Folding@Home sciforum Team!

sargentlard said:
Well you got another 2.8ghz helping you out so make of it what you will.

Welcome to the team!

- I'm guessing thats a p4 2.8Ghz there? what kind of ram?
P4 2.8ghz
512mb DDR ram
225.6gb HD (like that matters?)
Geforce4 Ti4600

Not too shabby.
ok i can swich the fsb, but there are othere options that it has and they are not showen in my manual... i put it up to 175 and my internet did not owrk(im not using the onboard im using a pci card i have.) should i oc nething else like chip set agp, pic i dont really knwo alot of this stuff. (now im at 170 cpu at 1.9) or is there nething else i need to change in the bios?

what happends if i oc the fsb but then i put my memory at less (ie i could up my buss to 200 mhz and keep my memory at 166, would that be good?)than the buss is there any point to that or is it point less

is ocing with the wire better than ocing in the computer its self(bios) ? thanks :)

also how will i know if it is going to crash? im runnen UD agent like what this forums i posted on tryen to max out my cpu to see if it will
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ok woww i jsut tryed to put it up to 215 buss (lol) and ram set at like 173 or sumthen not good lol my ocmpe wont start and a beep alram thing came out of it. i fixd it now im runned at 200 fast and 166 ram speed so jsut on the safe side this moms max it says is 400 so i dont want ot go to much over it lol.
humm comp just crashed twick i dont knwo wut cused it my cup temp i haev a shut down temp set at like 70f, or jsut to much oc en. it shuts down afet onliek 1 or 2 miunets to i brang the buss down to 172 and ram is at the same. should i put ram at auto? im trying ot find my software that says wut t%p the prosser is at.
Try this program here:

o/c won't up the temp much untell you start bring up the voltage. at 200Mhz with mult at 11 your CPU should be doing 2200Mhz, now what your really need to do is open up your computer, take the heat sink off the cpu and record the ID number on your CPU, (then put everything back of course!) look that number up on the net and find out if your CPU can be unlocked or not (the latest Bartons cannot) and some barton core versions can't be o/c well.

What does this do anyway? Does it do caluclations and report results back to mothership?

I am currently done with 36% of I don't know what. I don't mind at all because it stays unintrusive with my PC power but just curious because all I see is a Molecule or a chain changing pictures and or angles.
ok i am only at 172 right now(on my ram and on my fsb) how much of a matter is it that my ram goes fast cus i cnat jsut oc the buss and not the cpu

It does protein folding simulations, we need to know how proteins fold and what confirmations they take up. Knowing this can allow us to understand how the protein works, how to manipulated and how to treat it (if it’s a disease)

Yes it report back the Stanford, you know private college, west coast ivy league, rich as hell, gold plated church, can't pay for a supercomputer for their biochemists, ect.


FSB ocing (oc both the ram and CPU) can provide much better performance jump over simply just CPU oc, it can account for 1/3-1/2 performance increase over just CPU oc. Ok thats my be something you can't do now that we know you don't really have the ram for it, what you need to do now is what I said about very important if you want to unlock the mult and oc your cpu.
I will be leaving sciforums for a unknown amount of time, but I will keep folding for sciforums. Be a good team, I put koolmodee in charge but if koolmodee is not around I place sargentlard in charger as deputy.

For any newbies please go to these two for questions.

--- I'm back for now ---
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Well I haven't been around for ages either. Although my reply is extremely late, I'll try my best to answer any questions.

Encourage new people to join.
The more, the merrier :)
After my raid controller died... and the replacement was a bitch to work with I got a new mother board with build on raid. After much fucking with it I have my CPU and memory running really good check it out:
At first I thought I broke my cpu! It had a tiny chip of its top edge from the fan accidentally slamming down on it. At first I could not get it to work and figure it for dead, then I remember of hand that I had cut the L11 vcore control lines on the cpu so I could set the voltage manually (my old motherboard did not have vcore control), so I have to always manually jumper the cpu voltage or else a motherboard will have no clue what voltage to give it. I jumper it cross my fingers and with great joy got my baby working right back strait from the dead.

I got a DFI kt-600 motherboard off newegg for $57. As you can see it overclocks even better then my old Sis motherboard made by slave labor in china. I can run the CPU-FSB totally seprate from my RAM-FSB, here I have the CPU-FSB at 209Mhz and the RAM-FSB at 200Mhz (DDR x2). I don't need to pin out the muliplier any more (though this motherboard does not have a CPU muliplier changer) as I can just raise the CPU-FSB up by 1mhz intervals (11mhz on the cpu multp. clock) get it right up to its stable limit (haven't yet)
The memory settings are great total memory setting control got my ram running at 200Mhz 2t-3t-6t-3t-1t and a whole butch of other latency settings I am still working out.
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Had to turn off the over clocking and reinstall windows, when I was running my CPU-FSB at 200Mhz+ alot of the data got corrupted. Will not be folding for a few days while I get thing back up and running good.

Sadly I have found that that my CPU is not stable at 200mhz, though my last motherboard let me run it at 190Mhz fine, this new one can't do above 170mhz as the PCI clock is set with the CPU-FSB instead of the RAM-FSB :( Well at least the raid works well. I have my cpu running at 2295Mhz, 170Mhz FSB and and 200Mhz RAM. Its not as powerful as it was before but atleast is stable, and I can run video games again, video games are worth more to me then Folding@home :D
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I just joined
can't contribute much though
P4 1.8ghz; 512 DDR 266mhz; running a konsole version on Linux Mandrake 10
prior to this I was doing crunching for seti@home (sciforums team), but I found it a logical error and didn't continue
this is a better way to donate my processing power
update: it seems that 1% takes ~6minutes for me, not too bad
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Great work team we are in the top 3%!!!
As of today we are team 1048 out of 31417!
Lets try to be in the top 1000!
nice! :cool:
but it's really a shame that there are so few people in a SCIforums team