France has become institutionally RACIST

Vienna said:
Your a slimeball hypocrite - it is you who is disrespectful and PATHETIC.

As for Islam, it is the biggest load of bullshit ever to hit this planet. Not only is it bullshit, it is a threat to the peaceful civilised human race. Islam is warlike and primitive and its followers are backward in their belief of some figment of their imagination called allah.

Not only is islam retarded - it is a very dangerous movement.

Read Pathetic Muslims rantings, and they confirm what I am saying - PM Straight from the camels mouth.

come on man... that's too harsh.
Islam itself can be interpreted as a noble thing.
its current state though is pretty pathetic. that's because of its mixing in politics and other sick shit.

just because PM likes to have sex with dead goats, likes to spew hateful shit, and commits every single fallacy when he argues, does not mean that Islam itself is strictly bad.

there's good and bad in everything
otheadp said:
come on man... that's too harsh.
He hee, well if I'm on ignore I might as well make the most of it, he prob wont read it anyway

Islam itself can be interpreted as a noble thing.
It can, but it is seldom practised as noble - more warlike.

its current state though is pretty pathetic. that's because of its mixing in politics and other sick shit.
It is the only faith that has a political law (Sharia), that is why it is dangerous and is sick shit.

just because PM likes to have sex with dead goats, likes to spew hateful shit, and commits every single fallacy when he argues, does not mean that Islam itself is strictly bad.
Islam is not healthy in modern society, it is 600 years behind civilisation and this gap is too great for them to come to terms with.

there's good and bad in everything
Tell me one good thing about Islam - There's nothing positive to be said because its sole intent is to kill the infidels - to destroy and conquer the West, Russia, China etc.
It is a cancer of the human race.

PM likes to have sex with dead goats
LOL - how true :D
Proud_Muslim said:
This is pure blatant NONESENSE, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be FREE, LIBERAL OPEN DEMOCRATIC society as France 'does'.
France is a democratic society. Democracy doesn’t equate to
”so long as I’m doing my own thing, then I can do what ever I like”. They do not allow one to walk down the street naked do they? No. The French people decide/democratically what is acceptable and what isn’t and they have decided that wearing religious affiliated clothing or signs are not acceptable in public schools. Just as they have decided that going to school naked isn’t acceptable. So democracy doesn’t = free to do whatever you want. It is equated to - free to do what the majority in the society accept they want. Do you have a problem with school uniforms?

Don't get me wrong I'd vote out anyone who suggested wearing a perfectly normal piece of clothing outside of school is not appropriate inside of school (that is unless it’s a private school). I think the Muslim girls should be able to wear anything from a mini skirt to a hajib – as I am sure many Muslim girls do outside of school.

I have a few questions?
Proud_Muslim said:
Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear,
Do you agree that it should or should not be OK in Saudi Arabia for
1) Women to have all the freedom as a man?
2) Women to work?
3) Christians to preach their religion and try to convert Muslims to Christianity?
4) Jews to preach the values of their religion and where land is available to build synagogues and other religions institutions?
5) For Atheists (like me) to preach their interpretation of why we have religion and try to convert people away from Islam into Atheism?

I’m just curious.
Tell me one good thing about Islam - There's nothing positive to be said because its sole intent is to kill the infidels - to destroy and conquer the West, Russia, China etc.
It is a cancer of the human race.

that is political islam.
it includes many other horrible things.

but as a religion, it has some sort of moral base, tradition, sense of community, family values, etc.

in principle it advocates peace and friendly relations
but it is the politization of it that makes it a "cancer"

PM likes to have sex with dead goats
LOL - how true

he likes the dead ones because live ones are not "willing" :D
Michael said:
France is a democratic society. Democracy doesn’t equate to
”so long as I’m doing my own thing, then I can do what ever I like”. They do not allow one to walk down the street naked do they? No. The French people decide/democratically what is acceptable and what isn’t and they have decided that wearing religious affiliated clothing or signs are not acceptable in public schools. Just as they have decided that going to school naked isn’t acceptable. So democracy doesn’t = free to do whatever you want. It is equated to - free to do what the majority in the society accept they want. Do you have a problem with school uniforms?

Don't get me wrong I'd vote out anyone who suggested wearing a perfectly normal piece of clothing outside of school is not appropriate inside of school (that is unless it’s a private school). I think the Muslim girls should be able to wear anything from a mini skirt to a hajib – as I am sure many Muslim girls do outside of school.

I have a few questions?
Do you agree that it should or should not be OK in Saudi Arabia for
1) Women to have all the freedom as a man?
2) Women to work?
3) Christians to preach their religion and try to convert Muslims to Christianity?
4) Jews to preach the values of their religion and where land is available to build synagogues and other religions institutions?
5) For Atheists (like me) to preach their interpretation of why we have religion and try to convert people away from Islam into Atheism?

I’m just curious.

Feeling suicidal lately? Saudi Arabia is another planet. Culture shock city.But I'll refrain from any more comments till our Proud Muslim responds.
Proud_Muslim said:
When you say this :

''The ultimate problem PM, is that Islam is just nonsense, just like Christianity.''

Then you will be automaticlly ignored, why should I debate someone very disrespectful and PATHETIC ???

