France has become institutionally RACIST

Wow Greco, you capture the whole picture in such few words.

Excellent writing, so precise and correct.

So, Greco, are you an equal-opportunity hater, or is this something you just feel about Muslims?

Muslim immigrants, traders, students, "refugees", etc. take advantage of economic opportunities elsewhere while escaping their own collective quagmire. Sounds like human beings to me.
They displace the natives and shift the local demographics in their favor by harassing their (infidel) neighbors and by ruining the quality of life. I don't know where to start with the stupidity of that. I could say that about Mexicans in parts of America, and while it would be true in an editorial sense, it would be no more useful or intelligent than your complaint.
Though they typically engage in further smuggling in additional adherents, as part of their illicit, parallel and criminal activities (weapons, drugs, human and other trafficking). And? Sounds about human to me.
Though they typically engage in further smuggling in additional adherents, as part of their illicit, parallel and criminal activities (weapons, drugs, human and other trafficking).
Moreover, they refuse to assimilate, in part to prevent their females from marrying infidels. Sounds very human to me.
They are highly susceptible to rage and aggression. Man, you're really making them sound human.
They arrogantly demand exceptions for their deviant and barbaric practices. On par for Abramism, especially the later innovations.
They build indoctrination institutions (mosques and schools) as gender and cultural apartheid, and impose their legal code, either piecemeal or wholesale By the Orb! Muslims are human beings too!
Rejecting external regimes as illegitimate, their unmatched demographic growth preached in mosques (rejecting family planning), abetted by their females in bondage, all works every time in spawning the intractable pandemic of Islamic separatism. You almost have a point here.

Bottom line, Greco, if you're going to hate people for being human, you might as well shoot yourself and skip it. In the meantime, if there's some reason Muslims specifically should not be allowed to be human, by all means let us know what it is.
tiassa said:
Muslims are human beings too!
So are people who hate Islam.

if you're going to hate people for being human, you might as well
Is there a human being on this planet you hate - because if there is then you are hating him for being human too.

Your ideas are so general
Tiassa, quit being an apologist.
Quit being Politically correct.
Quit taking the supposedly moral high ground.

Those things dont impress me. Give me some pathos, give me some feeling show me your humanity.

Why do you think Islam is a fast rising religion? Because they passionetly believe. It's passion that will rule the world not some wishy washy intellectual discourse.
tiassa said:
So, Greco, are you an equal-opportunity hater, or is this something you just feel about Muslims?

I am so impressed by your writings, you write like a philosopher, you explain your ideas like a sufi , you convey your thoughts like eastern teacher...sadly, some of your listeners are deaf, blind and muted.

This is something from my culture which describes you, the MUALEM ( The Teacher )
Then said a teacher, "Speak to us of Teaching."

And he said:

No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of our knowledge.

The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness.

If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.

The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding.

The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it.

And he who is versed in the science of numbers can tell of the regions of weight and measure, but he cannot conduct you thither.

For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man.

And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth.

The PROPHET, Gibran Khalil Gibran.
Two Birds

So are people who hate Islam.
Yes, which makes those haters rather quite hypocritical.
Is there a human being on this planet you hate - because if there is then you are hating him for being human too.
True. It's a lifelong examination.
Your ideas are so general
It's part of a continuing effort to see clearly. Narrowing any situation down to such simple bigotries as yours is inefficient at best.

Your arguments are two-dimensional and rather blind. It seems more like you're seeking any reason to hate someone than any avenue to actually learn.

Tiassa, quit being an apologist.
Quit being Politically correct.
Quit taking the supposedly moral high ground.
Oh, yes, let me put on some galoshes and a body condom and come roll around in the swill with you.
Those things dont impress me
Of course not. Self-advancement is generally a less-pleasant process than dicking around.

I assure you, though, the rewards are worth it. Look into it sometime, Greco.
Give me some pathos, give me some feeling show me your humanity.
Honestly and without sarcasm, you might wish to ask around and reconsider that request.

Because you do see my humanity, it is only your narrowminded bigotries that compel you to exclude those aspects. You want something to fight against; the sentiment drips from every useless word of your presumptuous, childish posts.

In light of that, the only direction to go is, as observable in history at Sciforums, not necessarily one you want to go in.

