from the beginning, the end

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Your God, Satan, who created the physical realm is the one who is not a nice guy. His Father is the one who must destroy Satans works, you being one of his works until you are changed. Yes all of my family who doesn't accept the Father of Fathers, who became a man, will be destroyed. He came to bring fire, sword and war. And he is guarding the fire until it blazes.

Ask him to come into your life and keep you from going to hell.

That's all you have to do, he will take care of the rest.

As far as evidence, The only thing I don't have proof of is the twelve Angels/Gods who were created by the Forefather God. I have found uncovered scriptures which state that these were the words of Christ.

If you cared to get to know me, you would see the difference between us. My parents and grandparents always called me special, my x-brother inlaw called me the coolest dude he's ever known when we were young. Now that we are middle aged and he has a law degree, he calls me the smartest man he's ever known, Some of the people I work with call me "my hero" and "the peoples champ". None of these people have any idea what they are saying and I have not preached to any of them. At work I have always been called the model employee. Maybe you can get a clue from this.
I came from heaven and God the Forefather. Most if not all of you came from the Father of this world Lucifer/Satan. You can be adopted into the Forefather God's family if you choose and remove yourself from your father, or you can go the way of your father and burn in hell with him for eternity. God is Love, your father is death and hell.

If you need specific evidence of anything, Let me know and I will provide it for you.

In all honesty, at this point in life, from the way I have been treated here, I could care less if you all burn in hell. But, it pains me to stand by and do nothing and watch you all walk that path as I just wait until I can leave and be rid of you all.
witnessjudgejury said:
Christ said: I brought fire to the world, and will guard it until it blazes. There will be no aggressive beings in heaven.

Either setting the world on fire is not an aggressive act or Christ doesn't reside in Heaven.
witnessjudgejury said:
If you need specific evidence of anything, Let me know and I will provide it for you.

How about evidence of:

* 'God's existence.
* 'Satan's existence.
* Your immortality

Really, any particular item will do.

witnessjudgejury said:
In all honesty, at this point in life, from the way I have been treated here, I could care less if you all burn in hell. But, it pains me to stand by and do nothing and watch you all walk that path as I just wait until I can leave and be rid of you all.

That is a statement of pure contradiction. In case it wasn't noticed, you said "I don't care AND I care". Being 10x the engineer you should be able to avoid such fundamental logic problems.
I could care less if you all burn in hell.

It's little wonder you're the 'coolest dude,' the 'hero,' the 'peoples champ.'

I just wait until I can leave and be rid of you all.

I tingle. You'll be leaving when?
Hmm, that is an interesting quote. It clearly shows how unstable theists can be, and I'm surprised they can even hold down a job!

If you can't take people questioning your apparently rediculous beliefs then I don't believe that as an excuse to be careless wether they burn in hell for eternity... even if it is not real - quite clearly it is real in your head.

So to summarize, we question your beliefs and as a result you think/want us to burn in hell for eternity. How sweet. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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Let me pose a question which a child can answer.

If you make something and find that that thing is hurting you, what do you do with it?

Answer: destroy it, Step on it and grind it into the ground, burn it, isolated it from the other good things and try to make it good and if you can't, burn it.

Here is a test of who rules your mind.
Until you can think for yourself and determine that abortion is murder of a human, you are being decieved by the devil, who denies abortion, denies God, denies me, denies even you. If you cannot detatch yourself from the devil, you might as well start screaming now because in a few short years you will find yourself engulfed in flames with him.

If you think you are good, then hear this. If you allow a child to observe and learn the ways of the world, you are a murderer.

If you pay taxes to pay farmers not to grow food which should have been used to feed the thousands who starve to death every day, you are a mass murderer.

God did not create this mess. The physical realm belongs to Satan. You are descendents of those whom God the First Father created. Satan rebelled and became defective on his own accord in his own pride. He is your father and does not wish to let you go.
WJJ...And how are you affected? How do we know what you're saying is not of the devil's making? By your own words, this becomes a major dilemma. For that matter how do you know if your entire belief is predicated on devilish shenanigans? I could make a case that the entire religion, god and bible is nothing more than the devil's influence on man. You can never be sure.
If you make something and find that that thing is hurting you, what do you do with it?

