France has become institutionally RACIST

Did I hit a nerve PM or what? Herman Goebels, the Nazi propaganda minister would have been proud of you baby pictures and all. You know damn well that if Osama dint kill 3000 innocent americans and the Taliban dint give him a safe heaven United States would not have bothered. You know what admiral yamamoto said when he got the word of a victorious attack on Pearl harbor? He responded sadly "we have woken a sleeping giant" meaning payback is a m....f...

Islam is growing so does their hatred for the west but look out "you have wakened a sleeping giant".
This is pure blatant NONESENSE, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be FREE, LIBERAL OPEN DEMOCRATIC society as France 'does'.
You forgot SECULAR. France's historical support of secularism is well documented. While I may not personally agree with the ban on obvious religious symbols in public schools, France certainly has the right, as a democratic society, to determine what secularism means for themselves. The law applies to everyone, regardless of religion, and still allows for small religious symbols. In France, it is illegal even to "deny to pupils who request it such individual leave of absence as may be necessary for worship or celebration of a religious festival...".

Also illegal is "the wearing or public display of insignia, uniforms, or emblems, likely to remind the public of those characteristic of the perpetrators of crimes against humanity...".

No Hajib for you!
Greco said:
Did I hit a nerve PM or what? Herman Goebels, the Nazi propaganda minister would have been proud of you baby pictures and all. You know damn well that if Osama dint kill 3000 innocent americans and the Taliban dint give him a safe heaven United States would not have bothered. You know what admiral yamamoto said when he got the word of a victorious attack on Pearl harbor? He responded sadly "we have woken a sleeping giant" meaning payback is a m....f...

Islam is growing so does their hatred for the west but look out "you have wakened a sleeping giant".

BLAH BLAH BLAH.......and MORE are just plain hater, you did not even dare to address my response to your lies.. :rolleyes:

Sleeping giant !!! LOOOOOOOOOOOL what kind of giant is that when The Outstanding Public Debt as of 06 Feb 2004 at 09:36:24 PM GMT is:


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Barkhorn1x said:

Your increasingly - shrill rhetoric, paranoia, intolerance and vindictivness are a wonder to behold.

There is no reasoning w/ you.


This is what losers say when they run out of lies... :p
spidergoat said:
You forgot SECULAR. France's historical support of secularism is well documented. While I may not personally agree with the ban on obvious religious symbols in public schools, France certainly has the right, as a democratic society, to determine what secularism means for themselves.

You failed to address my point about the difference between Saudi Arabia and France !!!

Nice try though ! :eek:
Proud_Muslim said:
This is what losers say when they run out of lies... :p
It's not Proud Muslim. It's what people say when they realise they are talking to an automaton. If you showed respect for other people and their right to hold a view, people would respect what you had to say and would debate in a civilised and open manner. You do not though. In short, how offended would you be if I consistently called you a liar, a bigot, a hater, a loser arab and other such slanders without having ever met you or learning anything about you? Please, just listen to what people have to say. If you disagree, explain why and trust Allah to show them the truth.
Your point seems to be that the French ban contradicts the French constitution or at least French standards of democracy, implying a certain hypocracy, and that Saudi Arabia, while not fair by western standards, has never pretended to be.

My response is that the French law reflects long standing principles of secularism, applies to all French people equally and passed through a fair and democratic process.

It is not France's fault that Islam and secularism don't mix well. If France was so racist, why did they accept all those muslim immigrants in the first place?
We are also talking about acceptable behavior in a public school, which is different than the standards for human rights in general. Kids in school are subject to search and seizure without a warrant, they have dress codes to follow, they are not allowed to chew gum,wear hats, wear t-shirts with drug references or use a cell phone during class. It is similar to banning gang colors, and since gangs are mostly made up of minorities, would you say this is racist, too? These restrictions do not apply to adults and society in general. Neither does the French law.
Siddhartha said:
It's not Proud Muslim. It's what people say when they realise they are talking to an automaton. If you showed respect for other people and their right to hold a view, people would respect what you had to say and would debate in a civilised and open manner. You do not though. In short, how offended would you be if I consistently called you a liar, a bigot, a hater, a loser arab and other such slanders without having ever met you or learning anything about you? Please, just listen to what people have to say. If you disagree, explain why and trust Allah to show them the truth.

Wait a second here, why you guys are PERSONALIZING the topic ?? why you dont address the message rather than the messenger ???

Beside, we in the hot Mediterranean region dont consider my way of speaking as shouting or yelling, it is very normal...I bet you guys will be so shocked when you go to Italy or to Syria and see how people there debate, there is the REAL DEBATE !! :D
I'm yet to visit Syria, though thinking about going to Lebanon this year. Want to practice my Arabic, though I've actually learned Egyptian Arabic :p Glad to see you lighten up a bit PM :)
spidergoat said:
My response is that the French law reflects long standing principles of secularism, applies to all French people equally and passed through a fair and democratic process.

I have to disagree here, there was NO French law regarding this matter, it will become law shortly.

This racist law is in breach of article 9 of the European human rights act and we shall take the French governmnet to court for that.

It is not France's fault that Islam and secularism don't mix well. If France was so racist, why did they accept all those muslim immigrants in the first place?

