First TV Interview: The Pregnant Man


According to Wikipedia:

"Most transsexuals agree with the idea proposed by Harry Benjamin, that gender is hard-wired in the brain before birth. As such, most transsexuals believe that being transsexual is instead an intersex condition, a congenital birth issue unseen by others due to its location in the brain: a mis-match in the sex of a person between that of the brain and that of the body."

This is what is given. According to transsexuals, their gender is hard-wired in their brain, and later, through some indescribably magical process, their physical appearance is endowed with (gasp!) a different gender. Well, how does this happen? Since when did humans have two distinctly separate gender slots (for inner-self, and outer-appearance)? I can't recall any such phenomenon.
You don't think that it can happen? Geez, I guess we need to tell all of them that it really did not happen to them, eh?

You should have looked up gender identity while you were in wikipedia. It might have helped you understand a bit better.

And you don't see the problem with this? It's unbelievable how acts such as murder, theft, pedophilia, rape, etc, are all being erroneously labeled as mental disorders. The overwhelming majority of the citizens in society know full well the consequences to their actions, and the overwhelming majority have a say in whether they're going to commit a crime or not. Defending them is shameful - blame must be placed where it is due. Everybody should be held accountable to their actions; in very few circumstances should any other factor be considered.
A person with gender identity issues is not classified as a mental disorder. You see Kadark, we moved on from the dark ages when homosexuality and those with gender identity issues were classified as being mentally ill. You need to keep up with the times.

My help would be to tell them to accept what God has given them. It's interesting, actually - studies have shown that up 18% of those who undergo sex-change operations regret it, and are not satisfied (not including surgical errors). This should tell you something, shouldn't it? One in five people is certainly a significant number from a medical standpoint. Who knows how long it will be before the other 4 in 5 people regret their choice as well.
Lets hope for your child's sake, he/she will never have gender identity issues or be a homosexual. You'd probably take him/her into the backyard and shoot it between the eyes.

Hence why there is now even more extensive testing before one has one's sex re-assigned. But as Orleander pointed out, 18% dissatisfaction means that 82% of those who have the operation are happy and satisfied. What does that tell you?

Nobody is born with the wrong gender - simply, we are born with a gender. If you don’t like your gender, then that’s too bad. If you don’t like your black/white skin, then that’s too bad. If you don’t like your height, then that’s too bad. Gender is simply one component of the human nature we sometimes don’t appreciate and wish we could alter. Some things you have to take to the grave, and gender is one of them.
It's not a matter of "like". It is a matter of being unable to identify or adjust to the gender one is born with to the extent where one is only able to identify with the opposite gender.

Most human beings are considered to be cisgendered, attributed to either women or men, on the basis of their biological sex. Before the 20th century a person's sex would be determined entirely by the appearance of the genitalia, but as chromosomes and genes came to be understood, these were then used to help determine sex. Those defined as women, by sex, have genitalia that is considered female as well as two X chromosomes; those viewed as men, by sex, are seen as having male genitalia, one X and one Y chromosome. However some individuals have combinations of chromosomes, hormones, and genitalia that do not follow the traditional definitions of "men" and "women". In addition, genitalia vary greatly or individuals may have more than one type of genitalia, and other bodily attributes related to a person's sex (body shape, facial hair, high or deep voice, etc.) may or may not coincide with the social category, as woman or man, assigned to that person according to her or his genitalia. Recent research suggests that as many as one in every hundred individuals may have some intersex characteristic.

I would certainly concoct a counterattack to your post if there was anything within it which remotely resembled debatable material. Instead, you've managed to paint me a bloodthirsy, corrupt individual, to which I have no reply for. If you're content with repudiating this debate on the basis of my supposed bloodlust, then so be it.
If he did so, then you provided him with the paint, brushes and canvass.

'Pregnant man' gives birth to girl: reports

The 34-year-old gave birth to a baby girl at a hospital in Bend, Oregon, on June 29, People Magazine reported Thursday.

"The only thing different about me is that I can't breastfeed my baby. But a lot of mothers don't," the magazine quoted him as saying.

It said the girl is Beatie's first child, and he had given birth naturally, not by Caesarean section.

Full story,
Thomas Beatie, also known as The Pregnant Man, has given birth to a girl, he confirms to PEOPLE exclusively.

Beatie, 34, who began life as a woman and legally switched to a male identity, while preserving his female reproductive organs, and his wife Nancy, 46, welcomed a daughter at an Oregon hospital on June 29. Both Beatie and his daughter are healthy and doing well, he tells PEOPLE.

Beatie, who took twice-weekly doses of testosterone and had his breasts surgically removed during his female-to-male transition, made headlines around the globe last April when he announced in an exclusive interview in PEOPLE and on The Oprah Winfrey Show that he was expecting a child – while legally living as a man......

Their baby girl is Thomas's first child. "The only thing different about me is that I can't breastfeed my baby. But a lot of mothers don't," he told PEOPLE.

Despite published reports, Beatie says the baby was not delivered via C-section. He intends to publish a book about his experience this fall.

So if 'he' still has not only a uterus, but a vagina, how on earth is 'he' a man? All 'he' is is a woman on male hormones who had a double mastectomy. :mad:
I swear I think she does this purposely to try and pretend she is ignoring me. :bugeye: Thanks for that update!