Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Practice

So if that particular culture wants to keep women subservient and uneducated and their pussy cut out, then you're perfectly okay with it? If so, shouldn't you be arguing FOR the practice rather than against it? ...arguing FOR the right of that culture to do as they wish? ...arguing AGAINST any kind of interference?

And yet you're not? Curiouser, and curiouser.

Baron Max

I'm for the right of all people to have access to education available and the liberty to choose the kind of society they wish to live in.

I'm not for anyone being oppressed or tortured due to ignorance.
I'm for the right of all people to have access to education available and the liberty to choose the kind of society they wish to live in.

But what if that culture doesn't want that education? And "liberty"? You've already posted a good discussion about how some cultures' women are the very ones who support the subservient attitudes for women.

I don't get you, Sam. This is not according to the non-interference notions of Sam ...wanna' explain your turn of "foreign policy" to me?

I'm not for anyone being oppressed or tortured due to ignorance.

You, yourself, Sam, have clearly stated that the women of those cultures are the very ones who support this practice of female subservience and pussy cutting! Now you're calling it "oppression" and "torture"???

Baron Max
But what if that culture doesn't want that education? And "liberty"? You've already posted a good discussion about how some cultures' women are the very ones who support the subservient attitudes for women.

I don't get you, Sam. This is not according to the non-interference notions of Sam ...wanna' explain your turn of "foreign policy" to me?

If the women wanted to be oppressed, that would be fine. But keeping women ignorant has a habit of pushing countries into war and societies into decay; plus the fact that the women take the education when it is offered (and the men don't object to it either) indicates that there is no such thing as a culture that does not want education. All women have aspirations for their young and wish them to compete with the best, to have access to all that is available. It is an instinctual quality perhaps

You, yourself, Sam, have clearly stated that the women of those cultures are the very ones who support this practice of female subservience and pussy cutting! Now you're calling it "oppression" and "torture"???

Baron Max

They support these practices in order to sustain the future prospects of their children; and all women know that education can only improve them.:)
If the women wanted to be oppressed, that would be fine. But keeping women ignorant has a habit of pushing countries into war and societies into decay; plus the fact that the women take the education when it is offered (and the men don't object to it either) indicates that there is no such thing as a culture that does not want education.

Well, good ....then you wouldn't object to the USA bringing in the CIA and other such educational groups to educate all the ignorant, backward cultures of the world, right?

They support these practices in order to sustain the future prospects of their children; and all women know that education can only improve them.

I'll talk to the President tomorrow and the USA can get started on educatiing all of those ignorant fuckin' savages in the world. I expect your full support and a Muslim cheering section to be formed at once.

Baron Max
Well, good ....then you wouldn't object to the USA bringing in the CIA and other such educational groups to educate all the ignorant, backward cultures of the world, right?

The CIA is an educational group?:confused:

I'll talk to the President tomorrow and the USA can get started on educatiing all of those ignorant fuckin' savages in the world. I expect your full support and a Muslim cheering section to be formed at once.

Baron Max
The CIA is an educational group?

Yes, absolutely!

See, Sam, you're now backing away from your earlier stance ....and using shorter, more personal jabs in some misguided attempt to discredit the questioner instead of answering the points raised. Why not just answer the questions, Sam ....ain't that easier?

Baron Max
Yes, absolutely!

See, Sam, you're now backing away from your earlier stance ....and using shorter, more personal jabs in some misguided attempt to discredit the questioner instead of answering the points raised. Why not just answer the questions, Sam ....ain't that easier?

Baron Max

And you're deliberately misrepresenting the issue. Would the CIA set up schools for girls and boys? If yes, they are welcome. If however, they will collaborate with power hungry people and supply them with money to foment wars, that is not education. In which country has CIA intervention had an impact on FGM?
And you're deliberately misrepresenting the issue. Would the CIA set up schools for girls and boys? If yes, they are welcome.

Yes, they would ...and they'd teach them to be good little "Americanized" boys and girls. They'd teach them that FGM is bad, and that Islam is bad, and that Christianity is good, and communism is bad, and terrorism is bad, and Kellogs Frosted Flakes are good, and...... Sure, the CIA would love to set up such schools!

