France has become institutionally RACIST

Proud_Muslim said:
I suggest Tiassa to start writing book about his experience with this world, I am sure it will sell a lot and I will translate it into Arabic to make it available to the Arab readers.
Tiassa's experiences - of what? Certainly not life, He probably do a good book on literature - but thats all. The lad has never done a hard days work in his life....lives in books and a dreamworld.

MORONS like Vienna, Greco and the jew otheadp are trying to blow it up, they are failing miserably.[/B][/COLOR]
Blow what up monkey?

The only blasts are from the fanatical and brainwashed muslim suicide bombs
Vienna said:
Tiassa's experiences - of what? Certainly not life, He probably do a good book on literature - but thats all. The lad has never done a hard days work in his life....lives in books and a dreamworld.

He is more than that, books dont give you this amazing wisdom Tiassa has, beside, why you dont yourself vienna, go out and get a job ?? I have some work agencines phone numbers if you want ??? :cool:

Blow what up monkey?

The only blasts are from the fanatical and brainwashed muslim suicide bombs

How about these bombs, where they are coming from ??


Allahsmaths aka Ghassan was not atheist but non-theist(?). He believed in Allah the One not Allah the God. Where is he.?

Proud_Muslim said:
Iranians are shias, Many main stream Muslims dont consider them Muslims in the first place, but yes, i agree with you on that, Many Iranians become athiests when they leave Iran..we DONT see the same thing happening with the main stream muslims (the Sunnis )...every wondered why ??????
Wondering why ? tell me please.

Proud_Muslim said:
I suggest Tiassa to start writing book about his experience with this world, I am sure it will sell a lot and I will translate it into Arabic to make it available to the Arab readers.
First you have to translate it in English and show it to Tiassa. If at all he approves your english translation then try in arabic. In the process, Inshallah, you might become a sufi, who knows.?
Proud_Muslim said:
He is more than that, books dont give you this amazing wisdom Tiassa has, beside, why you dont yourself vienna, go out and get a job ?? I have some work agencines phone numbers if you want ??? :cool:

Ho ho Proud huh - if you only knew :(

The company I work for has just secured a new contract and guess where it is?

just guess where I'm going :( you'll love this...............
Last edited:
everneo said:

Allahsmaths aka Ghassan was not atheist but non-theist(?). He believed in Allah the One not Allah the God. Where is he.?

I dont know where is he !! he disappeared suddenly...May be he is banned since he was very anti zionist !!

Wondering why ? tell me please.

Because our faith is very strong and fortified with rational logical beliefs, the shia for example believe their saviour is 1200 years old baby who went missing in Iraq 1200 years ago, they beleive he is still alive and hiding in a tunnel somewhere in Iraq ! go figure !! :rolleyes:

First you have to translate it in English and show it to Tiassa. If at all he approves your english translation then try in arabic. In the process, Inshallah, you might become a sufi, who knows.?

Tiassa book will be in English, I will need to translate it into seems very confused this morning every....did you take your coffe yet ?
The lad has never done a hard days work in his life....lives in books and a dreamworld.
I assure you I have done at least a hard day's work in my life, else I wouldn't know why I despise it so.

My Sisyphan reaction to life has not been the most graceful. But when I figure out a contemporary expression both low enough to be digested by the vulgar yet lucid enough to carry the point, I'll be sure to bring it to you. In the meantime, trying to drag the masses through it would result--at best--in a skyrocketing suicide rate, which isn't conducive to the mission.
Proud Muslim said:
Because our faith is very strong and fortified with rational logical beliefs, the shia for example believe their saviour is 1200 years old baby who went missing in Iraq 1200 years ago, they beleive he is still alive and hiding in a tunnel somewhere in Iraq ! go figure !! :rolleyes:
Your example seems too simplistic. It might not got anything to do with whether they are shia or sunny or salafi. May be the theocracy would have pushed them to the other extreme.

