God is a Moron

Hapsburg, is that supposed to be funny.Ill start a thread where God told me to rape your mom, whip her till her skin pours red, break her spinal cord and brand her with the word whore on her forehead and then bury her alive. Can you imagine that your mom being buried alive with no one to help from suffocating slowly, you think the message of this thread was funny and with a point see if me doing the above is funny and has a point.

Hapsburg, is that supposed to be funny.Ill start a thread where God told me to rape your mom, whip her till her skin pours red, break her spinal cord and brand her with the word whore on her forehead and then bury her alive. Can you imagine that your mom being buried alive with no one to help from suffocating slowly, you think the message of this thread was funny and with a point see if me doing the above is funny and has a point.

Yes, you are ready! I can feel your hatred! Let your hatred fill you! Join the Dark Side, and together we can rule the galaxy!

Damn, I keep doing that...
Im educating to become a priest

That's an oxymoron. How does one educate themselves from fantasies.

i guess thats what you can call me

Since you've decided to make a career of spreading ignorance and propagating lies, there may one or two other names we could call you, too.
kovacs: if your joining the priesthood, god help them. (pun intended)
hapsberg, can flame any fantasy figure, all he likes. if he wants to say god is made of shit, he can, if he wants to say god is the pus in a gangrene injury, he can.
you however (for a christian that is) can not, as you are flaming a real person.
SpyFox_the_KMeson said:
Maybe god likes sending people to hell because he is a sadist. Or maybe god just did a little too much LSD or something. But now I'm going to go to hell because god made me write that. Whee. I have no free will, god is telling me to write yiff.
Maybe iit is because god just doesnt like people anymore, maybe hes fed up pfhis new toys
Hey Guys and Gals,

Just came back from a Christian Retreat Camp.It is a place where Christians get to focus and try not to blame themselves for the Rise in Evil and Embittered people on this Wonderful Place we call Earth!! :)

So I will soon be replying to the comments made at me and at Christianity.

Stick around!!!!
Superluminal and Yorda,

No, I am Not a Homophobe!! Homosexuals are human beings, and I have no right to critisize or judge them. Being Homosexuals is just what they are. Now I have my own reasons for thinking how they became such persons, but I hope that as Human Beings they will understand the error of their ways and turn to The Light.

But really as a Christian, a Homosexual is no different from a Heterosexual, a rapist, a thief, or a Liar - they all fall into one Category -SIN.

So who am I to Judge?!!!
Medicine Woman,

Is this in reference to Dr Quinne - Medicine Woman?

Speaking as a Christian, please understand that the Scriptures does not say Paedophilia. The Creator says, that if anyone likes to have sex with the same person and is involved in such an act, then that person is a Homosexual. If it is with an innocent child or with an innocent adult, if it is of the same sex, then it is Homosexuality.

Paedophilia, is a word introduced by Man to avoid Legal Confusion. (If you prefer to separate the two acts, it really does not matter - the choice is yours) - Sin is Sin and Retribution is two fold - by Man and by The Creator.

As for suggestion that The Christ was an Essene, you are right when you say that it is just a suspicion (I forget the exact word you used). You have done some research, unfortunately you failed to mention that the research is based on commonly known theories of Atheist Theologians and Academics. As such, they have to have something to believe in, something to say, the name of their god is - NO GOD.

These people are empty and when they say that The Christ was an Essene, they are really "clutching at straws". The documents they claim to have based such statements on are "heresays" - I use this word because such documents do not pass the Authenticity Test, so these misled ones have to rely on their wild Imaginations.

The messiah was never part of a Cult (the Devil wishes so), there is no "fairy tale" story. I assure you there will be no - "everyone lived happily ever after" - ending when The Messiah returns. Quite the Contrary, there will be great sadness for sad individuals like you because thats what you will always be - a sad individual.

When Apostle Paul was commenting on SIN, he specifically stated that all sins can be forgiven, except to sin against The Holy Spirit. You have done exactly that - THERE IS NO MORE HOPE FOR YOU.