No discussion until you apologize for your NONESENSE.
Now you've both accused each other of nonsense. What I'd ask you both to think about is, how can either of you prove the validity of your stance? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Just because PM likes to have sex with dead goats, likes to spew hateful shit, and commits every single fallacy when he argues, does not mean that Islam itself is strictly bad.
This, coming from you, Otheadp?

Impressive in its irony.
Proud_Muslim said:
Ever heard about this proverb which says, fix your house before your neighbour house !!

So why aren't Muslims fixing their own houses by staying in Muslim countries rather than immigrating to the West?

Anyway, your defense of Saudi Arabia later in your post makes it clear you have no interest in fixing the "houses" of any Muslim neighbors.

Proud_Muslim said:
We Muslims are suffering massive discrimination in most western states, once we realize all our rights, we can turn against those other oppressive regimes which deny anyone whoever he/she might be their religious rights.

Where is this "massive discrimination in most western states"?

There was oppression of non-Muslims in Muslim nations long before France banned religious symbols including - but not exclusively - the hijab. Why weren't you complaining about this oppression before?

Why can you only address one issue in one place at one time? Here at SciForums you post in more than one thread at a time, so why does this suddenly become impossible when the topic becomes Islamic oppression of non-Muslims?

Proud_Muslim said:
In fact, I started a whole thread here in sciforums defending the rights of SIKH community in France to wear their turbans.

If you really wanted to impress me you would start a whole thread here at SciForums defending the rights of a Christian, Hindu, Jew or Scientologist to practice his or her religion in a place like Saudi Arabia.

Proud_Muslim said:
of course we wont shut up, Islam honoured us, Islam empowered us, no one dare to take our rights or oppress us.

So you were clearly lying when, earlier in this thread, you stated: "Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear, so you have no right to question them, tell the french to declare their state religious, closed and conservative and muslims will shut up"

Proud_Muslim said:
Islam taught us not to turn the other cheek, but to HIT back until the aggression ceases.

That doesn't explain away situations like Saudi Arabia where Muslims are the source of the aggression.

Proud_Muslim said:
Let us be very clear here: Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

'' There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing. '' The Noble Quran 2:256

''And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.'' The Noble Quran 17:53-54

From the above verses from the Noble Quran we see clearly that there is no complusion in Islam...Saudi Arabia is NOT forcing anyone to be Muslim, those westerners are the ones who chose to come and live in Saudi Arabia, they know that Saudi Arabia is closed, religious state.

Your hypocrisy is astounding. You are now defending the "right" of Muslim states to be closed, oppressive theocracies why denying non-Muslim states the "right" to do the same. You are willing to disregard your own religion in order to eliminate any dissenting views.

Anyway; what about someone already living in Saudi Arabia - someone who was born there, whose family has lived there for centuries or longer - who wishes to convert to something other than Islam? Oh, wait. You've already given a hypocritical answer to that question in the next paragraph.

Proud_Muslim said:
Secondly, I truely support Saudi Arabia in banning christians and Jews from having any church or synagouge, those christians and Jews dont even believe in Islam let alone respect it, they believe Islam is an evil cult, they believe we muslims will go to hell and that prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is false prophet, so how on earth would you expect us to allow them to build a church in the holy of the holiest of Islam ????? it is not right, is it ??

So you believe that Christian and Jews should only have the right to freely exercise their religion if they abandon their own beliefs and start worshipping prophets and gods from your religion. So much for the non-compulsion of religion in Islam.

Proud_Muslim said:
Will you let anyone in your home if they dont respect you, if they dont recognize your belief and respect them ???

Would you oppose removing all Muslims from non-Muslim countries using that same reasoning?

Proud_Muslim said:
Ask any christian or jew about Islam, Ask them do you believe Islam is divine religion ? do you believe prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is a prophet from God ??

Do Muslims believe that Judaism, Christianity, Scientology, Hinduism, Asatru, Buddhism and Wicca are divine? What about all the other religions?

Do Muslims recognize Odin and Ganesha as gods and Joseph Smith as a prophet from God? How about the Dalai Lama? What about all the other gods and alleged prophets out there?

Proud_Muslim said:
after hearing the answers you will understand why those people are RIGHTLY not allowed to build their churches in Saudi Arabia...

After hearing your answers to my questions above, I will use your own logic to form an argument as to why Muslims should be banned from every non-Muslim nation.

Proud_Muslim said:
...they can do that in the other 56 muslim country in this world but certainly NOT in Saudi Arabia, this is the wish not only of the saudis but the 2 billion Muslim around the world.

In some other Muslim countries they are targets for genocide and slavery and sometimes have their churches and homes destroyed by their Muslim neighbors/rulers.
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Siddhartha said:
Now you've both accused each other of nonsense. What I'd ask you both to think about is, how can either of you prove the validity of your stance? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I have nothing to prove. Saying "I don't know how the universe was created" requires no proof.

Claiming you do know how the universe was created; that requires proof.

I was quoting the words of our resident islamic spokesman, and I quote
You have no idea what you're responding to, Vienna.
Thanks for ruining my joke before Repo Man had a chance to reply, Wes.

What part of Missouri are you from? I was born in Hannibal, so I'm pretty sure my home town is a bigger tourist trap than yours. Unless you're from Branson. Jesus Christ...Branson.