God is a Moron

nostromo00 said:
No, An unendearing, assinine moron if the fucker exists

That too :) but the point i was making he (if the fucker exists) is a bumbling fucker making so much mistakes, but still coming out smelling like fucking roses.
Dug-T said:
That too :) but the point i was making he (if the fucker exists) is a bumbling fucker making so much mistakes, but still coming out smelling like fucking roses.

Oh hell yeah. The worst unqualified manager having no compunction of making others suffer horribly for his shitty agenda.
nostromo00 said:
"Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. "

Really? If the above is true then why are most "religious" people the antithesis of morality... blah, blah, blah, I hate religion, blah, blah

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, what does the Marx quote have to do with morality?

nostromo00 said:
Evil intention is just that, for example. If someone has an evil motivation and intent of harm towards you, thats not merely "a hypothesis of ethics that cannot be proven or disproven."

evil (adj)
1. Morally bad or wrong; (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)​

This is the only philosophically appropriate definition of the word. Someone's intent to harm you does not imply moral evil. In contrast, most moral views hold that harming those who are themselves evil is actually moral and good. This has little to do with logic, and even less to do with science, as none of it follows scientific method. Morality itself is a hypothesis that cannot be proven, so although everyone seems to have a moral stand, arguing it is rather pointless. And this is why I agree with superluminal:

superluminal said:
If you understood the scientific method you would know that ... "a throry is invalid untill proven" ... Maybe this is why we look down on religious types.

The scientific method, as the only key to Truth, holds great moral value to most atheists (well, at least me). And because of many theist's stubborn disregard of it, I cannot help but look down on them as immoral barbarians.
Someone's intent to harm you does not imply moral evil. In contrast, most moral views hold that harming those who are themselves evil is actually moral and good. This has little to do with logic, and even less to do with science, as none of it follows scientific method

Unbelievable. You don't realize what absolute nonsense your reply was. Someone's intent to harm is moral evil! Those who intend to do harm are not necessarily out to harm evil and therefore it is morally good. There are those who are motivated to taint and harm good and for the sole purpose of that intention. Therefore my original point is true.

btw..using logic constructs to make a point has nothing to do with the truth. To disassociate the true nature of something by displacement through argument is deception. It is also a classic ploy by perpetrators, its called rationalization.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, what does the Marx quote have to do with morality?

Thats because you're one of those trendy, common, politically-correct, essentially worthless minds that believe they are thinkers but you're just a reflection of the times and the same crap that is regurgitated again and again. Do you believe you are progressive? I know you do. If you weren't so lazy to think beyond the immediate, it has everything to do with morality. Religion addresses integrally morality because of the lack of there is oppression and evil.

Someone's intent to harm you does not imply moral evil.

I have to seriously laugh at this because you think that you're revealing a misconception but you are actually reinforcing the age-old crap that causes all the shit in the world and the morons who perpetrate them. They love the room you give them to do the shit they know they like to do. You as well as them are the morons of the world. So I suppose if someone assfucked you out of hatred and an intent to dominate and hurt you does not imply moral evil. You are simply an idiot but its so common. You posted that as if you were intellectually superior. You are an I D I OT.

The scientific method, as the only key to Truth, holds great moral value to most atheists (well, at least me). And because of many theist's stubborn disregard of it, I cannot help but look down on them as immoral barbarians.

Your whole post contradicts itself as I knew it would end up doing. You contradict yourself because bottomline your argument is that there is NO morality and yet you say the truth holds great moral value yet you refuse to call a spade a spade, and what it actually is. Very similar to how a hypocritical priest would molest children and still shroud himself with a veil of morality. He will find ways to break things down to the point that the point is lost. You're reasoning is so blatantly erroneous and deceptive. It would be as ridiculous as if I were to murder you and let you decompose in my backyard into nothing and making the argument that I did not commit any murder against a "human being" because as it is clearly in evidence you are not a human being but just a complexity of atoms. Intent is real and it is not just merely a hypothesis. It contains within that intent morality or immorality whether it can be "proven" or not.
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The reason there i soften argument about morals is that, morals as they are commonly defined are based on an erroneous scale that operates between good and evil. Good and evil are subjective, which makes commonly defined morals as subjective morals.

There are however objective morals that are inherant in all of us, but the scale these operate in is that of fear and love. If you judge between fear and love and call these your moral judgements you will find far more consistency.
Light Travelling said:
The reason there i soften argument about morals is that, morals as they are commonly defined are based on an erroneous scale that operates between good and evil. Good and evil are subjective, which makes commonly defined morals as subjective morals.

There are however objective morals that are inherant in all of us, but the scale these operate in is that of fear and love. If you judge between fear and love and call these your moral judgements you will find far more consistency.

Actually they are not subjective. Because harm is harm and what brings harm is immoral. There are those who do not care if they harm others because their sole objective is gain at any cost and let someone else clean up the mess. There are those who live by moral codes and do not do this because they do not want to harm. This is actually not morally subjective, the individual's moral rationalizations maybe. Person A will rape and murder to gain from person C. Person B would not do so. Objective morals that you speak of that are based on fear and love is not objective at all. That right there is completely nonsensical. Fear and love are not moral principles, they are merely emotions. Thats a pathetic argument but the point you made is what perpetrators believe, that there is no moral objective and whatever they do is based on fear and love. Whatever they want they should have regardless of what the other may feel/think. Whatever quells their fear regardless of the means or damage to others/environment. This type of person is not operating on the same moral wavelength as someone who is empathetic or takes into account personal responsiblity not only for themselves but for others and their environment. Again, it is not just a subjective and equal moral decision. One is degenerative and one is progressive to society. They do not have the same effect. The point is morals being subjective or not is really not the point, how does it affect the world in which we live? We all live in this planet together because we have to and those who would be antisocial and prey on others do not have the same rights as those who do not simply because those who do not are the ones providing the majority of the priviledges, resources, and construct for a society to function. Should we let out all the murderers and rapists from prison because according to you morals are subjective so therefore they are not morally wrong? They operate from a purely narcissistic point of view and that is very degenerative to a healthy society and feeding that only makes the problem larger and creates more work for those who are givers. In your moral world then takers will always be takers and givers will always be givers. This is the true reality of what your moral views pose.
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Actually they are not subjective. Because harm is harm and what brings harm is immoral. -nostromo00

