End of Ice Age

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Why do we only have your assertions, and no photos. If there were such submerged ruins, wouldn't mainstream archaeology be all over that? I'd love to see such photos.

And yes, we do know that the lands were flooded, in at least two waves, with the last wave being a rise of about 50 feet in the sea level before stabilizing to the current level. That last rise flooded the Black Sea region (and likely giving rise to the Noah story) but we have fairly accurate historical accounts going back to 2,000 B.C. with no mention of such flooding. Only in the referenced fables you've referred to but given no citations to. The Black Sea does have photographed undersea man-made structures (but not megalithic) that are currently being investigated, the last I checked.

And yes, many cities departed from historical records - but for reasons other than flooding. Where's your evidence that Sidon and Yarmuta are now under the sea? Got photos?
If you can't google a bit, you're too lazy, and I cited the sea level rise in several historical accounts, you're like Sergeant Schultz on Hogan's Heroes.
I've shown your errors, in detail, regarding the Great Pyramid, and how your assertions were wrong, yet you've failed to acknowledge such.

Now you assert you don't want to bother with posting a few directed links. The "historical accounts" you referenced, without citation, are actually fables with little reliability for being historically accurate.

Seems like you're the lazy one, unwilling to do simple arithmetic to verify you were wrong about your assertion regarding the base perimeter of the Great Pyramid, as per your posts about the Great Pyramid.

Once you've demonstrated yourself to be wrong about many other things, why should anyone simply take your word that you are now right? It would generally be a waste of time. Cite some links to prove you're right about something, if you want to be believed.
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If you can't google, you're just throwing a little hissy fit, there's pictures and references to all of that, its just waiting for you, but you'd rather throw a little hissy fit.

But in fact, I bet you've already checked alot of it out, you're just being a pain in the ass, you obvioulsy enjoy that.
People alot smarter than you see the veracity of my finding, you're one of the dull or feigned dull ones.

The accuracy of the GP measurements are 0.5% from being exactly half a nautical mile, your silly "scientific cubit" has no astronomical derivation, just a subdivision of the radius by the unit of your choice, which has no relevance to the GP, or to time/distance relationship. Next.
Do you really think that the ancient Brits just imagined that vast tracks of land of a rich kingdom, now off their southern coast, succumbed to the sea in ancient times?

Avalon, also known as Attalan, Atlan, Atlantica, Atlantida, and Atlantis, was a powerful kingdom circa 1500 B.C., now lost to the sea, hello?
It should be noted that Plato spoke in mythic tones at times. The Republic has an extensive fable of the afterlife.

Avalon was to the West, not to the South. It also means "The Isle of Apples". There is nothing related to "Atlantis" in the word "Avalon". The theme of going West to a paradise, afterlife, or Faerie land, is a common theme amongst peoples of Great Britain and Ireland.
How 'bout Attalan?

The area around the Islands of Scilly was rich in tin deposits, and some of the settlements are reputed to be there on the shallow seafloor off Scilly and Cornwall, you Brits get to diving and photographing.

What language uses "Attalan" for "Avalon"?

Moreover, what do tin deposits have to do with anything whatsoever?

Tin + Copper = Bronze. Tin was quite rare, very valuable area for the people of Atlas, and for those with whom they traded (Greece, Egypt, Minoa, Canaan, etc.)

You will note the root word for Atlantic is Greek for "Atlas", as in "The Atlas Mountains". The Berbers - a North African people - sharing the word does not seem to be suspicious in the least.
You asked what other word for that empire which is very close to Avalon, and that is Attalan, from the people just down the European coast, and that empire was also known as Atland, Atlan, and Atlantica, named after the great global navigator, Atlas, who was a son of Sidon, a son of Canaan.
You asked what other word for that empire which is very close to Avalon, and that is Attalan, from the people just down the European coast, and that empire was also known as Atland, Atlan, and Atlantica, named after the great global navigator, Atlas, who was a son of Sidon, a son of Canaan.

In one version of the Rama empire legend, they were a spiritual peaceful people, but another people, scientific war mongers would not share the land.

They moved to attack the Rama people with their machines of war, but wise men, sages of the east of the Rama brought death to the invading army by just speaking.

The carnal has always hated the spiritual and sought to wipe them from the Earth.

Take the Titans and the Olympians......physical giants at war with the spiritual. The ones even said to be descendants of the other.
The twelve.

Athenian/Atlantian conflicts of ancient Greece.
Lots of things point to a history of an Atlantis thats not one of peace.

That's the Disney version.
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The first city of Dwarka, of the Rama Empire, is now submerged off modern Dwarka, and there are two cities submerged in the Gulf of Cambay, along an Ice Age river channel, which have gridded streets and brick buildings like those still onshore at Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and many others.
And Plato recalls the time that much land of Greece was consumed by the sea, when Greece was much rainier and lush, when they were fighting, in triremes, the Atlanteans, the people of Atlas, who was a son of Posidon (Father Sidon), who was a son of Canaan, a son of Ham (Cham, Khem, Chronos), and offshore the land of Canaan are the now submerged ruins of Yarmuta, which departed from the pages of history at about 1500 B.C., along with the old city of Sidon, and others, off Lebanon and Israel. Get the picture?

Do you recall the time when Dwarves, Elves and Men formed a Last Alliance to battle the armies of the Dark Lord Sauron?

Look, I even have evidence:
That photo is a complete and total fabrication.
A fraud of the highest order!

Everyone knows that according to the history handed down by the great scholar J.R.R. Tolkien that Sauron never personally engaged in hand to hand combat at the battle. In fact, Sauron had never truly shown himself, if I recall correctly, since the sinking of Numenor when his first body was destroyed with the island.

Also, on topic, Numenor was Atlantis. Avalon. Etc.

So, at least this portion of IceAge's ravings are true.
That photo is a complete and total fabrication.
A fraud of the highest order!

Everyone knows that according to the history handed down by the great scholar J.R.R. Tolkien that Sauron never personally engaged in hand to hand combat at the battle. In fact, Sauron had never truly shown himself, if I recall correctly, since the sinking of Numenor when his first body was destroyed with the island.

In the First Age, Sauron, as a Maiar, appeared in a beautiful form to decieve elves and men. As Morgoth's lieutenant, lord of the werewolves, he was matched in power only by Gothmog, lord of balrogs.

He also took on the form of a great werewolf to lure Huan to battle.

After the destruction of Numenore in the Second Age, and Sauron's subsequent loss of his fair body, his spirit could only assume the form of dark and ugly things.

After the Alliance's victory on the plains of Dagorlad, Barad-dûr was besieged for seven years, and in the seventh, Sauron came out to play. Gil-Galad the High King and Elendil the Tall slew the Dark Lord, though both perished in the fight.

In the Third Age, he personally tortured Gollum. Gollum recalled that on one hand, Sauron had only 4 fingers, unable to grow back the ringfinger Isildur had cut from him.
After the Alliance's victory on the plains of Dagorlad, Barad-dûr was besieged for seven years, and in the seventh, Sauron came out to play. Gil-Galad the High King and Elendil the Tall slew the Dark Lord, though both perished in the fight.

What the hell was I thinking?!
Duh. He had to come out to get the damned ring chopped off his finger...

There was something about that battle....
Or perhaps I'm thinking about the scuttlebutt that Aragorn was going to duke it out with Sauron at the end...

I'm ashamed of myself.
HHmmm, looks like ice age still hasn't learnt the rules of debate- if you are asserting something, you provide the evidence.
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