France has become institutionally RACIST

Vienna said:
I used to have Christian preferences, but not strong. The more that I see that Religion is damaging the human race - the more I hate it.

Well before religion people were killing each others even more brutaly than now.

even 60 years ago, athiests like HITLER and STALIN killed between them about 80 million soul...people fight for many reasons not only religion.

Religion is like medicine, if you misuse it, it will kill you.
Proud_Muslim said:
Well before religion people were killing each others even more brutaly than now.

even 60 years ago, athiests like HITLER and STALIN killed between them about 80 million soul...people fight for many reasons not only religion.

Religion is like medicine, if you misuse it, it will kill you.
I always thought that Hitler had Christian preferences, I KNOW he hated the Jews, didn't make much sense but power crazed maniacs never do.

If there was no religion all those Jews would have been saved
Proud_Muslim said:
The Germans also decided DEMOCRATICALLY to elect HITLER to power !! :rolleyes
I see your point. So by your reasoning the USA should not allow the Iraqi’s to elect their religious leader because he could be a fundamentalist psycho.
Do you want to rethink your answer?

Proud_Muslim said:
Yes, women in Islam are EQUAL to man...what happens in Saudi Arabia is that their backward beduin culture is influecing Islam so much.
Fair enough.

Proud_Muslim said:
Of course, Islam has no problem with women working.
I think we use the word “Islam” a little to all encompassing? Maybe the answer should be – my interpretation of the Qur’an does not have a problem a woman working and ordering a man what to do?

What is “Islam” to you? When did it come about? Was “Islamic culture” around before Mohammed? Was it in existance before the Qur’an? Is Saudi Arabia Islamic? I mean how do you separate out the Bedouin culture from Islam? I mean Mohammed was Arabic and Bedouin and Islamic? In Mohammad’s culture there had been a tradition to have more than one wife. In Islam there is a tradition to have more than one wife. In Bedouin culture there is a tradition to have more than one wife. In the Qur’an a man can have more than one wife (in the OT as well). So (without going into whether it’s moral to have more than one wife – that’s besides the point) how do you separate out the culture of taking more than one wife from Islamic culture from Bedouin culture from Middle Eastern culture in general. I really don’t think you can. And therefore you must agree that there is no single “Islamic” culture. It really just depends one where one lives.

Proud_Muslim said:
NEVER...Saudi Arabia has the holy of the holiest in Isam, Christians and Jews both DONT recognize Islam as divine religion let alone respect it, they consider prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) false prophet, so why the hell I would allow such people into the holy of my holiests ???
By your own reasoning, you would also agree that Muslims should not be allowed into any Buddhist country – that is unless they accept that Buddha as the true way. Or into the America’s unless they accept that the Native American spirits are their guides in the after life? Or in Europe unless they accept that the true prophet’s end with Jesus OR that Thor is the greatest god of the pantheons. Nor should Muslims go to the Far East unless they accept that the ancestors be appeased in the afterlife, nor India unless they acknowledge the god Shiva (much like you say the West should acknowledge Mohammed) Nor Australia, unless they accept the aboriginal shaman that dream, dream the truth of the universe.

Christians and Jews both DONT recognize Islam as divine religion let alone respect it, they consider prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) false prophet, so why the hell I would allow such people into the holy of my holiests?

Muslims DONT recognize Hinduism as a divine religion let alone respect it, they consider Shiva (pbuh) a false god, so why the hell I would allow such people into the holy of my holiests?

Proud_Muslim said:
No problem at all. If you can convince MUSLIMS to be athiests, then good luck... :rolleyes:
I have. Muslims can be as rational as the next person.

