End of Ice Age

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Hey Einstein, the accounts speak of trireme ships and metallurgy, and canals around citadels, you're so stupid that you think that was happening at 10000 B.C., check yourself, is there anything between your ears?
You are the one stating that the accounts are historical facts, jackass.
I have said from the beginning that they can't be taken as historical fact, rather they were written as fables, allegory, metaphor... NOT REAL.

You can't simply say that 9000 years must be wrong, so he must have MEANT to say 9000 months, and still see the rest as gospel truth.

What makes you quick to discount that one aspect, and talk about the rest as if it can't be questioned, because someone as brilliant as Plato said it?

How can you contradict yourself so sharply and not see how ridiculously fucking stupid that is?
Someone who apparently has some level of intelligence can't be that stupid.
Either you are full of shit and trying to have some fun as a troll, you are intentionally lying to yourself and trying to justify it to others or you really don't know a god damned thing, and are trying to pretnd you do.
You have obviously never read the accounts, yet you speak as if you have, taking everything from a second hand, incomplete source.

I'd say most likely you are a simple-minded apologist who cares absolutely nothing about truth, rather cares only about finding bits and pieces of disparate evidence to back up what you want to be true.

Whatever the above cases may be, you dishonest, first and foremost.
Secondly, you are blissfully arrogant about your own ignorance and have absolutley no interest in learning anything, challenging yourself and current level of "knowledge" or honestly considering anything anyone tells you that contradicts what you currently believe, regardless of evidence or reason.
I don't see the point in spending time trying to discuss anything with an arrogant, dishonest jackass.
Good day.
Uh, Fred's a little animation guy, didn't you know that?

Just start googling submerged megaliths, or underwater ruins, or submerged ruins, or underwater megaliths, of: Yarmuta, Dwarka, Mahabalipuram, Malta, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Egypt, Menouthis, Herakleion, Yonaguni, Okinawa, Ryuku, Canary Islands, Gibraltar, Kumari Kandam, and Rama.
IceAgeCivilizations, people were living at Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands 5000 years ago, long before your date for the thaw. Other continental areas were also inhabited by this time, which would not have been possible if the ice age persisted until just a few thousand years ago.

Tree ring analysis of ancient trees shows no sudden change in global climate in the last 4000 years. Nor do studies of pollen, sediments or ice cores. Do you have any evidence beyond your own peculiar interpretation of a second-hand myth and some submerged stone blocks of uncertain origin?
Oh, it's in a book, it must be right. After all, book publishers are the best judges and guardians of truth in society.
Nick Flemming wrote a book about megalithic ruins which were submerged when the Ice Age ended, you should pick up a copy.
Thats right, thats why I am inclined to trust him more with regards to questions of amazing advanced civilisations at the end of the ice age. Guess what! He seems to think there werent any, not the kind you are talking about with metallurgy and triremes and stuff.
Oh, and laika, I wrote two books about the subject, but of course, all you read is what you're told to read, right?

I'm not about to read your books, so I will just assume that you do have some actual evidence. It would be helpful if you could drop the sarcasm and tell us what it is.
Fleming wrote "Cities in the Sea" back in 1971, I guess he changed his mind since then, very predictable, as to say those megalithic paving stones, walls, and plazas, are manmade is to say that they were built before 10000 B.C. (conventional timeline), and such building actually didn't begian 'til circa 2500 B.C., so there's the dilemma for you mainstreamers. What do you do?
No evidence of block faulting in these submerged megalith areas, the submerges were almost all due to the rise of sea level at the end of the Ice Age, now, did the Ice Age really end at 10000 B.C, and megalithic building of streets, terraces, and walls also began at that time.

Such building is not thought to have begun 'til circa 2500 B.C., so the sea level must have risen after that, and legends of historical cities going under when the sea level rose bears this out.
Continental drift coupled with massive earthquakes, could have submerged whole islands and coastlines.

Thats right, but our friend is looking for much quicker methods. COntinental drift takes a few too many million years.
Fleming wrote "Cities in the Sea" back in 1971, I guess he changed his mind since then, very predictable, as to say those megalithic paving stones, walls, and plazas, are manmade is to say that they were built before 10000 B.C. (conventional timeline), and such building actually didn't begian 'til circa 2500 B.C., so there's the dilemma for you mainstreamers. What do you do?

Mmmm, did he actually make any such claim? I'm not so sure. W might not even be talking abotu the same FLeming here of course.
THe dilemma for us is first to ask you for your evidence that megalithic cities actually exist in the places you say they do, and, that they were built by humans.
We go from there.
Where's Metakron when you need him?

There is way too much evidence that civilzations began circa 6,000 years before the present (circa 4,000 B.C.), to conclude that they did not begin until circa 2500 B.C., and hence the Ice Ages ended after then.

There is a lot of evidence showing the Ice Ages having ended 10,000 years ago. If there are submerged megaliths (and IceAgeCivilizations has yet to post any documentation or photos, which I would love to see; though I have seen inconclusive videos of ones off Japan, and the Bimini possible boat harbor), I would conclude that they were built by 'civilizations' that existed prior to 10,000 years ago, and got flooded out by the melting glaciers, only to rebound a few millenia later in contemporaneous regions, once the sea level stabilized again.
I posted a bunch of google verbiage to use, I guess you haven't availed yourself, still in your ostrich hole.

Legends in the Vedas talk about the old city of Dwarka and the City of Bali, and the lands of Rama and Kumari Kandam being submerged by the sea, with kings Ravenna and Nediyon having to move their kingdoms inland, kings from circa 1500 B.C.

And Plato recalls the time that much land of Greece was consumed by the sea, when Greece was much rainier and lush, when they were fighting, in triremes, the Atlanteans, the people of Atlas, who was a son of Posidon (Father Sidon), who was a son of Canaan, a son of Ham (Cham, Khem, Chronos), and offshore the land of Canaan are the now submerged ruins of Yarmuta, which departed from the pages of history at about 1500 B.C., along with the old city of Sidon, and others, off Lebanon and Israel. Get the picture?
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