Gay Churches Decline / Fundamental Churches Grow

Bowser said:
I see it as being a subjective read, depending on what answers you are searching. Others find their answers in science and externalism. The World will never agree on those things.
But didn't god create all people for a reason, even homo sapiens? no matter what sins they do, god should exept them into his house.
imaplanck. said:
What if they have a wall down the middle and homo sapiens can sit on one sid and normal people with children on the other?

Better yet we can recognise that homosexuality and atheism have no place in a Christian Church. Now, if they are looking for answers and want to explore an alternative, then that might be a good place to search. If you want to make an issue of the fact that people disagree, there is no need. We know that.
imaplanck. said:
But didn't god create all people for a reason, even homo sapiens? no matter what sins they do, god should exept them into his house.

I think a Christian might tell you that the individual must first accept God, Christ and The Bible. If we believe in God then we must also understand that we are always living in His House. The Church is a gathering place where people worship. Often churches are created by those who hold specific beliefs and rituals sacred.
Provita said:
by the way, whats wrong with same sex marriages? it doesnt change anything. its civil, not religious bondage. Sure, fight over your little "gays cannot be married in churches" ordeal, but they should be able to be married on ships and by judges, because all it does is give gays the chance to say they are married. by denying same sex marriage you are not stopping homosexuality one bit, and there is probably even more chance of them having sex more with other people, since they arent married and all... they can just ... break up... no hassle in divorce and stuff... so its a lot easier to cheat and have sex a lot.

At first glance, I would agree with you, but then I would also need question the governments' right to sanction marriage of any kind. If our government is nothing more than a heartless machine without the reflection of the community for which it serves, then Civil Unions would be the norm for both hetero's, homo's and Bi's.
Bowser said:
Better yet we can recognise that homosexuality and atheism have no place in a Christian Church.

Now if only Christians and other religious nutters could learn to keep their silly rules inside their place of worship instead of trying to spread them throughout society....
I think a Christian might tell you that the individual must first accept God, Christ and The Bible. If we believe in God then we must also understand that we are always living in His House. The Church is a gathering place where people worship. Often churches are created by those who hold specific beliefs and rituals sacred.

But as you know god created man in his own image so if he hated gays so much he wouldn't create them, same with women, a woman obviously isn't in the image of god but he allows them to exist and allows them in his house.
KennyJC said:
Now if only Christians and other religious nutters could learn to keep their silly rules inside their place of worship instead of trying to spread them throughout society....

Maybe they have discovered something that they want to share...? I've seen some ugly people over the past few years, but they didn't identify themselves as Christians... I have never been accosted by a Christian outside of a mutual discussion, and I think they have as much right as any other group to participate in our political system.
imaplanck. said:
But as you know god created man in his own image so if he hated gays so much he wouldn't create them, same with women, a woman obviously isn't in the image of god but he allows them to exist and allows them in his house.

I am certain that most Christians will tell you that God doesn't hate homosexuals. They would probably tell you that homosexuality is the thing that he hates.
Woman... I have read the Bible. What does it say regarding the creation of woman?
I think we could devote a whole new thread and years of thought trying to define the "Image of God."
Bowser said:
I am certain that most Christians will tell you that God doesn't hate homosexuals. They would probably tell you that homosexuality is the thing that he hates.
I know gays are committing a sin but so do some normal people but they are allowed to confess it to the vicar.
Bowser said:
Woman... I have read the Bible. What does it say regarding the creation of woman?
I think we could devote a whole new thread and years of thought trying to define the "Image of God."
It says god created eve from adams rib to please him and that was the first women, but eve wasn't in gods image though, just like gays.
Look, I think it ironic that people would question the negative Christian reaction towards the acceptance of homosexuality within Christian belief. It doesn't surprise me that people are jumping off the tree and returning to the seed.
Silas said:

Seriously, Woody? The Southern Baptists? The Evangelical Lutheran Church? The Lutherans in Missouri? These are all Fundamentalist congregations, Wood

Nope, I'm afraid not. Let me retrack my steps from a previous thread:

Church of Christ:

Denomination welcomes predominantly gay church
United Church of Christ offers 'home'

Staff Writer

Nashville's largest predominantly gay and lesbian church is joining a national Protestant denomination that has seen dozens of churches leave in the last year because of its support for same-sex unions.

Holy Trinity Community Church in west Nashville officially will join the United Church of Christ in an installation ceremony Sunday.

Holy Cow! No wonder the Church of Christ is declining at an annual rate over 2%, they are the fastest dieing church on planet earth.


The new episcopal leader says gay sex isn't a sin but a gift.

The gift is a 1.55% annual decline in membership.