I can escalate my rhetoric and, instead of wearing my humanity roll it up, set it aflame, and wave at your face.
Why do you think Islam is a fast rising religion? Because they passionetly believe. It's passion that will rule the world not some wishy washy intellectual discourse.
Try reading about Islam from a source that isn't designed to play to your cheap hate. I recommend Karen Armstrong's Islam: A Short HIstory; the sort of foundational education you seem to require is exactly is exactly the Modern Library Chronicles volume is for.

Arguments such as those you support are only valid if we isolate Islam from "world history" and examine it as a self-sustaining, independent historical experience with no ties to or interrelationships with other cultures. As this is demonstrably not the case, I fail to see any real value in mucking around with the isolated model exclusively for the benefit of your pettiness.

That people, the individual recipients and judges of information, would choose to invest their faith in passions instead of wisdom, is their own choice.

It's a nearly-universal human problem, and at the level of generalizations invoked in these political and paradigmatic debates, it is entirely a universal human problem.

I would say that you ought to hold a topic on why Islam is a fast-rising religion, but those ideas never go over well when Proud Muslim raises them, so ... perhaps it's not the best idea for a topic.

I mean, take a look at Iran, for instance. Religious governance, human rights problems, terrorism problems, economic issues, &c. If we in the West wish to examine the role of Islam in the condition of Iran, we cannot call that perspective definitive unless it includes the historical reality of the environment in which Islam has existed. Many of us may have our reservations about conditions in Iran, but as an American I am conscious that my government has spent fifty years making sure those conditions exist.

My basic criticism of Islam is the same as my basic criticism of Christianity. Such religions are great for behavior modification among the uneducated and undereducated. As such, I see such religions as exploitative. Islam catches like wildfire on the one hand because it does appeal to very common human sentiments; having aspects of Judaism and Christianity to reflect on, Islam also has the odd advantage of being initiated by someone who was trying to reconcile problems perceived as inherent in other paradigms. In other words, it's recited and then written to a certain degree with people's needs in mind. What of educated folks converting? Well, you add to that basic experience the power that comes with a human institution like a religion, and how it feels to be part of a "unique" herd; in the West, the more "educated" we become, the more specialized we tend to become. I know PhD's who have very simplistic views of humanity; after all, their specialization has them doing other things. I like to point also to the technology industry, advanced degrees or not; it's such an encompassing world that many of its employees never really come out of it. They're bright people, to be sure, but they're also incredibly stupid in certain ways. Whether conversion to Islam is a symptom of stupidity itself or symptomatic of the internal struggle against self-perceived but ineffable inadequacies (effectively ignorance, and in the practical aspect, oft-qualified as stupidity) is an issue left for those who feel they have a stake in calling Islam a symptom of stupidity. The point is that Islam turns out to be a rather accessible tool for those inclined to such faith. Christianity, also, is a tool very accessible to the uneducated or undereducated, no matter how educated they be. (Consider Buddhism and Sufism, two effective relationships between faith and faithful; they're not particularly accessible from a Western perspective, and inasmuch as they are disciplines they're not nearly as accessible even in communities reflecting such faiths. Abramism is easier than Buddhism or Sufism, among others.)

Islam is a fast-rising religion for a broad range of reasons. But it is accessible and, to a certain degree, it is more intuitive than canonical Christianity. Everybody who decides they need a redeemer ought to consider Islam.

Quit being politically correct, you say? Fine, I'll restate myself, tailored to your petty needs:

Islam is at least as f@cked up as anything else in this world. Muslims are human beings and I hold them in equal contempt as I do the rest of you all. While many have tried and failed over time to silence my prejudices, the best reason for the detachment you consider "politically correct" is that enough people in the world and here at Sciforums as well are so stupid that I cannot support wars or capital punishment because so many of you need to be purged from existence. You're f@cking up the human species with all of this petty garbage, and excuse the f@ck out of me if I choose to not take it out on Muslims any more than I do the rest of the world, and excuse the f@ck out of me if, in the meantime, I search for the causes of the problems that plague humanity instead of sit around and wail like petulant child. In the meantime, I still have to share the planet with the lot of you, and so I can either start killing you now, or try to figure out something useful for humanity. I choose the latter, because the Killing Way has demonstrably failed.

Try staking issues that are well-founded, Greco.

Would you have me pretend that, if Islam didn't exist, there would be peace in the Middle East?