Proud_Muslim said:
Have you been to Saudi Arabia ??? if not, ask yourself why there are hundreds of thousands of westerners living and working there if Saudi Arabia is very oppressive ??????
Westerns undoubtedly work in Saudi Arabia in much the same way as anyone works anywhere – if the price is right (basically most work in the oil business). No I haven’t been to Saudi Arabia. Although I do know two guys that worked their. One was from Egypt originally and then migrated to Australia, he worked for an oil company and one day said he got caught wearing a Christian cross around his neck by the morality police and was sentenced to death. The AU embassy intervened and 6 months later he was deported back to AU. His story not mine. Any idiot who wears a cross in Saudi Arabia is a little messed up in the head to begin with - so who knows.

The second guy worked in recruitment for an oil company. He said that at night the Saudis would shoot guns at there compound taunting them all night. He hated it there. BUT he stayed for about a year because the pay was so good. And it has to be to undergo that sort of stress. Again, his story not mine.

Have you been there? Would you prefer to live there over say living in France? Is there a country in the ME that you’d prefer to live in over say Europe? For all it’s faults you have to admit Europe is a hell of a better place and much more tolerant than to live than in the ME?

I know you believe it is wrong of the USA to be in Iraq (me to by the way). Do you agree that it is wrong for people to come into another peoples country/land and take away their land? If that were to happen would you agree that they should leave and return to their own land? Much like the Europeans did in America and Australia and Israel or the Arabs did in Egypt, North Africa and Northern Iraq or the Turks in Turkey? Should the Europeans return to Europe the Arabs to Arabia and the Turks to Mongolia? Or is it OK for them to stay - much like the USA in Iraq. A sort of survival of the fittest?
Michael said:
Have you been there? Would you prefer to live there over say living in France? Is there a country in the ME that you’d prefer to live in over say Europe? For all it’s faults you have to admit Europe is a hell of a better place and much more tolerant than to live than in the ME?
Are you kidding, Proud Muslim would never leave the safety of England to live in the Middle East - he would shit himself at the very thought. I'm always amazed that they complain about the countries which look after them the best. I've always said, if you don't like it where you live - then leave, it's not a problem.
"What do you mean insignificant ?? the loss of one life is very significant for me."

sorry pm if i offended, but, you must admit that france's tragedy was even worse.
Michael said:
I see your point. So by your reasoning the USA should not allow the Iraqi’s to elect their religious leader because he could be a fundamentalist psycho.
Do you want to rethink your answer?

I think you need to not only rethink your answer by change it, you wrote; their religious leader ''COULD BE'' !!!, I dont accept assumptions
COULD BE is not convincing statement.

I think we use the word “Islam” a little to all encompassing? Maybe the answer should be – my interpretation of the Qur’an does not have a problem a woman working and ordering a man what to do?

There is no such thing as personal interpretation of the Noble Quran, the Noble Quran is very clear, those who 'interpret' do so because they want to twist the quran to suit their agenda...Bin Laden is good example.

What is “Islam” to you?

Islam is the willingful submission to the will of Allah Almighty, Islam is not only a religion, it is a complete way of life....Islam for me is my life, in fact, it is dearer than life itself.

I was born Muslim, I lived Muslim, I will continue to live Muslim and I will die Muslim.

When did it come about?

It came about in the 7th century by the greatest man ever set foot on this earth, The last Prophet from God and the seal of messengers, Muhammad ( Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him ).

Was “Islamic culture” around before Mohammed?

What kind of question is that ??

Was it in existance before the Qur’an?

Are you ok ??? Islam came during and after Prophet Muhammad(pbuh ) life.

Is Saudi Arabia Islamic? I mean how do you separate out the Bedouin culture from Islam?

Saudi Arabia try to be Islamic, but the influence of the beduin culture is very strong.

I mean Mohammed was Arabic and Bedouin and Islamic?

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) was an Arab, yes, but he was NOT beduin....beduins are those nomadics who roam Arabia, while Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) was Meccan resident.

In Mohammad’s culture there had been a tradition to have more than one wife.

That's true, they used to have wives and so many misteresses and slaves, wives before Islam used to be inherited from the father to the sons...Prophet Muhammad(pbuh ) came and abolish this barbaric practice.

