Does God make mistakes?


Then I don't understand at all.
You must be enlightened or you are either the mind itself, or something of that magnitude.

One doesn't have to know reality, one is reality.

But how can you separate them from cognition??
Certainty or confidence are a matter of cognition, a matter of being sure of your knowledge of "how things really are". Do you not think so?

Certainty is the pain felt when biteing your tongue.
One may not be certain of what happens to the fatty tissue,
or how it eventually heals.
But the certainty, is direct, instantaneos knowledge, and understanding, the others are observational, informational, in-direct knowledge. l

It seems you are applying the latter to your life, somewhat
like a running commentary.

Has it never happened to you that you felt hurt by someone's action, but the person insisted that they have done nothing wrong and that you should therefore not feel hurt?

Yes, but that's what you expect from douche-bags.
I try not to get myself in that kind of position again.

But you do not take upon yourself such an endeavor? Why not?

Because it is a complete waste of time, unless there is an ulterior motive.
Just, not believing is perfectly adequate, and honest.

It depends on what?

On whether or not I think I've been an idiot.

Ha! Are you for real?!
Then what about all the discussions you have had with atheists here? They have tried to convince you there is no God.

No they haven't.
Why? Because they can't.
It's nought but an illusion.

Whether such an argument actually exists is different from people trying to convince others there is no God.

They can only convince those who want to be convinced.
All the others can go to hell. Sounds familiar?

It is a fact that some people believe that there is no God and they want others to believe there is no God.

Unfortunately there are such people.
And this is their time to shine.

The country. Although this by now means the "old country".
And I am a mutt really, I never actually belonged in either the city or the country.

Where would you like to be?

I really don't know for sure. Although I now remembered a study of IQ: The participants were yelled at and called names before taking the test, and they scored lower in comparison to taking the test without previously being yelled at and called names.

Was this a scientific experiment?

So this could suggest that if we connect our (intellectual) abilities with our sense of self, then when this sense of self is threatened, so is our execution of those abilities and we perform poorly.

Sounds like some kind of hypnosis, or conditioning type of scenario.

Another explanation could be that because a person unconsciously mirrors emotions, this negatively affects their performance. Another term is "emotional contagion". Emotions can affect our performance, positively or negatively.

What about the persons own sense of wanting to achieve?

When a person has a tendency to pick up the emotions of others, then the person feels whatever the other people feel, without there being any particular intentions or reasons involved.

Providing the person is devoid of the ability to make their own decisions, or respond to their own sensuality.

Generally, I would expect that someone who claims to know the Absolute Truth, the "how things really are" would not have the same mood swings and negativity as run-of-the-mill people, but would instead be a lot more calm and composed.

I would be wary of someone who claimed to know the absolute truth.
I understand that the Pope is addressed as "The Holy Father". Is that true?

I once witnessed something I felt was quite bizzare: At a meeting, a devotee exclaimed "We sing the holy names and we are happy!" but while he was saying that, he seemed anything but happy to me, he seemed like he was in pain and dissatisfaction; his statement looked more like that of a fired-up politican.

Do you think happiness is expressed by laughter and smiley faces?

Mostly films or series about people going through rough times, or about demanding interpersonal situations.

Do you believe what you see, or do you feed of the emotion they intend you
to feel? Or do you think there is something sub-conscious meaning behind it?

Sitcoms, documentaries, comedies, most reality shows, action, thrillers, political stuff or soap operas are boring to me.

Again, how do respond to them?

Not at all.

But you feel safe there, right?

Well, that depends by what is meant by "religious".
I never understood why someone who claims to know God and who rests assured that he will inherit eternity in heaven (while the majority of others will burn in hell for all eternity), would need the same intoxications and distractions like run-of-the-mill people.

You'll find that no such injunctions exist in scriptures.
These people don't actually know about religion or God (unless scripture is no longer the standard to know these by).
They have created a society which suited that time.
Now those ignorant minds have shifted the mentality goalposts, to suit this time.

Does God make mistakes?

No. He can't make mistakes, otherwise He is not God.
So what are mistakes?
Illusions. :)


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Signal said
Has it never happened to you that you felt hurt by someone's action, but the person insisted that they have done nothing wrong and that you should therefore not feel hurt?

Jan Ardena responded:
Yes, but that's what you expect from douche-bags.
I try not to get myself in that kind of position again.
Is it that easy to tell that they are douche bags, that that is the root of the problem? Can it be cross cultural confusions? One's own baggage? Terrible timing? A misappraisal they made of what you could handle in terms of knowledge? Etc.
Ha! Are you for real?!
Then what about all the discussions you have had with atheists here? They have tried to convince you there is no God.
Jan Ardena
No they haven't.
Why? Because they can't.
It's nought but an illusion

So since they were wrong they haven't tried? It was an illusion they tried?

If you mean it was an illusion in the sense of Maya, say, then it was no more an illusion than anything else, or?
I think the quotes above speak more for Jan's "open-mindedness" than anything else.
An open-mindedness he constantly accuses others of not entertaining.
Ho hum...
Does God make mistakes of course he does humanity is just one enormous example! ?

To fix humanity, your psychotic religions must end their reign of hatred and terror on the world. Your sick and twisted god WAS the mistake.
To fix humanity, your psychotic religions must end their reign of hatred and terror on the world. Your sick and twisted god WAS the mistake.

You are an angry tiny little man, trying to bring mountains down.

By the way the last time I checked I found no personal god amongst my possessions!!

Does God make mistakes yes he does, after all he created a hateful little man like you?