Does God make mistakes?

the baseline is flawed.

I am reading a book by Caroline Myss, "Why people don't heal and how they can". She says that that an illness can also be an answer to a prayer, an illness can physically take us on a path of insight and learning that we would otherwise never venture on; an illness can be an initiator for the broadening of personal awareness and also for understanding the bigger picture of life.

There are cancer patients, recovered and terminally ill, who say that cancer has been the best thing that ever happened to them.

Most of us are too lazy, too complacent to go out of our comfort zones and search for true happiness. Getting ill can be a way for the Universe to enable us to get out of that.
To use a bit of reflexive stating 'that is bold' is bold, since it is a statement, essentially, of knowledge of reality - that there must be uncertainty, that we see it only through mist, or whatever. I think we are damned to boldness. Or blessed to it. Or both.

I'll not be juggled with:
To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil!
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation.

Too bad it only sounds good on film ...
I'll not be juggled with:
To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil!
Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit!
I dare damnation.

Too bad it only sounds good on film ...

Not quite sure if you were also taking a position here. I wasn't suggesting one take a stance, just that one note a state of affairs.
Are you a believer and if so, when did you decide to become insane, exactly?
Ahem. Do you really think it is impossible for the children of non-theists/atheists to be religious? How long have you been deluded about this?

Deciding to be insane is an interesting concept by the way. I, actually, think this is often the case, but you will find little support amongst neurophysiologists.

and before that where were you with god?
where was god in your life?

Never gave God much thought.

he is always with us, even if we don't see him..when one becomes a christian we learn where to look..

Why only when one becomes christian?

i have noticed on here that when atheist argue against the bible, there focus tends to be on the old testament..its hard to get their heads out of it..i posted a verse awhile back..

I think it's because they feel it helps validate their lack of belief.


But that means you deem yourself knowledgeable of "reality"!
That is bold!

I know that if I bite my toungue really hurts.
If that pain isn't first-hand knowledge of reality, then what is?

To me, this means that you see yourself as an instance worthy and relevant enough to function as a source of perspective.

What does all of that mean in everyday terms?

Yes. And it seems to go back to "thinking myself good/worthy/competent enough to not constantly having to fear I will cause offense or otherwise do something wrong". Which I have so much trouble with.

Do you have a city life background, or a country one?

I'd probably think I read the wrong definition, especially if the person telling me that "parochial" meant a type of fish would be a theist or someone toward whom I would feel fear.

Why would you feel fear toward someone?
Why would fear make you doubt your reading ability?

I'm not sure I understand what your "why" is referring to.

Why do you describe them like that?

It's "they", actually.

So what do you do for kicks?
If it's nothing. How do you pass your time a weekends?

Then I would have to value my clarity above offending others!

Yes you would.

I haven't decided yet.


From the perspective of my upbringing, it is a sacrilege, an act of utter vanity to talk like you often do - "It has to resonate with reality" or "But you should still ask in order to become clear of the point".

Is your country predominantly religious or atheist?

"You can never hate yourself enough. You can never think yourself stupid enough. The best thing for you to do would be to just disappear. You should go to a dark corner and die of shame." - that is what I usually hear in my mind.
Anything that doesn't sound like that seems like a sacrilege, an act of vanity.

Is your family aristocratic?

I am reading a book by Caroline Myss, "Why people don't heal and how they can". She says that that an illness can also be an answer to a prayer, an illness can physically take us on a path of insight and learning that we would otherwise never venture on; an illness can be an initiator for the broadening of personal awareness and also for understanding the bigger picture of life.

There are cancer patients, recovered and terminally ill, who say that cancer has been the best thing that ever happened to them.

Most of us are too lazy, too complacent to go out of our comfort zones and search for true happiness. Getting ill can be a way for the Universe to enable us to get out of that.

i would agree with that. pain is often times humbling. having your life threatened is humbling. and humility (imo) is a prerequisite for seeking god, or seeking anything really. because if you're entirely comfortable, what's the point of seeking anything? you have everything you need and want.

for some people, they appear to have everything they need and, material possessions, family, job, education, fame, sex, drugs, whatever...and they're still unfulfilled. which could make them seek. or if they can't conceive of anything else out there, it could make them take their own life.
There are cancer patients, recovered and terminally ill, who say that cancer has been the best thing that ever happened to them.
Yeah, I often pray that God will give me cancer too, so I can enjoy this wonderful learning experience that you get from almost dying.
Deciding to be insane is an interesting concept by the way. I, actually, think this is often the case, but you will find little support amongst neurophysiologists.

Really? And, you know that how?

"Wilder Penfield and Michael Persinger, both of whom have helped show that the brain can be readily and deliberately caused to experience things like well-being or even religious visions. It all centers around the right temporal lobe — the more sensitive a person's temporal lobe is, the more likely they are to report things like visions, mystical experiences, paranormal experiences, communication with God, feeling at one with God, stronger religious beliefs, and more.

Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that such experiences do not have an objective and external reality. It does, however, indicate that there is a biological basis for such experiences and experiments prove that it is very possible to have such experiences through wholly mechanical means. The burden then shifts to believers to explain why their experiences are different and what reason there might be to think that they reflect some external reality rather than simply the chemical process of their brain.

Also of interest is the fact that people with a sensitive right temporal lobe are not only more likely to have stronger religious experiences and beliefs, but they are also much more likely to act on those experiences and beliefs. This isn't a trivial observation because studies have shown a consistent percentage of people, most of whom have had sensitive temporal lobes, are willing to kill if they believe that God wants them to. "

Sure sounds like insanity to me, as defined "Mental derangement". :)
The joke is that people think God is both good, and gave us inherent diseases that have nothing to do with how good or pious you are.

"pious"...bleh. i prefer freedom. and if it's a joke, it's not very funny.
No Lori, THIS is a sick joke:

"he tells me that he provides for all of us, and that it is our sin that causes us to suffer and die."

greed is the reason people starve on this planet Q. there are people sitting in a restaurant eating filet mignon and drinking wine, while there's someone digging in a dumpster outside. THAT'S NOT FUNNY.
greed is the reason people starve on this planet Q.

Ah, defending your gods again even though you'll sit there and thank them for your abundance. Hypocrite.

there are people sitting in a restaurant eating filet mignon and drinking wine, while there's someone digging in a dumpster outside. THAT'S NOT FUNNY.

Then, tell Jeebus to feed them. What's his problem? Why does he feed you and not them? They probably would be satisfied even with a loaf of bread.

"Give us this day our daily bread."

Sound familiar, Lori?
Ah, defending your gods again even though you'll sit there and thank them for your abundance. Hypocrite.

Then, tell Jeebus to feed them. What's his problem? Why does he feed you and not them? They probably would be satisfied even with a loaf of bread.

"Give us this day our daily bread."

Sound familiar, Lori?

yes it does. it's your usual scapegoat bullshit.
I make 3D computer models of prototypes for a sportswear company.

i would have guessed you an engineer. you reek engineer. and i mean that in a good way. it's your sense of humor that gives you away.