God is a Moron


I thought it was the oposite of that?

For example we can't prove that the Tasi Tiger is actually exsitint or that UFO's are not real. If we HAD a Tasi tiger then we WOULD know it was not exsint:bugeye:
I'm not anti-anything.

My best friends are Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, and Jewish... I have a couple of friends that are Christian... Somehow I feel pressured around strongly religious Christians tho :p

What I am trying to say is that my Buddhist friend has am just as much logic reason to believe in Buddha as you do to believe in whatever you believe in. He cannot see why the hell you dont understand his perfectly functioning logic... you can't see why his logic does not get the same results as yours....

Everyone's logic is based on how they were raised...

My way is to not try to understand others logical thinking, but to just accept it and accept mine, and not have to feel obligated to agree with them or have them agree with me.
don't want myself to get double misunderstood. I'm anti-religion not anti-people, if you could say so.

Your right when your dealing with crap like UFO's but im talking about actual scientific theories.

Example: In the late 1800's most people belived that the speed of light changed due to a persons motion realative to it. Experiments were done that showed this was wrong, the theory was disproven. Than Einstein proosed the theory of relativity saying that the speed of light was constant for all observers. (among other things) This theory has been verified by all experimental evidence so far so it must be accepted as truth but it has not been proven.

I know its a bit confusing hope you got it.
I think i understand

just one question

why is the Tasmainan tiger crap?

Its a REAL animal

A marsupal that was thought to have died out but is now belived that there may still be some alive

Who believes that there may be some tassie tigers still alive?

Lamers like you?

Do you believe that there are panthers roaming the victorian bush?

There is no evidence of any of this, other than hearsay from crackpots who can't be trusted.

The loch ness monster hasn't been sighted for a while either......
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Its funny that you say that panthers could not be roaming the victorian bush, and that people are crackpots for thinking so. There is the evidence, you just have to look for it, and no not everyone who claims they saw one was a crackpot infact there was an incident in which a panther sized cat was spotted by teachers and school children near a school play ground. The animal is illusive and hard to find. Have you ever seen a couger in the in the wild???

As for the tasmainian tiger there may be some still living you can't say that there is or isn't for sure. You can denounce the idea in your head but you can't prove their nonexistence or existence.

ufos on the other hand they are quite different and terrestrial territory for me

You said : Its funny that you say that panthers could not be roaming the victorian bush, and that people are crackpots for thinking so.

Where did I say that?? I said something about belief, not that there couldn't be any at all.

You said: There is the evidence, you just have to look for it, and no not everyone who claims they saw one was a crackpot infact there was an incident in which a panther sized cat was spotted by teachers and school children near a school play ground.

That is not evidence by itself. Which school? Any reference?

I haven't actually seen a cougar in the wild in Victoria.... surprised?

You go on to say As for the tasmainian tiger there may be some still living you can't say that there is or isn't for sure.

Again, where did I say that there aren't any alive? Please point this out to me. There is no evidence, that's all I said, and a reference to "lamers" who actually believe that there are some alive, despite no evidence at all.

ufos on the other hand they are quite different and terrestrial territory for me

What does this mean?

some_guy01, in future you'd be well advised to read posts more carefully before responding, to avoid further embarrassment.
master of illusion,

I took your comments as sarcasm and nothing more. From the way you presented yourself it sounded like you were riddiculing the ideas or possibilities. Im sorry i miss took those as being ignorant comments.
by the way my source was a show on dis. x creatures i believe it was

"ufos on the other hand they are quite different and terrestrial territory for me"

I apoligize this comment was poorly written and i even left out a couple of words. What I meant to say was " ufos on the other hand they are quite different and ARE NOT terrestrial territory for me

what i meant by this was that they are a different subject, and i really don't know anything about ufo's and all the conspiracy that goes with them
God Is A Moron. I Hate Christians Foremost, Second I Have No Respect For Islam. I Absolutely Hate This So Called Creator Who Created This Fucking Mess. I Can't Believe It. I Do Understand That God Must Be A Moron Because He Created So Many Of Them, They Outnumber Nonmorons At Least By 10 To 1. I Find This Perplexing And Puzzling At The Same Time Infuriating. The 'design' Itself Is Shitty And Quite Weak. No Wonder Morons And Assholes Are The Ones Who Love God The Most. Interesting But True
I once thought God was a moron also.
Then I realized I was talking about Him in a serious manner making me an even bigger moron.

That’s when I stopped talking about morons and with them in any serious manner.

PROVE your belifs are right.

I am really quite sick of being looked down opon by athists (who jump up and down about christan intolerance. i think the scientific method is that a throry is valid untill disproven. So prove that there is no life after death.

If you understood the scientific method you would know that it's "that a throry is invalid untill proven. Prove that there IS life after death.

Maybe this is why we look down on religious types. Atheists that I know have more knowledge of religion in gereral (by an order of magnitude) than most theists have of science and atheism.
I actually think that there is a 'God' of whom they speak. There is definitely a design to life and it prefers scum, that is why scum believe in 'God' so fervently.
superluminal said:
Maybe this is why we look down on religious types. Atheists that I know have more knowledge of religion in gereral (by an order of magnitude) than most theists have of science and atheism.

Shit, I'd go farther, and say that most Atheists have more knowlege of religion in general than most theists have of religion. Theists take what they want, leave the rest, get comfortable and then look down on us for not getting what they get.
Chances are, most theists don't have the level of education that most atheists do (with very narrow deffinitions of '(a)theism'). Religion offers a great explanation to a lot of things that people without an education just don't have any other way to explain. Science also tends to stay out of moral or ethical judgements, most of the time, as a hypothesis of ethics cannot be proven or disproven. But people seem to want ethical explanations and judgements abou thigns, and religion provides them that.

Marx, of all people, put it best:

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
"Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. "

Really? If the above is true then why are most "religious" people the antithesis of morality. They are usually the most morally corrupt and weak and like the fact that religion gives them passive condonement, absolution etc..bottomline scapegoating and no personal responsibility (jesus christ died for their sins, everyone is a sinner blah blah and very key here--this in real manifestation justifies the evil in the world, this is true). Concepts such as forgiveness are actually feeding into and recirculating evil and degenerate practices. It is not so black and white. There is something such as good and evil though it is not easily quantified. Evil intention is just that, for example. If someone has an evil motivation and intent of harm towards you, thats not merely "a hypothesis of ethics that cannot be proven or disproven." Reality must be blended with logic in order to arrive at the truth.