You mistake your own morality for morality in general. And in that sense, you're no better than the theists you condemn so badly.
nostromo00 said:
Actually they are not subjective. Because harm is harm and what brings harm is immoral. .

A man breaks his leg playing sport, it was purely accidental. Is sport immoral? No, your method of judgement is wrong.

nostromo00 said:
Objective morals that you speak of that are based on fear and love is not objective at all. That right there is completely nonsensical. Fear and love are not moral principles, they are merely emotions. Thats a pathetic argument but the point you made is what perpetrators believe, that there is no moral objective and whatever they do is based on fear and love. .

No, good and bad have to be taught to children, therEfore they are not inherent. Fear and love are emotions true - which also means they are inherent in all of us. Definitions of good and bad also vary from one society to another.

nostromo00 said:
Whatever they want they should have regardless of what the other may feel/think. Whatever quells their fear regardless of the means or damage to others/environment. This type of person is not operating on the same moral wavelength as someone who is empathetic or takes into account personal responsiblity not only for themselves but for others and their environment. .

Your are not thinking this through properly. People justify destroying the environment because it is for a greater good. People justify war beacuse they are fighting on the side of good.

Listen to what you are saying above. A person does BAD because it quells their FEAR. A person does GOOD because of empathy which stems from LOVE. But do not mistake these as synonomous because good and bad can veer away from love and fear drastically.

nostromo00 said:
Again, it is not just a subjective and equal moral decision. .

I am not saying it is subjective - you are, because good and bad is subjective.

nostromo00 said:
In your moral world then takers will always be takers and givers will always be givers. This is the true reality of what your moral views pose.

Think through what I am saying properly. To make moral judgments do this.

Think :
Are your actions in any way motivated by fear or love?
Will your actions in any way cause others to feel fear or love?
Are others actions in any way motivated by fear or love?
Will others actions in any way cause you / others to feel fear or love?

Remember all attack and hatred is motivated from fear (Nearly all phsycologists would now agree with this).
All empathy, compassion, charity and helpfulness are motivated but love.

If you avoid doing things that cause or motivate fear - you cannot harm others, and this is not subjective. But you can justify harm by judgements of good and bad.

Your example of rapists and murderers; Do you think they cause fear or love? Well there is your moral judgement then.

It is true that sometimes there are many different actions of fear and love acting in a given situation, but if you weigh a blance of fear and love and come down on the side of most love, you will judge correctly.
What The Hell Is Wrong With You Guys?!!! Obviously All Of You Had No Parents Otherwise You Would Have Understood That To Have Parents Is To Have God. Have Some Love - Man. You And I Are Equal Beings On This Planet And We All Try Our Best To Survive In It.!!!!.
I Wonder If All You Disenchanted People Out There Are Comfortable With Your Lives. Wake Up And Smell The Roses. Grow Up And Stop Blaming God For Your Problems.

When Worse Comes To Worse, Honey, Remember Only God Will Cover Your Back - I Wouldn't.

Get A Life And Stop Dissing The Creator!!! :) :) :)

What The Hell Is Wrong With You Guys?!!! Obviously All Of You Had No Parents Otherwise You Would Have Understood That To Have Parents Is To Have God. Have Some Love - Man. You And I Are Equal Beings On This Planet And We All Try Our Best To Survive In It.!!!!.

Yes, I Can Confirm That I Was Hatched From A Cloned Egg-Human Hybrid. And What Is With The CAPS On Each Word? It's Very Hard To Type This Way... And Hard To Read As The Normal Clues We Use For Smooth Reading To Detect The Beginning And Ends Of (this is tiring) Sentences Are Missing. (whew...).
Oh, And Let Me Tell You Something!!

Satan Is Real And You Don't Wanna Mess With Him!!!

Be Careful What You Wish For Cause They Just Might Come True!!!! :) :)

The creator does not exist. God is not a moron, because there is no god. If there was though, and the earth was evidence of its works, then I think moron is a pretty mild accusation. I would say absolutely fucked up, incompetent, evil, irresponsible, stupid, reprehensible, bastard spawn of a whore, universal shitwad.
Be Careful What You Wish For Cause They Just Might Come True!!!!

I want 5 million dollars, with all supporting documentation of it's authenticity and porper ownership by me, to appear in my bank account. Tomorrow if possible. Thanks.
A Cloned Egg Human-Hybrid! Do you really think that the way you came into this world can be explained away by some scientific (biological) words. Shame on you!!! Perhaps you need to procreate and when you carry your newborn child in your arms, write back to me.
You certainly will have a different view on life. :) :)
Oh!!! Seems like I have insulted someone. And whats with the swear words? You might burst a blood vessel if you dont learn to control your temper.

Listen, your 5 million dollars - it a'int happening!
Theres 5 million children in Africa that need that money more.

Think of them, concentrate, meditate!!!! :) :)

How old are you my boy? I have a lovely wife of 20 years and three beautiful daughters at various stages of life. Why don't you ask yourself how such a person can be so callous toward the foolish idea of a creator?