France has become institutionally RACIST

why do you keep arguing with this rambling idiot?
u can't explain to a retard that he's a retard
people like him only understand one thing...
Proud_Muslim said:
This is pure blatant NONESENSE, Saudi Arabia does not claim to be FREE, LIBERAL OPEN DEMOCRATIC society as France 'does'.

But just the same, why does your concern over religious freedom seem to only apply to Western nations? Shouldn't you be outraged by it all? I wouldn't want to be forced into being a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Scientologist any more than I would want to be forced to be Muslim.

Proud_Muslim said:
Saudi Arabia is closed religious state, they declare that and they make that very clear, so you have no right to question them, tell the french to declare their state religious, closed and conservative and muslims will shut up

I tend to doubt that Muslims will just "shut up" if France (or any other Western nation) declared itself an Islam-free zone. They would probably take to the streets in protests similar to this thread.

And I find your opinion on the lack of religious freedom in Saudi Arabia rather disturbing. I could be mistaken, but didn't you say in another thread that it is un-Islamic to force Islam on others - or something to that effect?
So all this talks about HUMAN RIGHTS and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM is just BS, right ???

Again no human rights are being broken, and your privilages are being taken away.
Time and again I read posts from Islamic posters telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and such people as Osama bin Ladin is one of a few fundamentalists that have misinterpreted the Quran. Islam is fundamentalist by nature. All Muslims, not just the fanatics believe that that every word of the Quran is quite literary the word of God. In no circumstance can anyone question the facts, the time, places and people as being untrue.

Osama when he speaks and says that all infidels should be killed has as much credence in the Muslim world as any Muslim cleric. There’s no ultimate authority in the Muslim world, a leadership that provides moral leadership to the Muslim population. To argue that Osama’s views are the views of a very small minority is too ludicrous to entertain.

Islam was never a religion of tolerance and is intolerant by nature. Islam was spread by the sword and has been maintained by the sword throughout its history. Osama is trying to do the same thing by intimidating all Muslims with the sword. Historically atheists were executed.

Oh yeah they had a chance to convert or be executed.

These things are written in the Quran and are unchangeable. There’s no way that Islam can be made compatible with free speech, democratic principles and critical thought.

Although Muslim immigrants in France clamor for every kind of indulgence for their own beliefs and customs, there can be no doubt that given any type of power they would impose their own beliefs and eliminate all who disagree.
This thread doesn't seem to have much relation to discussion of religion.


1. Close the thread.
2. Delete the thread.
3. Move it to an alternative forum.
4. Edit out the non-religious parts (which is unlikely to leave much content).

What do you think?
Acid Cowboy said:
But just the same, why does your concern over religious freedom seem to only apply to Western nations? Shouldn't you be outraged by it all? I wouldn't want to be forced into being a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Scientologist any more than I would want to be forced to be Muslim.

Ever heard about this proverb which says, fix your house before your neighbour house !!

We Muslims are suffering massive discrimination in most western states, once we realize all our rights, we can turn against those other oppressive regimes which deny anyone whoever he/she might be their religious rights.

In fact, I started a whole thread here in sciforums defending the rights of SIKH community in France to wear their turbans.

I tend to doubt that Muslims will just "shut up" if France (or any other Western nation) declared itself an Islam-free zone. They would probably take to the streets in protests similar to this thread.

of course we wont shut up, Islam honoured us, Islam empowered us, no one dare to take our rights or oppress us.

Islam taught us not to turn the other cheek, but to HIT back until the aggression ceases.

And I find your opinion on the lack of religious freedom in Saudi Arabia rather disturbing. I could be mistaken, but didn't you say in another thread that it is un-Islamic to force Islam on others - or something to that effect?

Let us be very clear here: Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

'' There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing. '' The Noble Quran 2:256

''And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.'' The Noble Quran 17:53-54

From the above verses from the Noble Quran we see clearly that there is no complusion in Islam...Saudi Arabia is NOT forcing anyone to be Muslim, those westerners are the ones who chose to come and live in Saudi Arabia, they know that Saudi Arabia is closed, religious state.