Education is a good thing, right, Sam?

Baron Max
Female genitile mutilation exists in parts of North Africa and Indonesia where it appears to have been before the Muslim conversions. It is not in the scriptures of Islam, but it can be considered a muslim practice because it is tolerated in the biggest Muslim population centers. (Indonesia has Islam's largest Muslim population!).

I lived three years in Indonesia and it still survives there. Like many old customs, however, it is no longer so common. Our translator decided she would not do it to her own baby daughter.

Cruel practices like this are carried on in a strange way. A woman that has had it done to her "for her own good and that of society," feels it is "the right thing to do to" to inflict it also on her own daughter.

In old India and China, there existed what can be called the "mother-in-law syndrome." The mother of her son treats her daughter-in-law like dirt. The daughter-in-law bears the cruelty only because she knows that when she has sons of her own, she can then let out her resentment on her own daughter's in law!

Of course, the objective of the female "circumscision" proceedure is to cut down or off sexual pleasure so as to keep her from infidelity.

A far more effective way to enforce fidelity would be to do the process on the men instead!

They support these practices in order to sustain the future prospects of their children; and all women know that education can only improve them.:)

But Sam you once said teroristas are educated/ shit, the most dangerous peole are educated. if they are bad people:rolleyes:
Yes, they would ...and they'd teach them to be good little "Americanized" boys and girls. They'd teach them that FGM is bad, and that Islam is bad, and that Christianity is good, and communism is bad, and terrorism is bad, and Kellogs Frosted Flakes are good, and...... Sure, the CIA would love to set up such schools!

Education is a good thing, right, Sam?

Baron Max

Education makes people Americanised? :p
If the women wanted to be oppressed, that would be fine. But keeping women ignorant has a habit of pushing countries into war and societies into decay; plus the fact that the women take the education when it is offered (and the men don't object to it either) indicates that there is no such thing as a culture that does not want education. All women have aspirations for their young and wish them to compete with the best, to have access to all that is available. It is an instinctual quality perhaps

Don't you think there is a circular problem here? Oppression is about propagating ignorance, but it's also about propagating fear, which may diminish in the minds of those with aspirations the desire to break free from the oppression.
Don't you think there is a circular problem here? Oppression is about propagating ignorance, but it's also about propagating fear, which may diminish in the minds of those with aspirations the desire to break free from the oppression.

Fear=fascism? That's a political strategy, hopefully one that can be countered by a broader outlook; otherwise, there is no guarantee that it can be eliminated even with education.
A political strategy? Where the heck did you pull that from?

Power struggle is always a political strategy, whether it is at the national, community or family level.

Its about creating an environment which is of benefit chiefly to those who have the ability/means to control others. Education reduces that prospect, which is why propaganda is such a powerful tool; it appeals to the emotions rather than the intellect and since losses are more powerful influences on decision making than gains, appeals to losses are more powerful in propaganda.
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Power struggle is always a political strategy, whether it is at the national, community or family level.

And by your idea of "education", you're changing the politics, the power, in some other culture. You're advocating the very thing that you denigrate the USA for doing in the world! Sam, are you confused.

Its about creating an environment which is of benefit chiefly to those who have the ability/means to control others.

Interesting. Here you talk about "education" in a bad light, yet previously you've been supportive and an advocate of educating backward people and cultures.

Sam, you're very confused.

Baron Max
And by your idea of "education", you're changing the politics, the power, in some other culture. You're advocating the very thing that you denigrate the USA for doing in the world! Sam, are you confused.

Interesting. Here you talk about "education" in a bad light, yet previously you've been supportive and an advocate of educating backward people and cultures.

Sam, you're very confused.

Baron Max

You really should read the posts carefully, Baron. Do you believe power and politics are the realm solely of the educated?
You really should read the posts carefully, Baron. Do you believe power and politics are the realm solely of the educated?

Backing off now, are you, Sam?

How soon do you start jabbing at people with your sharpened stick ...so as to keep from responding to the points that others raise?

Baron Max
Backing off now, are you, Sam?

How soon do you start jabbing at people with your sharpened stick ...so as to keep from responding to the points that others raise?

Baron Max

C'mon Baron, think about it.:)