First TV Interview: The Pregnant Man

I don't care what it means to the person involved.

And this is where you are wrong.

You don't care what it means for the person involved.
And the person involved should care what you (and others like you) think?
...If I read this correctly...

...your mom got a sex-change?

No, but she had a surgery that drastically changed who she was and how she lived her life. And there is a whole section of society that finds it appalling that she did so.

Is it ok that she did so? Or is it just ok as long as it has nothing to do with sex?
Well what would you do if your beautiful daughter came to you one day and said. I am going to get a sex change. I want to be a man! She had her breasts removed, etc.

Would you stand by her? ( or vice versa if you had a son )
My point is that people have all sorts of urges, and people hate all sorts of things about themselves. In this case, it's gender. If you ask me, the more mature and responsible reaction to not liking your own gender, or preferring another, is to simply accept how you are, and not go under dangerous surgical operations to physically change the way you look. If you think removing or adding genitals is a solution, then I truly don't know what to tell you.

And if you make the "less responsible" decision according to you should be killed?
Well what would you do if your beautiful daughter came to you one day and said. I am going to get a sex change. I want to be a man! She had her breasts removed, etc.

Would you stand by her? ( or vice versa if you had a son )

Its her body, and I very much doubt that these peole just get up one day and say give me a sex change.....come on now. you hav to go through therapy and mental evaluations to determine if you would be an appropriate candidate..its not something you can just walk in and get done.
Is it ok that she did so? Or is it just ok as long as it has nothing to do with sex?

I don't agree with surgery used to alter appearance (unless, of course, it's a birth defect/accident-related issues). There is a big difference between minor surgeries applied to enhance one's aesthetics, and surgery which physically changes the nature and quality of the human from one gender to another.
Its her body, and I very much doubt that these peole just get up one day and say give me a sex change.....come on now. you hav to go through therapy and mental evaluations to determine if you would be an appropriate candidate..its not something you can just walk in and get done.

AGREED!!! :bravo:
You have to be a parent in denial to not know your child is having issues with their sexuality.
I've loved my kids from day one. I've never once thought I love my son because he is a boy. I just love him.
Its her body, and I very much doubt that these peole just get up one day and say give me a sex change.....come on now. you hav to go through therapy and mental evaluations to determine if you would be an appropriate candidate..its not something you can just walk in and get done.

I know, that is not exactly what I meant. But yes this man did come to that conclusion around 11, they said on the show. So what if your son or daughter came to you with this at 11 + How would you react? Do you think you could stand by that decision and go through it all with them?
And if you make the "less responsible" decision according to you should be killed?

If the "less responsible" decision results in an inhuman freak who has physically changed their gender, then yes, they should be killed. Sure, life is sacred, but some people truly don't deserve it. If they despise their gender that much, allow us to put them out of their misery. There are enough real problems in the world to deal with, so these self-hating bitches won't be getting any sympathy from me. That's all there is to it.
I know, that is not exactly what I meant. But yes this man did come to that conclusion around 11, they said on the show. So what if your son or daughter came to you with this at 11 + How would you react? Do you think you could stand by that decision and go through it all with them?

I would get them into therapy and have them talk to docotrs unitl they were of age to decide for themselves.
I don't agree with surgery used to alter appearance (unless, of course, it's a birth defect/accident-related issues). There is a big difference between minor surgeries applied to enhance one's aesthetics, and surgery which physically changes the nature and quality of the human from one gender to another.

It was far far from minor. She still goes in yearly for adjustments to perfect it. Like I said, there were people picketing the doctor's office.

But her gender didn't change, so I guess if that is all you focus on, she's golden
If the "less responsible" decision results in an inhuman freak who has physically changed their gender, then yes, they should be killed. Sure, life is sacred, but some people truly don't deserve it. If they despise their gender that much, allow us to put them out of their misery. There are enough real problems in the world to deal with, so these self-hating bitches won't be getting any sympathy from me. That's all there is to it.

Well, Your opinion is archaeic and born out of complete ignorance and lack of compassion for others. Are you really so afraid of what another person does with their body that you would have them killed if you didnt agree with it? Its not people who change their gender that make the world a worse place, its people who hate others because of an irrational fear of things that they are not smart enough to understand...can you guess which category you fall into?
I would get them into therapy and have them talk to docotrs unitl they were of age to decide for themselves.

I would grieve for the loss of the child I knew. Then embrace the child I have. I think the hard part for me would be them getting a new name, to suit their gender.
I would get them into therapy and have them talk to docotrs unitl they were of age to decide for themselves.

Ok.....good idea on the therapy, I would probably do the exact same thing.
So when they were of age would you stand by their decision? Could you watch your beautiful daughter change into a man?

Then in this case stand by him/ her getting pregnant? and you would just be the happy grandparent as if nothing had happened?
Ok.....good idea on the therapy, I would probably do the exact same thing.
So when they were of age would you stand by their decision? Could you watch your beautiful daughter change into a man?

Then in this case stand by him/ her getting pregnant? and you would just be the happy grandparent as if nothing had happened?

Yes, if your love of your child would cease just because they changed their gender how can you call yourself a parent. your love should be unconditional regardless of what they change about themselves, you dont have to agree with it, but if they are an adult and its their decision you should respect..or accept it.
I am a parent, and love my kids to death. I would do anything I could for them.
I am really having a hard time wrapping my brain around this one though. Personally
I think it would take a long time for me to come around, if I ever did.
Well, Your opinion is archaeic and born out of complete ignorance and lack of compassion for others. Are you really so afraid of what another person does with their body that you would have them killed if you didnt agree with it? Its not people who change their gender that make the world a worse place, its people who hate others because of an irrational fear of things that they are not smart enough to understand...can you guess which category you fall into?

My opinion is based on an unconditional understanding of the structure of society, and how the people within must conduct themselves to yield the signs and productivity of civilization. There are always rules that are implemented within the legal framework of any sustainable nation - such rules are respected, accepted, and followed thoroughly. Some people make the rules, and for better or for worse, they serve an unquestionable purpose. People like me believe that removing or adding genitals through surgery is not a sensible course of actions for disliking your own gender, or preferring somebody else's. It's criminal that this freak would suppose he faced a dilemma in not liking his gender. Millions of people born into genetically proposed disadvantages (physically and mentally) would give everything they had to be blessed with this "man's" perfectly functional body. Yet this freak has the audacity to do something so unnatural, something so far from the realm of acceptability and respect for one's self and others, to surgically remove completely healthy components of his body...well, that's something I will never grow to tolerate and accept. There are some things people ought not be allowed to do. Referring to every indecent and inhuman act individuals commit as "it's their decision" is truly archaic and ignorant.
What about getting a nose that something you would punish with death?

Absolutely lol :p

I don't think this guy should be punished to death like our friend here. I do however think that isn't something that should be looked upon as acceptable and open the door to more and more ppl following suit. I think the world is already fucked up enough, as it is.