Secondly, I truely support Saudi Arabia in banning christians and Jews from having any church or synagouge, those christians and Jews dont even believe in Islam let alone respect it, they believe Islam is an evil cult, they believe we muslims will go to hell and that prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is false prophet, so how on earth would you expect us to allow them to build a church in the holy of the holiest of Islam ????? it is not right, is it ??

Will you let anyone in your home if they dont respect you, if they dont recognize your belief and respect them ???

Ask any christian or jew about Islam, Ask them do you believe Islam is divine religion ? do you believe prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is a prophet from God ?? after hearing the answers you will understand why those people are RIGHTLY not allowed to build their churches in Saudi Arabia, they can do that in the other 56 muslim country in this world but certainly NOT in Saudi Arabia, this is the wish not only of the saudis but the 2 billion Muslim around the world.
James R said:
This thread doesn't seem to have much relation to discussion of religion.


1. Close the thread.
2. Delete the thread.
3. Move it to an alternative forum.
4. Edit out the non-religious parts (which is unlikely to leave much content).

What do you think?

James: dont you think religion and politics go hand in hand specially in our modern world ?? so why you want to stop our discussion, I am enjoying it so much, it is so amusing seeing lies refuted and red faces disappear. ;)

You cant avoid talking politics when you speak about religion, they are tightly mixed.
"muslim" isn't a race. wearing veils is a security risk. tough luck.
/You cant avoid talking politics when you speak about religion, they are tightly mixed.

LOL. Oh man that is telling.
wesmorris said:
"muslim" isn't a race. wearing veils is a security risk. tough luck.

Veils become security risk ??? :rolleyes:

Today the veil is security risk, tomorrow it becomes WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION !!! :D
Secondly, I truely support Saudi Arabia in banning christians and Jews from having any church or synagouge, those christians and Jews dont even believe in Islam let alone respect it, they believe Islam is an evil cult, they believe we muslims will go to hell and that prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is false prophet, so how on earth would you expect us to allow them to build a church in the holy of the holiest of Islam ????? it is not right, is it ??

So by your logic, if the land where a particular religion originated is sacred to that religion, and only that religion, then the rightful owners of the Temple Mount would clearly be the Jews. To deny otherwise would be to support a double standard, and certainly no one making a rational argument would ever want to do that.

Then it's settled. The Muslim's clearly need to vacate any claim to the Temple Mount.
15ofthe19 said:
So by your logic, if the land where a particular religion originated is sacred to that religion, and only that religion, then the rightful owners of the Temple Mount would clearly be the Jews.

And where is your proof ????? The Jewish temple did not even exist in is what some ex jews have to say:

Then it's settled. The Muslim's clearly need to vacate any claim to the Temple Mount.

Thank you for making your colours very clear, why you hide the fact that you are zionist jew ????

Proud_Muslim said:
Secondly, I truely support Saudi Arabia in banning christians and Jews from having any church or synagouge, those christians and Jews dont even believe in Islam let alone respect it, they believe Islam is an evil cult, they believe we muslims will go to hell and that prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is false prophet, so how on earth would you expect us to allow them to build a church in the holy of the holiest of Islam ????? it is not right, is it ??

Will you let anyone in your home if they dont respect you, if they dont recognize your belief and respect them ???
Muslims don't respect Christianity, and they hate the English. So why should we allow them here in the UK?

Your words - Not mine.
Proud_Muslim said:
Ask any christian or jew about Islam, Ask them do you believe Islam is divine religion ? do you believe prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) is a prophet from God ?? after hearing the answers you will understand why those people are RIGHTLY not allowed to build their churches in Saudi Arabia, they can do that in the other 56 muslim country in this world but certainly NOT in Saudi Arabia, this is the wish not only of the saudis but the 2 billion Muslim around the world.
I quite like this law of yours.

If it works in Saudi Arabia, and has the support of 2 billion muslims then you won't mind if the West bans all Mosques and muslims from their countries.

But of course you WOULD mind - you would create holy war (pun). "Its not fair" I hear you scream , and "Racist infidels". "Jihad" "Jihad".

You are already doing that in France.
Proud_Muslim said:
Veils become security risk ??? :rolleyes:

Today the veil is security risk, tomorrow it becomes WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION !!! :D
Thats Right!

Anagram of Veil = Evil