God is a Moron


God has been scientiffically proven to be a moron. Read the scriptures and see for yourself!!!

Think of me as a Bright Light. The reason why you cannot understand my words is because you have been in the Dark for too long. Just as you cannot See directly into the Light, so shall you not "SEE" the message in my words.

But do not fret!! Eventually, you will get used to the Light-- and THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!! :cool: :cool:

I understand your suffering. I can help you to see the LIGHT of TRUTH and escape from the bonds of religion. Open your mind and let the light of the TRUTH of atheism flood in.
Considering atheism is not a belief system, it certainly is curious to hear of a theist being persuaded to "let the light of the TRUTH of atheism flood in."


Interesting that you use the word - defence, but let me tell you something, when the Armies of the Creator comes marching, the best defense you can have is 'the walls of Jericho'. - Jadon

We all know what happened to that!!!


Interesting that you use the word - defence, but let me tell you something, when the Armies of the Creator comes marching, the best defense you can have is 'the walls of Jericho'. - Jadon

We all know what happened to that!!!

We sure do! Golly Gee Jadon! Do you think that might happen to us? I mean, gosh! I wouldn't want that to happen to me! If a rock from a wall that got yelled at fell on my head I could be hurt real bad!

When the armies of god come marching will they have machine guns Jadon? Can I get one and help mow down the heathens too?! I want to march right along with Jesus and throw holy hand grenades into the crowds of un-believers!

Gee Jadon, you got me all excited now! I'm gonna go masturbate to Jesus and dream of being his ass puppy when we celebrate our slaughter of the heathens after judgement day! Gosh! My pee-pee is already gettin hard thinkin about it. Thanks Jadon!

Are you writing to impress me? Cause I get the feeling that all the graphic language youre using is just to score Chicks off the net (your private fantasy?)

Oh and dont describe your privates like it was a Monkeys.

Come on Bro! be proud of your manhood and keep any references about it where it rightfully belongs - in the Secret Cabinet.
Jadon said:
The facts that you want is something you will have to search for yourself.
I guess that means you cannot show us your work.
Did you pull those odds out of thin air then?

Treat this like a Scientific Experiment - it will take you about a year to get your findings. Understand, I'm not discouraging you, I'm saying that the Scriptures took over 3000 years to write.
I've spent over 20 years studying the scriptures. I'm unlikely to find some striking revelation at this point.

The clues are in the Scriptures. Its something like The X Files theme - The Truth Is Out There. You are Mulder, but instead of looking for something thats not there ( Aliens ), you will search for THE TRUTH - THE GOD THAT CREATED YOU!!!!
What I've found is an expression of mans' need for hope, comfort, safety, and purpose. It's a response to feeling alone, impotent and unprotected from the ravages of the world. It's a response to a depth of loss nothing can alleviate. I certainly understand it. I just don't believe it.


Are you writing to impress me? Cause I get the feeling that all the graphic language youre using is just to score Chicks off the net (your private fantasy?)


Well... yes I was if you must know. I was hoping to turn you on so we could, you know... hook up for phone sex?

When someone says he has been studying the Scriptures for 20 years, that means studying the Scriptures according to someone else's Point of View. Either that or he is downright lying.

Now you wouldn't be fibbing now,would you. Be a good boy and follow my Instructions. Trust me, if you do it now you will see the Truth!

Trust in the Light!!!

It is Un-Christian for a Dad to be involved in his daughters romantic feelings.

Be a good man and mail her contact to me!
Jadon said:
When someone says he has been studying the Scriptures for 20 years, that means studying the Scriptures according to someone else's Point of View. Either that or he is downright lying.

Now you wouldn't be fibbing now,would you. Be a good boy and follow my Instructions. Trust me, if you do it now you will see the Truth!
What purpose would I have in lying?

I am 38. I was indoctrinated into the Christian religion around the age of 13. Shortly thereafter I started asking questions of my given religion and found the answers unsatisfying. I have read several different versions of the Bible cover to cover. I attended several theology classes in college and participated in discussion and debate. I have studied other religions. I've read the non-canonical gospels and other Biblical texts. I've studied Church and Christian history. I've researched extensively various passages and themes. And I've discussed and debated religion here for the last three years. I know the Bible better than most Christian I meet.

No magical light of revelation ever struck me even though I spent a good number of years trying to satisfy a desire to believe. Instead I found quite the reverse. The more I studied religion the more unanswered questions I had until I finally realized that the only truths therein are entirely human truths. Written by man for what is perceived to be the benefit of man.




It is Un-Christian for a Dad to be involved in his daughters romantic feelings.

Be a good man and mail her contact to me!

Jadon my boy. You won't be getting anything of the sort. And that's an interesting statement you made.

Don't christians forbid their daughters to marry non-christians? Isn't that being a bit involved in your daughters romantic feelings?
And by the way, asking a Dad to give out his daughters contact info makes you sound like a creepy pervert of some kind. Please don't ask again or I will get your IP address, find your ISP, and track you down. Ok?
Superluminal, haven't you heard of something called Christian Innocence!!

But look, I'm not the one doing the Name-Calling.

Who's the Little Kid Now? na, na, na, na, na.