Tiassa book will be in English, I will need to translate it into seems very confused this morning every....did you take your coffe yet ?
Thats what you said first. No coffee yet.
Vienna said:
Ho ho Proud huh - if you only knew :(

The company I work for has just secured a new contract and guess where it is?

just guess where I'm going :( you'll love this.....

Saudi Arabia ??
What's the point of having opinions around here.
Well, it depends on the situation.

In circumstances largely without tangible consequences--do you prefer chocolate-chip mint or rocky road? Ah! Of course ... vanilla--they're quite useful tools in establishing bases of association among humans that extend beyond the necessary cooperative effort to keep the species in the race.

In circumstances bearing the effects of consequences--sexism, racism, supremacy, &c.--opinions are asserted by some to be adequate substitutes for objective facts.

A very tacky cliché about opinions and recta goes here.
tiassa said:
Well, it depends on the situation.

In circumstances largely without tangible consequences--do you prefer chocolate-chip mint or rocky road? Ah! Of course ... vanilla--they're quite useful tools in establishing bases of association among humans that extend beyond the necessary cooperative effort to keep the species in the race.

In circumstances bearing the effects of consequences--sexism, racism, supremacy, &c.--opinions are asserted by some to be adequate substitutes for objective facts.

A very tacky cliché about opinions and recta goes here.

Tiassa If you ever write a book and get it published - I will buy it
Vienna said:
yep :confused:

good guess

hmmmm $£"$&%£^*%&^(*&

You can have a laugh at my expense - I owe you that at least

Noooo, why should I laugh at you !! I am pleased for you, I am sure you will make some good money out there in Saudi Arabia and you will see first hand how life is going on in the birthpalce of Islam.

You know, in large cities, you wont be shocked, because they have very tall buildings and nice advanced western-style shoping centers..but once you leave the big cities and into the desert you will see how people there lived throughout centuries, and maybe you will come to understand the sharia law.

I have nothing against you Vienna, I dont hate you personally...I really truely wish you very good luck there.
Proud_Muslim said:
Noooo, why should I laugh at you !! I am pleased for you, I am sure you will make some good money out there in Saudi Arabia and you will see first hand how life is going on in the birthpalce of Islam.

You know, in large cities, you wont be shocked, because they have very tall buildings and nice advanced western-style shoping centers..but once you leave the big cities and into the desert you will see how people there lived throughout centuries, and maybe you will come to understand the sharia law.

I have nothing against you Vienna, I dont hate you personally...I really truely wish you very good luck there.

Thanks for those words.

Oh boy, now I'm going to the heart of Islam. The thing I spoke so much about, or should I say spoke badly of.

"Shitting ones self " comes to mind here.. LOL! :)

All the best PM. Speak to you again sometime in the future.

Oh my, the irony of this is delicious. Vienna sent to Saudi Arabia. Wipes tears of laughter from eyes...

Vienna, word of advice, don't carry on there as you do in here. You know the crap you spout about the Muslims taking over the UK, how Muslims are bad, etc. Just keep those things quiet and learn about a different culture and learn to appreciate it and learn from it.

My parents were there for a little while when I was a baby and they ended up loving it, and they are strict Catholics. I think what suprised them the most was that the people there were so helpful and kind. The everyday people there are wonderful according to my parents.
Ok I've been out of the loop for a few days and thus apologise if I'm ressurecting something already discussed, but as I understand it all religious symbols have been banned. This includes Jewish skull caps and Christian crosses. Why then is this being touted so much as "Anti-Islamic" and not "Anti-Religious". Isn't that a rather large case of Islamic spin?
Why then is this being touted so much as "Anti-Islamic" and not "Anti-Religious".
I think it has something to do with--ironically--the straw that broke the camel's back.

In the United States we frequently have debates about religious displays on public lands. Certain of these debates are, of course, ridiculous, but there's a bit to be considered in there:

•*Skinner Butte, Eugene, Oregon. A large lit cross on the hill on public lands. Is this equivalent to a statue of Greek design depicting an agriculture goddess somewhere in the state government buildings? To some it does, but none of those can show me a church where she is worshipped, nor how it is that so much of the city has to see the symbol.