But I do hope you will find your "Byron", one day.
Jadon: Medicine Woman, Is this in reference to Dr Quinne - Medicine Woman?
M*W: No, dumb ass. I've never even watched that show. I'm a medical practitioner.
Jadon: Speaking as a Christian, please understand that the Scriptures does not say Paedophilia. The Creator says, that if anyone likes to have sex with the same person and is involved in such an act, then that person is a Homosexual. If it is with an innocent child or with an innocent adult, if it is of the same sex, then it is Homosexuality.
M*W: No, you're wrong. Many parts of scripture have been taken out of context by fanatical xians like you. Raping a child isn't called 'homosexuality,' it's called 'pedophilia.' Raping a woman isn't called 'homosexuality,' it's called 'rape.' Consensual sex between an unmarried male and female is called 'adultery' and/or 'fornication.' Only when two consenting males have sexual relations is it called 'homosexuality.' When two males have anal intercourse, it's called 'sodomy.' When a male has anal intercourse with a woman, it's also called 'sodomy.' When anal intercourse is forced on a woman by a man, it's called 'rape by sodomy.' Homosexuality can include mouth-to-penis contact, anal intercourse, kissing and other foreplay. When these same acts are done by a consenting male and female, it is heterosexual behavior, but it can also be considered as fornication, especially to the religious minded.

In the Greco-Roman times, and well into Mesopotamia, men having sexual relations with young boys was considered the norm. Some of them may have been eunechized for such purposes, even among the Essenes and Jesus' disciples. Paul, himself, was considered to be homosexual. There is an occasion that Paul wrote about Jesus sleeping with another man.

Sex started being considered evil when the KJV was distributed among xians around 1611. Before that, the Inquisition was started by two German priests who said that all women were evil because their powerful sexuality corrupted men. Nine million women died because of men's false beliefs in sex.
Jadon: Paedophilia, is a word introduced by Man to avoid Legal Confusion. (If you prefer to separate the two acts, it really does not matter - the choice is yours) - Sin is Sin and Retribution is two fold - by Man and by The Creator.
M*W: The origination of the word 'paedophilia' had nothing to do with legalities. The word means one who has "a sexual desire for children." Child-rape hasn't always been a crime. Any sexual activity with children is considered to be rape (pedophilia) today, including when minors indulge in sexual activity.
Jadon: As for suggestion that The Christ was an Essene, you are right when you say that it is just a suspicion (I forget the exact word you used).
M*W: It's a well-documented myth.
Jadon: You have done some research, unfortunately you failed to mention that the research is based on commonly known theories of Atheist Theologians and Academics. As such, they have to have something to believe in, something to say, the name of their god is - NO GOD.
M*W: I have done a lot of research, most of which was done when I was a xian. Since I've become an atheist, I don't have that same drive to study religion.
Jadon: These people are empty and when they say that The Christ was an Essene, they are really "clutching at straws". The documents they claim to have based such statements on are "heresays" - I use this word because such documents do not pass the Authenticity Test, so these misled ones have to rely on their wild Imaginations.
M*W: What exactly is the "Authenticity Test." Do you not realize that everything Paul was attributed to have written was taken from earlier dying demigod myths? He wasn't talking about a real person! It's all myth!
Jadon: The messiah was never part of a Cult (the Devil wishes so), there is no "fairy tale" story. I assure you there will be no - "everyone lived happily ever after" - ending when The Messiah returns. Quite the Contrary, there will be great sadness for sad individuals like you because thats what you will always be - a sad individual.
M*W: Well, Jesus is a little late by about 2000 years. You need to do your own research. You don't know anything about Jesus or those around him. Paul never knew Jesus. He created the myth of xianity.
Jadon: When Apostle Paul was commenting on SIN, he specifically stated that all sins can be forgiven, except to sin against The Holy Spirit. You have done exactly that - THERE IS NO MORE HOPE FOR YOU.
M*W: Like I would care anything about what Paul might have said! I don't need to look for any fairy tale character to save my ass.
Jadon: But I do hope you will find your "Byron", one day.
M*W: Can you explain what you are implying here. I don't know anyone named "Byron."
Jadon said:
Just came back from a Christian Retreat Camp.It is a place where Christians get to focus
how the hell do christians focus, their minds are all cluttered with fantasy and delusion, thats like trying to focus an eye, thats blind.
jadon said:
and try not to blame themselves for the Rise in Evil and Embittered people on this Wonderful Place we call Earth!! :)
but they should, christianity has caused more deaths, then anything else.
Jadon said:
Superluminal and Yorda,

