Does God make mistakes?

and then have no understanding of it whatsoever. what a giant waste of time for you then. what's your motivation?

Oh, I see, the DNA changing aliens in your fantasies is something I'm suppose to understand, but when I quote biblical verses demonstrating your marriage is a sham and you are a blasphemous fornicator, I have no understanding.

In tears here. :roflmao:
Oh, I see, the DNA changing aliens in your fantasies is something I'm suppose to understand, but when I quote biblical verses demonstrating your marriage is a sham and you are a blasphemous fornicator, I have no understanding.

In tears here. :roflmao:

well if you're such an authority you should know that the bible says it's meaning is hidden without the spirit. you're not seeking understanding. you're not seeking god. i think you use the bible with less than sincere, and even malicious, intention, and that's not unusual.
That's what I'm trying to find out. How does a self-proclaimed rational person suddenly embrace psychotic beliefs? Were they really rational to begin with?

Have you ever told a lie, or stole something or looked on a woman or man with lust etc etc

If yes then you are a Liar or thief, a adulterer and fornicator, thus just like me you cannot approach the infinite perfection of a holy and mighty god guilt free

Like wise every person on earth!
That's what I'm trying to find out. How does a self-proclaimed rational person suddenly embrace psychotic beliefs? Were they really rational to begin with?
And she never will, whilst she plays the "la la la, I cant hear you" game.
It just goes to show, the poor character of some people, when confronted, they slink back into there shells.

I too would have loved to know the answer to your question Q.
And she never will, whilst she plays the "la la la, I cant hear you" game.
It just goes to show, the poor character of some people, when confronted, they slink back into there shells.

I too would have loved to know the answer to your question Q.
will the irony never end?
well if you're such an authority you should know that the bible says it's meaning is hidden without the spirit.

Pure garbage. In other words, you will interpret it to suit your purposes. Of course, you have to read if first, Lori.

you're not seeking understanding. you're not seeking god. i think you use the bible with less than sincere, and even malicious, intention, and that's not unusual.

Understanding like aliens changing our DNA. LOL!!

I don't use the bible to be malicious, Lori, I use it to show YOU how hypocritical you are. Simple really. :D
Have you ever told a lie, or stole something or looked on a woman or man with lust etc etc

Oh look, here comes the tired old argument about the morals believers don't have. I look upon all women with lust. So what? Women are gorgeous, beautiful beings and I just can't help myself lusting after them. The difference is that I don't act on my lust.

Lying and stealing are for believers. The prisons of full of them.

If yes then you are a Liar or thief, a adulterer and fornicator, thus just like me you cannot approach the infinite perfection of a holy and mighty god guilt free

So, you are a self-admitted liar and a thief. How very sad. But, it makes sense because you have no morals. None. You, like most other "good" Christians believe you can do whatever you want and it will all be okay when you repent your sins. It is a delusion that makes the 'evil' go round and perpetuate itself in our world.
And she never will, whilst she plays the "la la la, I cant hear you" game.
It just goes to show, the poor character of some people, when confronted, they slink back into there shells.

I too would have loved to know the answer to your question Q.

It is most likely an answer we will never hear or know, but most certainly is an answer we can predict with a very high probability. ;)
Pure garbage. In other words, you will interpret it to suit your purposes. Of course, you have to read if first, Lori.

in other words, i don't interpret it; the spirit does.

Understanding like aliens changing our DNA. LOL!!

I don't use the bible to be malicious, Lori, I use it to show YOU how hypocritical you are. Simple really. :D

well that's not what it's supposed to be used for, so it's no wonder you don't get it.
Oh look, here comes the tired old argument about the morals believers don't have. I look upon all women with lust. So what? Women are gorgeous, beautiful beings and I just can't help myself lusting after them. The difference is that I don't act on my lust.

Lying and stealing are for believers. The prisons of full of them.

So, you are a self-admitted liar and a thief. How very sad. But, it makes sense because you have no morals. None. You, like most other "good" Christians believe you can do whatever you want and it will all be okay when you repent your sins. It is a delusion that makes the 'evil' go round and perpetuate itself in our world.

So you are perfect, never told a lie no matter how small, You must look at yourself in the absolute, thus have you never told even a tiny lie, Oh Come on be real and open up a little
So you are perfect, never told a lie no matter how small

Why yes I did in fact, when I was asked if the dress she wore made her ass look huge. :rolleyes:

Seriously, what we're talking about here is the continuous flow of lies believers peddle. Of course, they believe in their own lies, or do they? This is the psychosis of the believer who will say absolutely anything to support their indoctrinations and belief systems.

I would suspect that their deranged minds must be torn apart from the pack of lies they've been told to perpetuate and their conscience telling them it's all garbage.

The biggest difference of course is that if I do tell I lie, I know I'm lying and can admit it.