First TV Interview: The Pregnant Man

That's an absolute ? And punishable by death ?

I've got to ask, how do you view your own solution ? Amoral, abnormal ?

I consider it a crime against humanity. Were the law under my control, changing genders would be explicitly forbidden. I view my solution as a completely reasonable counterbalance to the crimes of transgender freaks.

There are some issues I will not budge on. This is one of them.
I consider it a crime against humanity. Were the law under my control, changing genders would be explicitly forbidden. I view my solution as a completely reasonable counterbalance to the crimes of transgender freaks.

There are some issues I will not budge on. This is one of them.

And killing someone in cold blood because he/she made a decision you don't like is not a crime against humanity ?

You are screwed up.

Mod Note: I cannot permit such personal attacks. While some of us might think the idea of murdering other people for trying to figure out what God did when It made them crazy, the more appropriate term, according to Beard and Cerf's The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook is "emotionally different", which term was coined by the American Hyphen Society, and is officially defined as, "Psychologically disturbed; crazy" (19). A closely related term is "person with difficult-to-meet-needs", although in the colloquial that phrase is more appropriately defined as a "serial killer" (48). Nonetheless, no matter how dehumanizing, degrading, offensive, or full of pig excrement we might find someone's view that transgendered people need to be shot between the eyes, political correctness demands that such hatemongers deserve better than to be called "screwed up". Rather than demanding that you apologize to your emotionally different neighbor, I would only ask that, in the future, in the interests of political correctness, you take pains to not alienate him for the fact of his more difficult to meet needs.

Beard, Henry and Christopher Cerf. The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook. New York: Villard, 1992.
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Why worry 'bout rights when there's shootin' t'be done?

Kadark said:

The ethical/moral issue is that this subhuman freak of nature changed genders, and now purportedly wants to raise a kid in his degenerate environment.

• • •​

"He" should have been shot between the eyes then and there.

Ahhhh. That's better. I mean, there I was dithering over the "right" to a biological child, trying to figure out at least two sides of that assertion, and in the meantime along comes one of our resident bigots to set me straight.

Thank you for clearing that up. Quite clearly, there are far more important things to worry about, like who needs to be shot.
And killing someone in cold blood because he/she made a decision you don't like is not a crime against humanity ?

You are screwed up.

No, I call it ridding mankind of a backward, degenerate, repulsive freak. It's sad to think we've come to a point where slicing off one's genitals and artificially becoming something you're not (through surgery) is simply a casual decision, and an acceptable one at that.
No, I call it ridding mankind of a backward, degenerate, repulsive freak.
At least he isn't hurting anyone with it. To me, you are the bigger freak for wanting to kill him.

It's sad to think we've come to a point where slicing off one's genitals and artificially becoming something you're not (through surgery) is simply a casual decision, and an acceptable one at that.
I agree :shrug:
No, I call it ridding mankind of a backward, degenerate, repulsive freak. It's sad to think we've come to a point where slicing off one's genitals and artificially becoming something you're not (through surgery) is simply a casual decision, and an acceptable one at that.

I'm glad that if you had the power you would execute those you thought to be degenerates at your discression...its good to know someone has a grip on reality.
At least he isn't hurting anyone with it. To me, you are the bigger freak for wanting to kill him.

He's tearing apart the fabric of society with his inhuman decisions. He's encouraging others to follow his treacherous route.

I agree :shrug:

Land, ho! I think I've spotted common ground. Good thing you at least agree with this part.
Oprah is the devil incarnate. But that's beside the point.

I mean, not to be rude, but we're, like twenty-seven or so posts in, and I'm wondering what the ethical or moral issue is.

Anyone? Anyone?

See which ethical issue stands out the most in this thread:
How do other people deal with a pregnant man? Should people like the man in the OP be allowed to have children?
No, I call it ridding mankind of a backward, degenerate, repulsive freak. It's sad to think we've come to a point where slicing off one's genitals and artificially becoming something you're not (through surgery) is simply a casual decision, and an acceptable one at that.

One thing. He did not "slice off" his female reproductive organs. That's why he is able to have a baby. So your point is, well, pointless really.

He's tearing apart the fabric of society with his inhuman decisions. He's encouraging others to follow his treacherous route.
Are you affected wherever you are at the moment? Has his decision to give birth to a child affected you and your loved one's personally? Yes? No?

As for others following "his treacherous route".


Very few individuals actually keep their reproductive organs when having a sex change. Actually, he would have to be the only individual I have heard of who kept his original reproductive organs when having the change.

Because changing a perfectly functional gender is both abnormal and unnatural. It's a disgraceful component of a society's liberalized standards and morals.
I need to ask, because, well.. it's just so damn obvious...

Would you view a woman getting a boob job as being somehow abnormal, unnatural and just so immoral? How about circumcision for males and females? After all, their "perfectly functional gender" is being tampered with and altered. How about a male getting a penile implant to make his penis bigger? How about one to just make his penis work?
Would you view a woman getting a boob job as being somehow abnormal, unnatural and just so immoral? How about circumcision for males and females? After all, their "perfectly functional gender" is being tampered with and altered. How about a male getting a penile implant to make his penis bigger? How about one to just make his penis work?

Yeah a woman getting a boob job is unnatural. Nothing natural about water balloons inplanted into your body. Immoral hmmm not really.

Circumcision maybe unnatural and unnessary but not immoral.

Penile Implant yeah unnatural Immoral hmmm not really.

Now this guy in question was a beautiful woman that was runner up in a beauty pagent. It is totally unnatural to take a healthy beautiful woman and start disecting your body and turning yourself into the opposite sex!