That's my favorite example. I mean, I understand the idea of Jews and Muslims and atheists not needing to see manger scenes from Christianity on public lands (after all, there's enough of them in the storefronts), but by the time that process spirals to include hijab and other "symbols," it's out of hand.

In the end, prohibiting religious "symbols" that are attached to the person can be extremely problematic and can undermine the society by causing it to fracture and factionalize.

Christians in America, for instance, live by a society that is tailored to their needs; the work week revolves around worship, our major holiday focuses on Christianity ... Muslims and others must adapt. In some cases, that means they do stick out. The front-desk receptionist at my insurance company that we bumped to back-room support during Ramadan was also the best front-desk receptionist we'd had for a while. It was easy enough to work around that situation, and while some would be perfectly thrilled if Muslims in France simply factionalized and remained aloof, it's not healthy to run that risk in society.

The hijab issue is more akin to the "thong check" scandal.

In the end, and to actually finally address the question, it's because "Muslims" were the impetus to make the anti-religious rule. Everything was all well and fine, and then there were the Muslims, but you can't take it out on just them, so you have to take it out on everybody.

Other religions will be affected, to be sure, but they weren't the reason the idea was proposed for action.

The nearest analogy I can give you is when a US Representative from California stood up to note, during debate over MAPA '99 (failed) that it seemed strange that Congress only ever got around to upping drug penalties when minorities started making money from whites. It's true; opium (Chinese), marijuana (Hispanics, Indigenous tribes), cocaine (African-Americans), and methamphetamine (Hispanics, but also just about anybody nonwhite.) Admittedly, the conditions of proliferation leading the disempowered minority to tap the system are also cause for alarm, but somewhere in there is the difference. After a while, minority groups get tired of being the impetus for intolerant change.

The French action does not stem from Catholic abuses of children, or from resentment of Scientology. It comes from paranoia about Muslims. And that's why the issue is touted as anti-Islamic.
Well said, let them choose whoever they want, I am sure they will choose ayatollah, something will turn the tables on America and Israel's heads.
I think you’re right about choosing a religious leader. I’m not sure what you mean about America and Israel’s heads?

What do you mean by writing system ??
Arabic before it was changed with the diacritical dots. You’d agree you could not read ancient Arabic – you know the language the Qur’an was originally written. You need to have the diacritical dot. There are few scholars who can still read the original written language.

WRONG, before the prophet muhammad (pbuh ) the people in Arabia were mostly PAGANS, they did not pray to mecca, they prayed to their idoles.
During a conversation with Allahmathamatics, he laid out some history of Pre-Islamic Arabia. I personally thought it was a little too religious-tainted but maybe not? I am surprised to hear you say he is atheistic. I certainly didn’t think that was the case (although I knew he was liberal). This conversation was centered on whether there are contemporary secular (non Qur’anic/Haddith) writings supporting any of the stories found in the Jewish belief system in Arabia pre-Islam. Basically did any Arabs believe they were descendents of a common ancestor – as is the case now? Anyway, I’m positive he said Mecca was the center of worship before Mohammad was born and that people would turn to pray towards it in reverence to the gods they worshiped then. Not the Allah you worship mind you but one that was the head of three other gods. I wish I had the time to learn more of Arabia’s history but I’m in the process of learning Far East histories.

I’m not talking about visiting nor working. DO YOU AGREE that Saudi Arabia should allow people to practice other religions in the country (outside of Messa and Median – that’s fair enough). Say put up Synagogues in other towns in Saudi Arabia and Churches and Atheistic schools, Shinto temples, Buddist monestaries . . . etcetera.
Is THAT ok with you or not?

