End of Ice Age

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You asked what other word for that empire which is very close to Avalon, and that is Attalan, from the people just down the European coast

Avalon and Attalan share not a single etymological connection. Again: Avalon means -apples- and is possibly related to the Celtic word for faerieland. Attalan means "Atlas".

and that empire was also known as Atland, Atlan, and Atlantica, named after the great global navigator, Atlas, who was a son of Sidon, a son of Canaan.

Atlas was a giant who held the world on his shoulders. Upon what foundation do you affirm he was the son of Sidon, a son of Canaan? And since when was Canaan a person? Unless you meant it slightly poetically?
The Visitor's suggestion does not sound plausible. However, six fingered people are not an unheard of phenomenon, and perhaps a large, six-fingered man ruled a tribe of people and had his say with them.

I've looked into this with more than just a passing thought.
Actually my research on this topic goes back....years, because it ties together another subject.
The seed of the Serpent, and it's separate linage.

You see if Cain was something so important that God said not to kill him so he could propagate, there had to be a pretty important reason.
He could be the first human/serpent hybrid.
First of all, get any lizard/ufo/aliens out of your mind here.
Thats not the kind of Serpents I'm talking about.
Neither is it a type of snake.
It's a humanoid, pre-human, sub-human...the closest species on Earth to Man.
A Beast......a beast of the field, a beast of burden.

If thats the creature that beguiled Eve and fathered Cain......it was a totally separate species.
The biblical reference to the devil is because of this beast's shear size and power, it was the chosen vessel for unclean spirits to possess.
And through Cain's birth and linage an entrance was made for them into the human race.

Giant size, demonic ferocity, and a penchant for genocide of us "humans".
This would explain the ancient twelve digit numerical system.....Giants, perhaps six-fingered ruled the Earth in pre-history.

Their children learned to count on their fingers, just like ours.....but to twelve instead of ten.

Like I said, before anyone google's it I've already heard of the three knuckle with the thumb on the fingers explanation of the twelve digit system.
In my opinion with other things all considered, that story is possible but not as plausible.
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Visitor, while I disagree with some of your conclusions, you have read widely and extensively.

In particular, a few months back, you posted a photo of a giant on a cart, which 'disappeared' into the archives of some museum.

To me, that is interesting information.

What references do you have for the giant skeletons that have been found in North America?

As you know, there is lots of evidence in 'crypto-zoology' for the existence of a large north-american 'ape', usually called 'sasquatch' as its 'indian' name. I've seen some good evidence for that existence (plaster casts of sole prints that are large and decidely non-human, showing ridge-lines, etc.) Is it possible those skeletons you reference are skeletons of 'sasquatch'. It is not entirely unthinkable that a large ape still remains relatively 'undiscovered' in the woods. The mountain gorilla remained undiscovered until relatively recent times.

Also, though I have not seen the evidence, it does seem strange that we count to twelve, not ten, as if that were our original base of counting. It is tempting, as I admitted, to believe that one group (or one strong individual) started our counting system using twelve digits, instead of our normal (to us) ten. I would like to see more evidence on this.
Unlike yourself, I haven't reached any conclusions because I've seen no solid evidence; certainly none coming from you.

The Visitor has many ideas I disagree with, though he is correct that there are people with six fingers, and that in times past 'giants' (such as Goliath) were powerful figures. I suspect that such persons would readily often likely have six digits as well, and it is not too far a stretch to have had such an individual as a leader of a tribe millenia ago, when counting with numbers first started. Clearly, counting to 12 had advantages, and twelve is easily divisible by 2, 3, 4, and 6 without using fractions.

What's your fascination with hexagons, anyway. Pentagons are great too.
Well, hexagons are nature's space saver:

The "Earth hexagon," with the rate of precession, allowed the ancients to measure the Earth accurately to 0.4%, six fingers are nice though, I wish you guys great success with your theory.
The ancient Egyptians actually measured the Earth's radius accurately to 1 part per 1000, as I've posted in the Astronomy Post re Royal Cubits. We can now know this by the internal geometry of the Great Pyramid.

Erathostenes was off, I believe, by about 100 parts per thousand, i.e. he wasn't a very careful measurer. But what can you expect from a wandering Greek in a foreign land? Better than anyone else was doing at that time.
I said he wasn't a very careful measurer. Using great precision, you can easily use his method to be accurate to 1 part per 1000. He just was sloppy about his work, like some people I know.
If sloppy E's method was actually good to 1 in 1000, not just to 1 in 100 with him at the helm, then why didn't someone unsloppy get it to 1 in 1000?
The Egyptians did. Then, things went downhill from there in Egypt, ending the pyramid era. After that, only a tiny fraction of stone was quarried compared to the Egyptian pyramid-building era. While knowledge was on the upswing in some ways, it was on the downswing in others. It wasn't until the start of the western era of astronomy that things got back on track. I'm not certain when the Egyptians were surpassed in their knowledge of Earth's radius.
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The ancient Egyptians were surpassed in the accuracy of knowledge about the Earth's dimensions in the 1750's, with the invention of Harrison's chronometer. Between the time of the precession mapping by the ancient Egyptians, and the invention of Harrison's chronometer, the best game in town was Erasthosenes' method, which was relatively very inaccurate.
-In particular, a few months back, you posted a photo of a giant on a cart, which 'disappeared' into the archives of some museum.
To me, that is interesting information.
What references do you have for the giant skeletons that have been found in North America?

