God is Impossible

Hey retard, did you hear?
TheoryofRelativity has an 156 I.Q.
Of course her every post disproves this claim, but if the numbers say she’s smart then…she gots to be smarts….Just like you are.
My intentions aren’t to cure. I gave up my idealism when I was 25.

Now, I aim to contain the disease and quarantine the ill.

But good luck with the stupid.

A local Quarantine of a few won't affect the infection in the least.
Mmmmm..... Well, I had been wondering why I didn't post down here more often.

After the course of the last three intervening pages I can see why....

The existence of a god is no more logically impossible than whether the bulk of the moon is really made from cream cheese. Both are logical propositions. Probability and credibility are quite different issues though.

The theist simply has the same credibility for asserting that a god exists as for someone to say the moon is really cream cheese. Showing how either might be possible is an issue for the claimant, and here I could imagine how a cream cheese moon could be achieved which makes it far more credible than the existence of a god.
Erm.... Sorry to interject here, but since when was the proposition that the Moon is actually made of cream cheese actually a logical proposition, at all?

As in, oh.... I dunno. Say the last ever?
Why, do you happen to be one of those people who believe the devil is also made out of cream cheese? If not, quit with the spammery. We're trying to conduct a holy, asinine argument here....
Mr A,

Erm.... Sorry to interject here, but since when was the proposition that the Moon is actually made of cream cheese actually a logical proposition, at all?
You are confusing logic with probability and credibility.

An example of an illogical proposition - you can travel both north and south at the same time.

There is nothing illogical about asserting that the moon is made of cream cheese, it is simply not credible or probable though.
Well, Mr Cris, in answer to your actual question here: no. I can assure you I'm not confusing logic with either quantity of either probability or credibility whatsoever.

There is frankly no logical process by which one can in practice look at a plate of cream cheese, compare what one can confirm regarding it in observation it to what one can observe regarding, say, a planetesimal body held in orbit around our world via a combination of inertia and gravitational force and conclude from such an exercise that dairy produce of the sort one can hold in ones hand is, in someway, capable of itself demonstrating tidal influence.

It doesn't happen, there is no actually sane process by which one gets there - I should know, i just wrote it.

The fact that the moon itself actually looks absolutely bugger all like any cream cheese I've ever clapped eyes on, hardly helping the cause...

And, yes, before you state it, of course I'm being fatuous. But indeed, if we must go along with the proposition raised in the first place that the moon being made out of cream cheese remains actually a logical proposition to begin with, then apparently it turns out I'm not actually being in anyway fatuous in my response to that proposition at all.

I'm just going with the flow.

Precisely why is this proposition as you venture it logical, other than you merely state that it is?
Is it possible that the devil created the world and tempted god to come over and he did and won? :cool: The devil might of made the world that can be changed for the better to see if good would come over. View www.Abstageation.com for more interesting theories. Oh ya and theirs a New animated search engine if your browser supports flash located at http://www.abstageation.com/Search_Engine.htm

Of course it is, dear.
It’s as possible as you having a mind worth considering.
What good will IceAgeCivilizations do on these forums? All I've seen so far is his uncanny ability to ruin threads.