France has become institutionally RACIST

tiassa said:
You have no idea what you're responding to, Vienna.
If you cannot understand my argument, then you are not as intelligent as you make out.

Are you purposely acting dumb?

You know it wouldn't hurt you to go out and do a hard days work in that big wide world out there - you might learn something.
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tiassa said:
This, coming from you, Otheadp?

Impressive in its irony.

that like totally like hurt me like like
you know, i think my nick would serve you better.
isn't there a fat one waiting for you tiassa?

other than that, unfortunately we're not all perfect like you
pm, i noticed in your first message that France is banning religious emblems, wouldnt that include crosses, pentagrams etc, not just muslim'm emblems?
you can either be nice to foriegners like the UK - which gets you approval, moderatley nice to foriengers, like france is and get given crap for it or you can be totally evil to foriengers, such as Saudi arabia and just claim thats its ok because people will only go there if they are muslim. It seems that France's problem could either be solved by being nicer or harsher to muslims.

The French have every single right to give a muslim a male doctor. or make the muslim wait until a male doctor is available, which could take many hours and inconvinience other patients, thats a bit unfair. I mean, if i demanded a blonde female doctor with a great body, u would tell me to shut up

Oh yeah, u think the muslims had it bad in WW2, they fought alongside everyone else, but i could not find the casualty figures for the muslims, what i did find out is the casualty figures for Russia,
Military; 11,000,000
Civilian; 7,000,000

210 000 for the military, your losses were bad, but not that bad

also, it was american that armed sadam, not france
PM, you said that france was banning religious emblems from schools, this would also include crosses and pentograms, not just muslim's emblems.
UK is very nice to foriegners, France is sorta nice and saudi arabia is evil
who seems to be getting the blame? France, thats not fair.

You say thousands of muslims died in their part of WW2 this is insignifigant. 11 000 000 russian military personel and 7 000 000 civilians were killed, france lost 210 000 military.

Bin laden is not MY own, nor is he the Frenches own, he was made by america, France was against the american war against iraq. The french people have veto power in the UN and used it to try to persuade america not to attack iraq (racist people, hating muslims sooo much)
other than that, unfortunately we're not all perfect like you
Perfection is an unreal expectation. To the other, it seems rather counterproductive--pointless, at best--to wallow in and celebrate one's own shortcomings as if they were divine wisdom.
Michael said:
France is a democratic society. Democracy doesn’t equate to
”so long as I’m doing my own thing, then I can do what ever I like”. They do not allow one to walk down the street naked do they?

Yes they do, hell, they love it.

The French people decide/democratically what is acceptable and what isn’t and they have decided that wearing religious affiliated clothing or signs are not acceptable in public schools.

The Germans also decided DEMOCRATICALLY to elect HITLER to power !! :rolleyes:

I have a few questions?
Do you agree that it should or should not be OK in Saudi Arabia for
1) Women to have all the freedom as a man?

Yes, women in Islam are EQUAL to man...what happens in Saudi Arabia is that their backward beduin culture is influecing Islam so much.

2) Women to work?

Of course, Islam has no problem with women working.

3) Christians to preach their religion and try to convert Muslims to Christianity?

NEVER...Saudi Arabia has the holy of the holiest in Isam, christians and Jews both DONT recognize Islam as divine religion let alone respect it, they consider prophet Muahmmad (pbuh ) false prophet, so why the hell I would allow such people into the holy of my holiests ???

They can do that in the rest 56 MUSLIM countries around the world but CERTAINLY NOT in Saudi Arabia.

Will you let anyone to your house if they mock you and your faith and always say you will go to hell ???????? :bugeye:

4) Jews to preach the values of their religion and where land is available to build synagogues and other religions institutions?

Never, read answer no.3 for the same reasons.

5) For Atheists (like me) to preach their interpretation of why we have religion and try to convert people away from Islam into Atheism?

No problem at all. If you can convince MUSLIMS to be athiests, then good luck... :rolleyes:

I’m just curious.

Have you been to Saudi Arabia ??? if not, ask yourself why there are hundreds of thousands of westerners living and working there if Saudi Arabia is very oppressive ??????
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alain said:
You say thousands of muslims died in their part of WW2 this is insignifigant. 11 000 000 russian military personel and 7 000 000 civilians were killed, france lost 210 000 military.

