God is a Moron

Oh right. "Christian Innocence". Like priests with their favorite altar boys. I get it.

Because you claim to be a christian you must be good and innocent. Right.

Sometimes when a "sheep" says he is a "sheep", then he is a "SHEEP".

Admit it!

You don't really think I am a Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, do you?!

Beginning to like me man? Well thats the kind of effect Christians have on Lost Ones.

What you should have said was Homosexual Men becoming Priests. The Scriptures are clear - No Homosexual Is A Christian.

We wouldn't want a recurrence of Sodom and Gomorrah, would we?
Beginning to like me man? Well thats the kind of effect Christians have on Lost Ones.


Whether I like a person or not has nothing to do with their religion unless they are obnoxious about it, as are you (no offense). I feel more tolerant toward you since I am convinced that you are just a kid (young adult?) on a long learning curve about religion and life.

Again, that's why I asked your age so often. For anyone of your age many things are new and you have a long way to go before you settle your mind.

An older adult with your religious zealotry however is a different story. Something to be dealt with in a completely different way since they are the primary vectors of this mind disease we call religion.
Raithere said:
Ya know, considering who's going to be in heaven and who's going to be in hell... I'm kinda looking forward to hell.

Let's see:


Einstein, Hendrix, Plato, Socates, John Lennon, Darwin, Sam Kinnison, Gandhi, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Muhammad, Budda, and I'm just getting started here...

Let's compare:


Maybe one or two Popes
Some Priests (ones that didn't touch children) or get laid
Sone Nuns
A couple of Choir guys and gals
Sir Loone

I wonder where the party's gonna be?


"if there's a God who could simultaneously love us enough to serve us His own Son on a cross and send us all on a rocket-sled to hell just because one stupid bitch bit a bad apple..." "End of the Whole Mess" - Stephen King

Don't be daft.


Does Jadon sound like someone else we know? Give it a good guess in a PM, and then I will PM you back and tell you who I think it is. :D
Jadon to Superluminal: "What you should have said was Homosexual Men becoming Priests. The Scriptures are clear - No Homosexual Is A Christian."
M*W: You're not only wrong, you're stupid. There have been many homosexual men attracted to the priesthood, but the predator priests were pedophiles. That shouldn't come as a surprise to you since you think you're so knowledgeable about Christianity. After all, the Essenes, which Jesus was allegedly a member, practiced homosexual and heterosexual rituals like the partaking of each other's semen and/or menstrual blood to ensure the spirit of god dwelled within them. From these rituals evolved the Eucharist or Holy Communion, "the body and the blood." Further, there are caninbalistic and vampiristic overtones in this type worship of bodily fluids. You need to do some serious reading in biblical anthropology. You can start here:



Now everyone will enjoy this one:

Jadon: "We wouldn't want a recurrence of Sodom and Gomorrah, would we?"
M*W: The story about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is not about homosexuality at all. It's about the sin of breaching sacred hospitality. The story of S&G was addressed by three prominent biblical figures -- Ezekiel, Luke and Jesus. The story was NOT about homosexuality as Christians have attributed to it, it's about inhospitality and failure to care for the poor.

Professor and Minister, Dr. Peter Gomes, states: "To suggest that Sodom and Gomorrah is about homosexual sex is an analysis of about as much worth as suggesting that the story of Jonah and the whale is a treatise on fishing."

The story was written about 1400 BCE. S&G were allegedly located at the southwest end of the Dead Sea. It was called the "Dead Sea" due to it's high salinity. Sodom got its name Har Sedom (Mount Sodom) which had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality. The story had equally as many sexually licentious woman as men.

One theory is that S&G sat over an oil source that exploded and "sodiumized" the towns. There are other theories, however, like an asteroid hit or a nuclear explosion occurred. It is clearly expressed in the bible that Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. Christians tend to overlook Lot's offering of his two virgin daughters to the rowdy crowd so they'd leave his visitors alone. And you never hear a Christian talk negatively about the behavior of Lot's incestuous daughters.

You sound as if you've been thoroughly brainwashed by your false religion.
Well i'm a betting woman , which as i understand it , that would be a sin of sorts, and my money is riding on the idea that there is no hell. it is a part of a fairytale made to scare impressionable minds into the churches. but i will say that if i'm wrong i will be honored to share an eternal hell with the people i love the most. and hell will probably incude most of the worldly things that i enjoy so i pressume i won't be to bored. and isn't it nice that we can all be there together.
Tyler said:
I think I'll enjoy hell.

Less religious people.

Take into consideration that you may not enjoy hell as much as you think, why, most of those religous biggots that we all love so are some of the bigger sinners and will most definetly be sent straight to hell as well, just to punish the rest of us proud sinners, and ruin our party
superluminal: Links two and three don't work for me.

Here's the third one, fixed:


Still can't get to the second one.
M*W: Maybe I copied them wrong. Try:


The following URL seems to work for me:


Regarding the topic of Essene sexual rituals, the book entitled:

The Dead Seas Scrolls and the Christian Myth, by John Marco Allegro, comes highly recommended according to the reviews. I'm going to go out and buy this one.

I found a couple of other related sites that may be of interest:




It always amazes me that xians know so little about the Bible!
Medicine Woman said:
It always amazes me that xians know so little about the Bible!

It always amazes me how little people know about the world "and" themselves.