I would admit to making a huge error and would not continue further until the problem is resolved.

Answer: destroy it, Step on it and grind it into the ground, burn it, isolated it from the other good things and try to make it good and if you can't, burn it. ... a question which a child can answer

Yes, that answer IS from a child, one with violent tendencies. Do you also staple cats tails with firecrackers?

If you made/had a child and it hurt you, would you also do those things?

One takes responsibility for their mistakes. Your god does not.
I love it when an obviously insane theist glosses over a request for proof of his extremeist tendencies and replies with rhetoric.

I'm sure God is so proud of you ;)
you have made yourselves conspicuous weeds, bearing no good fruit to be plucked up by one of the reapers out of the garden. Now, say good bye and I'll get on with my business using the words of Jesus Christ himself. You are as your father only you have more guts, all you are doing is covering the truth with comments, used to decieve those who would wish to know the truth.
If I am who God the First Father who made himself into a man Yeshua "Jesus" Christ says that I am:

"For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."

"Behold; you will meet a man named Saul (interpreted 'Paul'). He is a Jew, circumcised according to the Law. With fear, trembling, and terror he will hear my voice from Heaven. His eyes will be blinded; you will cross them with your spittle. His eyes will be opened, and he will praise God, my heavenly Father. He will become well known among the nations by his preaching and teaching. Yet he will be hated by many and delivered to his enemies. He will testify before mortal kings. He will complete my testimony. Even though at first he persecuted and hated me, he will be converted, then preach and teach. He will be among my very elect: a chosen vessel, a wall that will not fall. The last of the last will become a preacher to the Gentiles, perfect in the will of my Father. "

If Jesus was a liar, then I shouldn't be here.

Here am I, the sign of Jonah. In the belly of the whale for two days and spit up on shore at the beginning of the third day. Jesus was dead for two days and rose on the third. This, according to christ, is the only sign that this generation will see from God until the very end.

How would you expect me to behave towards this, the most wicked of generations? Haveing been beheaded as Paul, nailed to a cross right side up, upside down, beaten and left for dead, skinned alive, boiled in oil, chained and imprisoned and left to die. So we're all back. How would you expect me to act? Haveing never done an evil thing in my life.

Billy Joel said only the good die young. The truth is, only the bad die twice.

This time you can't kill me. I only wish you could as, I have prayed thousands of times for death during this life. How sad for me. Do you think I take pleasure in my immortality and power over all of you and your father who is a GOD. I am only a man, backed by Gods and angels and the Father of Fathers.

I can understand how you would call me nuts, but you should be concerned with eternity more than trying to hurt my poor little feeling. If you are Getting in my way in trying to save the world, you are in Gods way and you will be swiftly removed.

Have a nice day.

you have made yourselves conspicuous weeds, bearing no good fruit to be plucked up by one of the reapers out of the garden.
On the contrary by using our brains and knowledge collected from thousands of years of human activity we have proved countless times that we can and have improved human life and society on this planet and we expect to continue to do so. In contrast, religions, and especially Christianity have not contributed any new knowledge and have consistently limited and oppressed scientific research; an activity that could easily be compared to the choking and stifling action of weeds.

Now, say good bye and I'll get on with my business using the words of Jesus Christ himself.
Science and critical thinking are hardly likely to ever leave. Religions on the other hand have a hopeless task ahead of them since every day new knowledge arrives that little by little destroys the credibility of your pointless endeavor.

… all you are doing is covering the truth with comments, used to decieve those who would wish to know the truth.
You have presented no demonstrable truths here, only mythical baseless gibberish from a minor Christian cult that has no meaningful credibility. Why not learn how to think critically and make an honest attempt to discover real truth rather than preach ancient meaningless superstitions?

If Jesus was a liar, then I shouldn't be here.
No one has yet shown any meaningful evidence that Jesus ever existed. The question of whether he lied or not is therefore somewhat moot.