In Islam there is a tradition to have more than one wife. In the Qur’an a man can have more than one wife (in the OT as well). So (without going into whether it’s moral to have more than one wife – that’s besides the point) how do you separate out the culture of taking more than one wife from Islamic culture from Bedouin culture from Middle Eastern culture in general.

Absouletly wrong, there is no such tradition in Islam, the Noble Quran made it absolutely clear that you wont be fair between more your wives, so ONLY ONE. marrying another wife is conditional and in many cases require the consent of the first wife...this is another topic.

I really don’t think you can. And therefore you must agree that there is no single “Islamic” culture. It really just depends one where one lives.

True, there is no single Islamic 'CULTRUE' but there is ONE ISLAM.

By your own reasoning, you would also agree that Muslims should not be allowed into any Buddhist country – that is unless they accept that Buddha as the true way.

You are mixing things up here, christians and jews and hindus and Banana worshippers ARE allowed into Saudi Arabia, they are NOT allowed into the magnificent holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

Beside, we Muslims DONT demand the right to visit holy buddhists places and we expect the same in return.

Or into the America’s unless they accept that the Native American spirits are their guides in the after life? Or in Europe unless they accept that the true prophet’s end with Jesus OR that Thor is the greatest god of the pantheons.

As I said above, you are very confused about this matter, non-muslims are allowed into Saudi Arabia ( hundred of thousands of westerners and NON MUSLIMS ) are living and working there, they are not allowed into the holy cities of Mecca and Median.

We Muslim DONT demand to have the right to visit the Vatican for example or this Pagan rock in Australia...etc and so we EXPECT the same in return.

Muslims DONT recognize Hinduism as a divine religion let alone respect it, they consider Shiva (pbuh) a false god, so why the hell I would allow such people into the holy of my holiests?


I have. Muslims can be as rational as the next person.

Good Luck......... LOOOOL.

One was from Egypt originally and then migrated to Australia, he worked for an oil company and one day said he got caught wearing a Christian cross around his neck by the morality police and was sentenced to death.

What's a load of BULLSHIT... :D

The second guy worked in recruitment for an oil company. He said that at night the Saudis would shoot guns at there compound taunting them all night.

Give me a break...this is the sort of FALLACIES you hear on FOX JEWS and the SHITNN...if this is the case how come more and more westerners are coming to live and work in Saudi Arabia ??

He hated it there. BUT he stayed for about a year because the pay was so good. And it has to be to undergo that sort of stress. Again, his story not mine.

And of course, because it is his story, and because he is western, we have to believe him, right ??

Have you been there? Would you prefer to live there over say living in France?

Yes I have been there, Saudi Arabia have some cultural problems specially those moral police and their strict enforcement of the sharia law, but in General, YES, I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN SAUDI ARABIA THAN LIVE IN least I feel safe in Saudi Arabia, something you dont even dream of in Europe.

Is there a country in the ME that you’d prefer to live in over say Europe?

YES, my beloved dear homeland, SYRIA


For all it’s faults you have to admit Europe is a hell of a better place and much more tolerant than to live than in the ME?

Not true, I lived in both and I can say that the middle east is far much better place to live in, starting from the weather, to food, to safety..etc.

I know you believe it is wrong of the USA to be in Iraq (me to by the way). Do you agree that it is wrong for people to come into another peoples country/land and take away their land?

It is immoral to invade other people's land and massacre their civilians.

If that were to happen would you agree that they should leave and return to their own land? Much like the Europeans did in America and Australia and Israel or the Arabs did in Egypt, North Africa and Northern Iraq or the Turks in Turkey? Should the Europeans return to Europe the Arabs to Arabia and the Turks to Mongolia? Or is it OK for them to stay - much like the USA in Iraq. A sort of survival of the fittest?