Muhammad pulled it off, but it didn't last long beyond him. The worst factual indictment I can make of Islam as a paradigm is that it has failed to maintain peace in the Arab world.

Without Islam, the Middle East would be even more intractable, and the human endeavor would be at least a century behind its present station.
Well that says it all then Tiassa.

What's the point of having opinions around here.
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Proud_Muslim said:
I think you need to not only rethink your answer by change it, you wrote; their religious leader ''COULD BE'' !!!, I dont accept assumptions
COULD BE is not convincing statement.
Ah, but who’d have known Hitler would end up as he did at the time he was, sort of, elected. Which was you’re point. That Hitler was elected. So, without the aid of time travel, COULD BE is the only option left.

Don’t get me wrong – I want the US to leave immediately, today wouldn’t be soon enough. If the people there end up with a religious government similar to Saudi Arabia, or a King, or a European style Democracy, or a strong man, communism, socialism, Nazism, Dictator, God king, whatever – hey they’re adults let them do what they want I say.

Proud_Muslim said:
Islam is the willingful submission to the will of Allah Almighty, Islam is not only a religion, it is a complete way of life....Islam for me is my life, in fact, it is dearer than life itself.

I was born Muslim, I lived Muslim, I will continue to live Muslim and I will die Muslim.
Is there a difference in being a Muslim and being Islamic?
What traditions make you a Muslim and Islamic – in your day to day activities what do you do to submit to the will of Allah?

Proud_Muslim said:
There is no such thing as personal interpretation of the Noble Quran, the Noble Quran is very clear, those who 'interpret' do so because they want to twist the quran to suit their agenda...Bin Laden is good example.
He’d probably say the exact same sentence only ending with you!

BIN LASEN: “There is no such thing as personal interpretation of the Noble Quran, the Noble Quran is very clear, those who 'interpret' do so because they want to twist the quran to suit their agenda... Proud_Muslim is good example.”

Proud_Muslim said:
It came about in the 7th century by the greatest man ever set foot on this earth, The last Prophet from God and the seal of messengers, Muhammad ( Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ).

What kind of question is that ??
Allahmathamatics seems to suggest (some time ago) that being Islamic and atheist is perfectly acceptable – thereby separating out the ME culture from the religion. That was what I was getting at.

Proud_Muslim said:
Are you ok ??? Islam came during and after Prophet Muhammad(pbuh ) life.
Let me explain, many of the ME cultureal ideals were in place prior to the arrival of Islam (or the birth of Muhhammad). For example –
1) the Arabic language.
2) writing system
3) daily praying toward Mecca
4) taking of 4 wives

So are these of Islamic culture? #3 would seem to be

Proud_Muslim said:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) was an Arab, yes, but he was NOT beduin....beduins are those nomadics who roam Arabia, while Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) was Meccan resident. .

Proud_Muslim said:
they used to have wives and so many misteresses and slaves, wives before Islam used to be inherited from the father to the sons...Prophet Muhammad(pbuh ) came and abolish this barbaric practice.
But it wasn’t abolished. Arabia was still selling slaves up until the last century. I once saw a woman in Roma interviewed on TV who was a slave sold in Turkey. That aside Arabia was a well known supplier of the USA with E. African slaves. So were none of these people Islamic? Muslim? I think if you were to ask them they’d say they were and justify selling slaves via the Qur’an some how (note: the same could be said of Christians).

Proud_Muslim said:
Absolutely wrong, there is no such tradition in Islam, the Noble Quran made it absolutely clear that you wont be fair between more your wives, so ONLY ONE. marrying another wife is conditional and in many cases require the consent of the first wife...this is another topic.
You can’t say Absolutely wrong and end with marrying another wife is conditional!!!!

Anyway, what if pre-Islam we found that marrying another wife was conditional as well. THAT’s what I was getting at. Pre-Islamic culture (such as language, writing, tradition) not necessarily # of wives. # of wives, be it conditional or not, was just an example.

Proud_Muslim said:
True, there is no single Islamic 'CULTRUE' but there is ONE ISLAM.
Shoot!! – I’m lost. Explain the difference between Islam and Islamic culture.

Proud_Muslim said:
You are mixing things up here, christians and jews and hindus and Banana worshippers ARE allowed into Saudi Arabia, they are NOT allowed into the magnificent holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

Beside, we Muslims DONT demand the right to visit holy buddhists places and we expect the same in return.

