France has become institutionally RACIST

The ultimate problem PM, is that Islam is just nonsense, just like Christianity.

Imagine if doctors still treated disease based on the idea that it was caused by demons? Would you take your sick child to such a doctor? No treatment he could perform would help, because he would be completely wrong about the cause of the disease.

Now change that to a government trying to run their affairs based on an ancient book full of myths, with no support from empirical evidence.

Dogma demands authority, rather than intelligent thought, as the source of opinion; it requires persecution of heretics and hostility to unbelievers; it asks of its disciples that they should inhibit natural kindness in favor of systematic hatred.
-- Bertrand Russell
Anagram of Veil = Evil
Just ask Joan Jett.

In the meantime, the French government needs to understand that you cannot force an ideology onto a people just by outlawing the alternative.

Norwegian Sami folk singer Mari Boine Person:
Draw boundaries on the map
And call it The State
Be King Minister
Protector and Father
Send bailiffs and businessmen
Priests and soldiers
To the people who own
The land you take

Use bible and booze
And bayonet
Break promises and agreements
Be a diplomat
Use articles of law
Against ancient rights
Create prejudice
And hate

Let no one question your authority
That's how you suppress a minority

Let language and culture
Take their place in a museum
As research object
And tourist attraction
Give lively speeches
On each festive occasion
Let it disintegrate and die
That which was a nation

Let no one question your authority
That's how you suppress a minority

("Oppskrift for Herrefolk")
tiassa said:
In the meantime, the French government needs to understand that you cannot force an ideology onto a people just by outlawing the alternative.

In the meantime, the SAUDI government needs to understand that you cannot force an ideology onto a people just by outlawing the alternative.

But they do it anyway, and with the support of 2 billion muslims.
This is hideous! A child is a child is a child. They don't deserve any suffering. Vienna, you should die for your hypocracy. Children should not be pawns of war. I only wish this child was mine so I could comfort him. You deserve to die.
tiassa said:
Just ask Joan Jett.

In the meantime, the French government needs to understand that you cannot force an ideology onto a people just by outlawing the alternative.

Norwegian Sami folk singer Mari Boine Person:

Thank you tiassa, the poem is wonderful....

by the way, did you check your PM ?
In the meantime, the SAUDI government needs to understand that you cannot force an ideology onto a people just by outlawing the alternative.
Be that as it may, it has nothing to do with the French on this occasion.
But they do it anyway, and with the support of 2 billion muslims.
You know what the real kicker is? Osama bin Laden's on your side in this one.

Try a bit of a neutral consideration.

• If Tom thinks he's got a better way than Joe, how to convince him? Should he threaten Joe? Do it this way or else . . . . Should he appeal to Joe's intellect? If you just look at it from this perspective . . . . Does Tom not have confidence in Joe's ability to understand? What then? Back to threats? Maybe some childish cajoling? Can he "educate" Joe? (And here I think of diverse folks who tell me on the one hand that the government's coming to put us all in cages, or who are preparing for a worldly disaster by stocking up on abstract knowledge, think the bands in paper currency are electronic tracking devices, ad nauseam ... most of them have been well-meaning folks seeking to "educate" their neighbors.) But at what point does seeking to make Joe's way illegal help convince Joe that Tom's way is better?

Or a non-French/Saudi/Muslim issue.

• The cultural battle over indigenous tribes in the United States is a colorful melodrama, to say the least. Sometimes it's puzzling; the cultural battle seems a snotty abstraction. So many people of tribal blood get along just fine in our society that it seems an absurd proposition that tribes living for so long in characteristic poverty should insist on their "way of life." One could, up until the casino boom--and even still after its advent--argue that "only the stupid" could desire an old way of life that involved huddling together on crappy reservations. "Our way," the way of the White Man, the way of "America," has accomplished so much more. It's demonstrably the better way. And you know, it probably is even after you account for the half-trillion or so dollars of "their" economy that "we" stole over the years through agreements between the tribes and the Bureau or Indian Affairs. Suddenly the economic plight of the tradition ensconced on reservations doesn't seem quite as natural an argument . . . .

It would be well enough to look at even my Muslim neighbors here in America and say, "Get over yourselves and adapt," if I had greater confidence in "our way." But Western society is not conducive to the ummah; Western society relies on principles violative of the ummah. Where the ummah seeks social justice, Western society depends on poverty and injustice to support the privilege of a severe minority.

