the ones we know about.

Hence, we can blame your god for providing us the air, food and water supply and encoding cancer into our genes.

Thanks, god of Lori! Keep up the good work.
"god of lori"? jesus christ.

you guys are pretty naive. first of all, micro-organisms don't cause cancer, carcinogens do. do you know where you can find them? they're in the pollution that's in our air, and in all the chemicals they dump into our water, and add to our food. i know a father who has a son with leukemia, and his treat after a round of chemotherapy is a trip to fucking mcdonalds! they're in all of the artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and excitotoxins, and pharaceuticals we laden our food with AND THEN FEED TO OUR CHILDREN. i used to be a waitress so i'm well aware of what most of the dumb-ass people in this country are feeding their children. they might as well be feeding them arsenic. and what about the sugar, sugar, and more sugar we pump into them. soft drinks, fruit drinks, everything in the grocery store's got high-fructose corn syrup in it. and sugar is what cancer thrives on! not to mention childhood obesity and diabetes. they don't get any exercise since it doesn't involve what's on tv, or a video game, or the computer. and since you can't let your kids play outside anymore for fear of some predator snatching them up or molesting them. and who really has time to let their kids play outside anymore anyway? today all the parents have to work too hard and too long to pay their damn taxes and their damn health insurance premiums to enjoy thier lives or their kids. and you want blame god for this shit?! this is the direct consequence of greed, sloth, and lust for power and money.

redwards, when was the last time you saw a middle-class doctor? or when was the last time you saw a pharmaceutical rep driving an economical car? seems to me that they're all getting really rich somehow, while the rest of middle class america can't afford health insurance premiums or to pay for their prescriptions. all our money goes to taxes to the rest of america can! and you have to admit that you know absolutely nothing about the holistic health field. i do know a thing or two about it and most of the cure comes down to proper nutrition, detox, and exercise. none of which is fostered in our society today.
"god of lori"? jesus christ.

and you want blame god for this shit?! this is the direct consequence of greed, sloth, and lust for power and money.

If you use the argument that god is omniscient and benevolent, you must also accept the sordid along with the good when it comes to delivering blame or praise.
If you use the argument that god is omniscient and benevolent, you must also accept the sordid along with the good when it comes to delivering blame or praise.
only by discarding the issue of free will or independence that the living entity is created with
only by discarding the issue of free will or independence that the living entity is created with

In the bizzaro world of "Having It Both Ways," that very well may be true as it is there you'll be free of logical fallacies and paradox.
yes, blame god while we keep perpetuating the same stupid shit that makes us all suffer.
you seem to be saying quite directly what you assume to be the truth about god's existence ....

No I wasn't. I was just expressing, in my own backward way, that the OP is loaded. You can't make such a statement if there is no evidence of the premises.
At this point (or at any point for that matter) the statement "God should get rid of cancer" makes as much sense as saying "The invisible pink unicorn in the sky should get rid of cancer".
No I wasn't. I was just expressing, in my own backward way, that the OP is loaded. You can't make such a statement if there is no evidence of the premises.
At this point (or at any point for that matter) the statement "God should get rid of cancer" makes as much sense as saying "The invisible pink unicorn in the sky should get rid of cancer".
meanwhile reductionist theories about consciousness are quite alright, huh?
yes, blame god while we keep perpetuating the same stupid shit that makes us all suffer.
you may be a fundy atheist if ...

You believe that extra drippy ice-cream is a logical proof against the existence of God, because an omniscient God would know how to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, an omnipotent God would have the ability to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, and by golly, an omnibenevolent God wouldn't want your ice-cream to be extra drippy.
you may be a fundy atheist if ...

You believe that extra drippy ice-cream is a logical proof against the existence of God, because an omniscient God would know how to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, an omnipotent God would have the ability to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, and by golly, an omnibenevolent God wouldn't want your ice-cream to be extra drippy.

exactly. and i don't eat ice cream, but i do BLAME god when the wind blows and messes my hair up. even though i'd be cursing him for the same wind if i were sweltering hot and not in a vain mood. i swear, i'm such an asshole and i swear he loves me anyway. which is proof positive of his omnibenevolence.
Good. I wish all theists could see the absurdity of their completely contradictory (almost disturbed) stance as well as you do.

You tell us that god is responsible for the creation of the universe, has an interest in you personally, has interdicted throughout history in natural and human affairs.

But when someone poses a valid question about why dosen't god do "this or that" to help humanity, you meet it with childisly stupid analogies and completely dismiss the uncomfortable inquiry that clearly sticks in your craw.
Good. I wish all theists could see the absurdity of their completely contradictory (almost disturbed) stance as well as you do.

You tell us that god is responsible for the creation of the universe, has an interest in you personally, has interdicted throughout history in natural and human affairs.

But when someone poses a valid question about why dosen't god do "this or that" to help humanity, you meet it with childisly stupid analogies and completely dismiss the uncomfortable inquiry that clearly sticks in your craw.
I guess it tends to indicate that a common version of helping humanity (eg - clean up all the BS which we will dish out to ourselves in the very next instance) is not the same as gods
(meanwhile those IPU and FSM arguments are poignant elaborations on the crux of the matter, eh?)

You may be a fundy atheist if

You can make the existence of pink unicorns the center-piece of a philosophical critique.
I guess it tends to indicate that a common version of helping humanity (eg - clean up all the BS which we will dish out to ourselves in the very next instance) is not the same as gods
(meanwhile those IPU and FSM arguments are poignant elaborations on the crux of the matter, eh?)
Actually, they are.

You can make the existence of pink unicorns the center-piece of a philosophical critique.
Interesting. I was working within the boundaries of the properties of your very own god(s) by asking a simple question about cancer, and given the awesome attributes of your god(s) why he might not eliminate it. And you proceed to tell me it's a rediculous question. And then bring up some irrelevant analogies that lie outside the scope of the completely consistent internal question I posed.
