God is Impossible

The retard is as good looking as he is intelligent.
But he wrote a book, so he must be right.

I surrender to his superior reasoning.
God created the universe.

I’ve seen the light!!!!!
I am saved…hallelujah!!!!
Two things before I get to the meat of the posts:

1. Please keep the Creation v. Evolution nonsense out of here.

2. Please keep the ad hominem out of here.
Only liars don't admit that there is a God who created all that we see, so God says in the Bible, therefore, way to go Satyr.

There must be a god, because the bible says so. How do we know the bible is true? Because it's the word of god.

Now, wipe the drool off your chin and get back to coloring with the water washable markers.
Actually, small point in case, but the Bible actually says nothing of the sort.
Does too.

And verydim, the Bible has never shown any inaccuracy, that is why it's the primary roadmap for archaeological endeavors in the Middle East, no other book comes close, how do you like that?
Only liars don't admit that there is a God who created all that we see, so God says in the Bible, therefore, way to go Satyr.
How can I not admit the ‘truth’?
Your astoundingly well-reasoned posts and well-documented evidence is overwhelming.

You and lightgigantic present a formidable duo of rational discourse and philosophical/scientific thought on sciforums.
I beleive it is indicative of the overall level of this forum.

I can’t believe there are still people resisting what is so self-evident.
Imagine believing we evolved from apes….I mean COME ON!!!! ...or that the Earth is more than 6000 years old, when the Bible clearly states that it is otherwise.
If I cannot believe Scripture then what am I supposed to believe…my eyes…my ears….sinners?

God created the earth and everything on it.
You are right. I am wrong.
You managed to grasp reality better than I ever could and I bow to your superior intellect.

Keep doing God’s work and may Jesus look over you.
I hope I’ll be forgiven by Him when I come before the pearly gates.


Oh and…I forgot to mention that I didn’t mean what I said about you being as attractive as you are intelligent.
You are pretty cute.
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Kenny JC:

Well I'm almost a strong atheist. I think god is almost certainly impossible because an intelligent and concious being as the root cause of everything is simply absurd.

Upon what premise is it absurd?

And since we don't know how our universe exists, we could just as easily imagine an infinite number of possabilities - and it would be an impossible task to guess correctly. It would be like a monkey guessing that electrons exist (haha I used an electron analogy better than LG could ever do!).

It stands to reason there is some logical, rather than empirical, foundation for existence, does it not? Or at least that it is reasonable enough to speculate?

I think it's also practically impossible that the how's and why's behind the universe would match our most wishful delusions. So that rules out gods, afterlives, heaven etc.

But that would only prove improbability.

Mr. Anonymous:

In order for God to exist, being as we are told the Creator of all things, God must therefore have had a direct hand in creating Himself in order to exist in the first place - which, of course, is a complete nonsense.

As One Raven pointed out: What if he is eternal? Unneeding of creation?

Which in itself only remains true if Time remains something God Himself didn't create.

More replies shortly.
You must be forgiven to get to the pearly gates, when you're physically dead, unsaved, it's too late. Like the Bible says, "today is the day of salvation."

And by the way, those who have never heard nor understood the Gospel can be saved, based upon their God-given knowledge that there is a Creator to answer to, and upon how they respond to this knowledge, repentently or defiantly.
Does too.

And verydim, the Bible has never shown any inaccuracy, that is why it's the primary roadmap for archaeological endeavors in the Middle East, no other book comes close, how do you like that?

"And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." 1:17
Wrong. The stars are freely floating and mobile in the vacuum of space. Bible is inaccurate.

7:23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
This says that pi is equal to 3. Wrong. Bible is inaccurate.

32:7 And when I shall put thee out, I will cover the heaven, and make the stars thereof dark; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not give her light
A cloud in front of the sun will keep the moon from giving its light? Bible is inaccurate. And just plain stupid.
You must be forgiven to get to the pearly gates, when you're physically dead, unsaved, it's too late. Like the Bible says, "today is the day of salvation."

And by the way, those who have never heard nor understood the Gospel can be saved, based upon their God-given knowledge that there is a Creator to answer to, and upon how they respond to this knowledge, repentently or defiantly.
Preaching will get you banned. Keep it up.
Does too.

And verydim, the Bible has never shown any inaccuracy, that is why it's the primary roadmap for archaeological endeavors in the Middle East, no other book comes close, how do you like that?

Ante up a scripture backing that up or quit with the yakking, numb-nuts - not asking. I've only in this one thread just made your aquaitance and already you're on just about my last neve and we've not yet even talked.

Back it up or piss off, I'm easy either way.

Prince James said:
As One Raven pointed out: What if he is eternal? Unneeding of creation?

As I responded to One Raven at the time: that only works as valid objection assuming God didn't create Time.

Eternity has no meaning without Time by which to define it. If God created Time He can't be eternal. If, on the other hand, God is eternal that must dictate that Time is not His creation - therefore undermining his own status of Godship as Creator of all things.

In short, once again, the existence of God undermines his own status as actually being God - in essence, disproving Himself by dint of His own existence.

Heh, now I remember why I`ve been missing these forums.

What value exactly would "god" add to our reality/universe?

Existence: As man understands existence, it is characterized by a temporal/spatial nature.
That is it possesses dimensions. Something is said to exist when it is temporal (changing) and spatial (possibility) - God, often being defined as that phenomenon which ‘exists’ outside ‘reality’ (reality being the temporal/spatial universe), is self-refuting.

An excellent argument. It must also be noted that man is incapable of even logically considering that which has neither existence in space nor time.

