Gay Churches Decline / Fundamental Churches Grow

So, why should you care what they might say? You don't believe it. How is it of any consequence for you?

I would agree with you if religious fascists would learn to keep their beliefs in sky fairies confined to a religious context... not politics... not law... not education... etc.

Imagine you are an atheist, and you have the view that all these people are delusional, would you not be upset that the lunatics are running society largely based on their delusion? Would it hurt America to take on European secularised approach to politics, foreign policy etc..
Provita said:
im hitting myself against the desk right now... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... nope still doing it... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... starting to bleed too, so ill type a little something something up before i pass out and am rushed to the hospital...

1) Homo sapiens = human being (more literally 'wise men') ; you, somehow thought Homo sapiens = homosexual... how you got that confused... I have no earthly idea.. maybe you didnt take biology and thus the reason why some of you dont know ANYTHING about evolution.
2) you dont KNOW homosexuality is a sin, you might believe it, but you dont KNOW, to say you know is to say that your belief isnt a belief but is fact, and to say that is highly ignorant, take a look at others who say the same thing, good example, eh?
3) homosexuals on one side... normal people on the other... right... i didnt know they are abnormal people... silly me.
4) i thought you were suposed to accept anyone into your church... and then attack him with ideas that he is a sinner, tell him to repent, and then brainwash him... then ask for weekly donations... reminds me loosely of scientology
5) dont even begin discussing the adam and eve story as fact, it has been disproven. get over it.
6) I have discovered a new species: Homo stultus ... look it up.
7) and then God rested, thus every seventh question is sacred, and must be a giveaway answer on all tests, quizzes, questionaires, polls, etc. And then he saw it was good, and blessed the seventh question.
8) Agreed Kenny, Agreed.
Just because I didn't take biology it doesn't mean homo sapiens dont exist, if you are wrong and they do exist I think they should be allowed to confess their sins.
KennyJC said:
I would agree with you if religious fascists would learn to keep their beliefs in sky fairies confined to a religious context... not politics... not law... not education... etc.

Imagine you are an atheist, and you have the view that all these people are delusional, would you not be upset that the lunatics are running society largely based on their delusion? Would it hurt America to take on European secularised approach to politics, foreign policy etc..

Yet it is a large part of who we are. Certainly it plays a role in all of the above. Nonetheless, I see very little atheist bashing in my neighborhood or elsewhere. Maybe most Christians are more tolerant then we choose to believe.

Enough of this for me now. Take it easy.
homo sapiens exist... ur a homo sapien... a homo sapien is a human being... we are not arguing if human beings should be able to confess their sins... they already do...
Bowser said:
Nonetheless, I see very little atheist bashing in my neighborhood or elsewhere. Maybe most Christians are more tolerant then we choose to believe.

Go read the forum top about the new Salem, there sure are a lot of athiest bashing christians there.
Provita said:
homo sapiens exist... ur a homo sapien... a homo sapien is a human being... we are not arguing if human beings should be able to confess their sins... they already do...
So why do you not disclose to me the causes of that which was spoken of before? Are you worried that I might supply a reality check?
wait wait wait...

1) i was acctually too lazy to list all of the things, but id be glad to discuss it with u via forums, MSN messanger, and AIM, whatever you like
2) im confused... about how you quoted me... are u trying to say that u think that a homo sapien is gay???

if thats what ur saying, no offense, but u arent too smart...
Woody said:
The presbys are becoming the lesbies:

“ Church defies Presbyterian order to ban gay preachers ”

1.6% of the former members defied their membership and left.
So, first of all you make a derogatory remark, which pretty much proves that you are raising this whole issue solely for gay-hatred reasons. Secondly, you just proved my point. The Presbyterian Church has introduced new rules barring gays and lesbians from becoming preachers, and your news story is that one church has defied that order. The Presbyterians are clearly not liberalising on gay issues. And if Southern Baptists are moderating some of their stances it's only because continued virulent hatred directed at one portion of the population began to make them look distinctly un-Christian.

WASHINGTON - The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed a resolution today on "Educating Children" at their annual meeting in Nashville - a more moderate version of a previously submitted resolution entitled "Homosexuality in Public Schools." The earlier resolution encouraged parents to remove their children from public schools that are determined to be 'presenting homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle.' The new resolution removed some of the more controversial elements but continues to demonstrate a lack of tolerance for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people by opposing diversity training, anti-bullying courses and safe schools programs.


The Convention also passed a resolution ending their nine-year boycott of the Walt Disney Corporation for their GLBT friendly policies. This comes in the wake of the American Family Association ending their boycott of Disney as well as the Ford Motor Company.

"The Disney boycott has obviously failed and reaffirms that GLBT friendly corporate policies are good for business," said Solmonese.

Over the past 30 years, the SBC has passed 13 resolutions against gays and lesbians. That is compared to three resolutions on HIV/AIDS and a single resolution against homelessness.

