from the beginning, the end

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You make fun, as a child making fun of someone who is different. Truly, you are litterally heaping hot coals upon your head.

You can kill a man with a sword. You can kill a few man with a gun. You can kill several men with a bomb strapped to your chest. You can kill a few thousand with an airplane. You can kill seventy thousand with a little earthquake, and you can make millions flee with a hurricane. But, with a Word, you can kill everything living and start over again!

Christ said: "Woe unto those who take bribes to council sinners". The preachers of today take tithes and offerings to buy homes and cars and make themselves comfortable. WOE unto them.
Christ said:" be passersby", "take nothing for yourself. What you need will be given to you".
A servant of God does not have a home. I was like them once, I have had 3 homes, all which have been taken away from me. I live in a home which once was mine. You see, God takes care of those he loves and makes sure that his word is done as it was said.

I have never lifted a hand against anyone, however, it is not beyond me. Peter cut off a mans ear. Paul killed many and stood by in approval at the stoning of Stephen.

You may think I am a voice crying in the wilderness as was John the baptist. Not so. As is commanded, everything which is hidden will be revealed. No stone will remain unturned. My word has been heard around the world as it was . Those without ears to hear will have ears placed in their heads and will hear.

So you say, We will be glad when he is gone and is done tormenting us. You do not know what you are saying. When I am done with you, that means I am done planting, watering, spreading sunshine, and you are ripe. When I leave you the reapers will come and reap what I have sown.

Don't you get it? I do more work in five minutes than you and many more than six billion people do in their entire lives.
witnessjudgejury said:
Don't you get it? I do more work in five minutes than you and many more than six billion people do in their entire lives.

Are you Santa Clause?

More to the point ...

Why are you saying all this stuff? You think you are some kind of prophet?

I see no gentleness or humility in your words. Jesus is my Lord. I believe Jesus came in the flesh. I believe Jesus was crucified, buried in a tomb and rose again on the 3rd day.
All who believe say 'Come soon Lord Jesus'.
I don't know what you believe WJJ but your words are from man, not God.

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I like very much that you had 3 homes to live in - multiple personality disorder ?
If you know so much and work more in 5 minutes than 6 billion people in their entire life, then take one second and explain this , which by christians are supposed to hold the meaning of all the universe :


I know the meaning of this - but then again I am the Paraclete .......
Well that was probably to easy - I just typed in the words in GOOGLE and part but only part of the anagram was revealed in the search results ... I hope you know all of the meaning of these words ............

What a beautiful day it is ....
Multiple personality disorder ?
Hmmm .... one home for the witness,
one home for the jury and one home for the judge - Eureka - it ads up to 3 homes !!!!
Truly, you are litterally heaping hot coals upon your head.

Yes, I hear most of the bodies heat escapes from the top of the head - gotta keep it warm somehow.

Don't you get it? I do more work in five minutes than you and many more than six billion people do in their entire lives.

No, no, tell us what you REALLY think.
I believe Jesus was crucified, buried in a tomb and rose again on the 3rd day.
All who believe say 'Come soon Lord Jesus'.
I don't know what you believe WJJ but your words are from man, not God.

Uh, so are yours.
Dear Paul (or Wittnessjudgejury as you call yourself here ) ,
Please do not give up - we all love you - and after all, this site would be much more boring (and sane) if your postings did not pop up here from time to time.
Under your thread "Finally: Some truth" started on of september 2005 here on this site under religion , you describe yourself as being the new temporary Messiah untill Jesus arrives again !! You also describe yourself as having had severe suicidal depression for 30 years ( and one post a little further down has : suicidal depression and multiple personality disorder ) - I did not know that when I wrote the previous postings....
Please do not give up - suicide is not a way out , right now I believe your mind is playing tricks with you , and the very best thing you can do, is to seek a psychiatrist,
who has the necessary understanding of your present state of mind, and can help you ...
I know I was a bit rude before , but please help yourself by seeking a professionel
doctor of psychiatry ...... this is truly the first step in your recovery ..........
I have had friends who were really mentally ill - believed the strangest things - but after starting relevant treatment - they actually got very well - and started a new and much better life !!
Good luck Paul !!
(Q) said:
I believe Jesus was crucified, buried in a tomb and rose again on the 3rd day.
All who believe say 'Come soon Lord Jesus'.
I don't know what you believe WJJ but your words are from man, not God.

Uh, so are yours.

Ye but I am not claiming they are 'prophesy' am I :rolleyes:
It is said that the holy spirit is a person. So, when you say that I am not sound, what have you done? You have placed yourself on the bad side of the wall that will not fall and have called the dark ones to come and take you away.

What is a wall? A wall is something that separates the good from the bad, the safe from the unsafe. A wall that will not fall permanently separates.

Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, plain and simple. To separate the devil and his children from God and his. Where is the wall that separates?
Dear Paul,
Christ actually came to save ALL that embraced him - even the devil if only he would listen !!
There is no such thing as black and white - only shades of gray ....
Break down your wall , for it is only in your mind .
Pray and when you feel the embrace of Christ , then rise and do the right thing ,
take the first step must see that doctor of psychiatry !!
Go with God , Paul - but do the right thing !!
Paraclete said:
Dear Paul (or Wittnessjudgejury as you call yourself here ) ,
Please do not give up - we all love you - and after all, this site would be much more boring (and sane) if your postings did not pop up here from time to time.
Under your thread "Finally: Some truth" started on of september 2005 here on this site under religion , you describe yourself as being the new temporary Messiah untill Jesus arrives again !! You also describe yourself as having had severe suicidal depression for 30 years ( and one post a little further down has : suicidal depression and multiple personality disorder ) - I did not know that when I wrote the previous postings....
Please do not give up - suicide is not a way out , right now I believe your mind is playing tricks with you , and the very best thing you can do, is to seek a psychiatrist,
who has the necessary understanding of your present state of mind, and can help you ...
I know I was a bit rude before , but please help yourself by seeking a professionel
doctor of psychiatry ...... this is truly the first step in your recovery ..........
I have had friends who were really mentally ill - believed the strangest things - but after starting relevant treatment - they actually got very well - and started a new and much better life !!
Good luck Paul !!

Thank you for your concern and saying that you all love me.
I too have been a bit rude.
I have seen several psychiatrists over the years and have been on nearly every medication for depression that there is. Every psychiatist has told me that I was perfectly sane and rational and everyone that knows me respects me and sees no flaw in my reasoning. As for love, I don't see it in anyone except in a parents love for a child now and then. The psychiatrist I am currently seeing tells me that my depression is something that I just have to live with, there is no cure.

As for my mind playing tricks on me, I admit, in the past, it has done so. My current realm of thought though, comes directly from the bible and the secret sayings (direct quotes) of Jesus Christ along with rational reasoning. As for proof, just keep your eyes pealed and it will come. I do not speak of these things to those who I know who are not receptive to my line of thinking. I do however, drop thoughts upon them now and then with sufficient proof to convince them. It is interesting how easily one can instantly blow off a word given to them about God. They pretend they never heard it. My family, when they saw I was on the computer again after four years of silence, hacked into my computer and emailed all of my writings to eachother. That evening, when I confronted them, they blew it off and said they were just worried about me and apologised. It again is interesting how they must have not read a single word which I had written. Don't you think?
As for irrational and/or rational thinking, Here is a little. You should really pay close attention to these words and try very hard to find the truth in them.

I am no messiah, temporary or otherwise because not a single one in the world can accept me as one.

When Christ was here on earth, he was no messiah for the same reason. In his own words: "I came to bring fire, sword and war". Then you killed him.

I could change you all into flowers and make you behave as good christians if I chose to do so and I have seen evidence of this. However, If or when I turn my head, you all become snakes again. You see a snake is always a snake, even if you put make up on it and make it look like a flower.
witnessjudgejury said:
As for irrational and/or rational thinking, Here is a little. You should really pay close attention to these words and try very hard to find the truth in them.

I am no messiah, temporary or otherwise because not a single one in the world can accept me as one.

When Christ was here on earth, he was no messiah for the same reason. In his own words: "I came to bring fire, sword and war". Then you killed him.

I could change you all into flowers and make you behave as good christians if I chose to do so and I have seen evidence of this. However, If or when I turn my head, you all become snakes again. You see a snake is always a snake, even if you put make up on it and make it look like a flower.

Your family are concerned for you because of the sort of stuff you say on here. Paraclete had the same sort of concern for you. I have the same sort of concern. Indeed many christians on here have the same sort of concern for you.
Now you may take this concern and blow it off and say 'How can God be wrong! I am who I am and God loves me. I am special. Chosen.' etc etc, but your words and assertions make no sense.
Now you will say 'They make no sense to you because you are lost, without ears to hear.', but this is not the case. I have been walking with the Spirit for some twelve years or more. My salvation, nor anyone elses depends on what you say. Christ has already done everything that needed to be done. This is why He alone is Lord. My advice to you is 'Let your words be few'. Be still so the Spirit can become greater in you. There is nothing left for you to do WJJ. God has already done it.


c20H25N3o said:
Your family are concerned for you because of the sort of stuff you say on here. Paraclete had the same sort of concern for you. I have the same sort of concern. Indeed many christians on here have the same sort of concern for you.
Now you may take this concern and blow it off and say 'How can God be wrong! I am who I am and God loves me. I am special. Chosen.' etc etc, but your words and assertions make no sense.
Now you will say 'They make no sense to you because you are lost, without ears to hear.', but this is not the case. I have been walking with the Spirit for some twelve years or more. My salvation, nor anyone elses depends on what you say. Christ has already done everything that needed to be done. This is why He alone is Lord. My advice to you is 'Let your words be few'. Be still so the Spirit can become greater in you. There is nothing left for you to do WJJ. God has already done it.