What of Muslim women, for instance? Out of the frying pan and ... what, onto the griddle? A strange thing that happened, over the years, is that feminism has cost women an absolute value worth of respect. I mean, sure men still have a certain amount of respect for women as objects of sexual and even spiritual desire, but that's about all that's left. Have any average post-postmodern American discussion about gender and it's confusing enough. Now throw a Muslim woman into that. I mean, sure, in America it's "degrading" to value a woman solely for her sex appeal, housekeeping faculties, and maternal superpowers. But you know, that's a far sight better than being valued solely on whether or not you can f@ck. And while we're banging out these questions (heh-heh) among ourselves--by which I mean those of us who are familiar with the issues from a lifetime's exposure--we now ask people whose cultural underpinnings aspire to different goals to step in and embrace something that we haven't yet figured out how to embrace for our own part?

I mean, if anyone asks me straight up, I think we've got a great thing going in the US ... in theory. But among ourselves we argue a lot over the finer details. The 1990s, for instance, saw the "answer to crime" being to build prisons faster than schools; who cares about the manufacture of criminals as long as we've got a place to lock them up? And by the end of the Clinton administration, the magnitude of the "prison culture"--people actively engaged with the correctional systems in this country--was shocking to many. Prisons as a growth-industry was not what people sought.

Anyway ... returning to the issue of France ... you know, I'm not going to pretend that France's problems start with Muslims in the 20th century. I simply have no reason to blame either Vichy or Peugot on Muslims.

What think you, for instance, of France's socioeconomic policies? How about that international outlook? Would you say that France has all their ducks in a row? They're sitting pretty? G.I. Jacques A-Number-One?

I'm of the opinion that France is, at best, as human as the rest of us. If the French are frightened by crucifixes and headscarves, so be it. But selling the drama will be a tougher issue. And, in the end, I don't hold France up as one of the greater successes of the West; some would call it a middling existence, some would call it the arse end of God's creation. So I can't say that anyone in the French government has a clear enough perpsective to really be making such a decision.

It's just a disrespectful way of going about ... whatever it is the French are trying to accomplish.
Proud Muslim

I'm just slow responding to private messages unless there's something urgent afoot. (And even then ....)

The poem is the English translation of a song. The song is recorded in its original Sami dialect. But a 9mb mp3 file of it is available here (for a limited time ....)
Proud_Muslim said:
From the above verses from the Noble Quran we see clearly that there is no complusion in Islam...Saudi Arabia is NOT forcing anyone to be Muslim, those westerners are the ones who chose to come and live in Saudi Arabia, they know that Saudi Arabia is closed, religious state.

Secondly, I truely support Saudi Arabia in banning christians and Jews from having any church or synagouge, those christians and Jews dont even believe in Islam let alone respect it, they believe Islam is an evil cult, they believe we muslims will go to hell and that prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is false prophet, so how on earth would you expect us to allow them to build a church in the holy of the holiest of Islam ????? it is not right, is it ??
Why then is there such a fuss about those Muslims that chose to come to France? Also, to your second point, why is it ok for Saudi Arabia to deny Christians their basic religious duties, but it's not alright for France to do the same?
Medicine Woman said:
This is hideous! A child is a child is a child. They don't deserve any suffering. Vienna, you should die for your hypocracy. Children should not be pawns of war. I only wish this child was mine so I could comfort him. You deserve to die.
What are you babbling on about you stupid mare.

I am 110% against using children in war - unlike muslims.

I am 110% for the protection of children.

So before stating that someone deserves to die, get your fucking facts rights.

Now Explain yourself !!!!
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tiassa said:
ViennaYou know what the real kicker is? Osama bin Laden's on your side in this one.


I was quoting the words of our resident islamic spokesman, and I quote:

Proud_Muslim said:
you will understand why those people are RIGHTLY not allowed to build their churches in Saudi Arabia, they can do that in the other 56 muslim country in this world but certainly NOT in Saudi Arabia, this is the wish not only of the saudis but the 2 billion Muslim around the world.

Therefore it is logical to assume that Osama Bin Laden is on Proud Muslims side - it figures.

And as for France they can do what they like - Islamic dresswear is seen to be intimidating. Islamic dress is becoming more and more offensive due to the fundies. It is becoming more of a symbol not unlike the Nazi uniform.

