First TV Interview: The Pregnant Man


- Some people are born transgender. I'm sure they don't want to be and many now opt for surgery and hormones to change their gender appearance. I hope you find out one day you partner was a man :) Haaa!

- Some people are born with both sex organs - they are not "freaks" they just happen to be born like that.

- It's been scientifically shown that homosexual brought up in a religous environment and taught that homosexuality is sinful are usually the biggest homophobes because they get a boner looking a naked men and then feel ashamed for it. Then they blame the man. They probably dream about men and think it society were "normal" somehow they would be too. Nope not going to happen. Ask String nicely and maybe he'll send you some pics :p

This man in particular was not born with both sex organs though. She actually had her breasts removed/ etc to become a man. She was quite a healthy attractive girl.

Sorry to me that is a freak!
This man in particular was not born with both sex organs though. She actually had her breasts removed/ etc to become a man. She was quite a healthy attractive girl.

Sorry to me that is a freak!

Perhaps to her your a "freak", your so afraid of others personal choices that you judge them and label them names to help you cope with your fear of something that you will never understand. ;)
This man in particular was not born with both sex organs though. She actually had her breasts removed/ etc to become a man. She was quite a healthy attractive girl.

Sorry to me that is a freak!
I suppose you have to imagine you one day woke up in the body of a man. What are you going to do? Get married and have sex with women? Probably not. You're going to try and turn yourself back into a woman.

I imagine that's sort of what it must be like for a boy/girl who is just starting to learn about the two sexes and realize they're the wrong one!
Is it the sex change that bothers some people or is it the fact that he hung onto his uterus and is pregnant that has people upset?

I find a conflict between your advice to S.A.M. that you're not interested in reading the references she provides and the demand that she provide references for what can be easily found via a search engine. In other words, when you're interested in looking it up, you can.

I'm not going to purchase two separate books so I can confirm somebody else's argument. That's their job. My request was a little more practical - supposedly "abundant" internet links.

And nobody said Iran somehow represents your individuality and outlook.

Well then, what was the purpose of even bringing the Iran issue up in the first place?

But that's the point: your outlook is yours and yours alone. You cannot blame your ignorance and hatred on anything or anyone but yourself. Not religion, not history, not anything but your own corruption.

My "corruption"? I think you're going a little overboard there. I don't see the ignorance or hatred in not allowing people to surgically add or remove genitals. This strikes me purely as common sense, being the astute person I am. I've heard both sides, Tiassa - trust me - but I don't see anything remotely appealing in your defense of gender change operations. There is nothing that justifies forcefully changing one's God-given nature.


You can say that again!!! I don't think perfectly healthy ppl should be able to go in and change their gender. I tell you, everyone that i have talked to about this particular pregnant man, also thinks he is a FREAK!

Just because there might be a few here on this forum who think it is perfectly ok (which I still can't beleive) I would have to say the majority of ppl out there do no think this is perfectly ok and will not accept it.

They're not seeing things realistically - that's the problem. They're foolish enough to believe that surgical operations which add or remove genitals are feasible solutions. They aren't. Women and men aren't separated only by what's between their legs - they have completely different mindsets, attitudes, emotional displays, etc. All transsexuals can do is physically change themselves, which in the long run, solves nothing. They will never be able to truly become somebody else.



- Some people are born transgender. I'm sure they don't want to be and many now opt for surgery and hormones to change their gender appearance. I hope you find out one day you partner was a man :) Haaa!

- Some people are born with both sex organs - they are not "freaks" they just happen to be born like that.

- It's been scientifically shown that homosexual brought up in a religous environment and taught that homosexuality is sinful are usually the biggest homophobes because they get a boner looking a naked men and then feel ashamed for it. Then they blame the man. They probably dream about men and think it society were "normal" somehow they would be too. Nope not going to happen. Ask String nicely and maybe he'll send you some pics :p


Here you are again, spouting irrelevant, pointless, unfiltered bullshit. Why are you diverging into homosexuality? Also, I'm not discussing unfortunate circumstances wherein individuals are born with physical male and female traits. I'm discussing when somebody is born as one healthy, functioning gender, and decides to undergo an operation which surgically removes genitals, or adds foreign, artificial elements to their body.
This man in particular was not born with both sex organs though. She actually had her breasts removed/ etc to become a man. She was quite a healthy attractive girl.

Sorry to me that is a freak!

Whether 'she' was attractive as a woman or not is really beside the point. Is that what bothers you about this? That she was pretty as a woman but had the operation anyway?