"Instead of bringing families together, the Southern Baptist Convention has a long history of discrimination against gay Americans with resolutions against health insurance for same-sex partners and non-discrimination laws," said Solmonese. "We appreciate the change in the resolution and call on the Southern Baptist Convention and all people of faith to create a culture of reconciliation and dialogue where we can all strive for the highest ideals of our calling."
Emphasis mine
mustafhakofi said:
Methinks thou doth protest too much!"

woody walker sure has homosexuals on his mind! He seems to think of little else. In fact, I don't know anyone who thinks about homosexuals as much as woody does, including homosexuals, On every thread. woody talks about, and I quote:
* radical homosexuals
* homosexual terrorists
* militant homosexuals
* homosexual sodomy
* homosexual vicars
* want(ing) to get shot of them

It seems to Mr. woody might just be longing to give a gay, much, much more. Well, let me put it in limerick form. Everything is best as a limerick, wouldn't you agree?

There once was a man named w walker
his woody he did nicknamed the stalker
The more he saw bob
The more it did throb
so to bobs ass, he became a corker.

Hakofi Mustaf grown a penis.
Silas said,

So, first of all you make a derogatory remark, which pretty much proves that you are raising this whole issue solely for gay-hatred reasons.

I do hate sin. I do, I do, I do, and for the same reason that atheists hate heaven and a savior that helps people.

I'm sorry, but there is no pride in shame, so yes I am derogatory toward those that vaunt good for evil and evil for good -- a sign of the times you know from Paul:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

from Peter:

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

I might add, you'll find them at sciforums. :bugeye:

Secondly, you just proved my point. The Presbyterian Church has introduced new rules barring gays and lesbians from becoming preachers, and your news story is that one church has defied that order. The Presbyterians are clearly not liberalising on gay issues

Oh, but they are, and it correlates with female ordination, which is also taboo. That was a 1997 news article, and they'v come a long way since then.

Presby USA:

Presbyterian chief makes case for gay relationships

the presbys don't even know who they worship anymore, check out this thread on sciforums. The new female presby head hauncho wants to neuter God, and the church as well. A bad case of penis jealousy hangover from her youth I suppose.
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Woody said:
I do hate sin. I do, I do, I do, and for the same reason that atheists hate heaven and a savior that helps people.
So you feel indifferent towards sin because it doesn't exist? If you'd said that from the start, Woody, we could have saved ourselves a lot of time and trouble.
redarmy11 said:
So you feel indifferent towards sin because it doesn't exist? If you'd said that from the start, Woody, we could have saved ourselves a lot of time and trouble.

I hate it because I don't want it to exist. Same reason atheists hate heaven -- if it exists, they won't be going there, and they don't like the alternative. :eek:
Atheists, by definition, believe that there is no God. Therefore that there is no Heaven. So how can they hate something that they believe does not exist?
redarmy11 said:
Atheists, by definition, believe that there is no God. Therefore that there is no Heaven. So how can they hate something that they believe does not exist?

yeah, I've heard it all before. Let me ask you a point blank question: Do you love christians? Do you love what they are striving for in this world? Do you hope they convert all the world to christianity?

Neither do christians hope you will convert the world to a morally bankrupt system of values. Let's just be honest with ourselves.
It doesn't matter what you hope. You're a dinosaur, Woody - sorry. Future generations will make you extinct. Religion started to die when man built the first school. That's probably why most of the major religions have schools of their own - vain attempts to counteract the threat that secular schooling presents. Viva education. Down with religious fantasies. Amen.
yeah, I've heard it all before. Let me ask you a point blank question: Do you love christians? Do you love what they are striving for in this world? Do you hope they convert all the world to christianity?
Not as long as they continue to preach intolerance, hatred and bigotry. And hiding behind Paul and the pseudo-Peter is not going to change anybody's opinion of those putrid opinions. WWJD? Send you all to hell for completely misunderstanding his message.

You "hate sin". No, you hate the idea of penises going into anuses, but you are completely delighted that even in this day and age, your religion apparently gives you licence to pick out one segment of the population to pour execration on. You don't know any of these people (or don't know that you know any of them). You don't have the right to judge them, and you certainly don't have the right to inculcate hatred against them, as you are continuing to do.
Silas said,

Not as long as they continue to preach intolerance, hatred and bigotry

Yep, I'm right and you're wrong. I'm a bigot because I won't kiss your french foot. I hate sin, and I will not tolerate people like yourself that vaunt it's value. You are absolutley correct, and I'm disgusted about it (people like yourself that tolerate death and say it's ok to die). If you had your way everyone would have AIDS.

So go ahead and preach your message of death to anyone that will listen. Go ahead and cut people's life spans in half. That's right, gays live about half as long as anyone else, and people like you say it's ok. WEll kiss off dude.
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from a thread by geeser, called "top ten signs your a christian"
regarding all the comedy woody keeps spouting.
"4- You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects -- will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet you consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving"."
Silas said:
Not as long as they continue to preach intolerance, hatred and bigotry. And hiding behind Paul and the pseudo-Peter is not going to change anybody's opinion of those putrid opinions. WWJD? Send you all to hell for completely misunderstanding his message.

You "hate sin". No, you hate the idea of penises going into anuses, but you are completely delighted that even in this day and age, your religion apparently gives you licence to pick out one segment of the population to pour execration on. You don't know any of these people (or don't know that you know any of them). You don't have the right to judge them, and you certainly don't have the right to inculcate hatred against them, as you are continuing to do.
Are you saying that oral sex is a sin then? Because you can have oral sex with a woman it is good if you dont want to get pregnant. I dont think you should call all oral sex a sin just oral sex between two men is a sin!
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