Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

Besides the fact, how in the world is a muslim person that bad that they are no longer considered muslim?

Its perfectly acceptable to blow up buildings, fly planes into skyscrapers, send your own child with a bomb to blow up other children. To spray acid in the faces of young woman.

To forbid female education.

To sell your daughter.

So tell me, in the face of all that, is there actually a sin bad enough for a muslim person to commit to no longer be considered muslim?

Quite the rant there are you finished?
Whoa, whoa hold on, I just re-read your post Chi, and you said BLACK tribe of Israel? DID YOU SAY BLACK TRIBE OF ISRAEL?!

I thought you said a black man can BELONG to a tribe of Israel, but not a BLACK TRIBE OF ISRAEL.
Whoa, whoa hold on, I just re-read your post Chi, and you said BLACK tribe of Israel? DID YOU SAY BLACK TRIBE OF ISRAEL?!

I thought you said a black man can BELONG to a tribe of Israel, but not a BLACK TRIBE OF ISRAEL.

Mhm the tribe of Ham to mention just one ^_^ was a black tribe yup jews with dreadlocks bro Jewsafarians yah.

I am not qualified to say anything then if it is the Jewish definition, well I won't be qualified to say anything for Christian definition either.

When reading up on the emodites and edom you might want to try searching tribe of esiu/eisu (might be spelled differently).


Besides the fact, how in the world is a muslim person that bad that they are no longer considered muslim?

Its perfectly acceptable to blow up buildings, fly planes into skyscrapers, send your own child with a bomb to blow up other children. To spray acid in the faces of young woman.

To forbid female education.

To sell your daughter.

So tell me, in the face of all that, is there actually a sin bad enough for a muslim person to commit to no longer be considered muslim?

ahahaha, so you say all those are acceptebal in islam?

what a hypocrite you are.. i wan't waste my time on you, you start insulting me when i didnt even insult your relegion, and when i answered back, you just kept crying about it, and kept insulting (that really shows how good are your morals) and here you are doing that again, as i said, you really do have a complexe...
back to the topic, i don't know if ok or not ok that people from different relegions enter mecca, i mean, esspecially the three relegions, they all beleive in god, and other shared beleifs, i'm not sure if it is allowed or not, i not qualified to answer that

anyway, you do really take what gaddafi say seriously ?
lol, he says that democracy is an arabic word, means, demo (means always) cracy (chair), means always sitting on the chairs, lol
obama, is originally arab, he's original name, is abu amama, angellina jolie is also arab, her real name is elgia juini
lol, and you still take what he says seriously xD
a hall thread, for a rat

however, back to the topic, i'm really not sure, and i don't know
back to the topic, i don't know if ok or not ok that people from different relegions enter mecca, i mean, esspecially the three relegions, they all beleive in god, and other shared beleifs, i'm not sure if it is allowed or not, i not qualified to answer that

Dude, the Jewish people are gracious enough to open Jerusalem. It is extremely selfish to say that ( even though it is not a Holy Land to us ). You want Jerusalem opened to you guys and yet you don't want anyone in your place? How would you feel if Israel closed Jerusalem to all Muslims or if Christians started another Crusade.

I guess it might be different because Mecca is not that special to us...A better example will be Vatican City, yeah what if we barred all Muslim entry to the Vatican and the St. Peter's Basilica?
Quite the rant there are you finished?

Well, there have been cases where girls that have been killed for not wearing a friggin veil to school...and apparently it was perfectly legal under Muslim law and was recommended ( note: apparently ).

Don't get me wrong, Christianity have had its dark times before.
ahahaha, so you say all those are acceptebal in islam?

what a hypocrite you are.. i wan't waste my time on you, you start insulting me when i didnt even insult your relegion, and when i answered back, you just kept crying about it, and kept insulting (that really shows how good are your morals) and here you are doing that again, as i said, you really do have a complexe...

Its not an insult. Its a statement of fact.

Isn't the seventh pillar of Islam Jihad?

So answer the question, what action is so brutal for an Islamic person to commit that they are no longer considered muslim?

You started this, don't delude yourself.
back to the topic, i don't know if ok or not ok that people from different relegions enter mecca, i mean, esspecially the three relegions, they all beleive in god, and other shared beleifs, i'm not sure if it is allowed or not, i not qualified to answer that

anyway, you do really take what gaddafi say seriously ?
lol, he says that democracy is an arabic word, means, demo (means always) cracy (chair), means always sitting on the chairs, lol
obama, is originally arab, he's original name, is abu amama, angellina jolie is also arab, her real name is elgia juini
lol, and you still take what he says seriously xD
a hall thread, for a rat

however, back to the topic, i'm really not sure, and i don't know

Im amazed because his parents were Christian, one was from the US, the other Africa.

He has never been Islamic.

Are you stupid? Or an al jazeera bigot?

Dude, the Jewish people are gracious enough to open Jerusalem. It is extremely selfish to say that ( even though it is not a Holy Land to us ). You want Jerusalem opened to you guys and yet you don't want anyone in your place? How would you feel if Israel closed Jerusalem to all Muslims or if Christians started another Crusade.

I guess it might be different because Mecca is not that special to us...A better example will be Vatican City, yeah what if we barred all Muslim entry to the Vatican and the St. Peter's Basilica?

as i said, i'm not the guy to answer that question, i googled it, and it wasn't mentioned before
however, christians and jews, are not considered kaffir in islam, kaffir are who don't beleive in god, or worship other than god, or worship other things or (maybe) people.. beside god
(kaffir, doesnt mean, kill em kill em, beleiving or not, it's between that person and god, god is who is going to judge him not the other people)

anyway, about the vaticans, are mosques allowed their? and i would understand if they say no actually