He is not a freak. His wife does not think so, nor will the child he will give birth to. To that child, he/she will have a mother and father who will love and adore it, like countless of other parents feel about their own children. It is interesting to see how many have said 'poor child' or that the child will suffer because of 'it'. All that tells me is that it is not the child who will be born with a problem with 'it'. It is the outside world that has a problem and I am sure, wherever this child is brought up, outside forces will be sure to remind him/her of it. That to me is what is freakish.
...They're not seeing things realistically - that's the problem. They're foolish enough to believe that surgical operations which add or remove genitals are feasible solutions. They aren't. Women and men aren't separated only by what's between their legs - they have completely different mindsets, attitudes, emotional displays, etc. All transsexuals can do is physicallychange themselves, which in the long run, solves nothing. They will never be able to truly become somebody else.....

Kadark, what if the person has the genitals of one sex and the mind of another?
Here you are again, spouting irrelevant, pointless, unfiltered bullshit. Why are you diverging into homosexuality? Also, I'm not discussing unfortunate circumstances wherein individuals are born with physical male and female traits. I'm discussing when somebody is born as one healthy, functioning gender, and decides to undergo an operation which surgically removes genitals, or adds foreign, artificial elements to their body.

You do realise you contradicted yourself, didn't you?

Especially when read with your comments to Shorty:

They're foolish enough to believe that surgical operations which add or remove genitals are feasible solutions. They aren't. Women and men aren't separated only by what's between their legs - they have completely different mindsets, attitudes, emotional displays, etc. All transsexuals can do is physically change themselves, which in the long run, solves nothing. They will never be able to truly become somebody else.

You may not wish to believe it, understand it or accept it. But the fact is that some people are born with the wrong gender, in that their brain tells them they are the opposite gender to that which they were born with. The two are connected. Many do not have the operation, either out of fear of what people like you and shorty might do to them or might treat them (eg society and family pressure), or financial reasons, so they keep their sexual organs and attempt to live a life that is filled with unhappiness, lies and depression. Others are able to have the operation to restore them to the gender they should have had in the first place. That is the key here. The operation is not merely done on a whim, where a person one day wakes up and says 'I want to be a woman or a man now'. These people have had to grow up virtually in the wrong body and they know it. As Michael succinctly put it:

"I suppose you have to imagine you one day woke up in the body of a man. What are you going to do? Get married and have sex with women? Probably not. You're going to try and turn yourself back into a woman."

You are a male. You feel like a male and you have the appendages to identify you as a male. Now imagine you are a male and feel like a male, but you were born with the female anatomy. What would you do? Simply be a woman? Even though you know deep down you actually are a man? What if your chromosomes shows that you have both XX and XY, and you feel like you are a male, but your anatomy states you are a woman. What would you do?
Whether 'she' was attractive as a woman or not is really beside the point. Is that what bothers you about this? That she was pretty as a woman but had the operation anyway?

Well, yeah it does make the whole thing worse for me. To see a beautiful girl, pretty much mutilate themselves. But if she was butt ugly I still would have a problem with it. I am never going to see eye to eye with you on this one.

For the record though. I am not that pushing that these ppl should be killed like Kadark. That is extreme. I just will never accept this kind of thing.
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This tune is all too familiar. Are we creating baseless scientific facts yet again, in sleek hopes of justifying the deplorable and regressive lifestyles of certain individuals? Sure, why not - these days, nearly every undesirable act of mankind is attributed to pre-determined genetic traits. Is there no self-responsibility? What is the scientific phenomenon wherein females are trapped in a male's body (and vice-versa)? Is this proven, or is it merely intangible speculation which is blindly accepted to make transgender operations seem natural and understandable? You know the answer full well.

Hypothetically speaking, and presupposing that it is possible that one's inner-self is a distinctly different gender than what is present physically, I will say, "too bad". You are simply to live your life to its fullest, being the gender you don't want to be. There are too many serious, unavoidable, disastrous problems in the world: you have people entrapped in continuous warfare and conflict; you have people suffering unending cycles of disease and poverty; you have people born into genetic mutations, being physically or mentally inferior/incapable in a variety of different aspects. With all of the problems people face worldwide, all of which are beyond the individual's control, why in the blue hell should I feel any sympathy for transgender freaks? It's their choice to prefer a different gender, despite having a completely normal life and gender themselves.
Iran has the second highest number of sex change operations because "we don't have homosexuals" and so men HAVE to have it cut off. Now that would really suck. I saw one guy interviewed almost crying he was going to have to have his penis cut off. All he wanted to do was be gay.

