God should get rid of cancer

well everything we do can fit snuggly between two extremes - transient desires and eternal ones - needless to say, we are usually busy with the first end of the share market ...
So you think that atheists would have a much more difficult time, being that "eternal desires" are essentially meaningless to us?
So you think that atheists would have a much more difficult time, being that "eternal desires" are essentially meaningless to us?
there are a range of desires
for instance a person habituated to acts of charity gains the ability to be detached from their possessions (regardless of their metaphysical beliefs). Charity is not a completely "pure" eternal desire, but it is head and shoulders above your usual run of the mill engagements of this life.
In short, a pious atheist might have an easier time of it than a materialistic theist, but it is the exclusive property of the properly situated theist to be completely socialized around the issue of death
(I bet you just luv that last phrase)
there are a range of desires
for instance a person habituated to acts of charity gains the ability to be detached from their possessions (regardless of their metaphysical beliefs). Charity is not a completely "pure" eternal desire, but it is head and shoulders above your usual run of the mill engagements of this life.
In short, a pious atheist might have an easier time of it than a materialistic theist, but it is the exclusive property of the properly situated theist to be completely socialized around the issue of death
(I bet you just luv that last phrase)
Actually I agree with it. It says nothing about the reality of the theist's beliefs. Only that they believe there is more waiting for them. Of course a pious theist will be more "socialized" around the issue of death.
Actually I agree with it. It says nothing about the reality of the theist's beliefs. Only that they believe there is more waiting for them. Of course a pious theist will be more "socialized" around the issue of death.
basically there is no attachment stronger than attachment to this world (except for attachment to god and things related to god). IOw one can actually start to be convinced about "what is waiting for them" when they actually perceive something about it ... at least as far as being in the throes of bone cancer is concerned ...
OK...so I found the article, the guy's name is Dr. Irv Dardik. I decided to check up on him under google and there is controversy, so I thought I would bring that up first. That said and done, I will try to find a little bit of some of the interesting things he says about waves, though my own ideas may not be exactly the same, I think he is an interesting fellow to check up on, as I suspect that waves coordinate and control a great deal on how our cell's operate. So, I will post a little and then a little more, and if you wish to follow up on this, the choice is yours:

Irving Dardik, wave maker
By Betsy Querna
Posted 10/26/05

He's a hero to some, credited with curing their diabetes, Parkinson's, and insomnia. Others have called him a fraud; his license to practice medicine in New York was revoked in 1995 after a successful lawsuit by a woman unhappy with his treatment of her multiple sclerosis. Irving Dardik, a former surgeon and developer of the controversial SuperWave theory, argues that everything in the universe moves in waves, and that illness results when we stifle those waves within our body. Science writer Roger Lewin explores the exercise regimen Dardik created to fight disease, as well as the scientific implications of the SuperWave theory in a new book. Making Waves: Irving Dardik and His SuperWave Principle, is in bookstores this month.

Dardik is very controversial. Did you feel you were putting your career on the line by endorsing him in this book?
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Yes. And, I wouldn't do it if I didn't think there was at least something important here. I know that some of the things he is saying are indeed right.

Which parts of the theory do you feel are right?

Especially in the health area, I think he's talking about something very profound. He's approaching health in a very different way, by looking at the body as an integrated system, so that when you affect one part you're affecting other parts.

Can you be more specific? How does Dardik's principle affect health?

We have an epidemic of chronic disease in the United States. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease—all these are diseases of civilization. You don't find these diseases in people who live in foraging societies who are in tune with the rhythms of nature. Dardik's saying that we live at a very high degree of exertion, both physical and mental. We get up with the alarm, we eat on the run. It's always push push push. So all of the waves that are part of our natural being get flattened out, which causes disease. If you can reconnect with the rhythms of nature, you will enhance your health and you can reverse the symptoms of some diseases.

How does someone do that?

Dardik developed an exercise protocol which he calls "cyclic exercise protocol." When most of us exercise, we go out and run or go on the stationary bike, and push ourselves for a half-hour to keep our heart rates up for the whole time. His exercise protocol says you do whatever you're doing in bursts. So, over a period of 30 minutes, you would do bursts of one minute of intense exercise, and then you stop for four or five minutes to get your heart rate down. The impact of this is a wave-like effect on the heart rate. It goes up, it comes down, it goes up, it comes down. That does a couple of things. One is to train recovery of the heart as well as exertion. It also increases something called heart rate variability. Sort of counterintuitively, the greater the heart rate variability, the healthier you are. In all diseases, heart rate variability goes down. So what Dardik's saying is, you've got to enhance this heart rate variability with cyclic exercise.