As I said above, you are very confused about this matter, non-muslims are allowed into Saudi Arabia ( hundred of thousands of westerners and NON MUSLIMS ) are living and working there, they are not allowed into the holy cities of Mecca and Median. ].

I’m not talking about visiting nor working. DO YOU AGREE that Saudi Arabia should allow people to practice other religions in the country (outside of Messa and Median – that’s fair enough). Say put up Synagogues in other towns in Saudi Arabia and Churches and Atheistic schools, Shinto temples, Buddist monestaries . . . etcetera.

Is THAT ok with you or not?

Proud_Muslim said:
We Muslim DONT demand to have the right to visit the Vatican
Speak for yourself. Many Muslims like to visit the Vatican and enjoy visiting Buddhist Temples/Shinto Temples/Hindus Temple. You know – touristy stuff just like anyone else.

Proud_Muslim said:
Good Luck......... LOOOOL.
You’d be surprised at how many Iranians become atheistic once they leave Iran. Almost all Iranian that I know were Muslims, left Iran, and are now pure as can be atheists.

Proud_Muslim said:
What's a load of BULLSHIT... :D .
I agree it - very well could be!! :) But maybe not? You said it yourself about the Morality Police. Think of walking around Mecca and having a big Cross falling out of your shirt. Add to that meeting the wrong police person – maybe a little nutty one (and it’s been my experience that police tend to be of certain type regardless of where you’re at). It may just happen.

Proud_Muslim said:
And of course, because it is his story, and because he is western, we have to believe him, right ??
Of course not! But are there any other countries that have Morality Police? It’s like a scene out of Orwell’s “1984”

Proud_Muslim said:
Yes I have been there, Saudi Arabia have some cultural problems specially those moral police and their strict enforcement of the sharia law, but in General, YES, I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN SAUDI ARABIA THAN LIVE IN least I feel safe in Saudi Arabia, something you dont even dream of in Europe.

YES, my beloved dear homeland, SYRIA

Not true, I lived in both and I can say that the middle east is far much better place to live in, starting from the weather, to food, to safety..etc.
What in the world are you doing in Europe/England then?

Proud_Muslim said:
It is immoral to invade other people's land and massacre their civilians.
Is it OK to invade another’s land and then go on to kill another’s army and supplant one’s religion in place of the indigenous religion?

Proud_Muslim said:
You see, this is moronic statement, there is a difference between INVADING, KILLING and STEALING the land by force ( like what the Israelis did against the Palestinians and now their slaves the Americans against the Iraqis ) and a peaceful economic migration.
Are you going to say the migration of Arabs into Iran, Iraq, Egypt, N. Africa, and Spain was all just peaceful economic migration?

Are you suggesting that Arabs in Egypt have more right to the land than the people who built the Great Pyramid’s? Is this what you are suggesting? If so why?

Proud_Muslim said:
throughout centuries people moved and settled all over the world, shall we send the English back to Germany, because after all the UK belong to the WELSH !!
Yes you are right, and if there have been people there it’s always been war that allowed the new comers to come in significant numbers and to take from the indigenous. Sure, a few people into Japan is economic migration. If (hypotheitically) France were today, controlling Japan, that would suggest that at some time in the past Japan was conquered by the French.

**The Americas are today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the Americas.

** Australia is today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the Austalia.

** New Zealand is today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the New Zealand.

**Tibet is today controlled by China. In the past the Chinese conquered Tibet.

** Egpyt is today controlled by Arabs. In the past Arabs conquered Egypt.

Connect the dots.

I’ll make no bones about it – the Europeans waged war to take the Americas and Australia and NZ. The difference is I can accept that and admit it was wrong. Not that the Americas, or AU or NZ are ever going be the same as they were but I will admit that those European people that took that land from the indigenous people were wrong to do so and did so only by coercion/war. You on the other hand seem to think that the whole of the Arab migration was met with open arms and was just a simple “economic migration”. That the Armies of Islam were just a tinker toy and never actually used to attack and defeat anyone. Certainly not the Persian Army? No they never went down in humiliating defeat! :) Oh, and if the Armies were used, well hey it was only good for the indigenous people. How lucky they were.

Come on, give me a break. If you think like that, then you have no foot to stand on and bitching about the American’s in Iraq is uncovering you as a hypocrite. Because the Americans think just like you Proud_Muslim. You and the American invaders are in essence one and the same.
Vienna said:
Well that says it all then Tiassa.

