Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

Shadow, what you are saying makes as much sense as saying the Codex Gigas is a Christian spellbook and crossing oneself is a spell.
First off, sorcery is related to the 5 pointed star, not the 6 pointed one.

Do you want to start a fight? I could wipe the floor with someone like you.

I don't call islam sorcery.

You sir have an inferiority complex, and its well justified.

According to Urban dictionary though jew magic is the most common sort of magic on earth:

1. Jew Magic

The most common form of magic on Earth. Has many potent abilities.

1. Matt used his Jew Magic to help us win the football game.
2. That girl is using Jew Magic to look hot. Magic

This evidence BEGS the question: Are you a magician Fedr?
he's jew, he had jewish books in he's palice, and some kind of vodoo and jewish sorcery book... and other sh*ts

Wow. How's that secular rationalism coming along for you, shadow? Go Jasmine Revolution! :rolleyes:

When did they say that?

And weren't you just b**ching about two weeks ago that the US and UN should not get involved?

And now you support the idea?
about when did they said that, i saw it on al-jazeera,

yes i was against UN and USA intervention in USA(so? can't i change my mind? ... ), but it was very neccessery, as you see, libya can turn into a second iraq, so, i have no reasons to be against that intervention, if not that intervention, gadhafi would have took back controll on all
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First off, sorcery is related to the 5 pointed star, not the 6 pointed one.

Do you want to start a fight? I could wipe the floor with someone like you.

I don't call islam sorcery.

You sir have an inferiority complex, and its well justified.

first, i have no inferiority complex, i don't conpare my self to others or feel like i'm less or more.
second, you insulted me, what do you expect from me? talk to you and say i'm sorry?
third, i said somkind of sorcery books, and books that have 6 angles stars on it...
you don't call islam sorcery, and i didnt call the jew relegion sorcery, i did say, it doesnt mean to be a part of the jew relegion, or that relegion teachings, so what? there are some groups in islam, that are supposed to be classified in islam and they say they are muslims, while they don't do what's in islam teaching, and do horrible things... however, it's an islamic group, but, does it do the islamic teachings? or is it the islamic relegion?

when you learn how to talk sir, without insulting, then come to talk to me, ok?
If I remember correctly Voodoo is African...

It is called the Star of David bro...and do you even know what it is and what its for?

read Deuteronomy 18:11–12, Exodus 22:18, and I Samuel 28

Then we will talk about Jewish views on sorcery. ( It is from the Hebrew Bible )
oh, ok

thnks for clareing it

Chances are he knows more about what he is talking about then you.

while i didnt say that those books, sorcery or whatever are, are part of the relegion of jew or it's i explained it in the previous post

Wow...says a lot about your character...

yeah, so he insult me by saying pompous ass...

Way to respect yourself, others and other cultures...

i do respect all cultures and relegions...does that include to say nothing if someone insult me?
while i didnt say that those books, sorcery or whatever are, are part of the relegion of jew or it's i explained it in the previous post

Umm... Judaism, thats the name.

You are basically saying, it is jewish but yet not jewish? You are contradicting yourself...

yeah, so he insult me by saying pompous ass...

A quote from you

he's jew, he had jewish books in he's palice, and some kind of vodoo and jewish sorcery book... and other sh*ts

Some people take those statements as a particularly strong insults you know....

i do respect all cultures and relegions...does that include to say nothing if someone insult me?

It is just the nature of your response, and the situation at hand, and read the above response.
about when did they said that, i saw it on al-jazeera,

yes i was against UN and USA intervention in USA(so? can't i change my mind? ... ), but it was very neccessery, as you see, libya can turn into a second iraq, so, i have no reasons to be against that intervention, if not that intervention, gadhafi would have took back controll on all

You do realize that Al Jazeera is notoriously innaccurate in matters dealing with Jews right?

Its like me quoting fox.

The thing is your still complaining about it.
first, i have no inferiority complex, i don't conpare my self to others or feel like i'm less or more.
second, you insulted me, what do you expect from me? talk to you and say i'm sorry?
third, i said somkind of sorcery books, and books that have 6 angles stars on it...
you don't call islam sorcery, and i didnt call the jew relegion sorcery, i did say, it doesnt mean to be a part of the jew relegion, or that relegion teachings, so what? there are some groups in islam, that are supposed to be classified in islam and they say they are muslims, while they don't do what's in islam teaching, and do horrible things... however, it's an islamic group, but, does it do the islamic teachings? or is it the islamic relegion?

when you learn how to talk sir, without insulting, then come to talk to me, ok?

I don't need your permission to do anything. First off shadow, its 6 "pointed" star, not "angles".

You obviously made the comparison between the two, hell, more then a comparison, you practically called Jewish books as being part of sorcery.

And I hate to break it to you shadow, but you are a pompous ass. You might want to fix that, it's not an insult, just a statement of fact.
Yeah the oil needs liberating, poor defenceless oil being oppressed by sand people and jewish ragheads. that oil deserves to be free from its tyranical oppression.

It's not even allowed out in public without an escort.

you practically called Jewish books as being part of sorcery.
practicly? i said somekind of sorcery jewish books, i didnt say the bible or torah...

And I hate to break it to you shadow, but you are a pompous ass. You might want to fix that, it's not an insult, just a statement of fact.

huh, no not trying to fix anything, i didnt change anything of what i said.
so are you going to keep crying about it?

Umm... Judaism, thats the name.

You are basically saying, it is jewish but yet not jewish? You are contradicting yourself...

i brought an example of islam, like the Sofian group or something like that, that they say they are muslims, while they do things that are totally against islam principles, and against it's teachings in alot of ways, big difference, and they are extremist, yet they consider themselves muslims, while they don't do islam teachings and etc...or for example, maybe you find a group, that beleive in the spagetti monster and consider themselves as muslims... got it?

no i'm not contradicting my self..
practicly? i said somekind of sorcery jewish books, i didnt say the bible or torah...

huh, no not trying to fix anything, i didnt change anything of what i said.
so are you going to keep crying about it?

Your the moron who said he's Jewish.

What kind of Jew has the name "Muhammad" in their name? Gaddafi does.

You said "Jewish sorcery books".

huh, no not trying to fix anything, i didnt change anything of what i said.
so are you going to keep crying about it?

Other then the fact that this passage has less grammar mistakes then practically every other thing you've ever written on this forum its a pretty pathetic comeback.