I think its always good to let give someone a chance to speak for themselves, as well as to hear the opposing sides of view, I have noted both sides, but I found this, which is Dr. Dardik's own writing, personally, I think the guy is brilliant, but thats just my opinion, one has to decide for themselves:

By Dr. Irving Dardik

Adapted from Dardik, I (2005). Superwave reality. In J. P. Biberian (Ed.) Condensed matter nuclear science (pp. 81-83).

Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.

Here I present the elegant reality that is the natural universe. All existence is waves – only waves. This entirely new understanding of waves – what I call SuperWaves – is the single universality that generates the entire natural universe of motion, of order and of matter, space, and time. SuperWaves is not a theoretical model or mathematical law about nature; nor is it a hidden reality within nature; it is the simple reality that is nature1-4

1. Motion is SuperWaves

All motion and all changes are only waves. To create complex features in an existence that is comprised only of waves, waves must wave. All changes are changing. Waves do not move in straight lines. Waves move only within waves and contain waves, as an inherent continuum of wave motion in wave motion. This new understanding of waves as SuperWaves is an entirely new understanding of motion. Constant uniform, or linear, motion does not and cannot exist. Waves, which are in motion on one scale, are in motion, moving up and down on another scale. This is an innate continuum of waves waving, of nested scales within scales, unbroken fractals within fractals.

Linear frequencies, linear amplitudes, and linear interference patterns of superposition do not exist because nature is SuperWaves. Rather, in SuperWaves, smaller waves repeat in non-linear changing frequencies, climbing up and down the trajectory of the larger waves, In turn, the larger wave is moving with its own progressively changing frequencies and amplitudes within a yet larger wave – ad infinitum. Frequencies and amplitudes can now be recognized as existing as a seamless continuum, generating in all directions within and across scales.

2. SuperWaving Motion is Order

The order of nature exists because of the unbroken fractal order of SuperWaves. Towards the peak of the carrier wave, spiraling waves are accelerating and are most concentrated. The peak contains the highest SuperWaving frequencies and amplitudes of inner waves, whose synchrony and stability is maintained at a maximum by the peak of the carrier wave. The reverse occurs toward the trough of the carrier wave; the frequencies and amplitudes of the inner waves decrease; they spread out and disperse in all directions as change and become relatively unstable, more susceptible to perturbation. As SuperWaves are the stuff of nature and as SuperWaves are intrinsically self-similar, we can now understand why nature is fractal in form, at all scales. Nature exhibits only relative degrees or order; absolute chaos does not exist.

The puzzle of action at a distance, or non-locality, is explained by the SuperWave order of nature. A change in the form of a carrier wave will cause changes in the form of inner waves, simultaneously within and across scales. The reverse occurs as well. Changes of inner waves can simultaneously change the form and shape of the carrier wave, depending on the degree of stability of the inner and outer waves. I call this simulcausality.

Science has looked for absolute causality, or determinism, but has failed to find it. Redefining action at a distance as simulcausality explains this failure. The reason is that the waves waving are always changing, never being precisely circular or linear; as they are continuously influencing each other, they cause further change. Nature exhibits no invariance or absolute constancy. This explains why all linear measurements are inexact and approximate, and ultimately exhibit non-linear complexity.

Science separates frequencies and amplitudes as linear dimensions, and then superimposes them to explain interference patterns. From the perspective of SuperWaves, interference patterns are explained by the inherent (non-linear) continuum of amplitude, and frequency, which is the same phenomenon as action at a distance and causality, which is simulcausality. This unbroken fractal motion of SuperWaves generates the order of nature.

3. The Order of Superwaving Motion is Matter, Space, and Time

The compression of waves in the peaks of SuperWaves exhibit confined stability which manifests as matter, at all scales. At the smallest scale, matter is the confined compressed wave packet, termed a particle. At higher and higher scales of SupeWaves, the compression of clusters creates the stability that is an atom, a molecule, an organism, an ecosystem, Earth, the Solar System, our galaxy, galaxy clusters, to the whole universe itself. At each scale, SuperWaves organize and bring relative coherence to the inner waves, in seamless fractally nested jumps – this is relative order. Conversely, the gaps between particles or object masses that we presently perceive as space are regions of SuperWaves dispersion – this is relative disorder. Matter and space are therefore different manifestations of the same SuperWave continuum; this applies to matterspace on all scales.

The forces of nature – the weak and strong forces, electromagnetism, and gravity – are also manifestations of SuperWaves. Gravity and the strong force are the attractor peaks of carrier waves manifesting as matter, with gravity being at a higher SuperWaving scale than the strong force, fractals of each other. The weak force and electromagnetism are also fractals of each other, being the repulsion or dispersal of waves which is space.