No, it is not ok, Saudi Arabia's land is all holy, Mecca and Medina are the holiest, but for us every single sand in Saudi Arabia means a lot to us...again, why you talk about Saudi Arabia only ?? there are another 56 MUSLIM STATES, they can build whatever they want there, why just Saudi Arabia ?
I picked Saudi Arabia to illustrate a point. Just as you used France to illustrate your point (which I agree with mind you – that the law is morally wrong, nevertheless in a democracy it is the will of the majority of the people that decides, which was my point).

You are basically saying that it is OK for an Arab to migrate to Europe/England and worship as they see fit, build mosques as they see fit, and teach their children as they see fit. Whereas you are unwilling to allow Europeans to come to Saudi Arabia and to the same (we’ll say excluding Mecca and Medina)

The term used to describe when one person is allowed to do something but doesn’t allow another to do the same is called hypocrite. To say an Arab can build a Mosque in England but an Englishman can not build a church in Saudi Arabia is hypocritical. It’s really that simple. And that was my point.

You see, it is this HYPOCRISY that anger the Muslim world...Saudi Arabia is our own private home, we let in whoever we it is NOT my business to tell the British government who they should let in to their country, it is not anyone business to ask us to let anyone into our holy places.
This is true. It is you’re right. But then you will also AGREE that in the same manner it is then also the right of the French to decide who they let do what they want in their country. You would AGREE that the French could make Islam illegal and you would support it 100% as much as you support Saudi Arabia. Not to would be admitting to hypocrisy. Are you a hypocrite?

Muslims in Greece for example are not allowed to build a single mosque let alone renew the old ones !!! why you dont complain about that ???
Firstly, I agree with you. Secondlay , if there were a Greek here bitching about Saudi Arabia not letting Christians Build Churches in Saudi Arabia I’d just as quickly call him a hypocrite and try to point it out to him Greece doesn’t allow Muslims to build Mosques and try to get it into his head that even if America does that doesn’t then excuse Greece’s actions.

Just 6 months ago, Spain allowed Muslims to open their FIRST mosque in the city of Granada after 500 years of absense ( Spain was Muslim for 800 years )
so why you dont raise your objections against SPAIN ????
Again, if there were a Spanish here Bitching about Saudi Arabia not letting Christians Build Churches in Mecca I’d just as quickly call him a hypocrite and try to point it out to him how Spain doesn’t/didn’t allow Muslims to build in Granada. (which is a city and we already agreed that a religious city is different – you remember you made the point about the Vatican and I agreed with Mecca and Medina?)

In Most Eastern European countries ( specially the ones who will join the EU in May ) DONT allow muslims to build mosques, so, why you dont object against them ???
And they’re, in my eyes wrong for acting as such. But they aren’t posting something about France so I very well can’t try to reason with them if they are not here. Remember it was the US that went to the aid of the E. European Muslims. I volunteered to help my Muslim friend campaign to raise money on their behave while at University (Uni of Michigan) in the 1990’s. Michigan has the largest Muslim population in the USA, and we all get along quite fine.

or is ok when it is against Muslims, and not so when it is against non-muslims ?????
Of course not. No where did I suggest that was the case. Don’t confuse me with the some of these other shmucks on this board!

You said it yourself, TOURIST STUFF !! The magnificent holy cities of Mecca and Medina are not tourist attractions.
Don’t be silly, if or when I visit Mecca and Medina the holy cities will be just Tourist stuff to me. Just as are the Great Pyramids (although they weren’t to the Pharoses), Just as would be the Monasteries in Tibet – although they aren’t “tourist stuff” aren’t to the Tibetan Monks.

It’s all an individual perspective. And I’m Atheist. So although I would like to visit Mecca to see the sights – it’s wouldn’t hold one ounce of religious spiritual appeal for me. Basically tourist stuff – you know, take pictures of the people, the buildings, try the food, etc…And the thing is I can buy a ticket today and go. It’s really that simple.