What's the point of having opinions around here.

Can't aruge logically Vienna? Hard for ya, I understand. :cool:

Pitty my friend.
Ya Tiassa that's the ticket, take those gloves off and bare knockel it with the rest of our sorry asses. Roll around in the mulch that we mortals tread. Gee this is like a God from Olympus who finally takes a stroll among the mortals.

May Zeus be with you,
Greco said:
Ya Tiassa that's the ticket, take those gloves off and bare knockel it with the rest of our sorry asses. Roll around in the mulch that we mortals tread. Gee this is like a God from Olympus who finally takes a stroll among the mortals.

May Zeus be with you,

Can't handle smart arugment? What is the matter with you? Show your skills and ( ignorance ) and use all of your Jedi enegry and defeate this Dark force of evil. :D
Boy Greco, you need to step back and get some perspective. Stay away from for starters.

PM here is kinda a fun barking dog to tease. But good lord, your screed against Muslims on the last page is out of control.

Haven't you ever had a friend who was Muslim, or at least from a predominantly Islamic country?

I have, and he was a good guy. His name was Esam, though I think I was the only one who called him that. Everyone else shortened (Americanized) it to Sam. He never seemed to mind, but I thought since his name was really Esam, that was what I would call him.
He was from Egypt, and he and his family had spent time in Saudi Arabia. He never really wanted to talk about any of that though. Except to say he hated it there. The only thing he ever said to me about Saudi (other than that he hated it) was that he had to go to an all boys school there. "Lets put it this way Fresh", he told me (he and some other friends were really into Hip Hop, and they had given me the nickname Dougie Fresh, like the 80's rapper. Esam used to shorten it to just "Fresh") "I'm not gay". With that, the subject of the Saudi boys school was closed. He was an incredible horndog, and would work his way through a room full of women until he found one who would say yes.
He also talked to me about what Ramadan was like when he was a kid in Egypt.
He was a fun guy to hang out with. Sadly, a mutual friend introduced him to Cocaine. He settled into a steady downward spiral as it gradually took over his life. I used to try and hang out with him sometimes, vainly hoping that having someone to hang out with that didn't use drugs (at that time I toked up once in a while, but no white powders for me) would help him out by giving him somewhere else to go, and something else to do. But nothing I could do made any difference.

I tried to keep in touch after I left the area, but his phone was disconnected, and I never heard from him again.

Years later, I had jury duty. I saw a girl while I was there, and we were both trying to place where we knew the other. I finally remembered that she had worked at the mall Footlocker that my old friend had. I asked her if she had any idea what became of him. She told me that someone had broken into his house and shot him to death in his bed. I'm sure he was dealing to support his habit, and he probably owed some really big money.

If I've lost you, the point of all of this is that Esam was Egyptian, he was a Muslim (and he took it about as seriously as most Christians take their religion) and he was a good person and a good friend. And the rest of his family were good people too. Well, maybe not his younger brother Faisal. But the rest were ok.

So think about what you are saying with your blanket condemnations of an entire group of people.
"I am so impressed by your writings, you write like a philosopher, you explain your ideas like a sufi , you convey your thoughts like eastern teacher...sadly, some of your listeners are deaf, blind and muted." By proud muslim
would you have said this about Tiassa if she spoke wisely, but was against muslims?
Markx said:
Can't aruge logically Vienna? Hard for ya, I understand. :cool:

Pitty my friend.

I was being sarcastic, but you are not bright enough to realise because you are ignorant. Ignorance, a quality often found in Islam.
Wars, diseases and starvation used to keep Islam in check. In the past century, and with the help of Civilization, it has multiplied by ten, and is still doubling every thirty-five years, while waging jihad to over a third of the world.

Islam’s expansion has mirrored not just war and ruin, but the very death of the land. Cloud-free satellite composite photos of the world reveal the pan-Islamic Wasteland, far and away the largest contiguous sterile expanse, closely matching the boundaries of the faith.

It covers almost all of West and North Africa, the Middle East, and spreads deep into Asia, all the way to India and Eastern China. It expands every five years by an area the size of Texas, almost exclusively where Muslims either rule or represent a significant minority.

The desertification process is known: polar procession-induced global warming following the last ice age has given way to deforestation by humans for wood-burning, housing, and to make place for farming and agriculture, lowering the hydrological cycle.

