Gay Churches Decline / Fundamental Churches Grow

spidergoat said:
Jesus didn't found Christianity, and he didn't create a church.

According to who, exactly?

If you're Woody, he IS the head of the church, just as the man is the head of the woman. Also the reason Lawdog constantly refers to the Church as a "she" or a "her". The Church is the the figurative bride of Christ. My question/argument was for the average Christian to whom Jesus is both founder and active head of all churches everywhere.

Same goes with Paul. Neither were married, yet are the most influential two people in the history of Christianity.
spidergoat said:
Woody, before you lost your virginity, were you attracted to women? Why?
Why don't you answer, Woody?

I'm suggesting that some things, such as sexual attraction, are beyond our control. Since you seem to think God created us, then you can't rightly fault gay people for acting gay any more than faulting retarted people for acting retarted.