Iranians are shias, Many main stream Muslims dont consider them Muslims in the first place, but yes, i agree with you on that, Many Iranians become athiests when they leave Iran..we DONT see the same thing happening with the main stream muslims (the Sunnis )...every wondered why ??????
It’s interesting my Lebanese friend said the Muslim world is finally opening their eyes and more and more are converting to Shia.(incidentally when he said that it reminded me of exactly what an evangelical friend was saying about the Catholics! – the two religions [Xian and Islam] are like two peas in a pod really)

Ok, why?

Colonizing colonized us for long time, it is the time to pay back, you know !

Do you think God will let you get away with it ?? you stole our wealth, you enslaved our nations, you turned our countries into production farms to your industries and recieving markets for your products...the wealth you are enjoying now is NOT yours, it is STOLEN wealth and you have to pay it back.
You must mistaken me for someone born 100s of years ago. Incidentally, do you find it odd you have such hate about the Western colonization but think nothing of it when you refer to the Great Pyramid builders as “LIAR egyptian Copte. And don’t think me a fool, we both know exactly why you added Copte after LIAR.

I think you need to pray to god to forgive you for not only your hypocrite attitude but also your bigotry. But that’s up to you.

I dont deny the involvement of the Muslim armies, but these small armies that defeated the GREATEST EMPIRES in their time ( the Roman and the Persian) did NOT hurt the indifenous people...
That makes no sense.

“The army didn’t hurt the indigenous people”.

Who’d they fight? Themselves!


This shows just how far you are willing to twist reality to convince yourself of these preconceived notions of dandelion picking Muslim Armies welcomed open armed into places like Persia! Come on, the trouncing the Arabs did to the Persians is famous!! You know – the “indigenous people” called the Persian army. That was attacked and defeated. Soon after the Persian government was replaced with an Arab one – for the betterment of the people of course. Sound similar to you? Maybe America in Iraq. But then again you already admitted you’re a hypocrite so one is OK (Arabs defeating Persia) and the other not OK (Americans defeating Arabs). Hmm and you’re Arab. I wonder why you are hypocritical? I think I now know.

Explain to me the difference of an Islamic Army absolutely trouncing the Persian army (made of “indigenous people”) and replacing the heads of state with Arabs and the American army obliterating the Iraqi army and replacing the heads of state with their hand picked officials?

PS: And don’t blather on about how the Persian populace opened their arms and legs and welcomed the Arabs into Persia. That’s not the history they teach IN Iran to this day and if you ever go to Iran the bigotry you’ll feel today for being an Arab will attest to the history they teach themselves about how they were conquered.
"Yes, because HE would still show amazing respect for others, he criticizes without slandering, he points out the facts without hurting your feelings."
alright then, glad to see that you arent a hypocrit
i disagre with your point about, Australia, New zealand and America being controlled by America. America controls australia and new zeland is pretty independant, america isnt controlled by europe, dunno about tibet, your prob right about eygypt tho

i must add that im very dissapointed with you vienna, making peace with PM and all, i stopped watching Tv to escape all these cornball, lame, happy endings :p
Michael said:
I think you’re right about choosing a religious leader. I’m not sure what you mean about America and Israel’s heads?

This illegal war against Iraq was waged for 2 main reaons:

1- the Oil

2- The terrorist state of Israel's electing ayatollah will turn the tables on Israel and its slave, The U.S.

Arabic before it was changed with the diacritical dots. You’d agree you could not read ancient Arabic – you know the language the Qur’an was originally written. You need to have the diacritical dot. There are few scholars who can still read the original written language.

I can still read the Ancient Arabic without the diacritical dots, If you are Arab speaker, you can guess the dots easily.

During a conversation with Allahmathamatics, he laid out some history of Pre-Islamic Arabia. I personally thought it was a little too religious-tainted but maybe not? I am surprised to hear you say he is atheistic.

Allahmathamatics ( Ak Ghassan ) is NOT Muslim. He is An Arab but he is certainly not Muslim.