Islamic mismanagement along with exploding populations exacerbate the process, as failing agriculture is replaced by grazing, per the pastoral culture, from cows to sacrificial sheep and goats, which totally finish the land until utterly barren.

Images from space resemble those of a flesh-eating gangrene-like process of vegetation eradication. Debates about "Global Warming" (a quarter of a century ago, it was the "impending Ice Age") skip the unequivocal "Global Drying" and the Islamic population bomb that is sterilizing the planet.

Oh, and Tiassa, these are humans - aren't they?
Islam has strengths:

(1) operating like a gangrene or cancer... its greatest weapon is the demographic bomb

(2) absolute and unmatched intransigence and fanaticism

(3) treachery (Islam=peace, thus masking jihad) and

(4) the confusion and/or delusion of so many infidels unwilling to recognize a putrid reality, and thus all the double standards benefiting Muslims (M/F marriage, unreturned religious tolerance, Geneva Conventions and Human Rights)

Islam has weak points:

(1) better economic ruin and incompetence than communism,

(2) exploiting their differences to turn them on each other, and

(3) the fact that it is obviously a false doctrine full of superstitious BULLSHIT.

There is no question in my mind that burying the Kaaba under tons of pig manure would severely degrade their jihadic instincts and make them think.

Istead of opinions we now have facts,

OK Tiassa :)
Michael said:
Don’t get me wrong – I want the US to leave immediately, today wouldn’t be soon enough. If the people there end up with a religious government similar to Saudi Arabia, or a King, or a European style Democracy, or a strong man, communism, socialism, Nazism, Dictator, God king, whatever – hey they’re adults let them do what they want I say.

Well said, let them choose whoever they want, I am sure they will choose ayatollah, something will turn the tables on America and Israel's heads.

Is there a difference in being a Muslim and being Islamic?

There is no difference, it is only those who hate Islam use the word ISLAMISTS when they refer to trick.

What traditions make you a Muslim and Islamic – in your day to day activities what do you do to submit to the will of Allah?

Being Muslim means to wake up in the morning and the first thing to say is:

All praise is due to Allah for he has given me another day in this life, All praise is due to Allah for His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.

And then raise up from bed with immene peace in my heart and great joy to carry on in this life.

He’d probably say the exact same sentence only ending with you!

Most Muslims know that the terrorist bin laden is twisting the meaning of the Noble Quran...that is why all his video taps failed to ignite mass uproar in the Muslim world.

Allahmathamatics seems to suggest (some time ago) that being Islamic and atheist is perfectly acceptable – thereby separating out the ME culture from the religion. That was what I was getting at.

Allahmathamatics was an athiest Arab ( he is the same man as ghassan kanafani ), he meant, you can be athiest but yet keep the islamic spirit and soul within you, or in another word, be CULTURAL MUSLIM.

Let me explain, many of the ME cultureal ideals were in place prior to the arrival of Islam (or the birth of Muhhammad). For example –
1) the Arabic language.


2) writing system

What do you mean by writing system ??

3) daily praying toward Mecca

WRONG, before the prophet muhammad (pbuh ) the people in Arabia were mostly PAGANS, they did not pray to mecca, they prayed to their idoles.

4) taking of 4 wives

WRONG, They used to have so many wives not only 4.

So are these of Islamic culture? #3 would seem to be

These are NOT Islamic cultures, you seems to have serious problem in understanding what Islam is...these were ARABIC culture because at that time there was no such thing as Islam...Islamic = Muslim it ?

But it wasn’t abolished. Arabia was still selling slaves up until the last century.

Islam came to abolish slave trade, the Noble Quran is full of verses urging the believers to free slaves every time they committ a sin.

I am not sure you were correct about Arabia selling slaves, where is your source ?????

I once saw a woman in Roma interviewed on TV who was a slave sold in Turkey.

Was it FOX JEWS or SHITNN ?? :rolleyes:

That aside Arabia was a well known supplier of the USA with E. African slaves. So were none of these people Islamic? Muslim? I think if you were to ask them they’d say they were and justify selling slaves via the Qur’an some how (note: the same could be said of Christians).

There is no such thing in the quran regarding selling slaves, if they were doing that, then they were doing it for money, like now in Europe, the white sex slave trade.

