Folding@Home sciforum Team!


I should thank you for being so dedicated :) But F@H does not seem to effect my computers performance at all, I set it to lowest priority and it only takes up cycles when I'm not doing anything.
hmmmm does it have low priority by default?
Because if I quit the software in the middle of saving a large document then the rest of the saving process is some 10 times faster
Yes it does: click on the icon or open the program and right click, push "configure" then push on the tab "Advanced" there should be a choice at top that says "core priority" click on “lowest possible”. You can also choose how much of your CPU f@H can use at any time: right below "core priority" there should be “CPU usage percentage” move the slider to from right (100%) to left (0%).
I have nowhere to click.. console version, remember
I'll have to find a command for that
hey, maybe you know why this error->
[19:36:36] Completed 210000 out of 1000000 steps (21%)
[19:36:36] Folding@home Core Shutdown: INTERRUPTED
I deleted the old core, downloaded a new one, but I still get this error.
How did I not think of that... :eek:
It indeed was a bad wunit. Deleted the current one and there is no more error.
I got another cpu running it right now, it just a little 400mhz P3 but no one should be messing with the thing so it should run 24/7.

I also upgraded to the lates version: 5.02
If anyone else needs to please do that, they have done alot of improvements with the interface.
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Thank you Xerxes, hope to see your computer complete work units soon. :)

After careful inspection only myself (daemonizor)
Are still working for the team. Mouse has contributing 4 CPUs Thank you!, Nexus 3CPUs, Thwert 2CPUs, thank you all.
We peaked at #831 and now we're starting to slip back down. We're at 833 presently.

I see that Mouse is now at only 1 CPU. All those secret installations must have been discovered.

I was actually only contributing 2 cpu's. I formatted my main pc and it must have registered it as a new cpu. I stopped using my laptop. I think doing this stupid thing on it fried out my battery because it was running so hot. Either my battery or the battery controller. I'm hoping it's the battery. It should be a cheaper fix. I wish I knew someone with the same kind of laptop as mine so I could check it.
invert_nexus said:
I see that Mouse is now at only 1 CPU. All those secret installations must have been discovered.
Yes, they were. I'll try to negotiate a few clients on some boxes somewhere though.
Mouse got his boxes back online. Way to go. We're up at 835 now. The lowest I had seen us at was 837. I wonder just how far we slipped before beginning to climb again.

Cmon, people. Some more of you can throw your processing power behind this initiative. Join us!

Wonder how difficult it would be to get to #1?

She-it! Overclockers of Australia is in #1 with 6310 processors. Don't think we can compete with that.

6310?! Sheesh. That's a lot for one team. Link to Overclockers folding page.
doh, i thought this was the same as seti@home, i installed it anyway but it coudnt get through my proxy