Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca


Well, there have been cases where girls that have been killed for not wearing a friggin veil to school...and apparently it was perfectly legal under Muslim law and was recommended ( note: apparently ).

Don't get me wrong, Christianity have had its dark times before.

perfect under some muslims law, don't say under muslim laws ;)
you have the freedom to wear what you want or whatever, it's your choice, but you have to be informed about it, and try to convince you, if didnt work, it's between that person and god, besides, not wearing a vail or hijab, doesnt mean that person will go to hell or something, no, not perfect legal under Muslim laws, maybe some extreme, or fanatic groups
like, many girls also get raped, and many girls get pregment and used sexually under 18, and etc... of very bad things all around the world, so, is that islamic laws or something?
Blaming Islam for everything is counterproductive really. It just fuels the primitive them vs. us flame. Muslims (like christians, atheists, pastafarians, hindus and others) aren't a homogenous group.
as i said, i'm not the guy to answer that question, i googled it, and it wasn't mentioned before
however, christians and jews, are not considered kaffir in islam, kaffir are who don't beleive in god, or worship other than god, or worship other things or (maybe) people.. beside god
(kaffir, doesnt mean, kill em kill em, beleiving or not, it's between that person and god, god is who is going to judge him not the other people)

anyway, about the vaticans, are mosques allowed their? and i would understand if they say no actually

Better question, why would you want one there?
Its not an insult. Its a statement of fact.

Isn't the seventh pillar of Islam Jihad?

So answer the question, what action is so brutal for an Islamic person to commit that they are no longer considered muslim?

You started this, don't delude yourself.

hmm, facts? first, there are like, 5 pillars, not 7 ...

and jihad, also means, to study, to work hard to a family or a person, to save a person, to defend your contry, yes to protest against obsession...everything is jihad... first you have to understand the word, i'm not ready to discuss with a person, that even don't know what is he talking about.

and as for your question, i don't know, for example if a person killed another, (not in self defence) for example to steal he's money, and continued to do that, he's kaffer, if he stop it, and know what he did is wrong, and etc... and go back to the right path, god may forgive him
if he worship anything or anyone + god, he's kaffer, if he don't worship god, or don't beleive in god, he's kaffer, however it's he's choice to beleive or not, no one is going to force him to, a person can't be forced to beleive in something, you have to try to convince him, but, if he didnt get convinced, then, nothing, it's between him and god, and god is who will judge him and not any other person, anyway, kaffer doesnt mean a person that must be killed or something, or tortured...

Blaming Islam for everything is counterproductive really. It just fuels the primitive them vs. us flame. Muslims (like christians, atheists, pastafarians, hindus and others) aren't a homogenous group.

the fact is, we are all humans, no matter what relegion we follow, or culture we have

Better question, why would you want one there?

hehheh, did i say i want one their? i said i have no problem if they don't allow it their, i mean, it's like their big church, or the capital of christanity, so i have no problem if they don't accept building other relegions' places their
hmm, facts? first, there are like, 5 pillars, not 7 ...

and jihad, also means, to study, to work hard to a family or a person, to save a person, to defend your contry, yes to protest against obsession...everything is jihad... first you have to understand the word, i'm not ready to discuss with a person, that even don't know what is he talking about.

and as for your question, i don't know, for example if a person killed another, (not in self defence) for example to steal he's money, and continued to do that, he's kaffer, if he stop it, and know what he did is wrong, and etc... and go back to the right path, god may forgive him
if he worship anything or anyone + god, he's kaffer, if he don't worship god, or don't beleive in god, he's kaffer, however it's he's choice to beleive or not, no one is going to force him to, a person can't be forced to beleive in something, you have to try to convince him, but, if he didnt get convinced, then, nothing, it's between him and god, and god is who will judge him and not any other person, anyway, kaffer doesnt mean a person that must be killed or something, or tortured...

No, not 'everything' is jihad.

Your pathetic.
Muslims use the word in a religious context to refer to three types of struggles: an internal struggle to maintain faith, the struggle to improve the Muslim society, or the struggle to defend Islam.[5]

Its sad really, that I know more about a part of your own religion then you do. :rolleyes:
idk,anyway, anyone can, if he's a journalis,t or a student, or on buisness, but not for tourism or having fun, just for buisness, learning, and etc..

I believe that most middle eastern countries, including Libya, have the policy that if they see an Israeli stamp they put your ass on the next plane out of the country and ship you away. A few are nice enough to send you back to where you left from, many aren't.
no, but i do know that you're an ass, that's a fact

No I'm not. Your only calling me that because I have repeatedly shown your error filled arguments for what they are.

Your only possible defense is insulting me. You see, I'm not insulting you, I'm stating a fact, a lot of your posts are pathetically idiotic.
as i said, i'm not the guy to answer that question, i googled it, and it wasn't mentioned before
however, christians and jews, are not considered kaffir in islam, kaffir are who don't beleive in god, or worship other than god, or worship other things or (maybe) people.. beside god
(kaffir, doesnt mean, kill em kill em, beleiving or not, it's between that person and god, god is who is going to judge him not the other people)

anyway, about the vaticans, are mosques allowed their? and i would understand if they say no actually

Vatican is one city bro....have you even BEEN there before? I have, and for one there is no space for a mosque...
No, not 'everything' is jihad.

Your pathetic.

Its sad really, that I know more about a part of your own religion then you do. :rolleyes:

No actually you don't you using one meaning of a range for purposes to paint the faith negatively. their is a world for that. the word Jihad means struggle. the sonner you and all the other islam bashers come to terms with that the better off all of us will be. I'm really tired of the war judiasm and christianity are waging against Islam.
All muslims in the world got together and planned that attack. That's true fedr. They should all take the blame and the following witch hunt and accept that they are the jews of the 21st century nazis.