What do you mean insignificant ?? the loss of one life is very significant for me.

Bin laden is not MY own, nor is he the Frenches own, he was made by america, France was against the american war against iraq. The french people have veto power in the UN and used it to try to persuade america not to attack iraq (racist people, hating muslims sooo much)

I Agree, Bin laden is American-made terrorist, I dont know about the French role in that.
Vienna, you mistake me.
If you cannot understand my argument, then you are not as intelligent as you make out.
Rather, I understand your argument. That's how I know you have no clue what you were responding to.
Are you purposely acting dumb?
Well, I am trying to write in a voice you understand. I'll aim lower.
You know it wouldn't hurt you to go out and do a hard days work in that big wide world out there - you might learn something.
Work for whatever wage you want. It still won't be enough for you to buy a clue.
Acid Cowboy said:
So why aren't Muslims fixing their own houses by staying in Muslim countries rather than immigrating to the West?

Everytime we try to take care of one dictator, you come and support him becuase he serves your interests....does this VIDEO ring any bells in your head ???

[link removed by moderator]

Anyway, your defense of Saudi Arabia later in your post makes it clear you have no interest in fixing the "houses" of any Muslim neighbors.

It is so funny to hear that from you, it is YOU who are supporting the Saud Royal Family even you know they are very oppressive...dont blame us, blame yourselfs and your greedy nations...hell, they support our dictators and then they complain abou the lack of democrasy in the arab world !! PATHETIC.

Where is this "massive discrimination in most western states"?

Muslim in the west are treated as third class citizen, if you dont live in Europe and if you are not Muslim then you dont know what I am talking is one example :

France fails immigrants, says official study,11882,1132011,00.html

There was oppression of non-Muslims in Muslim nations long before France banned religious symbols including - but not exclusively - the hijab. Why weren't you complaining about this oppression before?

And where is your proof ???? I dont accept LIES from anti muslim hate sites, can you quote me something from AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL or HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH ????

Increadible this fallacy about muslim oppression of non muslims in Muslim countries !! did you know that we in Syria ( Muslim country ) have 4 CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS as NATIONAL HOLIDAYS despite the fact that Syrian christias are no more than 10 % of the population ???

Show me one so called western 'liberal' society that consider muslim holidays as national holidays ?? Muslims in France are about 10 % also of the population and yet they dont get anything, instead they are discriminated against and persecuted.

Did you know that we in Syria pay the ELECTRICITY and the WATER bills for every single church in the land ???? My government pays these bills using our money ( taxes )...SHOW ME ONE WESTERN SO CALLED LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY THAT DO THE SAME ???

If you really wanted to impress me you would start a whole thread here at SciForums defending the rights of a Christian, Hindu, Jew or Scientologist to practice his or her religion in a place like Saudi Arabia.

I already explaind my position about this point, I think Muslims are oppressed MORE than christians, so I care about my people first and then I will care about others........FIX YOURSELF FIRST BEFORE YOU FIX OTHERS...COMMON SENSE, dont you agree ?

Muslims in GREECE for example are not allowed to build mosques nor to renew the ancient ones !! why should I talk about christians when my own people are oppressed in so many parts of this world ??

Muslims in most Eastern European states are not allowed to build mosques, they are not even give me a break...I have to fight for my rights first before I fight for others right ...

So you were clearly lying when, earlier in this thread, you stated: "Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear, so you have no right to question them, tell the french to declare their state religious, closed and conservative and muslims will shut up"

Lying about what ??? I still stand by what I said... :rolleyes:

That doesn't explain away situations like Saudi Arabia where Muslims are the source of the aggression.

Why you guys are SO HYPOCRITES ?? there are 57 MUSLIM COUNTRIES, why only picking Saudi Arabia ?? is it because you cant find any LIES regarding other Muslim countries ???? :rolleyes:

Your hypocrisy is astounding. You are now defending the "right" of Muslim states to be closed, oppressive theocracies why denying non-Muslim states the "right" to do the same. You are willing to disregard your own religion in order to eliminate any dissenting views.