Basically did any Arabs believe they were descendents of a common ancestor – as is the case now? Anyway, I’m positive he said Mecca was the center of worship before Mohammad was born and that people would turn to pray towards it in reverence to the gods they worshiped then.

We dont depend on Jewish or Christian sources to authenticate our accounts of History because we Believe, both the Bible and the Torah are tampered with and corrupt.

As regarding to Mecca, it was the center of worship before the prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) for the SABEOUN ( the believers in the oneness of God ). The Pagans used illegaly to put their idoles and worship them there.

I picked Saudi Arabia to illustrate a point. Just as you used France to illustrate your point (which I agree with mind you – that the law is morally wrong, nevertheless in a democracy it is the will of the majority of the people that decides, which was my point).

And I already explained the difference between Saudi Arabia and France, Saudi Arabia DOES NOT claim to be FREE, LIBERAL AND OPEN state as France does...Saudi Arabia is CLOSED, RELIGOUS STATE...this must be very clear to you .

You are basically saying that it is OK for an Arab to migrate to Europe/England and worship as they see fit, build mosques as they see fit, and teach their children as they see fit. Whereas you are unwilling to allow Europeans to come to Saudi Arabia and to the same (we’ll say excluding Mecca and Medina)

You see, your argument is INVALID, you are comparing a whole CONTINENT (Europe ) to ONE country ( Saudi Arabia ) !

The term used to describe when one person is allowed to do something but doesn’t allow another to do the same is called hypocrite.

EXACTLY, and that is what describes you since you purposely ignore the fact that most of the rest 56 MUSLIM STATES allow even banana worshipers to come and worship freely... :rolleyes:

To say an Arab can build a Mosque in England but an Englishman can not build a church in Saudi Arabia is hypocritical. It’s really that simple. And that was my point.


Why you dont get it ?? Saudi Arabia is THE HOLY OF THE HOLIEST, what is holy in England ?? declare England closed, religious holy land and muslims will not build any mosque many times I need to EXPLAIN this to you ?????

This is true. It is you’re right. But then you will also AGREE that in the same manner it is then also the right of the French to decide who they let do what they want in their country.

SURE, they can do whatever they want, but passing RACIST LAWS wont do them good favour specially if we know that their trade with the Muslim world is in the billions of Euros.

You would AGREE that the French could make Islam illegal and you would support it 100% as much as you support Saudi Arabia. Not to would be admitting to hypocrisy. Are you a hypocrite?

If France will become religious closed state, then YES, they have the right to ban Islam...but since they claim to be SECULAR, FREE, LIBERAL ,then they should shut the fuck up and stop persecuting Muslims.

Firstly, I agree with you. Secondlay , if there were a Greek here bitching about Saudi Arabia not letting Christians Build Churches in Saudi Arabia I’d just as quickly call him a hypocrite and try to point it out to him Greece doesn’t allow Muslims to build Mosques and try to get it into his head that even if America does that doesn’t then excuse Greece’s actions.

It is not about Greece, it is about the mentality of some westerners here..Greece is PART of the EU, how the hell your enlightened free liberal EU allow such scumbags to do this ???? do you see the HYPOCRISY here ?

They wont admit TURKEY ( Muslim country with 70 million population ) into the EU because Turkey is Muslim country, they make up all kind of cheap excuses to ban turkey from joing( one of them is the human right record ) while their own memebrs such as Greece, Portugal and ALL the new comers dont allow Muslims to build mosques let alone renew the old ones !!!

And they’re, in my eyes wrong for acting as such. But they aren’t posting something about France so I very well can’t try to reason with them if they are not here.

well, using your logic, you cant bitch about Saudi Arabia because I am not SAUDI, I am Syrian, go ahead and talk about my country treatment of christians..

You bitch about Saudi Arabia because for you guys, Saudi Arabia, represents Islam, and you want to score cheap points on its expense.

