Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Practice

oh, your killing me this morning:(

thankyou!! i got a habit of doing that!! :)

The centuries-old practice, prevalent mostly in Africa, is now also being brought by immigrants to Western countries, like Britain.
"FGM is a huge problem in the UK," said Ensharah Ahmed, community development officer at the UK-based Foundation for Women's Health, Research and Development (Forward).

Forward estimates there are around 279,500 women living in Britain who have undergone FGM, with another 22,000 girls under 16 in danger of joining them.

This year London police launched an awareness campaign to coincide with the start of the summer school holidays -- a period, they say, when women who carry out FGM are most likely to come to Britain, or when families send their daughters back to their countries of origin where they can be circumcised.


Good post lucifers angel, i never knew it was such a problem. I have heard about it, just never could fully believe it was happening.

It makes me sick that women are viewed as property, i think some segments of society view children the same way. Sam is right about it being more of a cultural thing but this is extreme.
Good post lucifers angel, i never knew it was such a problem. I have heard about it, just never could fully believe it was happening.

It makes me sick that women are viewed as property, i think some segments of society view children the same way. Sam is right about it being more of a cultural thing but this is extreme.

what worries me is that if we dont ban the practise which is barbaric then many girls will die, and not only in Africa but here in UK aswell, and 22.000 girls under the age of 16 need to be told the risks of such barbaric custom, and it should be banned worldwide, no one should have to suffer FGM.

Women are viewed has propertie because for the main part they are by differant religions, its strange you know, because they can beat they're wifes but they are not allowed to beat a cow!! strange views on life i think.
are you stupid or something it tends to be culturally accepted by groupd that tend to be muslim but islam says nothing about. you cannot rationally atribute fgm to islam in areas when it was practiced before islam existed. just be cause the two tend to appear together doesn't mean one caused the other or vice versa

Not at all. I used capitalization, punctuation, grammatically correct sentence structures (mostly) and spelled most of my words correctly. I even cited sources. All of these indicators of stupidity are absent in over 7 paragraphs, several quotes and a list of references.
Not at all. I used capitalization, punctuation, grammatically correct sentence structures (mostly) and spelled most of my words correctly. I even cited sources. All of these indicators of stupidity are absent in over 7 paragraphs, several quotes and a list of references.

Yeah all they are missing are objectivity and accuracy.
By all means, show how the quotes and citations are inaccurate. And the primary citations are completely objective. Indeed, they are arguing for Islam and against FGM done in the name of Islam. What they show is that many within the cult of Islam use their superstitions to justify the continued practice.
...within the cult of Islam use their superstitions to justify the continued practice.
Are you implying that most people who succumb to religious thinking (i.e. superstition) would allow themselves to engage in otherwise horrible practices in the name of their leaders (holy men, gods, etc)?
Sheikh Talib, Dean of the Faculty of Shariah of Al Azhar, March 2005: "All practices of female circumcision and mutilation are crimes and have no relationship with Islam."


It is also of interest to note that this practice is not only limited to Muslim African countries, but Christian African nations as well. This practice is from before ancient Egyptian times.

I already posted this, but according to Skin's logic, if there is a theory of intelligent design being proposed in the name of science, it must be due to problems with Science, even though those educated in science keep saying the problems are with the people misusing science.
If some nation, country, religion, or whatever, wants to circumcize their women, who are we to tell them that it's wrong? Or immoral?

And if that's the way we feel, why don't we do something instead of just continually talk and argue about it? Let's go in and conquer the fuckin' countries that do it and force them to live by our standards of morality and right n' wrong!

If we ain't gonna' do anything, then why talk about it?

Baron Max
If some nation, country, religion, or whatever, wants to circumcize their women, who are we to tell them that it's wrong? Or immoral?

And if that's the way we feel, why don't we do something instead of just continually talk and argue about it? Let's go in and conquer the fuckin' countries that do it and force them to live by our standards of morality and right n' wrong!

If we ain't gonna' do anything, then why talk about it?

Baron Max
Completely agree.
If some nation, country, religion, or whatever, wants to circumcize their women, who are we to tell them that it's wrong? Or immoral?

They don't want to circumcise their women. They want to mutilate their pre-adolescent children -specifically their girls. And, contrary to what Islamic apologists will continue apologizing for, these girls are being mutilated in the name of Islam. I agree, however, that this explicitly defined as a practice in Islam (to which I've always agreed), but the practice is justified by Islamic nutters nonetheless. No amount of denial by the superstitious muslims who post here is going to change that fact.
Skinwalker, care to comment on this?

Also, why do you think the Muslims on this forum disagree with this concept if it is endorsed by Islam?

My challenge to you, please find one regular Muslim poster on this forum who will agree with you.

Sheikh Talib, Dean of the Faculty of Shariah of Al Azhar, March 2005: "All practices of female circumcision and mutilation are crimes and have no relationship with Islam."


It is also of interest to note that this practice is not only limited to Muslim African countries, but Christian African nations as well. This practice is from before ancient Egyptian times.
They don't want to circumcise their women. They want to mutilate their pre-adolescent children -specifically their girls. And, contrary to what Islamic apologists will continue apologizing for, these girls are being mutilated in the name of Islam. I agree, however, that this explicitly defined as a practice in Islam (to which I've always agreed), but the practice is justified by Islamic nutters nonetheless. No amount of denial by the superstitious muslims who post here is going to change that fact.

Especially if you ignore the fact that there are Jews, atheists animists etc who also perform it.
True. There are. And I didn't "ignore" that fact at all. Indeed, if you read the citations I linked to, at least one acknowledges this fact, but also acknowledges that the vast majority of the practice originates from Muslims. QED.
True. There are. And I didn't "ignore" that fact at all. Indeed, if you read the citations I linked to, at least one acknowledges this fact, but also acknowledges that the vast majority of the practice originates from Muslims. QED.

Yeah, because the Jews and animists and atheists outnumber the Muslims.:rolleyes:
There are atheists that practice FGM??? :confused:

Yup and animists too; its a cultural practice.

There has yet to be data which locates an origin for the practice. Marie Assad proposes Pharonic origins, however evidence only confirms that circumcisions were part of the postmortem burial preparation on mummies(5). Practised by Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists and Animists alike, Alison Slack makes clear that no religion has ever prescribed the operation.