How would you expect me to behave towards this, the most wicked of generations?
But this is not so. The religionists attempt to demonize the current population is simply a blatant attempt to justify their own doom and gloom doctrines. If you were to look back at history then you’d find that current standards of life quality and freedom far outweigh the tyrannical and oppressive regimes and bloodthirsty societies of the past. Out of all of history this is by far the most enlightened and best times in which to live.

Haveing never done an evil thing in my life.
Yes you have, you are doing it now. You are attempting to spread malicious baseless religious nonsense in an attempt to persuade others to your cause.

This time you can't kill me.
Believe me kiddo you are very mortal, and unless science can find a solution you will surely die soon and cease to exist for eternity.

I have prayed thousands of times for death during this life. How sad for me.
Go see a psychiatrist – I believe such states of depression can be treated.

Do you think I take pleasure in my immortality and power over all of you and your father who is a GOD.
Yes. It is typical of someone who is psychotically deluded.

I am only a man, backed by Gods and angels and the Father of Fathers.
No, you are simply a person who has drowned himself in religious gibberish.

I can understand how you would call me nuts,
Good – recognizing how others see you might help you take the next step to recovery.

but you should be concerned with eternity
I am and religions offer no solutions only vacuous promises.

more than trying to hurt my poor little feeling.
I doubt anyone here has any interest in your feelings.

If you are Getting in my way in trying to save the world, you are in Gods way and you will be swiftly removed.
Fortunately threats by psychopaths have little impact on an electronic anonymous community such as this.
I find the use of the word rhetoric a fine compliment; however, being that over 95% of the population has no clue as to what the word means, makes it deceptive and evil.
I'm sorry if your mother is a whore and was therefore unable to teach you the difference between right and wrong. To solve all of your problems and feelings of inadiquacy, pray this simple prayer and I promise, God will take care of the rest:

Father Jesus Christ, please forgive me of my sins and do whatever you have to do to keep me from going to Hell. Amen
Crunchy Cat said:
How about evidence of:

* 'God's existence.
* 'Satan's existence.
* Your immortality

Really, any particular item will do.

That is a statement of pure contradiction. In case it wasn't noticed, you said "I don't care AND I care". Being 10x the engineer you should be able to avoid such fundamental logic problems.

*bump* still waiting.
I forgot to warn you. Speak a word against my spirit and you have guaranteed your eternity in hell. You see, a sin against the holy spirit is a sin which cannot be forgiven on earth or in heaven and my spirit is the holy spirit.

Now you see the wrath of God.
I have read enough. This guy is another Angelic Being... i.e. an alias created for satirical purposes :D
witnessjudgejury said:
I forgot to warn you. Speak a word against my spirit and you have guaranteed your eternity in hell. You see, a sin against the holy spirit is a sin which cannot be forgiven on earth or in heaven and my spirit is the holy spirit.

Now you see the wrath of God.

What is a 'spirit' and how would I speak against it?
It was not my intention to lure you in and kill you twice.

A spirit is that which makes you do what you do. It is your life force. It is that which animates you. You can figure out the rest.

If you do not believe in God or want to, what are you doing here in this post?

It seems you are only here to disrupt the culmination of the plan which God has spent 6 thousand years working on.

The Lord rebuke thee Satan!

If you know what it is that holds the earth in space and makes it spin around and makes the sun and moon spin around the earth so that there is always light shining on it, and what it is that keeps large objects from colliding with the earth, then you are worthy to analyze me and my words.

You haven't heard any of my message. You only pick apart the words which you understand.

Even a child can understand my words.

I wrote two thousand years ago that you should work out your salvation with fear and trembling and you should pray without ceasing.

These words will never be more true than they are today as the world continues to pay for its sins. Do not curse God while you lose all of your comfort!

After it rains blood over the earth, there will be an earthquake so big that every building on the earth will fall and every mountain will be moved out of its place.
Then the earth will be knocked out of its orbit. The earth will puke fire and the smoke will be so thick that you will not be able to see.

Will you believe in God then? Yes you will and you will curse him.
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