You are really pathetic !! you are interpreting what I write the way you want to suit your own wishes, hu ?? I am NOT defending the right of muslim states to be closed, I dont want other muslim states to be closed, I was talking about Saudi Arabia..........get some coffe to make you concentrate more on what I write !!!

So you believe that Christian and Jews should only have the right to freely exercise their religion if they abandon their own beliefs and start worshipping prophets and gods from your religion. So much for the non-compulsion of religion in Islam.

Where did I say that ??? Lying wont advance our discussion further than this post, you know.

Would you oppose removing all Muslims from non-Muslim countries using that same reasoning?

Muslims respect and indeed RECOGNIZE christianity and Judaism, while the laters DONT recognize let alone respect Islam....BIG DIFFERENCE.

Do Muslims believe that Judaism, Christianity, Scientology, Hinduism, Asatru, Buddhism and Wicca are divine? What about all the other religions?

We Muslims believe ONLY Christianity and Judaism are DIVINE, Abrahamic faiths.

Do Muslims recognize Odin and Ganesha as gods and Joseph Smith as a prophet from God? How about the Dalai Lama? What about all the other gods and alleged prophets out there?

look up to find my answer.

After hearing your answers to my questions above, I will use your own logic to form an argument as to why Muslims should be banned from every non-Muslim nation.

and where is your argument ????

In some other Muslim countries they are targets for genocide and slavery and sometimes have their churches and homes destroyed by their Muslim neighbors/rulers.

I cant find better than the word BULLSHIT to answer your above statement.

If you want to see what NON-MUSLIMS are doing to Muslims, here is some pictures:

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tiassa said:
Vienna, you mistake me. Rather, I understand your argument. That's how I know you have no clue what you were responding to.Well, I am trying to write in a voice you understand. I'll aim lower.Work for whatever wage you want. It still won't be enough for you to buy a clue.
I don't know if you are a Christian or not kid, but I finished with the church because of condesending, holier than thou, self righteous little twats like you.

Grow up kid and get a job - It might make a man of you - well you can hope
These photos aren't pretty. But who is to tell who is muslim and who isn't. This could be just a bunch of savages at work somewhere in Asia .
These culprits deserve to be shot on sight.

Where is the story behind it?
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Vienna said:
These photos aren't pretty. But who is to tell who is muslim and who isn't. This could be just a bunch of savages at work somewhere in Asia .
These culprits deserve to be shot on sight.

Where is the story behind it?

Since you were sincere in your question and respectful, you deserve sincere and respectful answer:

Well, these massacres against Muslims took place 3 years ago in Al Maluku's islands in Indonesia, it was commited by christians against Muslims, here is another link with graphic pictures:

[link removed by moderator]

You did not hear about these massacres in the western media, because massacres are only reported if they were commited by Muslims !!

Here are more articles about the background of these massacres:

The Spice Islands' legacy of violence

By Bill Guerin

JAKARTA - Ambon, the capital of the province of the Moluccas Islands, or Maluku to Indonesians and the Spice Islands to romantics, has been the setting for three years of inter-religious violence. More than 10,000 have died unholy deaths and thousands more, mostly Muslims, have fled the conflict for South Sulawesi.

It was very barbaric massacre, I hope you can have some compassion for the dead Muslims.

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Abdel-Moneim Said, writing in the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram, said the proposed law was not proof of French racism. Instead it was a reaction to the Islamic fundamentalism of some expatriate Muslim groups, in which many imams present "the issue of the hijab ... as a first step on a long path of religious duties culminating in jihad". Muslims need laws to protect them from "the extremism in their midst, which is threatening to burn all their bridges with the rest of the world".

The Singapore Straits Times spoke out most strongly in favour of the ban. "Happily integrated immigrants adjust to the host country's civilisational norms," wrote Sunanda Datta-Ray. "Those who carry a bed of native earth with them, like Dracula's 'undead', are doomed to the pain of perpetual exile." Religious symbols should be worn "only in the natural setting where those symbols arouse no comment".

from The Guardian
Proud_Muslim said:
Since you were sincere in your question and respectful, you deserve sincere and respectful answer:

Well, these massacres against Muslims took place 3 years ago in Al Maluku's islands in Indonesia, it was commited by christians against Muslims, here is another link with graphic pictures:


You did not hear about these massacres in the western media, because massacres are only reported if they were commited by Muslims !!

