Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

No actually you don't you using one meaning of a range for purposes to paint the faith negatively. their is a world for that. the word Jihad means struggle. the sonner you and all the other islam bashers come to terms with that the better off all of us will be. I'm really tired of the war judiasm and christianity are waging against Islam.

pj, I'm gonna give you the chance to objectively rethink what you just said since it seems obvious from your adoption of shadow's grammatical skills that you probably typed this out rather quickly without thinking it through.
All muslims in the world got together and planned that attack. That's true fedr. They should all take the blame and the following witch hunt and accept that they are the jews of the 21st century nazis.

I think you missed my point entirely.

What is that christian quote "you cannot point out the splinter in your neighbor's eye before you pull out the log in your own" or something or other.

Shadow one's posts seem to entirely revolve around glorifying a religion. I have no problems accepting the leaps that Islam has made as a religion. What I detest is his lack of recognition for the abhorrent ways they treat others.

While sure, you can blame this on any number of factors, western exploitation and such. The fact is that if a serial murderer attempted to defend himself by blaming his actions on his upbringing, it would never fly in a modern court.

My utter disgust with this is because if people like shadow cannot recognize all the things that are wrong with the way they live then they will never try to fix it. Afterall, its incredibly inefficient for a problem to be solved without knowledge of it's existance.

So long as there are people in the Middle east (and I am not making a generalization against ALL middle easterners) that believe that spraying acid on girls, stoning woman, blowing up school buses, blowing up children, and constructing bombs with the sole purpose of unrelenting slaughter are perfectly alright and normal then they will never actually try to fix it.

My problem with shadow is that he thinks he can sweep all these incredible abuses of fellow human beings with cute little cliches like "It doesn't matter, were all humans."

Yah, WERE all humans, you know who aren't anymore? The people who died throughout history because arrogant stuck up people never begged to consider that maybe they were doing something pretty darn disgusting. Do you think that any of the SS felt any guilt whatsoever for killing Jews? Do you think any of them spoke up for what was happening? Do you think any of the westerners whom abused China spoke up about it? Or the people whom caused Japan to fear the west so much it isolated itself for 200 years? Or the people who spray battery acid on the faces of little girls who just want to learn?

People in Germany ignored the problem, and 12 million people died for it. 12 million people died because the other people did not have the guts to recognize that maybe they were doing something wrong.
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called to “allow Jews and Christians to visit Mecca and circle the Kaaba (cubical building surrounded by the Sacred Mosque).”​

the guy's the biggest quack in history.
Gaddafi believes the holiday offers a great opportunity to bring the three main monotheistic religions closer together. “Everyone has the right to stand atop Mount Arafat and circle the Kaaba,” he told the media.
he has the right to dictate the rules other countries apply to their land? well that's new:rolleyes:
saudi arabia follows the islamic rule(supposedly).
islamic rule says mecca is off limits to non muslims.
end of story.
gaddafi should stop initiating bombing runs on his people.
he should also check up "elections" in a dictionary.

“The Kaaba is not meant for Arabs alone, but for people of all continents;

the mistake was that they granted this privilege only to Mohammad’s descendents,
uh, cow manure?
but the Quran does not support this.
the quran can't "not support" something that isn't happening, because it has to happen first for the quran to support or not support it.

That makes sense to me. Why not?
Yes, a Jew surely.


Here he is with a magic Jew-spell pinned to his uniform. (right)
and a postcard from his Jewish Aunty.
He's also making the Black Power Salute, which means that, erm.................
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No, not 'everything' is jihad.

Your pathetic.

Its sad really, that I know more about a part of your own religion then you do. :rolleyes:

hmm, pathetic? waow, that's all what you have to say?

"sruggle to improve society"= hmm, what do you think that means? ...
and, jihad, is a word, and not a relegion word or something..and jihad means struggling, and straggling is in everthing...jihad, from johd, effort, like, to work hard, or, to do the best you can...

oh really ? you know about my relegion more than i do?
that's very obvious, are you done yet?

I believe that most middle eastern countries, including Libya, have the policy that if they see an Israeli stamp they put your ass on the next plane out of the country and ship you away. A few are nice enough to send you back to where you left from, many aren't.

ahahaha, very funny, esspecially the middle eastern countries, the arab gulf oil countries, have no problem with an israeli, infact, all those countries were not against occupeing palastine, their leaders not the people i mean, and they are on the side of israel...

libya, is not a part of the middle east, but from the arab west (arab maghreb, maghreb countries=tunisia+algeria+morroco, and large arab maghreb=tunisia+morroco+algeria+libya+muritania)

No I'm not. Your only calling me that because I have repeatedly shown your error filled arguments for what they are.

Your only possible defense is insulting me. You see, I'm not insulting you, I'm stating a fact, a lot of your posts are pathetically idiotic.

oh, you are stating facts, that's obvious when you started to insult from the first place, and kept insulting (and as usual, if i answer back, you try to make your self look like opressed or something) ;)

Vatican is one city bro....have you even BEEN there before? I have, and for one there is no space for a mosque...

yes i know that the vatican is a city, so is mecca
and i said i have no problem if mosuqes are not allowed in the vatican, or even muslims, i mean, it's like, christanity holy city, or the pope's holy city, no?

All muslims in the world got together and planned that attack. That's true fedr. They should all take the blame and the following witch hunt and accept that they are the jews of the 21st century nazis.

yeah yeah, we bombed japan with two nuclear bombs, we made two world wars, we killed jews in world war 2, and we killed all native americans..

aand, we bombed planet mars, and killed martians, and made the earthquakes of japan and bomed their nuclear power plants, aand we have secret nuclear lab under each house..
oh oh, and we eat children ...
If you go to Mecca and say you are a Muslim, who is to say that you are not?
Do they give you a test or something?
(You'd never get in Shadow)
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as i said, i'm not the guy to answer that question, i googled it, and it wasn't mentioned before
however, christians and jews, are not considered kaffir in islam, kaffir are who don't beleive in god, or worship other than god, or worship other things or (maybe) people.. beside god

You probably should talk to Sam about that. She seems to disagree pretty vehemently.
You probably should talk to Sam about that. She seems to disagree pretty vehemently.
the quran disagrees vehemently, and clearly states them to be kaf...uh.. i mean non muslims.
Why shouldn't Buddhists, Hindus and Scientologists also be welcome in Mecca?
hmm, nice question.
when you disbelieve something exists and it does it's kind of an offence:p
but when it has been greatly generous with you and given you everything you have, the offence is multiplied in magnitude.
which is why kaf-i mean non muslims are considered "dirty" and have to cleanse by accepting islam before getting to mecca.

see, mecca is more than a tourist attraction or some monemunt or something, it's considered by muslims[who really do believe god exists, they believe he exists as much as themselves and their mothers and fathers do, they believe god exists as much as you believe your keyboard does], so it's considered by muslims the"house of god", not sa in he resides in it, but in it's the one structure or place which is dedicated a 100% to worshiping him. it's a religious place, a "holy" place, not Buckingham palace or the Eiffel tower.

non believers are considered an offence to god just by existing, iow, "just" for rejecting him, cuz he created you and gave you eyes and ears and senses and a nice life and everything and required little of you to do and little to avoid and you're expected to do your best. denying his very existence, along with the "established" blessings and graces he endowed you with, actually not blessings and graces, but he endowed you with..well, yourself, he gave you you, he created you, you belong to him.

hope the idea is now a bit closer to understand.
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