Gaddafi: Allow Jews, Christians entry to Mecca

If somebody goes against everything in islam and claims they are muslim then they do not deserve the title of muslim. Jews are from certain tribes the 12 tribes of israel. So one can be a complete total shame to judaism and the teachings of the torah yet sadly remain a jew by blood.

Most peopletoday don't even know they are jews, Like the black tribes of israel, Tell a black man he is a jew and 9 times out of 10 they will laugh unless they understand scriptures and tribal ancestory indepth like a small minority do.

Your the moron who said he's Jewish.

What kind of Jew has the name "Muhammad" in their name? Gaddafi does.

You said "Jewish sorcery books".
i said that based on what i saw about he's books collection..
and yes i said jewish sorcery books, yes i did, i explained, however you keep scraching to find something to stick on it

Other then the fact that this passage has less grammar mistakes then practically every other thing you've ever written on this forum its a pretty pathetic comeback.

you have a complex when saying anything that have the word jew, since you are jew,and since i did explain what i said, and you keep crying about it, and stuck on it trying to make your self as a victim, ok go ahead, keep crying

i'm not going to continue with this and i wan't reply by bad words, if you want i'll do it on your wall or by message, why don't you find another another ass to lick ok? shoo shoo
i brought an example of islam, like the Sofian group or something like that, that they say they are muslims, while they do things that are totally against islam principles, and against it's teachings in alot of ways, big difference, and they are extremist, yet they consider themselves muslims, while they don't do islam teachings and etc...or for example, maybe you find a group, that beleive in the spagetti monster and consider themselves as muslims... got it?

no i'm not contradicting my self..

Dude, but what you said is that Gadaffi is Jewish because he have Jewish sorcery books. You defined him Jewish by that. First thing thats wrong is that you defined someone by the possession of an item, and the second is that the item in question is not even a part of their religion.

Note: They consider themselves Muslim in your example

Plus, I think you meant the Key of Solomon ( with the Pentacle, note not the Star of David ), which I already introduced as incorrectly attributed to Solomon and from Renaissance Europe...
If somebody goes against everything in islam and claims they are muslim then they do not deserve the title of muslim. Jews are from certain tribes the 12 tribes of israel. So one can be a complete total shame to judaism and the teachings of the torah yet sadly remain a jew by blood.

Most peopletoday don't even know they are jews, Like the black tribes of israel, Tell a black man he is a jew and 9 times out of 10 they will laugh unless they understand scriptures and tribal ancestory indepth like a small minority do.


I see what you mean and it is true, however it is the way he defined it that I have a problem with.

If somebody goes against everything in islam and claims they are muslim then they do not deserve the title of muslim. Jews are from certain tribes the 12 tribes of israel. So one can be a complete total shame to judaism and the teachings of the torah yet sadly remain a jew by blood.

Most peopletoday don't even know they are jews, Like the black tribes of israel, Tell a black man he is a jew and 9 times out of 10 they will laugh unless they understand scriptures and tribal ancestory indepth like a small minority do.


first, we are all a human race, and what you said about islam teaching, and those that don't deserve that calling, also same can be toward some jews or christians, for example a jew group, or christian group, that do things that are against their relegion teachings that are actually about peace and etc...
now by talking geneticly, "jew" "blood", north africans, are geneticly different from black people, also many of them, have differences from arabs, alot of genetic differences, (arabs of arabia i mean), and etc.... however i don't know what is that story, of, 12 jew you have proofs for it? i mean, genetic one, and what jew blood? so, is it classified by relegion? so, there is muslim blood, and christian blood, and hindu blood?
i said that based on what i saw about he's books collection..
and yes i said jewish sorcery books, yes i did, i explained, however you keep scraching to find something to stick on it

:wallbang::wallbang: I got nothing more to say...:facepalm:
first, we are all a human race, and what you said about islam teaching, and those that don't deserve that calling, also same can be toward some jews or christians, for example a jew group, or christian group, that do things that are against their relegion teachings that are actually about peace and etc...
now by talking geneticly, "jew" "blood", north africans, are geneticly different from black people, also many of them, have differences from arabs, alot of genetic differences, (arabs of arabia i mean), and etc.... however i don't know what is that story, of, 12 jew you have proofs for it? i mean, genetic one, and what jew blood? so, is it classified by relegion? so, there is muslim blood, and christian blood, and hindu blood?

I agree, You can say the same about Christians that you can about muslims, you can also say the same about all the Jewish converts who are not truly from the tribe of judah which the so called zionistic jews clame to be, They will also pay for this crime when the true air to Judahs throne returns he is the real Lion of judah and rightly so when you see him you will know what I mean.

They are bad and ignorant jews maybe but you can't strip him of his bloodline so to speak. The Gentiles have claimed ownership of the crest of judah under false guise.

I am a Jew by the way, But I am a Muslim also do you see now?, Im a jewish muslim (this isn't hypothetical im actualy a jewish muslim)

first, we are all a human race, and what you said about islam teaching, and those that don't deserve that calling, also same can be toward some jews or christians, for example a jew group, or christian group, that do things that are against their relegion teachings that are actually about peace and etc...

I know what you mean, the Jewish Mafia and the Christian Crusaders...I mean no more proud of the Crusades then you are of the muajhadeen...

now by talking geneticly, "jew" "blood", north africans, are geneticly different from black people, also many of them, have differences from arabs, alot of genetic differences, (arabs of arabia i mean), and etc.... however i don't know what is that story, of, 12 jew you have proofs for it? i mean, genetic one, and what jew blood? so, is it classified by relegion? so, there is muslim blood, and christian blood, and hindu blood?