Here are more articles about the background of these massacres:

The Spice Islands' legacy of violence

By Bill Guerin

JAKARTA - Ambon, the capital of the province of the Moluccas Islands, or Maluku to Indonesians and the Spice Islands to romantics, has been the setting for three years of inter-religious violence. More than 10,000 have died unholy deaths and thousands more, mostly Muslims, have fled the conflict for South Sulawesi.

It was very barbaric massacre, I hope you can have some compassion for the dead Muslims.


I have no regard for muslims as you know, but I never wish death on them. I have lots compassion with these poor victims. The savages who committed these attrocities should be punished with the death sentence - all of them! I could shoot them myself.

Why has nothing been done?????

Who is behind it??

Why hasn't the Western media got this info???
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This entire thread has already happened. Last month, WEP, look it up. PM posted the exact same shock videos, made the same canned accusations and arguments, Vienna exposed his bigotry, pothead and PM exchanged insults, I tried to educate PM on a few historical inaccuracies he mentioned, he yelled at me, tiassa tried to speak and got shouted down, and the moderator was nowhere to be found. Ahhhh, reruns.
Proud Muslim

Extracted from the link you gave

"Muslim leaders and Laskar Jihad say the Christian side started the fighting. Christians say the Muslims started the conflict. Neither side thinks much of the idea of militarily guaranteed protection.

The root causes of the Ambon conflict lie deep down in the gut of the long-standing economic and social imbalance between the Muslim and Christian communities. But other, more national, factors suggest such religious strife may not end so abruptly in a multi-ethnic Indonesian society that has become conditioned to everyday violence.

it all started 500 years ago with Halmahera, the main island, the battlefield for rivalry and regional supremacy between the sultanates of Tidore and Ternate. Some of the worst massacres in this latest conflict took place on Halmahera.

But Christian gangs and Muslim gangs alike run the street economy, divvying up spoils, sometimes under orders from the greater mafia in Jakarta.

Violence begets violence. The top-down violence of 500 years in the Spice Islands and the contemporary violence in an Indonesia struggling to come to terms with a fast-changing world may yet extract their pounds of flesh. "

(Copyright 2002 Asia Times Online Co, Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact for information on our sales and syndication policies.)


Those photos on that site are horrific,and its all due to religious differences.

This confirms my belief that religion has no place on Earth.

Vienna said:
I have no regard for muslims as you know, but I never wish death on them. I have lots compassion with these poor victims. The savages who committed these attrocities should be punished with the death sentence - all of them! I could shoot them myself.

It was these barbaric massacres that led to unrest in these islands, and consequently led to some muslim fanatics blowing up some churches and then bali.

Why has nothing been done?????

If The indonesian government punsihed those christians, the hell will break loose as you know !! :mad:

Who is behind it??

Mainly christians and Pagans.

Why hasn't the Western media got this info???

As I said, the western media report massacres when they are only commited by Muslims against Non Muslims, apparently, Muslim life worth nothing !

Vienna said:
Proud Muslim
Those photos on that site are horrific,and its all due to religious differences.

This confirms my belief that religion has no place on Earth.


But I thought you are christian !! :confused:
15ofthe19 said:
This entire thread has already happened. Last month, WEP, look it up. PM posted the exact same shock videos, made the same canned accusations and arguments, Vienna exposed his bigotry, pothead and PM exchanged insults, I tried to educate PM on a few historical inaccuracies he mentioned, he yelled at me, tiassa tried to speak and got shouted down, and the moderator was nowhere to be found. Ahhhh, reruns.
Yes and I nearly fell for it 15ofthe19, except the report PM quotes exposes that both Christians and Muslims are savages on these islands, and are as bad as each other.

No room for savagery on this planet - and no room for religion either. This is proof they go hand in hand, throughout history right up to today.
Proud_Muslim said:
But I thought you are christian !! :confused:
I used to have Christian preferences, but not strong. The more that I see that Religion is damaging the human race - the more I hate it.