Islamic rappers' message of terror

Excerpt from 'Dirty Kuffar'
Peace to Hamas and the Hizbollah
OBL [bin-Laden] pulled me like a shiny star
Like the way we destroyed them two towers ha-ha
The minister Tony Blair, there my dirty Kuffar
The one Mr Bush, there my dirty Kuffar...
Throw them on the fire

Hear it here

DIRTY KUFFAR - broadband

DIRTY KUFFAR - dial-up


When muslims can get together in Britain and create a CD for public release and distributed freely around the mosques of Britain to incite muslim hate, then it is time to seriously look at the position of Islamic representation in the West.

Mosques in Britain should be closed - they are been used to circulate anti-west hate in our own backyard. There is a word for this - TREASON - Kick the buggers OUT NOW
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Vienna, you need to distinguish between Muslims. I personally know some Muslims that are very pleasant. I would not want them kicked out cause of something done by another Muslim. Just as I would not want to be sent to jail for a crime committed by someone else.
Siddhartha said:
Vienna, you need to distinguish between Muslims. I personally know some Muslims that are very pleasant. I would not want them kicked out cause of something done by another Muslim. Just as I would not want to be sent to jail for a crime committed by someone else.
I agree with you completely - but there is a huge problem here and it is turning very nasty.

Something needs to be done NOW.
tiassa said:
Proud Muslim

I'm just slow responding to private messages unless there's something urgent afoot. (And even then ....)

The poem is the English translation of a song. The song is recorded in its original Sami dialect. But a 9mb mp3 file of it is available here (for a limited time ....)

Thank you so much, I know the sami people very well, I lived with them, they are majestic people.

Thanks for the song.
Siddhartha said:
Why then is there such a fuss about those Muslims that chose to come to France? Also, to your second point, why is it ok for Saudi Arabia to deny Christians their basic religious duties, but it's not alright for France to do the same?

Muslims are not choosing to come to france, they are ALREADY French, they are asking for their basic rights.

As to Saudi Arabia, I said it before, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be open liberal society, it is closed religious state...big difference...scroll up to see my detailed answer about this.
Saudi Arabia does not claim to be open liberal society, it is closed religious state...big difference
so therefore they are exempt to giving people those so-called basic rights. right?
Pothead, you're a "hater", so you're on his ignore list, as is Vienna, and probably myself as well. When confronted with an opinion contrary to his own, PM has no choice but to stick his fingers in his ears and go "la la la la la" so he can't hear you.

He won't discuss the basis of his arguments, which is the validity of Islam, because that is true, and only a moron can't see that! Like all dogmatists, the only argument they have when their dogma is challenged is Appeal to Force .

That is the ultimate problem with him and his fellow travelers.
I have no problems with Islamic Americans any more than I do with Amish.
But if they start trying to change the government/laws here to reflect their priorities, then their will be a problem. If they live here, they have to conform to our ways, not vice versa.
Repo Man said:
He won't discuss the basis of his arguments, which is the validity of Islam, because that is true, and only a moron can't see that! Like all dogmatists, the only argument they have when their dogma is challenged

When you say this :

''The ultimate problem PM, is that Islam is just nonsense, just like Christianity.''

Then you will be automaticlly ignored, why should I debate someone very disrespectful and PATHETIC ???

No discussion until you apologize for your NONESENSE.
I do not care if my opinion offends you. If you have no defense to the charge that Islam is nothing but nonsense, why are you on a public forum in the first place? You would be better off in an Islamic forum where there would only be dissent over the details. Not that all would be peaceful, I've noticed that Shiia and Sunni have some problems, much like the problems of the various branches of Christianity.

If I believe that Islam is nonsense, why shouldn't I say so? Because I might hurt your feelings?
There is as much proof for the existence of the god of Islam as there is for Zeus, Apollo, the toothfairy, and Santa Claus. That is exactly none.
Pothead, you're a "hater", so you're on his ignore list, as is Vienna, and probably myself as well

80% of the board is on his ignore list :rolleyes:
i'm telling ya, i'm really losing sleep over this!
Proud_Muslim said:
Then you will be automaticlly ignored, why should I debate someone very disrespectful and PATHETIC ???

No discussion until you apologize for your NONESENSE.
Your a slimeball hypocrite - it is you who is disrespectful and PATHETIC.

As for Islam, it is the biggest load of bullshit ever to hit this planet. Not only is it bullshit, it is a threat to the peaceful civilised human race. Islam is warlike and primitive and its followers are backward in their belief of some figment of their imagination called allah.

Not only is islam retarded - it is a very dangerous movement.

Read Pathetic Muslims rantings, and they confirm what I am saying - PM Straight from the camels mouth.