You can’t say Absolutely wrong and end with marrying another wife is conditional!!!!

I still insist it is absolutely wrong, you made it to look like the quran or Islam allowed marrying 4 wives, this is CANT....marrying another wife is very conditional.

Anyway, what if pre-Islam we found that marrying another wife was conditional as well. THAT’s what I was getting at. Pre-Islamic culture (such as language, writing, tradition) not necessarily # of wives. # of wives, be it conditional or not, was just an example.

You wont find that, pre-Islam( or what we call AL JAHILYA ) or ignorance era, there was no conditions, the son inherit his dead father go figure.

Shoot!! – I’m lost. Explain the difference between Islam and Islamic culture.

Islam is religion, Islamic culture is the accumulation of the Muslims living in specificed land...the Indonesian Muslims for example have DIFFERENT Islamic culture than the Syrian Muslims...the religion is the SAME, but their environemtn, their food, their dress, their looks are different but we share the same see, ISLAM is diverse great religion.

I’m not talking about visiting nor working. DO YOU AGREE that Saudi Arabia should allow people to practice other religions in the country (outside of Messa and Median – that’s fair enough). Say put up Synagogues in other towns in Saudi Arabia and Churches and Atheistic schools, Shinto temples, Buddist monestaries . . . etcetera.
Is THAT ok with you or not?

No, it is not ok, Saudi Arabia's land is all holy, Mecca and Medina are the holiest, but for us every single sand in saudi arabia means a lot to us...again, why you talk about Saudi Arabia only ?? there are another 56 MUSLIM STATES, they can build whatever they want there, why just Saudi Arabia ?

You see, it is this HYPOCRISY that anger the Muslim world...Saudi Arabia is our own private home, we let in whoever we it is NOT my business to tell the British government who they should let in to their country, it is not anyone business to ask us to let anyone into our holy places.

Muslims in Greece for example are not allowed to build a single mosque let alone renew the old ones !!! why you dont complain about that ???

Just 6 months ago, Spain allowed Muslims to open their FIRST mosque in the city of Granada after 500 years of absense ( Spain was Muslim for 800 years )
so why you dont raise your objections against SPAIN ????

In Most Eastern European countries ( specially the ones who will join the EU in May ) DONT allow muslims to build mosques, so, why you dont object against them ??? or is ok when it is against Muslims, and not so when it is against non-muslims ?????

Speak for yourself. Many Muslims like to visit the Vatican and enjoy visiting Buddhist Temples/Shinto Temples/Hindus Temple. You know – touristy stuff just like anyone else.

You said it yourself, TOURIST STUFF !! The magnificent holy cities of Mecca and Medina are not tourist attractions.

You’d be surprised at how many Iranians become atheistic once they leave Iran. Almost all Iranian that I know were Muslims, left Iran, and are now pure as can be atheists.

Iranians are shias, Many main stream Muslims dont consider them Muslims in the first place, but yes, i agree with you on that, Many Iranians become athiests when they leave Iran..we DONT see the same thing happening with the main stream muslims (the Sunnis )...every wondered why ??????

I agree it - very well could be!! But maybe not? You said it yourself about the Morality Police. Think of walking around Mecca and having a big Cross falling out of your shirt. Add to that meeting the wrong police person – maybe a little nutty one (and it’s been my experience that police tend to be of certain type regardless of where you’re at). It may just happen.

well, your assumption is wrong, because christians are not allowed into Mecca, so why the police will caught someone with cross there ??

Beside, even if that happen, he wont be sentenced to death as this LIAR egyptian Copte told you.

What in the world are you doing in Europe/England then?

Colonizing colonized us for long time, it is the time to pay back, you know ! :D

Do you think God will let you get away with it ?? you stole our wealth, you enslaved our nations, you turned our countries into production farms to your industries and recieving markets for your products...the wealth you are enjoying now is NOT yours, it is STOLEN wealth and you have to pay it back.

Is it OK to invade another’s land and then go on to kill another’s army and supplant one’s religion in place of the indigenous religion?

No, It is not Ok, but this is what the CHRISTIAN EUROPEAN CURSADERS tried to do in the 12th century and later with the new cursaders in the beginning of the 20th century with the colonization of most of the Arab world.

Are you going to say the migration of Arabs into Iran, Iraq, Egypt, N. Africa, and Spain was all just peaceful economic migration?