-It does seem strange that we count to twelve, not ten, as if that were our original base of counting. It is tempting, as I admitted, to believe that one group (or one strong individual) started our counting system using twelve digits, instead of our normal (to us) ten. I would like to see more evidence on this.

Walter, on the subject of the first one above.....I have read of reports in newspapers and eyewitness accounts since the 1800's that while digging for construction projects or farming, certain items have been discovered underground and then quietly disposed of....skeletal remains, many of which were mummified to near Egyptian levels of expertise.
They had these things in common; low sloping forehead, high rear cranial "dome", double rows of dentition, and in many cases where the remains were mummified, red hair.
Many were positioned in "burial chambers of stone"
The skeletons were between 9 and 12 feet tall.
This is in places like Kansas, Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, ect... in other words, every single part of the United States.

Native American's have a legend of red haired ferocious giants.
The different tribes banded together to wipe them off the face of the land eventually.
This matches the bible's report of Esau being red haired...whom God for seemingly no reason "hated" from his birth.
See......it's a genetic difference.....but don't think I'm leading this up to some "racial hatred" type thing.
No, it's a lot more complicated than that.
Please read on.

Even though Esau may have been a "though back", he was a leader of an army God used while the Israelites were still in bondage in Egypt to destroy the nearly 20 different races of giants that had sprung up since Noah.
The Israelites first objective when freed from bondage was to wipe clean every giant from the face of the Earth that Esau's group had missed.

On the second subject...ancient mathematics;
The world in it's "pre-history" and before the flood, may have been entirely ruled by this other species.
They had through interbreeding with humans and through genocide destroyed the pure human linage and that led to the Earth's destruction.
Early mathematic are all base twelve.

Now as for the "other" explanation for it, I believe thats only a half-baked cover story.
You can take your thumb, and on one hand use it to rake the knuckles of your four fingers and count to twelve.
This they say was started as a method of shepherd's counting their flocks.

Give me a break.....how gullible do these "historians" think we are?

The twelve digit system involves everything up to the measurement of Space/Time.
-12 hands on a clock.
-12 months in a year.
-12 signs in the zodiac.
-12 x 30 = 360 % in a circle.
-12 inches per foot.
-12 block per mile.
-12 mites to a pence (I think)
-12 pence to a shelling.
-12 = a dozen.
-12 dozen = a gross.
Thats just a few without looking up more.
The children of the Olympians in Greek History were giants.....The Titans.
Another name they were called is "The Twelve".

The "humans" that were descendants of Adam who was a Son of God, were beyond science so far they didn't even need it.
Science is experimentation to find knowledge.
They had a source of omniscience beyond simple knowledge.
They operated in the realms of what could be called "faith"....the supernatural.

This other group had no faith....so set out on the quest for knowledge apart from it.
So the ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians....Mesopotamians.
They were all giants, and the founders of our science.

Abraham was originally from Ur of the Chaldees, and it was a "land of the Canaanites".....giants.
He had to leave there for God to bless him, and his "blessing" was a multitude as the stars in the sky, that someday would be used to annihilate these hybrid giants from the face of the Earth....Get it.?

But it doesn't end there I'm afraid......the "human" race today is a completely hybrid mixture.
Only the obvious features have been erased......leaving little or no visible distinction.

The difference today that remains is on the inside.....a spiritual distinction.
Faith or Doubt.

And forget blind faith in religions.......Cain was very religious, and so are many of his descendants.
Jesus called them; "a generation of vipers"
Thus, the setting of the stage for ......"the greatest battle ever fought"

If what I'm saying is true....and trust me, except for the 12-digits mathematics origin, which is more of a theory and some of the "missing skeletal evidence", it is........it would explain some things.

The world once again is overrun by the Serpent's genetic offspring.
This story had to be hidden because it alone unlocks a large portion of the "mysteries of the kingdom".
Jesus only taught in parables to the masses.
Remember Jesus said; "I thank thee Father, for hiding this from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealing it unto babes who are willing to learn"

This is the real "Bible Code"....hidden in the scriptures.

If this was understood by the serpent's descendants and they knew who they were; a contrast to the sons of the "light".....
For one it would ruin their happiness in this life.....no one wants to do that.
Paul taught about "vessels of honor, and dishonor" created by the good pleasure of God to be a contrast, and a teaching tool for his children.

Solomon once said; "There is nothing better for the sons of men to do, than to eat, drink, and enjoy the fruits of their labor and the works of their hands in this life."

He wasn't talking about the "humans".....descended from Adam.....the sons of God.
He was talking about the "children of the world"...the sons of men.
If you realize the prophets who under inspiration wrote the bible knew this "dual lineage" revelation, reading it again it would be like reading a whole new book.

Another mass cleansing is about due to happen.
And God's not to blame this time either.
Mankind does this to himself, as usual.
Thats what all the nukes are for...."with fire" this time, remember?
It's the parable of the wheat and the tares....identical and let grow side by side till they manifest at the harvest time.
The end of the world, again.......

There you are Walter.
That's the short version.
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