The reason I am posting about France is because the French assholes are calling themselves secular, liberal, free, democratic..etc this law is clear persecution against muslims..MAKE NO MISTAKE, THEY WILL PAY HEAVY PRICE FOR THAT. no one dare to mess up with Muslims.

Remember it was the US that went to the aid of the E. European Muslims.

This is another famous FALLACY...after the CHRISTIAN SERBS slaughtered thousands of muslims and after Muslims from all over the world started flocking to Bosnia to participate in the JIHAD against the christian serb killers, and after the Muslim Mujahideens achieved amazing advances, America and the NATO got so scared from the prospect of an ISLAMIC STATE in Bosnia, that is why they interfend and force the muslims, the Croats and the Serbs to sign DAYTON agreement.

Since when America care about Muslims and their sufferings ?? :rolleyes:

Don’t be silly, if or when I visit Mecca and Medina the holy cities will be just Tourist stuff to me.

And for this reason, you are BANNED from going there because it is NOT for tourists, The holy cities of Mecca and Madina are not tourist attractions.

The only way to visit them is to embrace Islam go ahead, read more about Islam and maybe Allah Almighty will guide you to his right path.

It’s all an individual perspective. And I’m Atheist. So although I would like to visit Mecca to see the sights – it’s wouldn’t hold one ounce of religious spiritual appeal for me. Basically tourist stuff – you know, take pictures of the people, the buildings, try the food, etc…And the thing is I can buy a ticket today and go. It’s really that simple.

it will never happen, we dont open our holy cities for seems you guys specially the athiests dont know the value of something holy, you dont know even what the word holy means !!

It’s interesting my Lebanese friend said the Muslim world is finally opening their eyes and more and more are converting to Shia.(incidentally when he said that it reminded me of exactly what an evangelical friend was saying about the Catholics! – the two religions [Xian and Islam] are like two peas in a pod really)

The shias are bunch of losers, they are small sect ( less than 10 % ) of the Muslim world and they want to be you said, when shias leave Iran, they become athiests, their faith is so absurd and illogical.

You wont find anyone converting to shia sect, it is the shias becoming athiests.

The majority of Muslims are SUNNIS ( 90% ), we dont prefer to use this term because we are MUSLIMS, while the shias are shias ( different sect ) but anyway, I am going to use the term sunni to differentiate from the shia sect, we Sunni muslims have ISLAM, the mainstream Islam, with its amazing logic and reason, it makes sense to us and that is why it is rare to find mainstream sunni muslim becoming athiest or leaving Islam.

I mean look at the shias how pathetic they are ? look what they do in one of their religious days ( Ashora )

[Images removed by moderator.]

You must mistaken me for someone born 100s of years ago. Incidentally, do you find it odd you have such hate about the Western colonization but think nothing of it when you refer to the Great Pyramid builders as “LIAR egyptian Copte.

And are you that fool to believe that the LIAR COPTES are the ones who build the pyramids ??? wake up are reading so much BULLSHIT.

And don’t think me a fool, we both know exactly why you added Copte after LIAR.

Indeed, because 'most' of the coptes are liars and haters, once those bastards leave Egypt to Europe or the USA, they start filthy hate campaign against Islam and Muslims accusing us of burning their churches, raping their women...etc...sometimes I wonder whether Muslims really need to do what those filthy coptes are alleging just to make matters more truthful !!! dirty bastards.

I think you need to pray to god to forgive you for not only your hypocrite attitude but also your bigotry. But that’s up to you.

You have to know something about Islam, in Islam, we dont turn the other cheek, we hit back until aggression ceases, we are proud of who we are, we are proud to CRUSH the haters and the liars who plot against Islam...those FILTHY COPTES are plotting against Islam and Muslims, just go to in the middle east section and ''hear'' their filthy hate against Islam and Muslims....send me PM if you want to know more about how to log in into it is amazing multi media forum.

When someone plot against Islam, when someone hate ISLAM and wish it harm and indeed try to harm Muslims, we will not sit idle, we will wipe them out from the face of this earth.