No, I am Not a Homophobe!! Homosexuals are human beings, and I have no right to critisize or judge them. Being Homosexuals is just what they are. Now I have my own reasons for thinking how they became such persons, but I hope that as Human Beings they will understand the error of their ways and turn to The Light.
so you want them to become atheist.
jadon said:
But really as a Christian, a Homosexual is no different from a Heterosexual, a rapist, a thief, or a Liar - they all fall into one Category -SIN. So who am I to Judge?!!!
you just did, moron.
only the religious sin.
Jadon, you are a homophobe. Just go ask people who are homosexual.

Homosexuals are human beings, and I have no right to critisize or judge them.

Then why are you doing it? :rolleyes:
Medicine Woman,

You seem to have some issues concerning Homosexuality. Are you a Homosexual Female (Lesbian)?
It's okay, my child, you can do whatever you want with your life!!. Like I said, YOU HAVE NO MORE HOPE. Enjoy your time here on Earth, because it is all you have left.

I am truly sorry I cannot help you.

All those info you mentioned are based on suppositions!! You can bet who came up with them!! Homosexuals trying to rewrite History and deprive REAL MEN OF THEIR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS.

As for Byron, ask one of your friends (if you really have any!!) :) :)
Medicine Woman.

Also, in no Translations of The Holy Scriptures, is the word paedophilia found.

You are a Demonist, there is no use trying to deny it (pretending to be an atheist- it is amazing how no one seen this!!! Superluminal? Yorda? )

However if you take the time to search the devils book (I dont know what you Demonists call it), I suspect you will not find lack of references to it.

You presume to be able to understand Paul - I wonder, are these your own original thinking or are they the thoughts of your master!!!!

Tell me, is it true that you and your type engage in sexual orgies. Do you use Condoms? I advise you that you do use condoms, in case you catch something.

I believe the word Homophobe means the fear of homosexuals. Did I not explain clearly that I considered such ones as human beings nonetheless?

The Sriptures clearly state that we should not fear any man rather we should fear The Creator who can destroy both Body and Spirit.!!!!

Once again, I hope that such misled souls will return to the Fold.
Jadon: Medicine Woman, You seem to have some issues concerning Homosexuality. Are you a Homosexual Female (Lesbian)?
M*W: It doesn't matter what my sexuality is, the issue I have concerning homosexuals is seeing that they are given equal rights under the law.
Jadon: It's okay, my child, you can do whatever you want with your life!!
M*W: And I've done just that.
Jadon: Like I said, YOU HAVE NO MORE HOPE. Enjoy your time here on Earth, because it is all you have left.
M*W: I've got plenty of hope, you fool! I've had one fantastic life, and I've accomplished a lot. BTW, who are you to tell me I "have no more hope?" You don't know me. You don't know what I've done in my life. You don't know who I'm related to. You let your religion do your thinking for you. It is YOU WHO HAVE NO MORE HOPE!
Jadon: I am truly sorry I cannot help you.
M*W: Did I ask for your help? No, I didn't. I don't need your kind of help. I'm lucky I was able to break away from the evils of xianity.
Jadon: All those info you mentioned are based on suppositions!! You can bet who came up with them!!
M*W: No, they are based in fact. Because you believe in supernatural fantasies, you wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped you silly.
Jadon: Homosexuals trying to rewrite History and deprive REAL MEN OF THEIR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS.
M*W: How would homosexuals "rewriting history" deprive "real men of their past achievements?" You're a goddamn homophobe. You need to get fucked real hard in the ass. Those "real men from the past" are who created this society. It needs to be changed, and the truth needs to be heard. Whether you like it or not, your ignorance reeks with every word you write. The Founding Fathers of America weren't xian, but they were Freemasons. You need to learn some history.
Jadon: As for Byron, ask one of your friends (if you really have any!!) :) :)
M*W: I asked my friends, but they don't know him either. Are you on drugs or something? Or are you not from the USA? I've never heard this expression before. Is it your church lingo?