Please hold on to that with everything you have as the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. May the Lord keep you.
If you loved God, you would spend all of your time as I do trying to know the things of God, the thoughts of God, the Love of God, and the Hatred of God. You would research everything you could find to find out what Christ said and what he meant, charishing and meditating upon every single word. Praying without ceasing, fasting from the world, keeping the sabbath, and Loving God (not your belief in him) but GOD.
You would also be aware of the time and the season, knowing what is now and what is coming.

Now, some of what you call completely irrational thought.

As for my depression, I have gotten rid of the largest and worst parts of the dark forces and suicidal portion of my depression simply be determining where it belongs. You see, It is like unpacking a box when you move. You pick something up and put it where it belongs. For all my years I have left myself open to all the forces and spirits and Gods in my unending search for God and Truth. Haveing a more powerfull spirit inside me that a thousand men combined and reasoning skills beyond compare, I not only had sympathy for the devil but at times I thought I was the devil. I have had his emotions, his thoughts, and his powers at times. However, like the snake story, when I turned my head or took a nap, I awakened to find myself, not the devil. So, I simply gave my depression back to the one in whom it belongs. Who would be so depressed. Obviously the one whose sin could never be forgiven who knows that he is going to spend eternity in the flames of the lake of fire in eternal darkness and separation from God. I separated him from me and gave him his depression back.
The remainder of my depression belongs to all of you, of course, being those who really don't care where they are from or where they are going, who cannot tell the seasons and the times and what is happening at this very moment.

Of course there are those who would say that maybe I have awakened the kundalini inside me and couldn't find an outlet. This too, could be true.

By the way, a christian with a heardened mind and heart, is truly a dead christian. No offense.
witnessjudgejury said:
Please hold on to that with everything you have as the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. May the Lord keep you.

May the Lord keep you and make His face to smile upon you also.


witnessjudgejury said:
If you loved God, you would spend all of your time as I do trying to know the things of God, the thoughts of God, the Love of God, and the Hatred of God. You would research everything you could find to find out what Christ said and what he meant, charishing and meditating upon every single word. Praying without ceasing, fasting from the world, keeping the sabbath, and Loving God (not your belief in him) but GOD.
You would also be aware of the time and the season, knowing what is now and what is coming.

WJJ - Although we do not belong to the world, we still live in it. We must work for our living. Do you work for your living? Or do you just spend time locked in a closet praying ceaslessly?

Now, some of what you call completely irrational thought.

As for my depression, I have gotten rid of the largest and worst parts of the dark forces and suicidal portion of my depression simply be determining where it belongs. You see, It is like unpacking a box when you move. You pick something up and put it where it belongs. For all my years I have left myself open to all the forces and spirits and Gods in my unending search for God and Truth. Haveing a more powerfull spirit inside me that a thousand men combined and reasoning skills beyond compare, I not only had sympathy for the devil but at times I thought I was the devil. I have had his emotions, his thoughts, and his powers at times. However, like the snake story, when I turned my head or took a nap, I awakened to find myself, not the devil. So, I simply gave my depression back to the one in whom it belongs. Who would be so depressed. Obviously the one whose sin could never be forgiven who knows that he is going to spend eternity in the flames of the lake of fire in eternal darkness and separation from God. I separated him from me and gave him his depression back.

The power of satan was overcome at the cross. But you know this right? I wouldn't dwell on satan's punishment. Rather think upon things that are lovely.

The remainder of my depression belongs to all of you, of course, being those who really don't care where they are from or where they are going, who cannot tell the seasons and the times and what is happening at this very moment.

Your depression belongs to you. You are suffering the results of a chemical imbalance. I believe you need to seek further professional help.

Of course there are those who would say that maybe I have awakened the kundalini inside me and couldn't find an outlet. This too, could be true.

Well why did Jesus need to die if all that was required was an 'awakened kundalini'? Surely a little book on meditation techniques would have been sufficient?

By the way, a christian with a heardened mind and heart, is truly a dead christian. No offense.

How hard is your heart towards those that are concerned for your mental wellbeing? Those who love you?


I will now add a new post called:

Did GOD (King James) include everything?

I will include the secret sayings of Jesus Christ.
Your reactions will be as follows:

These are forgeries from the devil and evil ones.
Jesus Christ is not making any sense.
I'll stick to God(King James)

soon you will realize all along that every word of mine has made complete rational sense. I don't have time to include everything because I have to go work my twelve hour day. I'll add more tomorrow.
Your reactions will be as follows:

Seek professional help and stay away from guns.
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