Are you suggesting that these countries became Muslim just because of Arab migration ?? how about the masses in these lands who converted to Islam willingly ??????

Are you suggesting that Arabs in Egypt have more right to the land than the people who built the Great Pyramid’s? Is this what you are suggesting? If so why?

The people who built the pyramids are long gone, where are they now ? you fail to understand the movement of history and people througout centuries.

Egypt was ROMAN province, shall we say the Romans owned Egypt, so let us go to Italy and search for them ???????? it is ABSURD.

**The Americas are today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the Americas.

** Australia is today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the Austalia.

** New Zealand is today controlled by Europeans. In the past the Europeans conquered the New Zealand.

**Tibet is today controlled by China. In the past the Chinese conquered Tibet.

** Egpyt is today controlled by Arabs. In the past Arabs conquered Egypt.

Connect the dots.

I connected them until we reached Egypt, because the Arabs DID NOT conquer Egypt..Egypt was ROMAN province, the Roman empire was raiding the Muslim caravans and plundering the Muslim cities in the north west of Arabia...the early Muslims had enough, they went and sorted them fact, all history books talk about how the native egyptians welcomed the Arabs just to get rid of the Romans.

You on the other hand seem to think that the whole of the Arab migration was met with open arms and was just a simple “economic migration”. That the Armies of Islam were just a tinker toy and never actually used to attack and defeat anyone. Certainly not the Persian Army? No they never went down in humiliating defeat! Oh, and if the Armies were used, well hey it was only good for the indigenous people. How lucky they were.

I dont deny the involvement of the Muslim armies, but these small armies that defeated the GREATEST EMPIRES in their time ( the Roman and the Persian) did NOT hurt the indifenous people...that is why they welcomed ISLAM and opened their arms to them, at that time, the victorius army would slaughter the whole cities it conquers, this never happened during the early years of Islam.

Therefore, we should ask ourselves first, before we are asked by anyone else, what is the truth? Did Muslims really force others to convert to Islam? Is there any evidence for consistent forcible conversion throughout the Islamic history? As a matter of fact, there is no such evidence anywhere in the history of Islam.

Many distinguised Western historians have attested this fact-- foremost among whom is Sir Thomas W. Arnold in his book, "The Preaching of Islam". Also there is Marshall G. Hodgson in his book, "The Venture of Islam", Albert Hourani in his book, "A History of the Arab People", Ira Lapidus in his book, "History of Islamic Societies", L.S. Starorianos in his book, "A Global Hisotry, the Human Heritage" and many others. In fact, there is substantial evidence to the contrary. We have already seen in a previous *khutbah* that Muslims were often seen as liberators of the oppressed people everywhere.

Come on, give me a break. If you think like that, then you have no foot to stand on and bitching about the American’s in Iraq is uncovering you as a hypocrite. Because the Americans think just like you Proud_Muslim. You and the American invaders are in essence one and the same.

You got it wrong again, the American themselves dont think they are liberators in Iraq, everyone know why they went there: OIL.

Beside, the facts on the ground expell this fallacy that they are liberators, they were not recieved with flowers but with suicide bombers...go figure.
alain said:
"I am so impressed by your writings, you write like a philosopher, you explain your ideas like a sufi , you convey your thoughts like eastern teacher...sadly, some of your listeners are deaf, blind and muted." By proud muslim
would you have said this about Tiassa if she spoke wisely, but was against muslims?

Yes, because HE would still show amazing respect for others, he criticizes without slandering, he points out the facts without hurting your feelings.

by the way, Tiassa, is not even Muslim....something incredible going on in this world when we see FAIR-MINDED HONEST writers like Tissa refuting the haters lies and fallacies about Islam.

I suggest Tiassa to start writing book about his experience with this world, I am sure it will sell a lot and I will translate it into Arabic to make it available to the Arab readers.

Tiassa is formidable bridge between Islam and the west, sadly some MORONS like Vienna, Greco and the jew otheadp are trying to blow it up, they are failing miserably.
Markx said:
Can't handle smart arugment? What is the matter with you? Show your skills and ( ignorance ) and use all of your Jedi enegry and defeate this Dark force of evil.

Greco always ignore intelligent discussion, look at Tiassa FIRST CLASS intelligent answers to his nonesense, he never dare to even address Tiassa's points, he is cheap hater, the sort you find in the moron vienna and the jew otheadp.