You see, this is moronic statement, there is a difference between INVADING, KILLING and STEALING the land by force ( like what the Israelis did against the palestineans and now their slaves the Americans against the iraqis ) and a peaceful economic migration.

throughout centuries people moved and settled all over the world, shall we send the English back to Germany, because after all the UK belong to the WELSH !!
alain said:
"What do you mean insignificant ?? the loss of one life is very significant for me."
sorry pm if i offended, but, you must admit that france's tragedy was even worse.

Can you compare the suffering of people ???? suffering is suffering, death is death no matter how many.
Proud_Muslim said:
YES, I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN SAUDI ARABIA THAN LIVE IN least I feel safe in Saudi Arabia, something you dont even dream of in Europe.

YES, my beloved dear homeland, SYRIA


I lived in both and I can say that the middle east is far much better place to live in, starting from the weather, to food, to safety..etc.

Then what the frig are you doing living in ENGLAND? :rolleyes:

Go on be honest - tell us why are you here.
Vienna said:
Then what the frig are you doing living in ENGLAND?
Go on be honest - tell us why are you here.

I am here to make some money, I wont stay for long time, dont worry...I will be back to my beloved Syria at the very first chance....I will leave England with its 'lovely' weather and its 'tolerant' people to you vienna...take care of England, it needs open minded tolerant people like you to prosper specially after knowing the following:

Living with Britain's population timebomb

100 years ago, there were five people working for every retired person. Soon for every pensioner, there will be just one worker. But we have not woken up to this social revolution as we grow older and healthier. Robin McKie asks what this means for the future and how our lives will change,7838,1130899,00.html

Dont beg foreigners to come back and sort our your mess....let us see how you will handle your chronic problems...I guess you would need to work until you die on the disk, right ?? :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
I am here to make some money, I wont stay for long time, dont worry...

Living with Britain's population timebomb
Yeah right yawn, :rolleyes:

Dont you worry your little head over it - you just get yourself off to your little ME country - thanks :D

We are already on an over crowded island (unless you live in the shetlands),
UK's social services, health, schooling, TRANSPORT can barely cope at present levels of population, any further increases of population you can only guess at how they will perform.

But not to worry immigration will be controlled much tighter soon - just you watch the news

So don't worry 'bout it PM, you just get yourself off mate. Bye! :D
anything's better than the islamist scurge, no?
chinese, philipino, hindu, russian, even french...
just bring them over to solve the population bomb, if there indeed is one
Public opinion polls indicate about 70 percent of the French are in favor of the measure. And even in the French Muslim community, Muslim women favor a ban 49 percent to 43 percent

only the extremists and the idealists who don't even live in france are getting all excited about it.
did you see the ass-sucking prince charles has been up to in the past few days?

meeting with Iranian and Saudi Arabian officials...
otheadp said:
did you see the ass-sucking prince charles has been up to in the past few days?

meeting with Iranian and Saudi Arabian officials...
Yes, I just hope he doesn't bring any more of them back with him...
Modern wholesale Muslim invasions are historically unprecedented, including in traditionally Muslim-free places, due to tolerant policies and globalism. Muslim immigrants, traders, students, "refugees", etc. take advantage of economic opportunities elsewhere while escaping their own collective quagmire. They displace the natives and shift the local demographics in their favor by harassing their (infidel) neighbors and by ruining the quality of life (filth and hygiene, delinquency, obnoxious habits, Muezzin prayer calls, etc.). Though they typically engage in further smuggling in additional adherents, as part of their illicit, parallel and criminal activities (weapons, drugs, human and other trafficking). Moreover, they refuse to assimilate, in part to prevent their females from marrying infidels. They are highly susceptible to rage and aggression. They arrogantly demand exceptions for their deviant and barbaric practices. They build indoctrination institutions (mosques and schools) as gender and cultural apartheid, and impose their legal code, either piecemeal or wholesale. Rejecting external regimes as illegitimate, their unmatched demographic growth preached in mosques (rejecting family planning), abetted by their females in bondage, all works every time in spawning the intractable pandemic of Islamic separatism.