But when someone respect us, when someone dont harm us, when someone let us live in Peace, we will die for them, we will protect them and honour them, this is what we did throughout our great Muslim history and we will continue to do so.

That makes no sense.

“The army didn’t hurt the indigenous people”.

Who’d they fight? Themselves!


Indeed it is moronic to be ignorant of Islam's history, most of these indigenous were living under the Roman or the Persian tyranny, the muslim armies crushed the two most powerful empires in their era COMBINDED and liberated those oppressed indigenous...go to History books and find out why the BISHOP of Jerusalem wanted to hand over the key of jerusalem to the second Muslim Khalifa in person, go to history books and read why the same bishop wanted Omar ibn Al khatab ( the secon khalifa ) to pray in the famous holy church in Jerusalem !!! if the Muslim armies were involved in killing the indigenous, will they get such MAJESTIC invitation from the head of the christian church in Jerusalem ??????????????????????????????????????????

This shows just how far you are willing to twist reality to convince yourself of these preconceived notions of dandelion picking Muslim Armies welcomed open armed into places like Persia!

I am not twisting reality, I am quoting HISTORICAL is not my fault if you are so ignorant of Islam's history.

Come on, the trouncing the Arabs did to the Persians is famous!! You know – the “indigenous people” called the Persian army. That was attacked and defeated. Soon after the Persian government was replaced with an Arab one – for the betterment of the people of course. Sound similar to you?

What a load of bullshit, I am sure you get this bullshit from ORIENSTALIST BIASED so called historians, right ???

Give me credible proof of what you are saying or you better have humble apple pie.

Maybe America in Iraq. But then again you already admitted you’re a hypocrite so one is OK (Arabs defeating Persia) and the other not OK (Americans defeating Arabs). Hmm and you’re Arab. I wonder why you are hypocritical? I think I now know.

Since when ''FREEDOM FRIES'' fatties can have any logic or reason ??? America was not welcomed with flores but with suicide martyers...Muslims were welcomed with matter how much shit you put, history bear witness of the mercy of Arabs and Muslims....something you guys ( the new crusaders ) will never achieve.

As Vietnam, you will be crushed and defeated in Iraq....days are between us.

Explain to me the difference of an Islamic Army absolutely trouncing the Persian army (made of “indigenous people”) and replacing the heads of state with Arabs and the American army obliterating the Iraqi army and replacing the heads of state with their hand picked officials?

The big difference is that the indigenous people,The persians, welcomed the Muslims, the Iraqis DID NOT welcome you, instead they are sending suicide martyers ( in fact, today in this morning, another 3 american soldiers killed in Iraq ),.....did you see the difference now ??

PS: And don’t blather on about how the Persian populace opened their arms and legs and welcomed the Arabs into Persia. That’s not the history they teach IN Iran to this day and if you ever go to Iran the bigotry you’ll feel today for being an Arab will attest to the history they teach themselves about how they were conquered.

Well, History is history, what they teach in Iran has nothing to do with history, it is to do with shias insecurity, they are always scared from the mainstream Islam...The Arabs are the holder of mainstream Islam and the Iranians know their shiite nonesense is not making any difference.

After All, in most American and western schools, they teach kids FALSELY that evolution is the only true explanation for life, does that make evolution fact ?? NEVER....
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Proud_Muslim said:
I mean look at the shias how pathetic they are ? look what they do in one of their religious days ( Ashora )
Horrible and unjustifiable self-infliction. But this way they are mourning the death of Imam Hussein for centuries. The righteous Hussein was brutally & cowardly murdered and his head was cut and put on top of a lancer and paraded by the thugs of the then 'Kalifa' (?) who called himself muslim. Why the then arab muslims did not come to the resque of Hussein (grandson of the Prophet) or did not wage jihad immediately after the murder of Hussein against the kingly kalifa.? That could have prevented Shia - Sunni division in Islam.