I suppose the way I look at it is each to their own. Yeah, I don't like when gay guys act too gay. I also don't like when aboriginals act like they're LA crips. Oh well, that's life.

This tune is all too familiar. Are we creating baseless scientific facts yet again, in sleek hopes of justifying the deplorable and regressive lifestyles of certain individuals? [...]
Hypothetically speaking, and presupposing that it is possible that one's inner-self is a distinctly different gender than what is present physically, I will say, "too bad". You are simply to live your life to its fullest, being the gender you don't want to be.

I definitely must concur because in a similarly bizarre event, I was born to two different ethnic groups, feeling more like my father's people but looking too much like my mother's people. However, it wasn't until I became more conscious of the differences that I also realized that both these different ethnic groups saw me for what I was not—society brought the differences to bear. My solution? I became me.
And killing someone in cold blood because he/she made a decision you don't like is not a crime against humanity ?

You are screwed up.

Mod Note: I cannot permit such personal attacks. While some of us might think the idea of murdering other people for trying to figure out what God did when It made them crazy, the more appropriate term, according to Beard and Cerf's The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook is "emotionally different", which term was coined by the American Hyphen Society, and is officially defined as, "Psychologically disturbed; crazy" (19). A closely related term is "person with difficult-to-meet-needs", although in the colloquial that phrase is more appropriately defined as a "serial killer" (48). Nonetheless, no matter how dehumanizing, degrading, offensive, or full of pig excrement we might find someone's view that transgendered people need to be shot between the eyes, political correctness demands that such hatemongers deserve better than to be called "screwed up". Rather than demanding that you apologize to your emotionally different neighbor, I would only ask that, in the future, in the interests of political correctness, you take pains to not alienate him for the fact of his more difficult to meet needs.

Beard, Henry and Christopher Cerf. The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook. New York: Villard, 1992.

Tiassa, that's probably the best mod edit I've ever seen.
My opinion is based on an unconditional understanding of the structure of society, and how the people within must conduct themselves to yield the signs and productivity of civilization. There are always rules that are implemented within the legal framework of any sustainable nation - such rules are respected, accepted, and followed thoroughly. Some people make the rules, and for better or for worse, they serve an unquestionable purpose. People like me believe that removing or adding genitals through surgery is not a sensible course of actions for disliking your own gender, or preferring somebody else's. It's criminal that this freak would suppose he faced a dilemma in not liking his gender. Millions of people born into genetically proposed disadvantages (physically and mentally) would give everything they had to be blessed with this "man's" perfectly functional body. Yet this freak has the audacity to do something so unnatural, something so far from the realm of acceptability and respect for one's self and others, to surgically remove completely healthy components of his body...well, that's something I will never grow to tolerate and accept. There are some things people ought not be allowed to do. Referring to every indecent and inhuman act individuals commit as "it's their decision" is truly archaic and ignorant.

Which civilization is on top? The West, with its trannies and prostitutes, or your backwards, Middle Eastern fiefdoms?

Kadark said:

I'm not going to purchase two separate books so I can confirm somebody else's argument. That's their job. My request was a little more practical - supposedly "abundant" internet links.

Um ... do you not have public libraries where you are?

Well then, what was the purpose of even bringing the Iran issue up in the first place?

Not religion, not history, but your own corruption. Apparently you missed the point.

My "corruption"? I think you're going a little overboard there.

Really? You think I am going overboard?

Let's try this one, then:

I don't see the ignorance or hatred in not allowing people to surgically add or remove genitals.


• "'He' should have been shot between the eyes then and there." (#1806180/36)

• "I consider it a crime against humanity. Were the law under my control, changing genders would be explicitly forbidden. I view my solution as a completely reasonable counterbalance to the crimes of transgender freaks." (#1806231/41)

• "No, I call it ridding mankind of a backward, degenerate, repulsive freak." (#1806239/44)​

—I can't say I'm surprised that you don't see it.

This strikes me purely as common sense, being the astute person I am.

Your common sense and that of God or Nature are different things, Kadark.

I've heard both sides, Tiassa - trust me - but I don't see anything remotely appealing in your defense of gender change operations. There is nothing that justifies forcefully changing one's God-given nature.

