God is a Moron

You might burst a blood vessel if you dont learn to control your temper.


Im sitting quietly at my computer, peacefully enjoying this little chat. What about you?
Okay, my Bad!! Just dont get your Blood Pressure too high. We wouldn't want that, would we?

I've got a lecture to go to so can you mail me the addresses of your beautiful daughters( if they're real!). I want to save them from you!!! Honestly!!

SEE YOU TOMORROW. :cool: :cool:
...god is the one who controled me to write "God is a Moron".
What makes you think that God controlled you to write that? Simply because God is all knowing and all powerful does not mean that you have no free-will. I would suggest that you wrote that through your own free-will, and that you will not go to hell just for writing that, but that you will go to hell for your other thoughts and actions. Interestingly though you have raised the question of free-will, and it's opponent determinism. If there is no such thing as free-will then it should be impossible to stop someones actions, within reason, which it virtually is. So, we do have a free-will then, I would say.
Darkman, are you there?

You are correct when you say that there is free will!!!

The Creator gives us the freedom of choice to do whatever we want to do. But at the same time he instilled in us something called Conscience. This means Independance. So, if someone commits something that Society calls a crime, that person has to blame himself - he's Conscience allowed him to do it-- NOT THE CREATOR!!!!.

I guess it may be difficult for mankind to stop the practise of blaming others for their irresponsibilities. After all, it was our Forefather -- Adam-- who started it all!!!!!! :) :)
Hey Jadon,

If I build a $1,000,000 robot and set it about its complex pre-programmed tasks, but purposely install a subroutine that kicks in randomly that lets the robot go on a killing rampage and then I smash the robot with a sledgehammer because I'm so pissed at the robot, how smart is that? What does that say about the robots creator?

Can't wait to hear your answer.

The Scriptures say that the words of men are like the blind leading the blind. Leads only to Destruction and Peril!!

I thought you had some scientific background?!!

Can't wait for my reply?

Number 1. - you presume yourself to be able to create a robot equal to you,
the chances of that is virtually zero, whether now or in the
Number 2. - Mathematically, I have a 95% chance of seeng the Second
Number 3. - Mathematically, there is a 99.9% chance that everything
stated in the Scriptures is True

See where your words are taking you???!!!
Ok. Can someone please read the last posts that lead to Jadons answer above?

Ok. Now can someone tell me why this is not worse than being forced to listen to Vogon poetry? Please? Before I'm forced to rip out my own small intestine and throttle myself with it.
Jadon said:
Number 2. - Mathematically, I have a 95% chance of seeng the Second
Number 3. - Mathematically, there is a 99.9% chance that everything
stated in the Scriptures is True
We're going to need to see your work on these.

Am I causing Confusion?

If I am, then I am serving my purpose - to bring chaos and disorder to the little enemies of GOD!!!!

Am I causing Confusion?

If I am, then I am serving my purpose - to bring chaos and disorder to the little enemies of GOD!!!!

I thought you were supposed to be saving us with love and tolerance?


You are going to HELL!!!

The facts that you want is something you will have to search for yourself.

Treat this like a Scientific Experiment - it will take you about a year to get your findings. Understand, I'm not discouraging you, I'm saying that the Scriptures took over 3000 years to write.

The clues are in the Scriptures. Its something like The X Files theme - The Truth Is Out There. You are Mulder, but instead of looking for something thats not there ( Aliens ), you will search for THE TRUTH - THE GOD THAT CREATED YOU!!!!

You're also a coward. Can't you clearly explain why god would allow his own creations to become unstable and commit sin and then punish them for it?
If I am, then I am serving my purpose - to bring chaos and disorder to the little enemies of GOD!!!!

Can't god defend himself? Is he that weak? And would an almighty creator choose someone as dense as you to be his servant?

Causing confusion is not a Sin. It is like a little pat on the back to lead Lost Ones back to the Fold!!!! :)