Something cannot be said to ‘exist’, that is having a temporal and spatial nature, by not existing.


The most one can say is that one imagines a Being which somehow escapes human understanding. But this depends on ignorance and blind hope more than on any reasoned argument.


Perfection: God is defined by many religions as the 'perfect Being' (omniscient, omnipotent). I would state that if there are no absolutes then everything is in a state of Becoming a Something or Becoming a Nothing. Creation then becomes an act meant to self-realize or self-correct against the ravages of temporal and spatial fragmentation (entropy).

Yet are not absolutes necessary to allow for these contingent qualities?

A ‘perfect’ Being would be characterized as inert and not needing or wanting anything. It would have no reason to create at all, since it possesses the entirety of what is possible and it is unchanging (non-temporal/non-spatial).

This is exceedingly so. The notion of a creator seems contradictory on ten thousand levels with the absolute.

Furthermore action is motivated by an absence, a lack. We act because we are never satisfied or because we need (we have a temporal character).
To imagine a perfect Being that acts is self-refuting. A God would have no more reason to act than a full bellied man would have to eat.

Quite so.

In essence it is a contradiction of temporal flow within spatial possibility. There is no actual separation but only relationships and flow.
The effect is the cause and the cause is the effect as they both express a temporal direction of possibility, perceived in temporal succession by a human mind that can only remain aware of one temporal direction and resulting in the eror of cause followed by an effect.

In so much as most macroscopic objects behave in a way which is reversalable, you are correct that cause-and-effect can be reversed without a problem. Yet if this was not necessary, why is it consistantly observed? Moreover, is this not necessary for Becoming Something and Becoming Nothing?

This myth causes the need for a starting point and an end point, a beginning/end and is often used as an excuse for imagining a creator who is then imagined (hoped) to require neither, in a leap of blatant double-standard thinking called faith.

It would stand to reason that at least one starting poing, even if non-linear, would be needed, no?

Life, as a reactive enterprise, can only exist as we know it in this temporal direction (the tumbling into Nothingness or towards an absolute Nothing – decay. Disordering being a human interpretation of growing entropy) which is characterized by constant growing fragmentation of the forces that inter-relate to create the ephemeral unities we call matter or life.

Does not this contradict your two-way street approach to causality?

Therefore a conscious entity ‘existing’ 'outside' entropy would have no need for consciousness.
What would a perfect, omnipotent omniscient God be conscious of, except Self?

Very well put.

Possible: the concept of possibility relies on temporality and spatiality.
Something is deemed possible when it can manifest itself in a temporal spatial manner.



if a god or gods exist where is/are they/him/her?

Presuming omnipresence, one must ask: Where is God -not-?


The only absolute truth in this universe is the fact that there is no absolute truth.

You do realize that this statement is emminently illogical? That it is self-invalidating? Indeed, it is in fact the premise of putting it forth, no?

Moreover, are you not 100 percent certain that contradictions are wrong? That something must be itself in order to be itself?

The Preacher:

If god is moral then everyone has a chance to enter heaven. This means people who never learn which religion is correct, or even accept the wrong religion, have a chance at entering heaven. Our moral actions must determine whether or not we enter heaven, not our knowledge or religion therefore revealed religion must be false.

Revealed religions are not God. Moreover, not all religions postulate Hellfire for non-believers.

If god is all-powerful and all-good, it would have created a universe with no suffering and no evil. But, evil and suffering exist. Therefore god does not exist, is not all-powerful or is not benevolent. Attempts to justify the existence of evil are called theodicies. There are no fully working theodicies, even popular ones such as the free will theodicy were rejected thousands of years ago for reasons that still stand today. It seems that if there is a god, it is not the all-good moral being that classical religions would have us believe"Introduction to the problem of evil" by Vexen 2000 Jan 22

An excellent assault on omnibenevolence.

Is there a god?
Is there a point to life before heaven?,( these ai'nt questions to be answered, just points, put forward)
If god wants what is best for everyone it could immediately place everyone in heaven. If we want what is best for our children, we could kill them, and then god would send them to heaven because they were innocent.
Because we do not do this means that there is no god, no heaven, or that there is some purpose to life and evil. However, there is no such purpose.
Babies who die (for example, in natural disasters) go to heaven, therefore there is no essential point of life, nor any essential reason that we have to endure suffering and go through the tests of life before we can go to heaven. This shows no god exists, especially a moral god. "Killing babies" by Vexen 2003 Feb 08

This depends on Heaven. God does not.

1. As god has historically served as a force for evil and it seems that any Demon could very easily trick us into thinking it is god we must reject all feelings and thoughts from god for fear of us being deluded.

Substantiate evil.

2. The major monotheistic religions hold that idolatry is a serious sin so it is safer to accept no god rather than risk accepting the incorrect one.

An interesting argument, but that is for religion, not God.


The existence of a god is no more logically impossible than whether the bulk of the moon is really made from cream cheese. Both are logical propositions. Probability and credibility are quite different issues though.

The theist simply has the same credibility for asserting that a god exists as for someone to say the moon is really cream cheese. Showing how either might be possible is an issue for the claimant, and here I could imagine how a cream cheese moon could be achieved which makes it far more credible than the existence of a god.

Claims of God are mostly logical and philosphical in nature, not empirical. Cream cheese moons can be disproved through empirical testing. Moreover, there have been many classical arguments for God which are not at all so blatantly wrong as a creamcheese moon.

They are wrong for asserting something thay cannot show is true.

No - that would be unjustified. They aren't necessarily -wrong-. One can affirm something which one doesn't know and be right, just one cannot justifiably claim that one knows truth.