How do I view this Man/ Woman? As a freak! I feel sorry for the wifes daughters who have to live through this embarressment. Also for this future child who is going to be viewed as a freak of nature by alot of ppl.

So people understand how nature screws up and babies are born with 2 heads, but its not understandable how someone can be born the wrong sex? :shrug:
Why the need to jump in there and judge them for being immoral when all they are doing is fixing something?
How else are they gonna feel better about themselves?

Notice how the ones who most abhor the "freaks" the most, will flock to see them before anyone else?
One thing. He did not "slice off" his female reproductive organs. That's why he is able to have a baby. So your point is, well, pointless really.

The statement of mine you quoted was more of a general comment. I realize he didn't remove his reproductive organs, although I sort of wish he had.

Would you view a woman getting a boob job as being somehow abnormal, unnatural and just so immoral? How about circumcision for males and females? After all, their "perfectly functional gender" is being tampered with and altered. How about a male getting a penile implant to make his penis bigger? How about one to just make his penis work?

Breast implants are unnatural. Circumcision is different - it has hygienic benefits, and is one of the few things people of third-world countries practice to prevent rampant spread of diseases.

So people understand how nature screws up and babies are born with 2 heads, but its not understandable how someone can be born the wrong sex? Why the need to jump in there and judge them for being immoral when all they are doing is fixing something?

Fixing what? The baby with two heads is the result of a genetic mutation. This assclown was a perfectly functioning, healthy woman. There's no need to "fix" your gender.

How else are they gonna feel better about themselves?

I don't know. Maybe they should ask the countless generations of people who haven't had surgical gender changes? If we've come this far in civilization without any complaints about the inability to change one's gender, then there's no reason to start now.

Notice how the ones who most abhor the "freaks" the most, will flock to see them before anyone else?

Notice how this is nothing but unsubstantiated, irrelevant bullshit.
I don't know. Maybe they should ask the countless generations of people who haven't had surgical gender changes? If we've come this far in civilization without any complaints about the inability to change one's gender, then there's no reason to start now.
Notice how this is nothing but unsubstantiated, irrelevant bullshit.

Argument from ignorance? Thats a new one.

Negativism and discrimination about transsexualism may stem from religious beliefs or cultural norms. However, many cultures around the world and throughout time have not only held a place for transsexuals within their societies but even culturally sanction them, for example, the so-called two-spirit people in native American tribes

Anyone who thinks a gender change is "casual" has admittedly nil knowledge of gender dysphoria or what it means to the person involved.
Argument from ignorance? Thats a new one.

Wow, you showed me that in isolated, remote regions (hundreds of years ago), transsexuals were seen as "normal". Such backward tribes have also been either liquidated long ago, or are still the poorest scum on Earth today. Transgender freaks represent civilization's lowest points; they embody everything that has left certain tribes and cultural followers as nothing more than poor, uneducated bums. This transgender craze is a recent phenomenon, for the most part - it is the aftereffect of recent socio-political sexual revolutions.

Anyone who thinks a gender change is "casual" has admittedly nil knowledge of gender dysphoria or what it means to the person involved.

I don't care what it means to the person involved. There are certain ethical boundaries that musn't be crossed. Physically altering your appearance to the point where your genitals are removed is a grotesque abomination. However, for the death-deserving freak whom this topic is about, there is another person affected by his stupidity - his upcoming child. It's a sin to that child, forever being labeled the offspring of a freakshow lunatic. For a society to remain in tact, certain rules must be accepted and respected. If you give people an inch, they will most definitely take a mile. Kill this freak as soon as "he" has his baby for the betterment of mankind. People should either show some self-control, or risk facing the consequences. If you're born a woman, then the only acceptable path is dying a woman. There is absolutely no excuse for anything else.
I don't care what it means to the person involved. There are certain ethical boundaries that musn't be crossed. Physically altering your appearance to the point where your genitals are removed is a grotesque abomination. However, for the death-deserving freak whom this topic is about, there is another person affected by his stupidity - his upcoming child. It's a sin to that child, forever being labeled the offspring of a freakshow lunatic. For a society to remain in tact, certain rules must be accepted and respected. If you give people an inch, they will most definitely take a mile. Kill this freak as soon as "he" has his baby for the betterment of mankind. People should either show some self-control, or risk facing the consequences. If you're born a woman, then the only acceptable path is dying a woman. There is absolutely no excuse for anything else.

So instead of being informed on what you hate, you just hate it. :rolleyes:
How else are they gonna feel better about themselves?

Indeed. This just goes to show how spiritually poor our society is, unable to provide people with feasible and reliable spiritual guidance.

Instead, what extreme, dangerous and costly measures people are left to take so that they could feel good about themselves!
My Mom got this kind of crap when she had her surgery. Telling her she shouldn't change how God made her. A whole group of people telling her there was nothing wrong with her. Where she had her surgery done, there were even picketers.

Of course, sad to say, my Mom would agree with kadark. Her hypocrisy is astounding. Apparently everything is moral unless it is seen as sexual.
So instead of being informed on what you hate, you just hate it. :rolleyes:

My point is that people have all sorts of urges, and people hate all sorts of things about themselves. In this case, it's gender. If you ask me, the more mature and responsible reaction to not liking your own gender, or preferring another, is to simply accept how you are, and not go under dangerous surgical operations to physically change the way you look. If you think removing or adding genitals is a solution, then I truly don't know what to tell you.

My Mom got this kind of crap when she had her surgery. Telling her she shouldn't change how God made her. A whole group of people telling her there was nothing wrong with her. Where she had her surgery done, there were even picketers.

Of course, sad to say, my Mom would agree with kadark. Her hypocrisy is astounding. Apparently everything is moral unless it is seen as sexual.

If I read this correctly...

...your mom got a sex-change?