God should get rid of cancer

Actually, they are.
childish stupid analogies?

Interesting. I was working within the boundaries of the properties of your very own god(s) by asking a simple question about cancer, and given the awesome attributes of your god(s) why he might not eliminate it. And you proceed to tell me it's a rediculous question. And then bring up some irrelevant analogies that lie outside the scope of the completely consistent internal question I posed.

actually I gave an alternative answer, but in your haste to look for something more workable to your agenda, it appears you glossed over it ...
childish stupid analogies?
No, relevant. You can no more support your theistic philosophical leanings than I can the FSM.

And by support, I mean with anything other than subjective (meaning available to you only for mental inspection) argumentation.
No, relevant. You can no more support your theistic philosophical leanings than I can the FSM.
as an interesting note on the history of the whole FSM, the predecessor was the "celestial tea pot" argument put forward by Russel. It was meant to address a theistic notion that god is ultimately unknowable and an issue of faith.

And by support, I mean with anything other than subjective (meaning available to you only for mental inspection) argumentation.
this argument seems to have gained such a momentum, that atheists tend to forget that it is only pertinent to that specific argument, and trying to bring it to bear on theistic practices that have long established practices on prerequisites for perceiving the nature of god, etc is not particularly fruitful.
A more apt method to address the issue (but nonetheless doomed), which you are beginning to approach with the word "subjective", is to try and establish empiricism as capable of providing explicit knowledge.
So maybe you would like to venture something to support your position?
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Good. I wish all theists could see the absurdity of their completely contradictory (almost disturbed) stance as well as you do.

You tell us that god is responsible for the creation of the universe, has an interest in you personally, has interdicted throughout history in natural and human affairs.

But when someone poses a valid question about why dosen't god do "this or that" to help humanity, you meet it with childisly stupid analogies and completely dismiss the uncomfortable inquiry that clearly sticks in your craw.

I AM HONEST. if that bothers you then you should question why. i'll tell you it's because you're used to people telling you lies, including yourself. there is something wrong with us. the bible clearly states that. i admit to it. and of course that bothers you. you like to think there's nothing wrong with you, or this world, and you are blind, by choice, by believing lies. so bury your head, and believe the lies and die with them, because those of us who are willing to face the truth, about our world, and ourselves, and each other, will live in peace, and in righteousness forever because of it. those who choose to stay in the dark will stay in the dark, which is hell. judgement is the means of realization and who is brave enough to face the truth according to law that you did not create? not many. you are cowards, you are evil, and you abhor your mirror if not to perpetuate your vanity of lies. what will you do when it shatters to pieces in your painted face? when all of your dreams all come crashing down around you? what will you have to hold on to then, the earth? it'll be laid to waste. the antichrist? the false prophet? to perpetuate your suffering. i'm privy to the truth about this lie. and it's obvious to those who can see. can you see? can you see the filth, and sin, and degredation, and the suffering it causes in this world? or are you too busy distracting yourself with those lies?
So maybe you would like to venture something to support your position?
No, not really. I'm an empiricist who acknowledges the obvious need for synthesis. You seem to be confusing synthesized knowledge (i.e. conclusions)based on empirical evidence, with your idea of revealed knowledge with no reference to external realities.

Carry on.
I AM HONEST. if that bothers you then you should question why. i'll tell you it's because you're used to people telling you lies, including yourself. there is something wrong with us. the bible clearly states that. i admit to it. and of course that bothers you. you like to think there's nothing wrong with you, or this world, and you are blind, by choice, by believing lies. so bury your head, and believe the lies and die with them, because those of us who are willing to face the truth, about our world, and ourselves, and each other, will live in peace, and in righteousness forever because of it. those who choose to stay in the dark will stay in the dark, which is hell. judgement is the means of realization and who is brave enough to face the truth according to law that you did not create? not many. you are cowards, you are evil, and you abhor your mirror if not to perpetuate your vanity of lies. what will you do when it shatters to pieces in your painted face? when all of your dreams all come crashing down around you? what will you have to hold on to then, the earth? it'll be laid to waste. the antichrist? the false prophet? to perpetuate your suffering. i'm privy to the truth about this lie. and it's obvious to those who can see. can you see? can you see the filth, and sin, and degredation, and the suffering it causes in this world? or are you too busy distracting yourself with those lies?
Preaching used to get you banned. Ahhh the good old days.


1) If you think that I think that everythings ok with myself or the world, then you've been sadly misinformed. I simply understand human nature as it is.

2) You are adamant that the bible is the truth. Or you're privy to it? Who told you? God? Prove it. Otherwise, get a grip and start acting like a human being who is responsible for their own actions.

3) As for the "living in peace and righteousness" Through Better Religion[sup]TM[/sup] part, I'm sure you also look to history and the bible for glowing examples of the success of this approach.

I never trust anyone who has the absoute certainty of the truth of their position. It's a foolish stance. One that most theists embrace like a cloak of ignorance.

I've already said, many times, that I or any atheist would consider whatever objective evidence you wish to present for a god. So far, you're all just posturing, hearsay, and bluster.

Must do better for this god of yours. You (theists) are probably all losing heaven-points for just trying to bludgeon us into submission with a rather dull implement.
i'm privy to the truth about this lie. and it's obvious to those who can see. can you see? can you see the filth, and sin, and degredation, and the suffering it causes in this world? or are you too busy distracting yourself with those lies?

Bible-thumpers are the worst, especially those "privy to the truth."

Since it is religions that have ravaged mankind for centuries, you should be looking at that as your reason for the plight and grief of mankind. Look there for your answers.
Cancer doesn't exist in the kingdom of God, all forms of unpleasantness from the smallest, lowest degree to the highest degree are impurities
Impurities from where? If the cosmos is god's creation, where do these impurities come from?
Gee, you make worshiping gods sooooo appealing. Create me with cancer, god and cure it with death.

Supposed to be selfless service, you know. Not with expectation of getting stuff.
Impurities from where? If the cosmos is god's creation, where do these impurities come from?

Impurities are come from ignorance, or illusion, delusion, fantasy, fiction, they don't really come from anywhere

In reality there is no suffering, just as the Buddha says "When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”

But in fiction, fantasy, delusion, there is suffering
Impurities are come from ignorance, or illusion, delusion, fantasy, fiction, they don't really come from anywhere

In reality there is no suffering, just as the Buddha says "When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”

But in fiction, fantasy, delusion, there is suffering