They did not accept us because they love us, but because they NEEDED us, after WW2 France was destroyed with massive shortages in manpower ( due to the millions of french who died in WW1 and WW2 ) they imported Muslim immigrants from North Africa to help re-build France and those Muslim immigrants did indeed re-built France, and now, France is rewarding them by persecuting them for being muslims !! :mad:
By the way, banning overt expressions of religion in schools would have the effect of PROTECTING muslim girls from racism, as no one would know what "race" or religion they were. Europe really does have a problem with backlash against immigrants and racism, and the governments are trying to fight this. French muslims should be thinking of their children first and their pride last.
Siddhartha said:
I'm yet to visit Syria, though thinking about going to Lebanon this year. Want to practice my Arabic, though I've actually learned Egyptian Arabic ,Glad to see you lighten up a bit PM :)

You are very welcome to SYRIA...The Arabs are the most hospitable people on earth.......just drop me a note and we will welcome you from the Airport and you dont need to worry about accommodation or food, it is our duty.

spidergoat said:
By the way, banning overt expressions of religion in schools would have the effect of PROTECTING muslim girls from racism, as no one would know what "race" or religion they were. Europe really does have a problem with backlash against immigrants and racism, and the governments are trying to fight this. French muslims should be thinking of their children first and their pride last.

it is not about pride, it is about our faith and our basic rights to religious freedom.
Proud_Muslim said:
You are very welcome to SYRIA...The Arabs are the most hospitable people on earth.......just drop me a note and we will welcome you from the Airport and you dont need to worry about accommodation or food, it is our duty.

I know a girl who is half Lebanese half Canadian and indeed she credits all her good qualities to her Lebanese upbringing. I can't wait to tour Lebanon. :)
O.K. dude,
Article 9, of the European Human Rights Act (Freedom of concience) states:

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

(2) Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

note: manifesting religious practice might be a valid complaint, but, protection of public order is a real concern in French public schools, all other rights to freedom of concience in French society are protected under law.
Siddhartha said:
I know a girl who is half Lebanese half Canadian and indeed she credits all her good qualities to her Lebanese upbringing. I can't wait to tour Lebanon. :)

Lebanon is very beautiful land, filled with natural virgin beauty and kind lovely will be shocked when you will go there to see how women there are oppressed ( :D ) you will see girls with short skirts and open shirts and very liberal open society despite the fact that nearly 70% of Lebanon population is Muslim, but Muslims there dont interfene in women dress ( as the French froggies do ) you will find muslim women with hijab and other women with mini skirts, this is how life should be, everyone should be allowed to wear whatever the hell they want to wear.

Dont forget to ask for lebanese SHAWERMA....HMMMM very delicious.

spidergoat said:
O.K. dude,
Article 9, of the European Human Rights Act (Freedom of concience) states:

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

(2) Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

note: manifesting religious practice might be a valid complaint, but, protection of public order is a real concern in French public schools, all other rights to freedom of concience in French society are protected under law.

There is no problem regarding public order in France, no problem at all apart from those who view Islam itself as a problem.

You know spider, since you are jew, you know how it all started in Germany before the all started with these tiny things..if we dont stop them now, it will lead to more serious dangerous consequences later on.
I hear you. I also support the rights of muslims to protest these laws if they feel they are unjust, they are enjoying the rights of a free society, I hope someday everyone will.
Proud_Muslim said:
Oh I see, you did not see any christian or jew blow up muslim !!! What about the CHRISTIAN MASSACRES AGAINST MUSLIMS IN BOSNIA AND KOSOVO ???????

Please tell me how you figure that the USA troops are all Christian because they are NOT. The forces consist of a mixture of faiths, muslims, Sikhs Christians, Jews, Aethists, Agnostics Pagans etc etc etc.

So please do tell us all how you imagined that the troops of the USA WERE ALL

Proud_Muslim said:
I bet you guys will be so shocked when you go to Italy or to Syria and see how people there debate, there is the REAL DEBATE !!:D
Oh yes I quite agree. The Italians are notorious in debates, and guess what they want the same as France - NO HEADGEAR THANKYOU.

It began last October when an Italian-Egyptian convert to Islam, Adel Smith, won a court judgment ordering the removal of crosses from his children's village school in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. In a country where the use of Muslim headscarves has never been an issue the decision prompted an outcry.

Can't wait for the certain outcome of this. :)

Proud_Muslim said:
those RACIST FRENCH did not mind thousands of muslim and sikh men with turbans to fight and DIE for them in WW1 and WW2
Yawn, oh right did they now - and whose side were they really on??

Proud_Muslim said:
They did not accept us because they love us, but because they NEEDED us, after WW2 France was destroyed with massive shortages in manpower ( due to the millions of french who died in WW1 and WW2 ) they imported Muslim immigrants from North Africa to help re-build France and those Muslim immigrants did indeed re-built France, and now, France is rewarding them by persecuting them for being muslims !! :mad:

Aha I see. First you say that muslims were responsible for fighting for France - Now you say that the muslims rebuilt France all by themselves, aren't they wonderful - Clever little bunnies aren't they?

Proud_Muslim said:
We shall see what the European Court of HUMAN RIGHTS would say about the French racism....already massive boycott of French interests started in the Muslim World, let us see how those racist french will afford billions of dollars in losses because of their racist law.

A law in England is in force whereby it is ILLEGAL to fly the ENGLISH FLAG in ENGLAND if there is a danger of upsetting the ethnic minority (Who always complain at the sight of an English flag anyway). Yep thats right, the English cannot fly their own country flag without the permission of the ethnic minority. Now if that isn't taking the piss I don't know what is.

Can you imagine it being illegal in America to fly the Stars and Stripes if it is in danger of upsetting Mexican immigrants for example. Well thats what we have here in England and that is against MY RIGHTS boy.

I am very pleased that France has taken this step against the muslim wear, and I HOPE it is extended to all European countries. It is high time someone stood up to these people and shown them they can't just do what they want.

Go ahead and boycott France - why stop there - Boycott all Europe - we wont miss you, bye bye. Please go now, hurry along, shooo!

Pathetic Muslim - your comments only prove how much France has hurt you. So much so that you utter pure racist and bigotted comments every time - you childish hypocrite.