It's not supposed to be appealing. And don't be so arrogant as to presume that you know what God thinks. Neither God nor Nature needed create people who are the wrong gender, much less allow them to recognize it. Except that neither God nor Nature are extraneous. Get used to it: the transgendered have their place in society, and I'm not at all sorry to say that place is not at the killing end of a gun.
I see no ethical or moral issues with this. Every human has the right to have a child.
I think this is a lot better than adoption, it's his child.
Of course there's nothing wrong with it, but even gum surgery gives me the jitters.
Any way, regarding Kadark's opinion in this thread, I see it as an example of a member of a backwards civilization still living in the Middle Ages.
Well, yeah it does make the whole thing worse for me. To see a beautiful girl, pretty much mutilate themselves. But if she was butt ugly I still would have a problem with it. I am never going to see eye to eye with you on this one.

What if she had been a beautiful girl, with a family predisposition to contracting breast cancer, who decided to remove her breasts just in case she came down with the disease? Would that have been equally bad for you? Or is it that she is now legally a "he" and has facial hair with a uterus?

For the record though. I am not that pushing that these ppl should be killed like Kadark. That is extreme. I just will never accept this kind of thing.
That's the thing. It is not for you to accept. It is for you to allow them to be who they are and not interfere or treat them badly because of who they happen to be. Lack of acceptance can easily lead to feelings of wanting to do harm. Like Kadark, who thinks they should all somehow be made to simply disappear because they are *gasp* different.

Are we creating baseless scientific facts yet again, in sleek hopes of justifying the deplorable and regressive lifestyles of certain individuals?
How is it "baseless scientific fact" that people are sometimes born with both sets of chromosomes and sometimes their sexual organs does not represent their sexual orientation as ascribed to those particular organs? Parents in such instances often find that their daughters or son's are horrendously unhappy from a very early age, depressed, act out, sometimes even attempt suicide, because they do not fit into the gender role of their particular sex. Tests will then usually pick up on the issue with their chromosomes. It is up to the parents then, on how they handle it. Most tend to allow the child to be who they are, regardless of their sexual organs and then look into therapy and possible surgery later on in life. It is not baseless. That is reality for people born of the wrong gender.

Other times, the actual chromosomes are 'normal', but the individual themselves are distinctly of the opposite sex. Again, not baseless, but reality. You might wish it did not happen and prefer to view it as being some form of horrendous mental deficiency. And that is you. Most in educated societies view people with such beliefs as being somehow backward. Blind to reality.

Sure, why not - these days, nearly every undesirable act of mankind is attributed to pre-determined genetic traits.
Most things, yes.

Mixed in with society and a community that warps one's feeling of self, then you have, well, you.

Is there no self-responsibility?
Would you expect a 4 year old who has both sets of chromosomes, born with the wrong set of sexual organs and feeling like they are not what they are meant to be, to have "self-responsibility"? Would you tell such a confused child to 'buck up and deal with it'? Or would you try to help them?

What is the scientific phenomenon wherein females are trapped in a male's body (and vice-versa)? Is this proven, or is it merely intangible speculation which is blindly accepted to make transgender operations seem natural and understandable? You know the answer full well.
Yes I do. But it is obvious that you do not.

Aside from what an internet search could do to educate you, let me start you off:

How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis.

You need to realise that your gender identity cannot be changed or determined by your sexual organs.

Hypothetically speaking, and presupposing that it is possible that one's inner-self is a distinctly different gender than what is present physically, I will say, "too bad". You are simply to live your life to its fullest, being the gender you don't want to be.
It is not a question of what one wants to be. It is a question of what one actually is. And sometimes, one's sexual organs are not what they are meant to be. There are a plethora of tests, both physical and psychological, that one must complete before being able to have their gender reassigned. Certain criteria must be met and simply wanting to be a male or a female does not cut it.

There are too many serious, unavoidable, disastrous problems in the world: you have people entrapped in continuous warfare and conflict; you have people suffering unending cycles of disease and poverty; you have people born into genetic mutations, being physically or mentally inferior/incapable in a variety of different aspects. With all of the problems people face worldwide, all of which are beyond the individual's control, why in the blue hell should I feel any sympathy for transgender freaks? It's their choice to prefer a different gender, despite having a completely normal life and gender themselves.
Your supposed caring for others but not for people who are transgender is hypocritical. After all, how can you feel compassion for someone who is born with what you deem to be a "genetic mutation", but feel complete disgust at the so called "freaks" who also suffered from a form of mutation while in the womb? I guess it is the thought that someone could go so far as to remove their sexual organs that makes you feel uncomfortable.

How can one have a normal life and "gender" if they are born with the wrong gender? Please, tell me?