A big problem is you are using incorrect terms...that causes a lot of confusion and problems. It is A LOT less insulting if you add -ish to Jew, making it Jewish when appropriate instead of just using jew. Terms like jew blood and jew tribe .etc a lot of bad annotations...

Have you even remotely heard of the twelve tribes of Israel?

Extremely Orthodox Judaism ( from what I read ) requires a Jew to have relation by blood or marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel, while in Christianity, Christ invited all to come unto him...

Dude, but what you said is that Gadaffi is Jewish because he have Jewish sorcery books. You defined him Jewish by that. First thing thats wrong is that you defined someone by the possession of an item, and the second is that the item in question is not even a part of their religion.
he's grand mother is jew :p
yeah true that isnt ennuf to say he's jew

Note: They consider themselves Muslim in your example
and they are all against the teachings of islam, like they have the holy water, and people who you must contact to god threw them, and you tell them to delet your sins or something, (in islam teachings, it's just between you and god, and no holy water to pray or people between you and god..)
what if a group of jew, made a group, based on, kill every non-jew, they beleive in the spagetti monster, and that earth is flat, and etc... can those be jews? i mean, to be a jew, or muslim, or christian, you have to have that relegion teachings, that usually based on it's book

Plus, I think you meant the Key of Solomon ( with the Pentacle, note not the Star of David ), which I already introduced as incorrectly attributed to Solomon and from Renaissance Europe...

oh i see
he's grand mother is jew :p
yeah true that isnt ennuf to say he's jew

I don't know so I can't say if what you are saying is true

and they are all against the teachings of islam, like they have the holy water, and people who you must contact to god threw them, and you tell them to delet your sins or something, (in islam teachings, it's just between you and god, and no holy water to pray or people between you and god..)
what if a group of jew, made a group, based on, kill every non-jew, they beleive in the spagetti monster, and that earth is flat, and etc... can those be jews? i mean, to be a jew, or muslim, or christian, you have to have that relegion teachings, that usually based on it's book

That, depends on which sect of Christianity you are talking about...

IIRC, Judaism is a race.

Perfect example: Michael he white? No, he is black racially, even though he appears to be white.

I agree, You can say the same about Christians that you can about muslims, you can also say the same about all the Jewish converts who are not truly from the tribe of judah which the so called zionistic jews clame to be, They will also pay for this crime when the true air to Judahs throne returns he is the real Lion of judah and rightly so when you see him you will know what I mean.

They are bad and ignorant jews maybe but you can't strip him of his bloodline so to speak. The Gentiles have claimed ownership of the crest of judah under false guise.
i see
I am a Jew by the way, But I am a Muslim also do you see now?, Im a jewish muslim (this isn't hypothetical im actualy a jewish muslim)


yes actually :p
since you beleive in god, and none but god, and you beleive in the prophets, and the judgement day, and other stuff? i don't know much about the jewish relegion, so i have to google it sometime
A big problem is you are using incorrect terms...that causes a lot of confusion and problems. It is A LOT less insulting if you add -ish to Jew, making it Jewish when appropriate instead of just using jew. Terms like jew blood and jew tribe .etc a lot of bad annotations...
oh, I think i'll have to try to improve my english

Have you even remotely heard of the twelve tribes of Israel?

Extremely Orthodox Judaism ( from what I read ) requires a Jew to have relation by blood or marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel, while in Christianity, Christ invited all to come unto him...

yeah i heard about the twelve tribes of israel, but not really, just by name,
it's back to the 12 children of the prophet yaacob, (jacob?) that maked 12 tribes, and then united under one nation under somolon
i see

yes actually :p
since you beleive in god, and none but god, and you beleive in the prophets, and the judgement day, and other stuff? i don't know much about the jewish relegion, so i have to google it sometime

As salam Alaikum Akhi alhumdillilah

La ilaha ilallah subhana wa ta'ala mohhamadan rasoolalah sallallahu alaihi salaam

eqraa injeel, torah.


As salam Alaikum Akhi alhumdillilah

La ilaha ilallah subhana wa ta'ala mohhamadan rasoolalah sallallahu alaihi salaam

eqraa injeel, torah.

:p you're not very good in arabic i think
al-salam alaikom, akhi, al-hamdou li allah
ach'hadu anna la ilaha illa allah wa anna mohammadan rasulu allah
:p you're not very good in arabic i think
al-salam alaikom, akhi, al-hamdou li allah
ach'hadu anna la ilaha illa allah wa anna mohammadan rasulu allah

LOL, I know my arabic sucks right now =( I have only just started to learn it, i can't have a convosation I talk like an arabic 5 year old lol but im improving day by day inshallah.

I get confused like with japanese it's hard to reverse my wording sometimes my mind is still mainly hard wired for english but im slowly getting it right.

Thanksfor the correction I will study it after I read a link a brother give me in my Khalid ib walid thread.

If somebody goes against everything in islam and claims they are muslim then they do not deserve the title of muslim. Jews are from certain tribes the 12 tribes of israel. So one can be a complete total shame to judaism and the teachings of the torah yet sadly remain a jew by blood.

Most peopletoday don't even know they are jews, Like the black tribes of israel, Tell a black man he is a jew and 9 times out of 10 they will laugh unless they understand scriptures and tribal ancestory indepth like a small minority do.


You sir have constipation of ideas, and diarrhea of the mouth.

That passage is so completely idiotic I'm not even going to waste my time on something like this.
Besides the fact, how in the world is a muslim person that bad that they are no longer considered muslim?

Its perfectly acceptable to blow up buildings, fly planes into skyscrapers, send your own child with a bomb to blow up other children. To spray acid in the faces of young woman.

To forbid female education.

To sell your daughter.

So tell me, in the face of all that, is there actually a sin bad enough for a muslim person to commit to no longer be considered muslim?