God is Impossible

In my opinion the definition of the word “theist” is someone that is 100% certain that there is some kind of omnipotent creator watching over us. And the definition of the word “atheist” is someone that is 100% certain that there is no omnipotent creator watching over us. I believe that the belief systems of most atheists are more rational than the beliefs of a theist. But both of the ideologies could be considered illogical. How can anyone be really 100% certain about the existence or non-existence of a god or gods? The only absolute truth in this universe is the fact that there is no absolute truth.

I would describe myself as an agnostic. I think it is the most rational choice that a person could make pertaining to the belief or non-belief in god. At this point in time I can say that I am 50% certain that there is no omnipotent creator watching over us. And I am almost 100% certain that if there is some kind of omnipotent being or entity that created this universe, it is probably so far beyond our comprehension that it could not be described in religious text that was written by primitive men thousands of years ago.
And the definition of the word “atheist” is someone that is 100% certain that there is no omnipotent creator watching over us.
Not so, that is a misunderstanding. The so-called "strong atheist" only need think that the omnipotent creator theory is as improbable as other strange notions (like the flying spaghetti monster) so as to be unworthy of serious consideration.
For those of us who are Atheists here, I thought to ask whether any of you can provide a philosophical argument that demonstrates the impossibility of god. That is to say, not simply "the lack of evidence for god", but the logical impossibility.

Come, we must have some strong atheists and non-agnostics here, so I expect you to come out of the woodwork and show us where the Theists are wrong.

This ought to be interesting.
heres a few to get on with

If god is moral then everyone has a chance to enter heaven. This means people who never learn which religion is correct, or even accept the wrong religion, have a chance at entering heaven. Our moral actions must determine whether or not we enter heaven, not our knowledge or religion therefore revealed religion must be false.

If god is all-powerful and all-good, it would have created a universe with no suffering and no evil. But, evil and suffering exist. Therefore god does not exist, is not all-powerful or is not benevolent. Attempts to justify the existence of evil are called theodicies. There are no fully working theodicies, even popular ones such as the free will theodicy were rejected thousands of years ago for reasons that still stand today. It seems that if there is a god, it is not the all-good moral being that classical religions would have us believe"Introduction to the problem of evil" by Vexen 2000 Jan 22

Is there a god?
Is there a point to life before heaven?,( these ai'nt questions to be answered, just points, put forward)
If god wants what is best for everyone it could immediately place everyone in heaven. If we want what is best for our children, we could kill them, and then god would send them to heaven because they were innocent.
Because we do not do this means that there is no god, no heaven, or that there is some purpose to life and evil. However, there is no such purpose.
Babies who die (for example, in natural disasters) go to heaven, therefore there is no essential point of life, nor any essential reason that we have to endure suffering and go through the tests of life before we can go to heaven. This shows no god exists, especially a moral god. "Killing babies" by Vexen 2003 Feb 08

Three reasons to reject god:
1. As god has historically served as a force for evil and it seems that any Demon could very easily trick us into thinking it is god we must reject all feelings and thoughts from god for fear of us being deluded.
2. The major monotheistic religions hold that idolatry is a serious sin so it is safer to accept no god rather than risk accepting the incorrect one.
3. The goal of reaching heaven is dubious as we know very little about what heaven is really like. In conclusion:
If god is just, moral or understanding it will forgive us our cautiousness! If god is not just, moral or understanding then we hardly want to share heaven with it for all eternity.
More evidence that the education system is garbage.

If this brain can graduate from anything but kindergarten, then this explains a lot about the state of western civilization and why presidents like Bush can be elected.
Not so, that is a misunderstanding. The so-called "strong atheist" only need think that the omnipotent creator theory is as improbable as other strange notions (like the flying spaghetti monster) so as to be unworthy of serious consideration.

I guess it depends on what the words (atheist, agnostic) mean to you. I think the word “agnostic” is more appropriate for someone that is open to many possibilities. The word could apply to the people that are 99.9% certain that there is some kind of creator. And it could also apply to the people that are 99.9% certain that there is no creator.
The Dartmouth Prison, is that in England?

Dartmouth College is in New Hampshire, U.S.A., Ivy League school, got to be smart to go there.
You do?
You’re proof to the contrary.

Should I take it on faith that you have to be smart to get in, or that you got in at all, or should I judge using my own senses which tell me that you are an idiot?

By the way do you have to be smart or do you got to be smart to get in?:rolleyes:

Hmmmmm……..I’ll go with my senses.
ivy league(whatever that means) just the same as liberty university, lynchburg, VA. yes, got to be smart to go there.