Methodist Headline:

Methodists Divided on Gay Rights
Church leaders anguish over same-sex unions

Members don't hang around with a divided church: .79% of them left last year.

Southern Baptists and American Baptists both embrace AWB and fellowship of the brethren - a gay organization. An excerpt from one of the websites:

Who we are...
Gay-affirming Baptists? No, this is not an oxymoron!

Ten years ago, after the lgbt community had been dealt yet another blow by members of their denomination, a group of American Baptist pastors decided that it was time to stand up and declare their affirmation of glbt people. The network of churches they founded, the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB), has now grown to more than 60 churches and organizations. AWAB members are Baptist churches, organizations, and individuals who have gone on record as being welcoming and affirming of all persons, without regard to sexual orientation.

Declining membership is no oxymoron either: SBs -1.05%, and ABs -.57%

The presbys are becoming the lesbies:

Church defies Presbyterian order to ban gay preachers

1.6% of the former members defied their membership and left.

and finally the Lutherans. Headline from newstory:

Lutheran leaders look to ease stance on gay pastors

1.01% of the members looked at easing their stance on membership last year.
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im hitting myself against the desk right now... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... nope still doing it... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... starting to bleed too, so ill type a little something something up before i pass out and am rushed to the hospital...

1) Homo sapiens = human being (more literally 'wise men') ; you, somehow thought Homo sapiens = homosexual... how you got that confused... I have no earthly idea.. maybe you didnt take biology and thus the reason why some of you dont know ANYTHING about evolution.
2) you dont KNOW homosexuality is a sin, you might believe it, but you dont KNOW, to say you know is to say that your belief isnt a belief but is fact, and to say that is highly ignorant, take a look at others who say the same thing, good example, eh?
3) homosexuals on one side... normal people on the other... right... i didnt know they are abnormal people... silly me.
4) i thought you were suposed to accept anyone into your church... and then attack him with ideas that he is a sinner, tell him to repent, and then brainwash him... then ask for weekly donations... reminds me loosely of scientology
5) dont even begin discussing the adam and eve story as fact, it has been disproven. get over it.
6) I have discovered a new species: Homo stultus ... look it up.
7) and then God rested, thus every seventh question is sacred, and must be a giveaway answer on all tests, quizzes, questionaires, polls, etc. And then he saw it was good, and blessed the seventh question.
8) Agreed Kenny, Agreed.
and I think they have as much right as any other group to participate in our political system.

Religion has no place in politics, as it is stated in your constitution I believe. You need only look at George W Bush and senator Erwin of Alabama amongst a huge number of other politicians in America corrupted by religion.

A person who thinks hurricaine Katrina was a punishment from God should not be running my state... he should be in a padded room.
imaplanck. said:
I know gays are committing a sin but so do some normal people but they are allowed to confess it to the vicar.

It says god created eve from adams rib to please him and that was the first women, but eve wasn't in gods image though, just like gays.

I think you are stuck on a train of thought.

<i>I am certain that most Christians will tell you that God doesn't hate homosexuals. They would probably tell you that homosexuality is the thing that he hates.</i>

I'm not certain where you are riding the parallel between women and homosexuals. Honestly, I don't see a comparison between the two. Nonetheless, I am curious to see what you are suggesting. Please continue.
KennyJC said:
A person who thinks hurricaine Katrina was a punishment from God should not be running my state... he should be in a padded room.

Funny you say that, after the storm when we came back, many preachers said we were being punished by God because of all our partying and drinking... and yet Bourbon Street was untouched.

And the whole "gay churches are decreasing in size and fundamental churches are growing, thus proving God's existance' reminds me of the priate vs global warming diagram at (FSM)
KennyJC said:
Religion has no place in politics, as it is stated in your constitution I believe. You need only look at George W Bush and senator Erwin of Alabama amongst a huge number of other politicians in America corrupted by religion.

What are you going to do? A religion is as much a part of many voters' hearts as is any rational that might be of yours. You will never exorcise it from a true Democracy.
Voters are one thing, but the politicians themselves making decisions on how to govern a country at times purely based on religious dogma? That is not right.
KennyJC said:
Voters are one thing, but the politicians themselves making decisions on how to govern a country at times purely based on religious dogma? That is not right.

Common values might be the platform and reason they were voted into office. That is how it
Provita said:
Funny you say that, after the storm when we came back, many preachers said we were being punished by God because of all our partying and drinking... and yet Bourbon Street was untouched.

And the whole "gay churches are decreasing in size and fundamental churches are growing, thus proving God's existance' reminds me of the priate vs global warming diagram at (FSM)

So, why should you care what they might say? You don't believe it. How is it of any consequence for you?