God is Impossible

Hey Satyr, please let us know when you "experience" that 2 + 2 = 5, and when it happens to you, promise to write about it in Nature?
And yet in your universe such absurdities are possible, based entirely on faith and the words of a book interpreted literally.

Do you even comprehend what I’m saying, twit, or is your thickness a ruse?
Your biggest problem, Satyr, is that you don't realize that you are "most needy."

Sorry Satyr, according to the second law of thermodynamics, there had to have been a beginning of matter, and according to you, it came from nothing, why do you keep trying to sell this stuff?
How does it do that, shit-for-brains?
Maybe instead of declarations you can provide some train of thought from that thick skull of yours.

You have the charms of hay being passed through a cow’s digestive track…and its value.
the simple answer i can give you is a question sorry but i belive that

if a god or gods exist where is/are they/him/her?
if it did exist has her forsaken us? did we do soemthing?
the ismple answer to that is i dont htink a god exists

How does it do that, shit-for-brains?
Maybe instead of declarations you can provide some train of thought from that thick skull of yours.

You have the charms of hay being passed through a cow’s digestive track…and its value.


You can't attack the meme by building a wall around it's carrier.
Hey Satyr, I bet you have a constant headache, your foul attitude permeates your very being, it must hurt, just relax, you can get better.
No…I’m pretty happy.
Getting married this spring.
But thanks for caring.

Now back on topic, moron!
Show us a hint of that mind, a particle of a brain cell, a quantum sting of thinking.

Hey retard, except for feel-good, emotional absurdities and trite declarations of insinuated greatness, do you have anything more to offer us, except by presenting yourself as an example to be avoided?
I’m beginning to think that he’s putting on an act.

I'm starting to suspect the same thing.
I've never met anyone quite so proud of his own ignorance before.
He seems like a caricature of a person, rather than a real person.
Do you have anything intelligent to offer from your perspective?
All I have been seeing is nothing more than simple quips that you think are witty, and acting aghast and blind denials without anything to back them up.

What has everything you have said really amounted to?
"You are all really stupid because I know better and you're dumb."
That's about it.

I, for one, am not convinced that Darwinism is perfect.
You asinine behavior will certainly not serve to sway me your way, though.