The understanding of SuperWaves gives a new understanding of how organization comes about in nature. Matter is described above as the relatively stable compression of waves at the peak of a SuperWave. The process of waves waving within waves, moving toward the peak in an inherent continuum of scalar jumps, is what science calls the emergence and evolution of organizational order. The process of dispersal and flattening of SuperWaves, also occurring as inherent continuous jumps, manifests as Cartesian order of parts and what science calls thermodynamic entropy. Just as evolution and entropy are processes of change as a result of moving towards and away from the peak, so too is time the outcome of waves waving. Waves waving is change, the irreversible process that is time. Time is perceived differently, depending locally on the scale of waves waving. SuperWaves is matterspace is time.

4. Conclusion

Science has perceived nature to be a universe of matter in motion, governed by mathematical laws of order. In reality, nature is SuperWaves, whose motion is the order of the universe that is matterspacetime. The recognition of the SuperWave universe allows for the investigation and understanding of the individual parts in the true context of their indivisible collective wholeness. The scientific, mathematical laws of nature are in fact partial abstractions to a linear ideal of the true SuperWaving order present in different scales of the universe.

SuperWaves provides a new understanding of how to go about understanding the universe. The received understanding of the universe is that it is too complicated to understand all at once. Therefore, the scientific method is forced to try to understand nature piece by piece. In other words, science treats nature as if it were discontinuous. Investigating nature form this perspective means that inherent continuity cannot be identified. However, from the perspective of SuperWaves, the universe is recognized as being seamlessly and exclusively a wave universe in which everything is connected to, and affects, everything else all at once while everything is changing. This order, the inherently continuous pattern of motion, is the true indivisibility (a-tomos) of nature. The universe is the manifestation of this order, neither random nor uncertain. The recognition of the SuperWave universe allows for the investigation and understanding of the individual parts in the true context of their indivisible collective wholeness.

The universe is ultimately not a material universe. In reality the universe is a motion universe, where matter is a consequence of wave motion. How the universe works is what the universe is made of. What remains to be understood is a new recognition of all accumulated and future knowledge in light of SuperWaves. So I begin here by going back to the beginning of all our thinking, all our understanding about the nature of the universe. The true reality that is the universe is SuperWaves.


In an article be Richard Leviton, entitled HeartWaves, this information is put into practice and there have been results. It involves flexing the wave...by doing intervals of exercise and rest. While I agree that this applies and describes the relative universe which is nothing but motion, I see a universe that is motionless as well, however it is much harder to understand, let alone sense. The entire picture involves both parts...that of a motion Universe of waves (which are all based on attractions...hehehe), and that of a motionless universe. This makes me think of Yin and Yang...balance...which is the key to good health and beating cancer. Macrobiotics preventive means have worked again and again against cancer...kicking its ass hard! My mother is hardcore into macrobiotics (thank God) and I learned about it from her. Its based in balancing Yin and Yang eating habits, which fits well with what Dr. Dardik's Exercise (Yang) and Rest (Yin) prescription is, a means to balance the waves. And, I imagine he will eventually refine this if he begins to see the motionless universe as well, which is, unlike the motion universe...simply untouchable, a metaphysical foundation upon from which all wave patterns spring forth on.
Everything is balanced...there is no exception. Why else is there day and night, male and female, sickness and health, awake and asleep, hard and soft, black and white, big and small, the list goes on and on and on.

Also...I cannot recommend checking out macrobiotics enough, I have no worry about cancer whatsoever, I learned about macrobiotics from my mother, and am very confident that I know how to stop it, I can list as many of 50 MEANS to help prevent it in the first place. The primary cause of cancer is being ignorant of the means to prevent it as well as to what causes it and where its root's are. I have no reason to worry for myself, but I watch people I love die, because they just can't seem to grasp some of the things I am aware of, in which case- all I can do is watch, hope, and pray for them.

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Macrobiotics preventive means have worked again and again against cancer...kicking its ass hard! ...
Also...I cannot recommend checking out macrobiotics enough, I have no worry about cancer whatsoever, I learned about macrobiotics from my mother, and am very confident that I know how to stop it,
While I do think a clean healthy diet is key ...I found something on macrobiotics which caught my eye. I really hadn't read anything about it, until now. What are your thoughts regarding this below:

"many long-term practitioners of the diet have themselves developed cancer and subsequently died from it. Michio Kushi's wife Aveline and daughter Lilly both succumbed to the illness. Renowned macrobiotic teacher Cecile Levin and the author of 'Recalled by Life', Anthony J. Sattilaro both died of cancer as well. Michio Kushi himself developed cancer and had a tumour removed surgically from his intestines, although he now appears to be well." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrobiotic_diet

The primary cause of cancer is being ignorant of the means to prevent it as well as to what causes it and where its root's are.
I agree totally with you here. :)